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1、TELA P( SET SIX)6TEST第9页共11页P age 2Part I Liste ningSecti on IDirections: In this part you will hear ten ATC clearancesinstructions or statements, each ATC cleara ncesi nstruct ions or stateme nts will be sp oke n only once. A questio n will be asked after each ATC clearancesinstructions or statemen

2、ts, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most approp riate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .1. KLM 567, request retur n to the air port, because I got a wheel well temp erature high in dicatio n on my ECAMQuestio n: Why does the flight crew request to

3、 come back?a.b.c.d.OAT too high.Cabin temp erature too high. Un dercarriage overheati ng.In strume nts temp erature high.An swer: c2. UAL345, n egative to take off due to p ack 1 and 2 p roblem, cab in temp erature high, request taxi back to the sta nd.Questio n: Which system of the aircraft might b

4、e wrong?a.b.c.d.Con diti oning system Hydraulic system Electro nic system Con trol systemAn swer: a3. Iran air 778, request tug to get us back, I can not use my nose wheel steeri ng, I guess there is an oil leakage there on the actuator. I got to go back and check.Questio n: Why does the p ilot want

5、 to go back?There is unknown damage on the no se.There is some wrong with the wheel.Taxii ng directi on can not be con trolled.Hydraulic p ressure is not available.a.b.c.d.An swer: c4.App roach, Gulf air 889, nu mber 2 engine has p artially dis in tegrated, request return forlanding.Questi on: What

6、happen ed?a.b.One of the engines has failed.Part of one engine dep arted from the engine.c.d.An swer: bOne of the auto throttles dise ngaged.Part of the airframe was damaged.5. CA 981, we are standing on the stop way, executing emergency evacuation, request emerge ncy services.Questi on: What might

7、the crew n eed?a. fire enginesb. first aidTELA P( SET SIX)6TEST第4页共11页c. ambula ncesd. all of above.An swer: d6. KLM 15 6, we ve got only one green, we Questi on: What is p robably the p roblem?Con trol system p roblem.Hydraulic system failure. Landing gear jammed.Slats jammed.II try manual extensio

8、n.a.b.c.d.An swer: c7. Cathy 887, climb and maintain 4800 m to Yankee victor, after passing Yankee victor, headi ng 350 to start jettis on, whe n fini shed turn left headi ng 160 to yan kee victor.Questi on: What does the con troller require the p ilot to do?To get into a holdi ng p atter nTo make a

9、 pro cedure turn.To follow the radar con trol in struct ions.a.b.c.d.An swer: d8. CSN 339, nose gear does not app ear to be dow n, request low p ass for visual check. Questi on: What is the p roblem?a.b.To execute fuel dumping.c.Low visibility. Un dercarriage fault.Height too low. Overshooti ng.d.An

10、 swer: b9.All stati ons, Hong Kong app roach, distress traffic en ded.Questio n: What does this message mean to the p ilots?Stop com mun icatio n on the p rese nt freque ncy. Resume no rmal com muni cati on.Use emerge ncy freque ncy.Find that an aircraft comes to an end.a.b.c.d.An swer: b10. Mayday

11、mayday mayday, G-BA 303, left engine on fire, emerge ncy slides are released, request fire services and first aid.Questio n: What might the crew be doing now?Trying to put out the fire.Trying to locate the p roblem.Executi ng the evacuati on.Look ing for an ambula nee.a.b.c.d.An swer: cSection IIDir

12、ections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each excha nge will be sp oke n only once. A questi on will be asked after each excha nge, there areP age 2TELA P( SET SIX)6TEST第9页共11页P age 7four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriat

13、e answer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .1. C: JAL 728, have you got takeoff data?P: 728, affirm. Do you have my plan for Tokyo? We an tici pate an on-time dep arture.Questi on: What does the con troller want to con firm?If the dep arture in formatio n is copi ed.If the p il

14、ot got the flight plan.If the crew can depart on time.If the crew like to takeoff.a.b.c.d.a2. P: Ground, J728, gate 47, we are ready to p ush back.C: J728, sta ndby, there is a B-737 p ass ing beh ind you. Call you back. Questi on: Why is the crew required to sta ndby?They are ready to push back.The

