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1、形容词和副词用法&广东咼考一、形容词1. 形容词的位置:修饰语一般应置于被修饰语之前 注意:在下列情况下,修饰语应置于被修饰的名词后:(1) something, anything, nothing everything+ 形容词。Eg: There s nothing wrong with the electric cooker.(2)作定语用的分词短语Eg: They live in a village called Gum Tree.2. 形容词在句子中的成分(1).在名词之前修饰名词,作定语.Eg: a. There are many beautiful flowers in the

2、p ark. b. We saw a moving film.(2) .在 be 动词后,或者系动词 feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem后,作表语.Eg: a. Our school is new and big. b. The milk smells terrible, it seems bad。(3) 在宾语后作宾语补足语.:think/find/ feel/ make + it(形宾)+ adj. +真正的宾语Eg:a. We all thi nk it terrible to go through such an exp erie nee.b.

3、He ofte n makes his mother an gry.3. 在英语中有些表示“使人.”的动词,把其变成现在分词或过去分词当形容词使用。其中现在分词ing形式表示“令人”修饰物;过去副词-ed形式修饰人(被动),这一类动词如下:In terest, excite, thrill, surp rise, shock, amaze,ast oni sh, amuse, pl ease, annoy, con fuse, up set, concern.worry, move, touch, satisfy, disa ppoin t, i nspire, en courage, etc

4、.归纳:a/ an/ the +形容词 +名词be / 系动词(look/sound/ taste/ smell/ feel / seem/stay/ keep:)+ 形容词 主语+谓语+宾语+形容词(宾补)*语法填空中考查形容词时,多是考查派生词,即:名词或动词后加词缀变化成形容词。EX: Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words.1.That would be a very(reason) thing to do in a big city.2.Mary felt(p lease) because there wer

5、e many emt py seats in the room.3.This p roverb is say ing we habve to let things go in their(n ature) course.4.It was a little far to her car and it was a(fog) day yesterday.5.The(busy) time is aroud n the Spring Festival.6.7.The orga ni zati on orga ni zesAsimov books cover(week) p rograms at the

6、Skateista n Cambodia.(vary) topics in scie nee.8.The terrible film made the girl stay(wake) all the ni ght.9.Her mother looked(worry) and she sat still there for a long time.10.People are very(friend) and always welcome visitors all over the world.二、副词1、副词的位置及作用:通常作状语,可修饰动词,形容词或整个句子。Eg: a. The boy i

7、s readi ng a story book attentively.b. He is increasingl yin terested in Chin ese culture.c. Surp risingly,S ong Yan quitted the race because of ill ness.d. Chin ese is widely lear ned all over the world with the deve lopment of China.归纳:0 0).动词。+副词 副词+形容词 副词+表语(名词、副词、介词短语,句子。 副词(句首)+整个句子注意:1.形容词加后缀

8、如 ly变为副词,女0 happy- happily,carefulcarefully。* 以le结尾的形容词变副词时,直接把变为y:gentle-gentlysmipie-smiply2. 有些副词与形容词同行形,如early, high, long, fast, hard等。3. 有些-ly结尾的词不是副词而是形容词,如lovely, friendly, Ionely等。*语法填空中考查形容词加后缀ly变成副词, 短文改错中考查形容词和 副词的错用,即:该用形容词而用了副词,该用副词而用了形容词女0: quickquickly , easyeasily, lucky luckily, ,

9、safe-safelyEx:用所给单词的正确形式填空.1.This maths p roblem is very.All of us can work it out(easy).2.How3.Look! The wind is blow ingyou look today !Yes, I had a birthday very.That a.(happy).wind, (strong).4.-What astude nt he is! -Yeah. He studiesin his class. (hard)5.In North China, there wassnow last Friday

10、. It often snowsin win ter there.(heavy)6.The old man isill. He has got adisease. (terrible)7.Wang Mei is so.She en tered the final match.(luck)8.Her voice sounds.She sings all kinds of songs.(beautiful)9.It was rainingwhen I fini shed the work yesterday. (heavy)10.The boy runs so11.Mr. Li was12.Bet

