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1、浙江省衢州市中考英语试卷一、听力第一节:听小对话,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题,对话仅读一遍1. Where has Lily been?A. Australia.B. England.C. Germany.2. Which subject does Sallys father teach?A. Math.B. PE.C. Chinese.3. When does the movie start?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:30.C. At 8:30.4. How will the weather be tomorrow?A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. R

2、ainy.5. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Mother and son.C. Doctor and patient.第二节:听长对话,从 A B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题,对话读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答第 67小题。5. What is Matt doing?A. He is shopping at the market.B. He is making a plan for his trip.C. He is buying the tick

3、et at the station.7. How will Matt go to Texas?A. By bus.B. By train.C. By plane.听下面一段较长对话,回答第 810小题。8. Where did the man learn about the restaurant?A. From a friend.B. From TVC. From a magazine.g. What does the woman order?A. Fruit.B. Meat.C. Vegetables.10. What does the man advise the woman to do?

4、A. To do exercise.B. To eat less.C. To lose weight.第三节;听独白,从题中所的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,完成信息表。独白读两遍Juliettes websiteNameGirlsDevelopmentAt ten, Juliette drewlittle girls.She started the website with the help of her .At first, there were only some simple pictures on the website.Now, it has message boards, c

5、hat rooms, , music and more.Aim(目的)To help the girls learn more about cultures, and become better.11. A. Beautiful B. Cool C. Young12. A. three B. four C. five13. A. parents B. teachers C. friends14. A. games B. stories C. movies15. A. make friends B. build confidence C. protect themselves二、完形填空阅读下面

6、短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。It was two days before Christmas, and David wanted to give a card to everyone in his class. Heopened the bag and looked 1. What are you looking for? his mom asked. Ms. Ross gave us a 2 of everyone in the class, said David. I cant find mine. If I don t have

7、 my list, I wont know what names to put on the cards.Take 3 out and well look together, suggested Mom. They shook out all his books and4 all the pockets in his bag, but no Christmas list. Now I cant give out cards at school, David said sadly.Dont 5 so easily, said Mom. She took a piece of paper and

8、asked him how many childrenare in his class. Seventeen, answered David Ill never 6 them all.Wait, said Mom, numbering the paper one to seventeen. Now, who do you often play with? Brian, Todd and John. She wrote down their 7. And who sits in the first row in yourclassroom ? ” Hmm Angie, Jill and Brad

9、. David tried to remember what his 8 looked likeand who sat where, And Rebecca, Travis and Erin in the second row. Davids mom wrote as fast as she could.Now, they had 9 names. Who had he missed? David thought hard.Why dont you write out the 10 that you have names for? said Mom. Maybe youll thinkof t

10、he 11 name while youre writing.David picked out a card. He 12 it and then put it into the envelope. He did this sixteentimes. 13 is missing? One more time he thought about who sat where in his classroom.14 he said, I know! I know who is missing from the list! who ? said Mom.We forgot 15! David said.

11、 Im going to wish me a Merry Christmas, too.1. A. outside B. inside C. down D. up2. A. list B. note C. book D. bill3. A. something B. everything C. more D. less4. A. checked B. touched C. found D. cleaned5. A. get on B. get off C. give up D. give back6. A. remember B. understand C. accept D. believe

12、7. A. rules B. numbers C. names D. addresses8. A. bedroom B. study C. school D. classroom9. A. fifteen B. sixteen C. seventeen D. eighteen10. A. posters B. letters C. cards D. messages11. A. missing B. interesting C. common D. strange12. A. signed B. drew C. watched D. enjoyed13. A. What B. Whose C.