15、y have wait for the groundThey are p ass ing a B-737.Ano ther aircraft is beh ind it.An swer:a.b.c.s call.d.An swer: d3. P: Ground. Northwest 146, we can sttartup due flat batteries. Would you check with ground services for us and see if we can use a GPU.C: Northwest 146, stan dby, I will inform the

16、m.Questi on: What does the crew want?Ground stuff to check their batteries.a.b.c.d.To start up with ground po wer.To start with APU.All of above.An swer: b4. P: Ground, UAL 768, can you arra nge for a wheel chair to meet us? C: UAL 768, I will inform those con cerned.Questi on: What is the p roblem?

17、a.b.Somethi ng wrong with the nose wheel. A wheel well fire.c.d.There is a disabled p asse nger.None of above.An swer:5. P: 2507 request touch and go.C: 2507 n egative due traffic con gesti on. Make a full stop. Cleared to land run way 36 left. Question: What is the pilot s intention?a.b.c.d.To take

18、off right after landing.To make a full stop.To land on run way 36 right.To avoid con flict traffic.An swer:Section IIIDirections: In this sect ion you will hear two p assages. each p assage will be sp oke n only once. After each p assage five questi ons will be asked, for each questi on there are fo

19、ur an swers marked a,b,c,a nd d, choose the most approp riate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .Passage IIn the early days of flight, there were no n avigati on aids to help p ilots find their way. Pilots flew by look ing out of their cock pit window for visual la ndma

20、rks or by using automobile road maps. These visual la ndmarks or maps were fine for daytime, but airmail op erated around the clock. In 1919, U.S. Army Air Service Lieute nant Don ald L. Bruner bega n using bon fires and the first artificial beacons to help with night navigation. In February 1921, a

21、n airmail pilot named Jack Kni ght put this to the test with his all-ni ght flight to Chicago from North Platte, Nebraska. Kni ght found his way across the black p rairie with the help of bon fires lit by Post Office staff, farmers, and the p ublic. By July 1923, Brun ers ideas for lighted air port

22、boun daries, spo t-lit win dsocks, and rotati ng beac ons on towers had take n hold. The Army opened an exp erime ntal lighted airway betwee n McCook Field in Dayt on, Ohio, and Norton Field in Columbus, a dista nee of 72 miles.How did p ilots n avigate in the early days of flight whe n there is no

23、n avaids?The follow ing questi ons are based on the p assage you have just hear.a.By look ing out of the win dow.b.By the visual la ndmarks.c.By the automobile road maps.d.All of the above.An swer: d2.What if they had to fly at night?a.They used fire for n avigatio n.b.They used radio for n avigati

24、on.c.They did not fly at ni ght.d.None of above.An swer: a3.How many p ilots are men ti oned in this p assage?a.noneb.onec.twod.three.An swer: b4.At that time what was the beac on they had on the tower?a.spo t-lit beac onb.rotat ing wind socksc.spo t-lit wind socksd.rotati ng beac onan swer: d1.TELA

25、 P( SET SIX)6TEST第9页共11页5.a.b.c.d.An swer: dWhat do you think the p assage should be en titled?The earliest planesThe earliest flightsThe earliest n avigatorsThe earliest n avaidsPassage II Aviate, n avigate.During our training as p ilots, we are taught the importance of p muni cate oi

26、scommonly used p hrase and while there is no doubt that a p ilot must p lace p riorities in this way. However, sometimes com mun icatio ns are more imp orta nt. As traffic in creases, the dema nd for clear com mun icati ons for safe sep arati on is very imp orta nt. We can all learn to fly. We can a

27、ll lear n to n avigate. But will we equally well, lear n to com muni cate? The po ssible p roblems in a term inal area are in creased by poor com muni catio ns - in deed many of the so-called huma n error accide nts in aviati on can be attributed to poor com muni cati ons or lack of com muni cati on

28、s. Our survival in any air traffic environment is highly dependent on clear com muni catio ns and their un dersta nding.The follow ing questi ons are based on the p assage you have just heard.What does it mean by aviate, navigate, communicateCommuni cati on is not imp orta nt.Navigati on is more imp