11、ty didthat n obody else can catch up with him. (fast)hurt, what more, he has got acold. (bad)in the singing competition because she sat singing. (good)13.The old farmer iswith farmwork. He ofte n workin the fields. (busy)14.Keepin the readi ng-room. So many stude nts are read ingthere. (quiet)15.The

12、 girl behaved(bad) at the p arty, and she cried(sad)16.I am not soas my sister on study. She always studies.(care)17.They climbed up to the mountain.That waswork. (difficult)18.These persons live.They arefrom each other. (different)19.Whatwind ! It was blow ingall the ni ght. (strong)20.food can mak

13、e us live.(health)21.It sfor them to catch the bus. They willwin the match.( po ssibie22.Itswork. All of us can finish it.(easy)23.The kite is flyingin the sky. I can jump very.(high)24.Her house isfrom the hos pital. The boy jumps.(far)25.We leadlives no wadays. All of them p layed outside.(happy)2

14、6.Who wastoday ? why does she ofte n come.(late)27.She was28.The woma n lookswelcomed. They gave a.She swelcome. ( warm)to every one. (friend)29.Howshe p lays the piano ! She is apianoist .( good)30.My father ofte n leave hometo catch thebus. ( early)、形容词,副词的比较等级:分为原级,比较级,最高级A.形容词,副词比较级和最高级的规则变化如下表:

15、构成法原级比较级最咼级1、单音节词末尾加-er和-estgreatgreatergreatest2、闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,bigbiggerbiggest须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er和-esthothotterhottest3、以辅音字母加-y,纟吉尾的双音节词,y变为i,happyhappierhappi est再加-er和-est。easyeasiereasiest4、多音节词皆在前面加单词more和most.difficultmore difficultmost difficultB.形容词,副词比较等级部分不规则变化表原级比较级最咼级原级比较级最咼级good/wel

16、lbetterbestfarfarther furtherfarthest furthestbad / illworseworstoldolder elderoldest eldestmany/ muchmoremostlatelatter laterlatest lastlittlelessleastC形容词、副词比较等级的基本用法1.比较级常用于以下结构.A. 入.比较级hOn B ”结构.表示 A 比 B 更.”EG: Bill jumps higher than Tom.B. which / who ,+比较级,A or B ?表示 “哪一个/谁更A 还是B?”C两个人或物比较时,定冠

17、词the +比较级表示最高级。a. He is the taller of the two.他是两个中个高点的.b. This book is the newer of the two.这本书是两本中新一点的D. the +比较级;the +比较级,意思是 越就越”女口:Eg: a. The harder you work , the more you will learn.你学得越努力,你学到的就越多。b. The more exercise we take, the healthier we are.我们锻炼得越多,就越健康E. 比较级+ and +比较级,作 越来越”解,如:a. The

18、 days are gett ing Ion ger and Ion ger.b Compu ters are more and more imp orta nt in our daily life.(特别提示)(1)在比较级之前可用 evenfar , much ,a lot, a great deal, a bit, still,等词语修饰,如:a. He sp eaks En glish a lot more rapidly tha n he does French.B. Life today is much better than that 50 years ago.2最高级常用于以下

19、结构:A. the +最高级+ in / of + 比较范围eg: He is the best picture in the hall.B. 主语+ be + one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词+in/of短语”表示“是中最.之一”。Eg: Russia is one of the biggest coun tries in the world.Ex.用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Joh n is(tall) tha n Sam.2. Lin Lin is the(young) in our class.(quiet)3. The man took off his shoes an

20、d put them un der his bed very _4. Ann felt very(ha ppy) at her birthday p arty.5. Which is(far) from us, the sun or the moon?6. She looks(thi n) tha n me.7. It sno wed(heavy) last ni ght and now the streets are covered with snow.8. Mr. Benson seems to be the(busy) man in the world.9. “The sooner, t

