1、call既可用作动词,又可用作名词? call用作动词时,既可作及物动词用,也可作不及物动词用?现对其用法作一简单归纳.用作及物动词时有以下意义1.叫;呼唤;叫来?例如:Call a doctor at once.快点叫个医生来?I called you but you did nt hear me. 我喊你,但你却没听见?Call a taxi for me.帮我叫辆出租车?2.称(某人)为,取名?例如:His friends call him Bob.他的朋友都叫他鲍勃?3.认为;称为?例如:We called this a success.我们认为这是一件成功的事今天早上我给他打了个电话
2、 ?4.给打电话?例如:I called him this morni ng.5.邀请?例如:Will you call the family to dinner?你要邀请那一家来吃饭吗 ?.call用作不及物动词时有以下意义她向我呼救?1.呼;喊;大叫?例如:She called to me for help.2.访问;拜访?例如:A lady called while you were out.你不在家的时候,有个女士来访?3.要求?例如:Obey when duty calls. 服从工作需要 ?4.打电话?例如:He P romised to call at noon.他答应中午打电话
3、来?三.call用作名词时有以下意义:昨晚我们听到呼救声?1.呼声;叫声?例如:We heard a call for help last ni ght.他在那一天中拜访了好几个人2.访问?例如:He made several calls duri ng the day.3.电话;通话?例如:I ve just had a call from Tom.我刚刚接到汤姆打来的电话4.需要;要求?例如:她是个大忙人,有很多事等着她She is a busy woma n with many calls on her time.去办?四.含call的常用短语有:1. call on/upon sb t
4、o do sth号召某人干某事;恳求?请(叫)某人干某事?例如:校长号召学生们更努力地我们恳求你的帮助?The headmaster called on the stude nts to work harder.学习?We are calli ng upon you to help us.我昨天拜访了史密斯一家人2. call on/upon sb 拜访;看望某人;call at somewhere登门拜访?例如:I called on the Smiths yesterday.I called at the Smiths yesterday.我昨天去了史密斯家?I called on the
5、 doctor yesterday.我昨天去看了医生?I called at the doctors yesterday.我昨天去了医务室?3. call out大声叫喊?例如:The boy called out for help to the people on the shore.那个男孩向岸上的人大声呼救?4. call in 找来;请来(有目的,为了某一任务)?例如:Your father is ill, you should call in a doctor at once.你父亲病了,你应该马上请个大夫来?The P olice have bee n called in to h
6、elp make it clear.已请来了警察帮忙把这件事弄清楚?5. call for 要求,需要;提倡,号召;叫(某人);接(某人,某物);喊着要?例如:People are call ing for freedom of all slaves.人们要求解放所有的奴隶Your plan will call for a lot of manpo wer and money.你的计划需要花大量的人力和财力?Success calls for hard work.成功要靠勤奋?The workers are calli ng for strike actio n in that country
7、.那个国家的工人们正在号召起来罢工?Our exp erime nt will call for a lot of money.我们的实验将需要许多钱The baby is call ing for his mother.孩子哭着找妈妈?I will call for you at ten oclock.我10点钟来接你?那个人坐下来,要了一杯啤酒?Call me up if you have any questi ons.如果你有问题要问,请给我打电话?In most coun tries, men are called up at the age of eightee n.在大多数国家,男
8、子18岁就被征召服役?His brother was called up right at the begi nning of war.战争一开始,他哥哥就被征召入伍?The P hoto calls up the story of my gran dmother.这张照片使我想起了我的祖母The sound of the birds called up happy memories of my childhood holidays.叫声使我想起我童年时度假的美好回忆What time shall I call you up?我几点叫你起床?The doctor was called up f
9、our times last ni ght to atte nd the case.医生昨晚被叫了四次来料理这个病人8. call away 叫走;把叫开?例如:She was called away from the meeti ng to an swer an urge nt phone call.她被叫出会场去接一个紧急电话 ?9. call back 叫回,召回;回电话?例如:They called him back from America.他们把他从美国召回来 ?The man sat dow n and called for a glass of beer.6. call up
10、给打电话;征召;使想起(往事);叫醒?例如:On reaching Beijing,she called up her mother. 一到北京,她就给她母亲打了电话 ?She said she d call back.她说她会再打电话来 ?10. call off取消?例如:The game was called off because of bad weather.因天气恶劣,比赛被取消了 ?巩固练习:1. The P arty and gover nmentthe people to con trol popu lati on growth.A. called off B. called
11、 forC. called up D. called at2. I meantyou, but I was so busy.A. to call on B. calli ng onC. to call at D. calli ng at3. My sister is a typist at a foreig n firm.I know this sort of workskill and sp eed.A. asks for B. calls forC. looks for D. waits for4. Did youyour sister whe n you were in Shan gha
12、i?Yes, and I alsomy uncles during my stay there.A. call on; called on B. dropped on; visitC. call on; called at D. call at; called on5. The shipseveral ports to pick up passengers before crossing the ocean.A. calls for B. calls upC. calls on D. calls at6. What about going to the Intern ati onal Wome
13、 n Forum this evening?That s great. Illyou at 6: 00 sharp.A. call up B. call toC. call on D. call for7. The baby is badly ill, p lease calla doctor.A. in B. for C. at D. up8. In my opinion more work does not alwaysmore men.A. call on B. call atC. call for D. call up9. The head of the worksh op thoug
14、ht it necessaryworkers for a meeti ng.A. call ing on B. calli ng inC. to call on D. to call in10. The sound of happy laughtermemories of his childhood.A. called on B. called atC. called for D. called up11. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice butthe p olice.A. called in B. calli ng inC. call in D. to call in12. The sp Orts meet, origi nally due to be held last Friday, was fin allybecause of the bad weather.A. set off B. worn offC. broken off D. called off13. A well
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