13、 Which D. Who14. A. Sadly B. Suddenly C. Secretly D. Unluckily15. A. you B. him C. her D. me【答案】1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. A12. A 13. D 14. B 15. D【解析】这则小故事讲了圣诞节临近但David 却丢失了班级的名单,写卡片时忘记同学姓名,妈妈帮助指导他最后终于靠自己努力把同学名字包括自己的名字全部想起来的故事。1 . 句意:他打开了包朝里面看了看。A. 外面 B. 里面C. 下面D. 上面,打开书

14、包后肯定是朝里面看看,故选B2 .句意:Ross女士给了我们一份我们全班人员的清单。A.清单B.笔记C.书D.账单。从后面的I don t havemy list 得知这里他是在找清单,故选A3 .句意:把每件东西都拿出来我们一起看看。A.某物B.每件东西;一切 C.更多D.更少。这里是妈妈的建议,从后面看出他们把书包里的书都倒出来了,所以这里的建议是把每件东西都倒出来,故选B4 .句意:他们把所有的书都倒了出来并且检查包里的所有的口袋。A.检查B.触摸C.找到D.清洁。这里是在说他们一起找清单的过程,是需要检查每一个口袋的,故选A5 . 句意:不要如此轻易地放弃。A. 上车 B. 下车 C.

15、 放弃 D. 送回,这里是妈妈的鼓励,故选C6 . 句意:我不会把他们都记住的。A. 记得 B. 理解C. 接受D. 相信,这是David 的回答,他是回忆不起所有的同学的名字的,故选A7 . 句意:她写下了他们的名字。A. 规则 B. 数字 C. 名字 D. 地址,这里是在妈妈问完David 经常玩耍的朋友后写下的东西,应该是他们的名字,故选C8 .句意:David尽力记起他的教室的样子以及谁坐在那里。A.卧室B.书房C.学校D.教室,这里是在回忆他的教室及其人员布局,故选D9 . 句意:现在,他们有16个名字了,A.15 B.16 C.17 D.18 ,从后面的Who had he mis

16、sed? 反推出就剩一个名字了,所以这里他们应该解决了16 个名字,故选B10 .句意:为什么你不把已经有名字的卡片写出来呢?A.海报B.信C.卡片D.信息,这时已经有了16张卡片,妈妈建议他先开始写卡片,故选C11 . 句意:可能你会在你写的时候想起那个遗忘的名字。A. 忘记的 B. 有趣的 C. 普通的 D. 奇怪的,这时只有16张卡片,所以还有一个遗忘的名字,妈妈劝他边写边想,故选A。12 .句意:他签了它然后把它放进了一个信封。A.签署B.画画C.观看D.享受,在放入信封前他应该做的是签名,其它选项不合语境,故选A13 .句意:谁是忘掉的那个呢?A.什么B.谁的C.哪一个D.谁,这里是

17、他内心的思考,在想是 “谁”被忘记了,故选D14 .句意:突然他说道 ,A.悲伤地B.突然地C.秘密地D.不幸的,从后面看出他知道了那个人是谁,所以这里是说他突然想起来了,故选B15 .句意:我们忘记了我自己。A.你B.他C.她D.我,从后面看出Im going to wish mea Merry Christmas,too. ,说明忘记的最后一个人是自己,故选D点睛:本篇完形填空的第9 题是关于人数的计算,第一次遇到本题可能会去直接到前文中寻找已经完成了多少个人名的回忆和书写,但是发现怎么找也数不到四个选项中的人数,这个时候说明之前采取的策略有误,完形填空的答案一定是有依据的,这说明之前的依

18、据有错,这是再进行仔细寻找,发现了Who had hemissed? 这句话,这就说明一定是忘了谁,然后再结合文章末尾,发现忘记的是自己,所以那时应该是只有16个人的名字,答案就能出来了。这说明完形填空需要结合文章意义,不能无中生有。三、阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每所给的 A R G D四个项中选出最佳选项。口iM 尸打8必曰启心)jiV4i4?/?/f *1*U七1照日 加 疗孤T /6/,A 9 4 .:匕 飞 !F m rr-TH,:用匕二出口? 1Woddn。醇 s UECK$fuI Mibn moMhiut but * ery鸣 IIt 8明d be 小 本卡熊 QpportuTiit

19、yl”心闻w IS hc出斯亚血e m0Mdi 陛的 jnf v)f电尿、015 on fyvti urrcra?pr ftf-ru ArA16. Which of the following jobs is wanted in the poster?A. A model.B. A waiter.C. A support worker.D. A market worker.17. The Wowee Magazine wants writers who should.A. be over 16 years oldB. be skilled and activeC. keep the salon