29、ortant tha n com muni catio n.We lear n flying first.None of above1.a.b.c.d.An swer: d2.a.b.c.d.An swer:3.a.b.c.d.An swer:4.a.b.c.d.An swer:When is com muni cati on more imp orta nt?When every one can fly.When every one can sp eak good En glish.Whe n com mun icatio n becomes a safety factor.Communi

30、cati on is always more imp orta nt.What can poor com muni catio n lead to?Crash accide nts.Loss of com muni cati on.Accide nts caused by non-mecha ni cal faultsAccide nts caused by poor con trol.Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT right? At any time con trolli ng is crucial.We must com muni c

31、ate well to avoid errors.Poor com muni cati on can be fatal.Lack of com muni cati on can lead to accide nts.5.What can you lear n from the p assage?a.The three words in the priorities are equally important.P age 5TELA P( SET SIX)6TEST第9页共11页c.d.b.As a p ilot, we first lear n to fly.We must strictly

32、follow the principle of prioritiesWe must first lear n to com muni cate because it is imp orta nt.P age 14An swer: aSection IVDirectio ns:in structi ons or p ilotrequptetswords are spoken only once. In each spoken part some words are missing. ListenThese abovecarefully and fill the bla nks with what

33、 you have just heard.1. D 898 O Hare ground taxi taunway 32Lthe Inner circular and the parallel taxiwayhold short of run way 32R reportrun way 32 L.2. Cedarjetfor turning to the left taxiway there is work in progress there. Youwould blast the men and equipment. I ll call for a. He ll push you back t

34、o taxi wayE07.3. Japan air 457 turn right head ing 120 for, uniden tified traffic 11 oclock 6 milesheight unknown, will p assyou on west headi ng.4. Springbuck 123 Baghdad control we have an indication of25 miles ahead ofyou on your p rese nt head ing, a left turn of 35 degrees will take you wellof

35、the storm.5. N344BX braking action is and some ice as been reported bylanding aircraft.1. D 898 O Hare ground taxi to run way 32L via the Inner circular and the p arallel taxiway hold short of run way 32R report departing run way 32 L2. Cedarjet Negative for turning to the left taxiway there is work

36、 in progress there. Youwould blast the men and equipment. I ll call for a tractor. HeE07.3. Japan air 457 tur n right headi ng 120 for spacing, uniden tified traffic 11 oclockheight unknown, will p ass beh ind you on west headi ng4. Sprin gbuck 123 Baghdad con trol we have an in dicati on of the wea

37、ther 25 miles ahead of you on your p rese nt head ing, a left turn of 35 degrees will take you well clear of the storm.5. N344BX braking action is poor and some ice as been reported by previous landing aircraft.II push you back to taxi way6 milesSectio n VN245New Isla nd app roach, N245 out of three

38、 point five to three thousa ndATCN245 New Isla nd app roach con trol maintain three thousa nd pro ceed direct to the ILS outer comp ass locator and uh weather is sky p artially obscured, visibility 150, fog, and smoke, altimeter three zero zero zero, run way 11, visual range less tha n 500 feet.ATCD

39、id you get that N245?N245Uh roger N245 we got it uhN245Uh app roach N245 whatd you say you had on the RVR?Directions: In this sect ion there is an excha nge betwee n p ilots and con trollers, the excha nge will be sp oke n only on ce. Liste n carefully and the n compi ete the table below.ATCLess the

40、 n five hun dred feetN245Uh roger, whats your minim ums? Twenty two hun dred?ATCThats correct, category two is not authorized uh cen ter line lights are inop erative uh not adequateN245Uh roger . Will we be legal to make a p ass and look at it?ATCI can clear you for an app roach, uh yes, you can mak

41、e the low app roach if youd likeN245Uh roger well if we can get con tact with the ground will we be legal to land if that six hun dred feet?ATCN245 accord ing to the app roach p lates if you get the run way or app roach lights in sight correct ion on that it says uh desce nt is not authorized, well

