1、中学英语个性化教育分析及对策analysis of individualizational education of teaching english in middle schoolcontentsabstract.1key words.1i. introduction.2ii. factors of language environment .21. the obstacles of the languages themselves.22. teaching and learning materials.33. need for high-quality talents.3iii. inf
2、luencing factors from the teacher.31. academic level of the teacher.32. teaching methods or teaching styles.53. factors on the teachers role.6iv. factors of the learner.61. personality.62. motivation7v. approaches.81. for the teacher .81) individualized teaching.82) put strong emphasis on group work
3、 .83) raising students awareness of self-concept .94) positive learning attitudes .95) classroom activities .106) change teachers roles, be facilitators.117) process evaluation and product evaluation.112. for the student.121) self-evaluation.122) self-efficacy.123) making a learning plan if necessar
4、y.123. for the environment.12vi. conclusion.13references.13analysis of individualizational education of teaching english in middle schoolabstract: as english is widely used in the global communication, thousands and millions of people in our country are english language learners. however, quite a lo
5、t of them can not still master this language well, though they have spent an amount of time, energy and money on it. the languages themselves, the teaching and learning materials have been influencing the process of learning english language. the teacher and the learner are the main crucial factors.
6、 however, traditional school education overemphasized the realization of teachers teaching and the pursuit of the high consistence of teaching objectives, but often neglected the presence of teaching objects and the subjects status of students, thus the personality of students was snuffed out and in
7、novative consciousness and spirit of students were suppressed. if we want to realize the unification of students socialization and individuality, we must analyze the current situation of classroom teaching and explore the affective approaches to strengthening individuality teaching. key words: indiv
8、idualizational education; motivation; personality; initiative; unique摘 要:在中国,成千上万的学习者都在学习英语这一世界上广泛使用的语言。然而,他们花费了大量的时间、精力和金钱,很多人仍不能很好的掌握。语言自身,教学材料等影响着英语的学习,教师和学习者本身更是关键的影响因素。然而,传统的中学英语教学不少却过分注重教师“教”的过程和片面追求教学目标的高度一致性,却常常忽视了教学对象的存在,没有真正尊重学生的主体地位,扼杀了学生的个性,压抑了学生的创新意识和创造精神。因此,必须冷静分析课堂教学所面临的现状及原因,依托教学理论的支
9、撑,加强探索个性化教学的有效途径,真正满足学生的主体需要,达到推进我国英语个性化教学的目的。关键词:个性化教育;动机;个性;主体性;独特性i. introduction with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in china, english is widely used as a basic tool in the global communication. so thousands and millions of people in our country are foreign language learn
10、ers. however, quite a lot of them can not master this language well, though they spent an amount of time, energy and money on it. many learners can only master the basic knowledge. if they want to express their ideas precisely and communicate with foreigners fluently, there is a distance for us. sci
11、ence and technology develop very quickly, and the qualified people are the key factor to stand up in this modern society. however, our country lacks high-quality talent. on the other hand, our educational system can not satisfy this need. there are always shortcomings or questions, especially teachi
12、ng english in middle school, which is a basis for our foreign language teaching and learning. researching for the individualizational education is very important for our society. discussion of the different factors that influence the individualizational education of teaching english in middle school
13、 is a key step to promote the individualized education.some factors restrict the individualized education of teaching english in middle school, such as the language-learning and language-teaching environment, factors from the teacher and those from the learner. therefore, this essay will discuss the
14、 factors that restrict the individualizational education of teaching english in middle school. from this, we can get more suitable approaches to promoting the quality-oriented education in china.ii. factors of language environment language environment contains internal environment and external envir
15、onment; i think that language itself, teaching and learning materials, meanwhile, the need for the talent in our country are the main factors.1. the obstacles of the languages themselves learning languages isnt only a process of acquiring knowledge or cultivating great habits to some extent. when yo
16、u begin to learn a new language confidently in initiative time, you always counter those obstacles from this new language. so you must overcome the obstacles from your mother tongue, such as pronunciation, grammar and so on. some scholars think like this: as a learner, we must surmount the restricti
17、ons of the first and second languages and be familiar with those various restrictions, and then establish a new learning system, develop the linguistic sense of this language, finally own a great language competence to handle them very skillfully. it is a process of internalization. when we pass thi
18、s “door”, it is also very easy for us to learn a new language. 2. teaching and learning materialsmany english teachers hold on their own views like this: the textbook is the best tool to master a new language. the teaching plan is the best guild to the learner. learning language only happened in the
19、 classroom. it is a common sense for the language learner. however, various materials may not be suitable for each learner, to some extent, they will restrict the teaching and learning process. so it is important for us to choose suitable materials. 3. need for high-quality talentin china, our count