20、 clean and tidyD. have the ability to care for others18. According to the passage, the workers in will work 40 hours a week.A. Wowee MagazineB. Golden CareC. Top Model CompanyD. Cut Above Salon【答案】16. A 17. B 18. D【解析】这是一则招聘广告,介绍了三种不同的工作。16 .句意:下面哪一项工作是在海报中被需要的?A.模牛IB.服务员C.支持工人D.市场工作人员。根据原图,models被提

21、到了,其他三个均未提及,故选 A17 .句意:Wowe跺志想要有经验的且积极主动的作家。A.16岁以上的B.有经验的且积极主动的C.让沙龙干净整洁D.有能力照顾其他人。从原图看出Wowe跺志想要的是skilled , active ”(有经验的且积极主动的)作家,故选B18 .句意:根据这篇文章,Cut Above Salon 里的工人将会一周工作40个小时。根据原图中的B广告,正文第一句 you will work 40 hours a week ,故选 DoBI have read plenty of articles about self-improvement these past f

22、ew months, and most of themtell you that you need to wake up and keep positive(积极的).When you wake up, you need to thinkthat something great is going to happen today, and that you are going to have a great day. This kind of positive attitude( 态度)is supposed to change your whole day.So this morning I

23、woke up and decided to give it a whirl. The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window, and it immediately gave methis warm feeling inside. I thought to myself, Todayis going to be a great day. One of the best days ever! I got out of bed, took my morning shower and began to get dressed. I pu

24、t on a pair of dress pants I have not warned in a while, followed by my dress shirt and that is when it began. I reached into my left pocket and pulled out what felt like some paper.You know that feeling of finding a $20 hill in your pants and it feels like free money? Because you forgot all about i

25、t and thought you never did?I pulled out a $100 bill and a $50 bill in the same pocket. It seemed like the best thing that had happened to me these days. Yes, $150 starts off my day! Im sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood, I shouted in joy, with my poor d

26、og looking at me like I was crazy!Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.19 .made the writer think in a positive way. A. Person he knewB. A message he receivedC. The articles he readD. The pants be wore2

27、0. The meaning of the underlined phrase give it a whirl is probably similar to .A. get dressedB. have e tryC. reed booksD. make money21. The underlined word It in Paragraph 4 refers to.A. finding money in the pocketB. receiving help from othersC. getting up early in the morningD. enjoying the mornin

28、g sunshine22. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. It is important to be honest.B. Confidence leads us to success.C. Sharing with others brings us happiness.D. A positive attitude may bring a good result.【答案】19. C 20. B 21. A 22. D【解析】本文结合案例讲述了在生活保持积极向上的重要性,并提出了积极面对生活的小窍门。19 .句意:他读过的文章让这位作者以一种积极的

29、方式思考。A.他认识的人B.他收到的信息 C.他读过的文章 D.他穿的裤子。 原文 “I have read plenty of articles about self-improvement these past few months, (过去几个月里我读了许多关于自我提升的大量的文章),这些文章告诉他要积极面对,这对作者起到了很大的影响,故选C20 .句意:划线的短语give it a whirl的意思可能与 试一试”的意思相近。A.穿好衣服B.试一试C.读书 D.挣钱,原文 “When you wake up, you need to think that something great

30、 is going to happen today, and that you are going to have a great day.(你醒来的时候,你需要想一想一天中将要发生的一些很棒的事情,并且要想着自己会有一个很棒的一天),这是作者学到的,这天早上醒来他是要实践一下了,故这个短语的意思可能是“试一试”,故选Bo21 .句意:第四段中划线的“It ”指的是在口袋里找到钱。A.在口袋里找到钱 B.接受来自他人的帮助C.在早上早起 D.享受早晨的阳光,原文 I pulled out a $100 bill and a $50 bill in the same pocket.”(我在同一口

31、袋里拿出了一张100美元你和50美元的纸钞),所以这里的it指的就是在口袋里找到钱这件事,这件事带给了些许快乐,故选 A22 .句意:这篇文章主要告诉了我们什么?A.诚实是很重要的B.自信带我们走向成功C.和别人分享会带给我们幸福D.积极的态度可能会带来一个好结果,这篇文章从开头就在讲积极面对生活的重要性,并通过实 践一个心得告诉了我们积极的态度是很重要的,故选 DCDo you use a calendar to help you organize your life? By listing what you need to do on any special day, you can ma