21、he(good) ” , Uncle Wang said.10. Jack has the(little) bread of the three boys.写出正确的英语单词.11. We don th ink their classroom is(干净)tha n ours.12. Meimei walks as(慢)as Lily does.13. Who (好)than you at English in your class?14. The teacher asked us to take a(仔纟田)look at everything in the lab.15. Shan gha

22、i is one of the(大)cities in the world.16. Which is the(beautiful) skirt of the three?17. The sick man is gett ing(ill).18. The meat smells(坏).PI ease take it away19. The wind is blow ing(str on g).20. Who (高),Lucy or Lily?21. She didnt do her homework(仔细).22. Your bag is much(轻)tha n mine.(远).today

23、tha n yesterday, (early). (careful)23. How(大)the rain is!24. Of all the stude nts Li Hua lives25. Jack get up 26. PI ease do your homework27. He is too tired to go any. (far)28. Le Lei runs(fast) tha n I, but he does nt run as29. Exercise Five istha n Exercise Four. (difficult)30. He is muchtha n I.

24、 (th in)31. The work isnt hard. I can finish it. (easy)32. There iswater in the glass tha n the bottle. (little)33. He has bee n ill for few days. He feels eventoday. (bad)34. Last term he studied hard. He is going to studythis term. (hard)35. Han Meimei hasappi es. Jim hasapp les of all. (ma ny)(fa

25、st) as my brother.36. The Yellow River is the seco nd37. Shan ghai is one of38. PI ease liste n to the teacher39. The childre n played_40. Which kind of meat is41. Maths is as42.you work,(lo ng) river in China.(large) cities in the world.(careful)._ in the p ark.(ha ppy)(popu lar),beef, pork or chic

26、ke n?_as En glish. (in terest) you will lear n. (hard, many)43. En glish isused in the world. (wide)44. Our country is becomingandthan ever before. ( rich, strong)45. ,the little girl was nothurt. ( lucky, bad)46. What have I done to make you so(an gry)?47. Jack is(young) than Mike. He is (young) bo

27、y in the family.48. Exercise One is quite(easy), but Exercise Two is much(easy).49. The little girl is now much (happy) than she was two years ago.50. The noise is gettingand (hard).51. That was one of the(excite) mome nts of 1982.(beautiful) than that one, but it is _(good) life now. We must make i

28、t54. Jim spends a lot(much) time on Chin ese tha n before.55. Her mother looks much (young) than she is.56. This thick dict ionary is much_ (useful) tha n that thin one.57. She is always as (busy) as a bee.58. PI ease show me the(n ear) way to the post office._(pl easure) whe n he p assed the exam.(

29、big) libraries in our city.61. If you want to be (healthy) than before, you must eat(much)exercise.62. Which country has(large) popu lati on, America or Japan?63. The Yellow River is not so(long) as the Cha ngjia ng River. It is the sec ond52. This picture is53. We have a much59. The stude nt felt q

30、uite60. This is one of the(long) river in China.64. It seems that Li Lei is a little(stro ng).and (expensive).(good) still.(little) and take(tall) tha n Wu Dong. But Wu Do ng looks much65. Many stude nts think maths isEx II.选择正确答案.(important) of all the scie nces.)1. Nowadays scientific fiction isn

31、asas cartoons among teenagers.A. popu lar B. more popu lar C. less popu lar D. the most popu lar)2. We are glad to see that Shan ghai is deve lopingthese years tha n ever before.A. quickly B. less quicklyC. more quickly D. the most quickly)3. The cheese cake tasted sothat the kids asked for more.A.

32、delicious B. well C. bad D. badly)4.Why did you enjoy the talk ?It wastalk that I have ever liste ned to.A. the most in teresti ngB. the least in terest ingC. more in terest ingD. less in teresti ng)5. Guo Yue did quiteat the World Table Tennis Championship, but Zha ng Yining did evenA. better, well B. well, well C. well, better, D.


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