20、ry lacks high qualified talent in the process of developing the economy and the society. however, our educational system can not make up this lack. the examination-oriented education can not satisfy the need of the economic and social development. there are always shortcomings or questions. so the r
21、eform of the education system can not be delayed for the sake of our countrys development. so the quality-oriented education is a trend for our society, the individualizational education as an important part of this is a need.individualizational education of teaching english in middle school is a ba
22、sis for our foreign language teaching and learning. researching on the individualizational education of teaching english is very important for our society to satisfy the need. iii. influencing factors from the teacher the teachers are guides for the learner, so the learners are often influenced by t
23、heir teachers. in my opinion, the teachers academic level, the teaching methodology or teaching style and the teachers role in the process of teaching are the key factors to influence the teaching and learning effects. 1. academic level of the teacher academic level of the teacher is a key point to
24、promote and improve the quality of education. so it is very important for our education to strengthen teachers academic level. the professor gu ming-yuan (beijing normal university) gave his view as follows:the chinese teacher education is now experiencing a transition. the symbols of the transition
25、 are: transition from the traditional normal education to the teacher education. it means the model of teacher education integrates pre-service education of teachers and in-service training of teachers. the traditional normal education was divided into pre-service education and in-service training.
26、the pre-service education was a diploma education given by normal schools, colleges and universities, but the in-service training is organized by the educational administrations and implemented in special educational institutions. and it has no uniform scheme. now the education for the teacher has i
27、ntegrated the two parts and has got a uniform scheme, as is the requirements of teachers profession. xie an-bang (east china normal university) thought like this:teacher education in china is in a key turning period, when the chinese government has been making efforts to establish the open and flexi
28、ble teacher education system, for the purpose of the overall development of teacher education in china. meanwhile, to assure its quality as well as its professional level, chinese government has launched the research in and relevant practices on the accreditation system of teacher education, focusin
29、g on accrediting teachers qualifications and the institutions implementing teacher education. researchers have been carrying out careful research in the innovation of the teacher education system with open-oriented future, in an attempt to make it be based on the theories of professionalism of schoo
30、lteachers. thus a series of focal topics have been emphasized in the field, such as professional standards for schoolteachers, accreditation of teachers qualifications, accreditation and evaluation of the teacher education institutions, and accreditation of teacher education curricula. for the resea
31、rch and practice efforts in teacher education in china, its of importance to focus on the real situation of present china, no matter establishing the open and flexible system, or reforming the system for assuring the quality of teacher education. otherwise, when studying and referring to the field i
32、n advanced countries, it is of necessity to adjust the measures in our country to the local conditions, and to promote the innovation and development of our teacher education system step by step.the concept of teacher professionalization was put forward by unesco (the united nations education, scien
33、ce and culture organization) and other organizations. 1966 ilo/unesco recommendation concerning the status of teachers emphasized.teaching should be regarded as a profession: it is a form of public service which requires of teachers expert knowledge and specialized skills, acquired and maintained th
34、rough rigorous and continuing study; it calls also for a sense of personal and corporate responsibility for the education and welfare of the pupils in their charge. otherwise, in 1986 carnegie forum on education and the economy and the holmes group published “a nation prepared: teachers for the 21st
35、 century.” and “tomorrows teachers,” respectively, which pointed out, “only when teaching develops into a mature profession, can the quality of public education be improved”. 2. teaching methods or teaching stylesindividualized teaching refers to a teaching activity in which teachers use individuali
36、zed teaching method to meet an individualized study of students and then promote a healthy development of individual personality.indeed there are still a lot we do not know about teaching. one important area of such knowledge is the research finding of learning styles. here are the things we can say
37、 with some certainty. learning styles can be identified and modified, and teaching styles may not be in agreement with learning styles. if teachers can help students see the variety and flexibility of learning styles by having those experiences a wide range of teaching styles, students are likely to
38、 cope with learning more successfully.teachers teaching style is a direct factor affecting classroom dynamics and a dependent factor on teaching effectiveness. students claimed that listening to teachers is what they most frequently do in english classes. students show much disagreement with some of