32、ke sure to keep all for your appointments and not worry whether youve forgotten something. Calendars are also useful for reminding(提醒)people what day a certain holiday ison and what days you might have off from work. Besides, they are used for planning fun things like vacations and outings.A calenda

33、r is usually divided into twelve parts, and each one stands for m month with all the days laid out in a grid-like (网格状的)form. A block of space usually is for are day, and thereis enough space for you to write down what you need to do on that certain day. You probably use all different kinds of calen

34、dars. A calendar on your cell phone screen is easy to use, and so is a large paper calendar that hangs on your wall.Here is one page of Marys calendar and it shows her plans in May.耳谒T1注m心二网广3上.Rl ,4jCK-rr,a,= r4 ujI 0必 Mh FUM* 4口7口,鹏 JM*. . i30,irtMar .Jp*mMI 那gg(翻W料*%制mtE翰瞒侬gi &23. People use cale

35、ndars to. make plans for vacations and outings buy birthday presents on the cell phones help remember their appointments remind themselves of the holidays and the days offA.B.C.D.24. From Paragraph 2 we can knowA. what a calendar looks likeB. what a calendar is used forC. how we draw a calendar on t

36、he wallD. how we organize our life with a calendar25. When is Gregs birthday?A. Friday May 11.B. Sunday May 13.C. Friday May 18.D. Sunday May 20.26. How many full days will Mary spend in London? A. Two days.B. Three daysC. Four days.D. Five days.【答案】23. C 24. A 25. D 26. D【解析】本文向我们介绍了日历的作用、日历的外形以及展示

37、了Mary五月的日历及其安排。23 .句意:人们使用日历是为了为假期和外出制定计划、帮助记住他们的约定、提醒他们假期和休息的日子。原文 keep all for your appointments ” (把所有的约定记录下来), reminding( 提醒)people whatday a certain holiday is on and what days you might have off from work. (提醒人们什么时候开始假期,哪些天是可以不用上班的),planning fun things like vacations and outings.(为假期和外出计划有趣的事情

38、),以上三点都是使用日历的作用,故选 C24 .句意:从第二段来看,我们知道了日历是什么样子的。A.日历是什么样子的 B.日历是用来做什么的C.我们如何在墙上绘制日历D.我们如何使用日历来组织我们的生活。原文 A calendar is usually dividedinto twelve parts, and each one stands for a month with all the days laid out in a grid-like (网格状的)form. (日历通常被划分成12个部分,每一个部分代表一个月,每个月里都会以网格状的形式把所有的日子罗列出来),这一段是在描述日历的

39、样子,故选 A25 .句意:Greg的生日是什么时候?五月二十日星期天。从原图中可以看出Greg的生日在五月二十日星期天,他还会在一家法国餐厅晚上七点半开派对,故选 D26 .句意:Mary会在伦敦度过多少个全天?A.两天B.三天C.四天D.五天,根据日历可以得出五月四日下午她会坐火车到达伦敦,五月 10日她会在早上坐火车回家,所以她在伦敦待了完整的五天,故选 DDMost people use their mouths to talk, but do you know same people use their hands to speak? Some people who cannot b

40、ear use their hands to communicate messages to others. This is called sign language. These people make shapes with their fingers, movements with their hands, as well as different faces in order to talk to other people.One way people speak with their hands is by making shapes for letters with their f

41、ingers. For example, if you make an OK sign with your thumb and finger, that is the shape for the letter f in American sign language. Each letter has a hand shape. This way people can spell words using their hands. For example, if you want to spell fun, you need to make three shapes. First you make

42、the shape for the letter f, then the shape for the letter u, and then the shape for the letter n. If you move your hand from your nose to your chin( 下巴 ), you can say “mother” in American sign language. Of course, you have to use the correct hand shape, too. That shape is like holding your hand open

43、 with all five fingers showing. If you move your hand from the top of your headto your chin, you can say father , Again, you have to use the same hand shape that you used for mother.Finally, people can change their faces to communicate in a sign language. For example, if youwant to ask a question, y

44、ou need to make your eyebrows (眉毛 ) go up. You also need to move yourhead forward a little.If you want to say I do not know, you need to make your eyes smaller and make your eyebrows go down.27. If you want to spell the word nice, you need to make hand shapes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four28. Which of

