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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟57剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟57Exercise 1True or False问题:1. An ordinary shareholder is a part owner of a company.答案:A问题:2. Fixed capital devalues as it is used.答案:B问题:3. Preference shares can be bought in nationalized industries.答案:B问题:4. Co-operatives are

2、non-profit making concerns.答案:A问题:5. Shareholders only risk their investment in a limited company.答案:A问题:6. In a partnership the general partner must have unlimited liability.答案:A问题:7. A sole trader must produce a Memorandum of Association before she/he starts trading.答案:B问题:8. Private limited compa

3、nies have their membership limited to between two and fifty people.答案:A问题:9. All sorts of shares offer annual dividends if the company makes a profit.答案:A问题:10. Debentures are loans to companies.答案:A问题:11. Articles of Association deal with the external affairs of a company.答案:B问题:12. Limited liabili

4、ty acts as a warning to people offering a company credit facilities.答案:A问题:13. Benchmarking is the comparison of performance in one organization or part of an organization against that in another, with a view to finding ways of improving performance.答案:A问题:14. Benchmarking replaces traditional metho

5、ds of quality control and can operate alongside them.答案:B问题:15. A patent is a legal device that enables the holder to maintain a monopoly in an invention for a stated period, which in Britain stands at 20 years.答案:A问题:16. In exchange for granting a monopoly in an invention for a stated period, the o

6、wner of the invention must make available its details to the general public.答案:A问题:17. Lean production is a totally integrated strategy for manufacturing that came out of the Toyota factory in Japan and quickly found favour among managers in the manufacturing industry across the globe.答案:A问题:18. Ent

7、repreneurship is the activity of entrepreneurs, who are responsible for the creation of new products, processes, services and markets. They develop new ways of doing business, create new forms of organization and new ways of managing people.答案:A问题:19. Invention is the discovery or creation of a new

8、product or process, whereas innovation is the process through which inventions and new ideas become a business or operational reality.答案:A问题:20. R 答案:BExercise 2What do these abbreviations stand for?问题:1. CWS答案: Co-operative Wholesale Society问题:2. EEC答案: European Economic Community问题:3. Ltd答案: Limit

9、ed问题:4. UK答案: United Kingdom问题:5. MD答案: Managing Director问题:6. O 答案: Organisation and Management问题:7. PLC答案: Public Limited Company问题:8. MTV答案: Music Televisions问题:9. ATM答案: Automated Teller Machine=cash point问题:10. MBA答案: Master of Business Administration问题:11. IPO答案: Initial Public Offering问题:12.

10、OEM答案: Original Equipment Manufacture问题:13. IPR答案: Intellectual Property Right问题:14. R 答案: Research and Development问题:15. CEO答案: Chief Executive Officer问题:16. POS答案: Point-Of-SaleExercise 3Put the correct preposition in the spaces in the following extract. There are very few problems _ starting a small business _ one owner. Certain types _ business may need a license to trade, _ example, _ France, and the name must be registered, _ the UK, _ the Registrar of Companies, then the business can begin. However, _ partnerships, and public companies


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