39、 their teachers teaching styles. for example, cooperative learning is not popular enough in middle school. some studies (guo jian-ping, zheng jian-feng, etc.) show that chinese middle school students are lacking in cooperative learning. guo jian-ping and zheng jian-feng (2002) stated the reason for
40、this: under the exam-centered education system, teachers emphasize raising the students academic ratings and create a kind of learning atmosphere of abnormal score competitions. they neglect inter-communication among the students, so the students have no room to promote their appropriate cooperative
41、 spirit and thus could not foster their capability for autonomous learning in english study.the destination of learning language is communication. some scholars adhere to the view that we will found more circumstances for the language learner in the process of teaching and learning, and use the seco
42、nd language that we will master to listen, speak, read and write as well as the explanation of the grammar and so on. meanwhile, we can try our best to found more chances to practice in society. 3. factors on the teachers rolestudents notion of the role of the teacher matters for it has significant
43、impact on their behavior and psychological preparation for learners autonomy. traditionally, chinese teachers and students are preoccupied with the ingrained notion that each one should play his part according to his hierarchical status. this is prominent especially in middle schools. apparently, it
44、 stands as a stumbling block in fostering learners autonomy to regard the teacher as the authority.teachers authority may be the main influence on students english learning outcome. in the classroom, students have a tendency to perceive the teacher as an authority figure whose superior knowledge and
45、 control over classroom learning events should not be questioned.learners autonomy varies in degrees and stages, which is heavily influenced by the freedom the students enjoy and the expectation for students commitment from the teacher.the teachers roles used to be these: he controlled reward and pu
46、nishment in the classroom; he transmitted the content of the lessons; learning activities were selected and directed by him, and were under his tight control; the curriculum itself defined the content of the lesson and he followed it; the teacher gave, and the student received. the student, in this
47、framework, was essentially passive, led by the teacher to prearranged places. since the student was dependent on the teacher and the curriculum, his language growth was mechanical, never dynamic. (liu wan-qiu, 2004) therefore, teachers have to play new roles so as to raise students awareness of lang
48、uage acquisition, i.e. students should assume more responsibility for their own language study. iv. factors of the learner1. personalityconsidering the students we have taught we may identify different cognitive, affective or psychological characteristics in their modes of learning. some students ar
49、e eager to use everything they have learned in class. they like absorbing language and getting general ideas of what was said or written. some other students, however, like analyzing details of language itself in order to understand exactly what is said or written. we could also have students who of
50、ten dont be noticed or heard in the classroom. they rarely talk or ask questions in class, though they are generally good learners who actually understand the lesson well. meanwhile, there are also students who participate actively in the lesson though their answers may be quite pointless. they dont
51、 mind whether other students laugh at them or not. they enjoy helping other students and seeking help from the teacher.2. motivationall english learners want to speak english well. they are excited at the idea of being able to communicate in english fluently. however, they usually dont care about th
52、e learning process itself. for most learners, learning english is a duty something that they have to, but dont want to do. they dont see pleasure in learning english. in short, most learners would like to speak english well, but they often dont like to learn english. this is the first and biggest pr
53、oblem for an english learner, because a person who doesnt want to learn english will not learn it well. if you dont love english, english wont love you back! if you want to become a successful learner, you need to like the learning process itself. you need to spend time on english as time for pleasu
54、re and relaxation.in foreign language learning as in every other field of human learning, motivation is the crucial force, which determines whether a learner embarks on a task or not. how much energy he devotes to it, and how long he perseveres. it is a complex phenomenon and includes many component
55、s: the individuals drive, need for achievement and success, curiosity, desire for stimulation and new experience and so on.motivation is actually a cluster of factors that “energize behavior and give it direction”. chomsky points out the importance of activating learners motivation: “the truth of th
56、e matter is that about 99 percent of teaching is making the students feel interested in the material”. various studies have found that motivation is very strongly related to achievement in language learning.motivation theories can be categorized in much the same way as approaches to learning: behavioristic, humanistic, and cognitive. behaviorism is concerned with how the consequences of behavior regulate and control actions; that humanism is concerned with the autonomy, the dignity, and the worth of the self; and that cognitive deals with how we know, think, and remem
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