45、the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 3?A. People also need to learn sign languageB. People also make hand shapes to communicateC. People also move their hands to talk in a sign languageD. People also make different faces to express their meanings29. You need to use your to say I do not

46、 know in American sign language.A. eyes and eyebrowsB. eyes and headC. hand and headD. fingers and eyes30. The purpose of the passage is to .A. help people know more about AmericaB. introduce American sign language to readersC. teach readers how to make hand shapesD. encourage people to use more sig

47、n language【答案】27. D 28. C 29. A 30. B【解析】本文结合许多案例向我们介绍了美国的符号语言。27. 句意:如果你想要拼写单词“ nice ” ,你需要做出四个手型。原文“ Each letter has a hand shape. ”(每一个字母都有一个手型),所以四个字母的nice 一词需要四个手型,故选D2B,句竟:r面哪一项可以被填入第三段的空珞里?,人们也需翌学习符号语言叫人峭也需曼做手型去交流J人们也移砌他但的干部以用普号谙言来交谈I.人与也做出不同的腌取东去达含义 原文If you move your hand from your nose to

48、your chin(下巴).you can &ayr,mother in AmericanL- 朝n旧nguaga果你把手从鼻子移动到下巴.你可以用美国符号清言来&示妈妈),所以这里开 始是在描述移动手部来进行的辔号交流,边顶口展骷近道句话.故嫌29 .句意:在美国符号语言里,你需要使用你的眼睛和眉毛来说“我不知道”。A.眼睛和眉毛B.眼睛和头C.手和头 D.手指和眼睛,原文 If you want to say I do not know, you need to make your eyes smaller and make your eyebrows go down.(如果你想要表达我不

49、知道,你需要眯起眼睛,让你的眉毛往下移动一点),所以用到的是眼睛和眉毛,故选 A30 .句意:这篇文章的目的是向读者介绍美国符号语言。A.帮助人们更了解美国B.向读者介绍美国符号语言C.教会读者如何使用手型D.鼓励人们使用更多的符号语言。读完全文,发现这篇文章的关键词是“signlanguage,即符号语言,所以这篇文章的目的就是在介绍符号语言,ACDi于片面,故选 B点睛:本篇阅读的第 4小题是关于主旨归纳的,读完全文,发现这篇文章的关键词是“sign language ;即符号语言,所以这篇文章的目的就是在介绍符号语言,选项A说这是帮助了解美国的,这样说法太过宽泛,没有说清到底是美国的什么

50、方面,选项 C说是教人们如何使用手型,如果是这个主题,那后面篇幅中 关于用手表达 “I don t know”的部分就不合题意了,选项D提到了 “鼓励”,这个观点是不明确的,没有明确点明的,所以只能选C,这就说明主旨归纳类题目重在寻找那个可以归纳全文的选项,不能片面。任务型阅读Rules for the ExaminationYou must be at the exam room ten minutes before. If you are more than ten minutes late, you are not allowed to enter.You must show your

51、student ID and exam number before you enter the room. Depending on which exam you are taking, you may bring certain things into the center. You can use calculators( 计算器)In the math exam, and some subjects may allow you to use dictionaries. But ipads, head sets, and cell phones are not allowed in the

52、 exam roomYou must sit at the desk with your exam number on it. And keep the number at the top corner of your desk.You must keep silent during the exam. And dont disturb other people when testing.If you need a drink or to go to the restroom, you should raise your hand and ask for the teachers permis

53、sion. You may not talk with anyone during the break.You must write your answers on the official answer paper.You may leave the exam room at any time if you do not plan to return.You will be warned fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the exam.When the time is up, you must s

54、top writing and leave the room soon.阅读以上内容,并完成下面摘要。每空限填一词。The list is about the 31 for an examination. Students must 32 their student. IDand exam numbers before entering the exam room. Only certain things such as calculators and33 are answered in the exams. They must 34 their hands for water or to go to therestroom. Students will be warned 35.【答案】31. rules32. show 33. dictionaries34. raise 35. three/3【解析】本文介绍了考试的一些规则。31 .句意:这份清单是关于一次考试的规则的。从标题 Rules for the Examination”能看出本文的主题,故填 rules32 .句意:学生


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