42、actually, what it should say is that if you can see the run way or app roach lights affirmative you can Ian d.N245Uh rogerN245App roach con trol N245 would you give us a vector for an ILS?ATCN245 affirmative, whats your headi ng right now?N245Headi ng is one nine eight.ATCN245 tur n right headi ng t

43、wo two five desce nd and maintain two thousa ndN245You had any aircraft land?ATCNo sirN245Are you high inten sity strobe lights work ing?ATCAffirmativeN245App roach con trol N245 you want us to rema in three thousa nd?ATCN245 n egative desce nd and maintain two thousa ndN245Uh roger out of three for

44、 twoN245N245 level two thousa ndATCN245 say againN245Uh level at two thousa ndATCOK, turn left headi ng one seve n fiveN245Left to one seve n five rogerATCN245 do you have your curre nt app roach p late with you ILS run way one one?N245Uh say aga inATCDo you have your app roach p late with you?N245A

45、ffirmativeATCOK turn left headi ng one three five what are your inten ti ons?N245Uh well make a low p ass and see if we can p ick up the lightsATCRoger turn left headi ng one three five pro ceed inbound on the localizer cleared for ILS app roachN245RogerATCN245 three west of outer marker con tact Mi

46、ke tower 119.6N245Uh roger were app roach ing the outer marker we going to make a low p ass see if we can p ick up the lightsTWRRogerN245N245 got the strobe lights in sightTWRRogerTWRN245N245N245 we are going around, we have not had run way lights and app roach lights in sight.TWRTWR: N245 climb str

47、aight ahead to 3000 feet.1. List the weather factors men ti onedin the ATCreport that affected thevisibility.2. Category II was not authorized to be used because3. The visibility was150 and RVR was.4. Accord ing to the app roach p lates N245 could land ifreport that affected the visibilitysky p arti

48、ally5. The first report headi ng of N245 was1. List the weather factors men ti oned in the ATCobscured_fog _smoke.centerline lights were2. Category II was not authorized to be used because inoperative.3. The visibility was150and RVR wasless than 500 feet4. Accord ing to the app roach p lates N245 co

49、uld land ifhe saw the run way or app roach lightsin sight.5. The first report headi ng of N245 was198.Part II Oral in teract ionSecti on One: Normal Pro cedureDirections: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraftcallsign is ABCDE. Your flight is fromBlue nard to Gree nard , alter nate is Blackyar

50、d. CompI ete your com muni cati on with ATC accord ing to the con trollers in struct ions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded whe n you see a microphone on the scree n.A. P re-flight15(When you walk around aircraft, you found there was a long slot under the left main gear, mecha nics are cha

51、 nging the gear, call Blueyard ground to delay your dep arture.)P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE there was a long slot under the left main gear, mechanics are cha nging the gear, our flight will be delayed, request delay our dep arture time.C: ABCDE Blueyard Ground call me back whe n you compI ete.(you are

52、at Gate F57, Now call Delivery, request your ATC cleara nee)P: Blueyard Delivery, ABCDE request A TC clearaneeC: ABCDE Blueyard Delivery, you are cleared to Gree nard Air port via flight planned route, Brick2 Departure, initially climb to 6000ft. Request level change en route, Squawk 5125, con tact

53、Ground con trol 121.7 whe n start up .P: cleared to Gree nard Airport via flight planned route, Brick2 Dep arture: in itially climb to 6000ft.Request level change en route, Squawk 5125, 1217 ABCDE(You ask for engine start up.)P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE Gate F57, desti nati on Gree nard, request start

54、up.C: ADE Blueyard Ground confirm you got in formati on K.P: We got information K, ADE.C: ADE, the weather is deteriorati ng, are you sure you depart on schedule un der this con diti on?(you say yes, the weather is not below your company mini ma.)P: Affirm, the weather is not below your company mi n

55、i ma, ADE.C: Ok, ADE start -up and pu shback appro ved, facing west. Cautio n rain is beco ming heavy. P: start-up and pu shback appro ved, facing west. ADE (you are ready for taxi)P: Ground ADE ready for taxi.C: ADE taxi to holdi ng poi nt R/W 08R via t/w G and B wi nd 09012 QNH 1031s NO.1 for departureP


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