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1、05款爱丽舍公关传播方案 elysee 05 pr communication plan for elysee 05 时空视点传播机构 北京 上海 广州 杭州 dec.13-04 05新款爱丽舍传播目标 objective n帮助05款爱丽舍顺利的导入市场,建立消费者对其迅速的认知 nhelp elysee smoothly insert to markets, set up consumers cognition n推动用户体验产品,借此产品积累消费者对爱丽舍和东风雪铁龙品牌的深入 认知 nfund up the understand of elysee and citron brand t

2、hrough to users experience of product 作为改款车,爱丽舍05款该如何传播? how to launch elysee as a change fund car? 在改款车上市案例研究中,时空视点选择04年传播较为成功的 桑塔纳3000上市传播和新捷达两款车的传播策略 in this report,evision will give two examples as santana 3000 and new jetta which is successful launch in 2004 时空视点传播机构对改款车上市传播策略进行过系统研究,以此指导爱丽 舍05

3、款上市的传播策略: evision has already systematic researched communication tactics of change fund car,that to make the communication tactics of elysee according this guidance 改款车上市传播研究 research report 桑塔纳3000 santana 3000 上市背景上市背景 中级车市场中级车市场 自2003年下半年以来,售价12万18万元、排量1.8升的中级车已经开始 日渐成为国内轿车市场的消费主流。 30003000型取代型取

4、代20002000型型 l普桑问世近20年、2000型投产近10年之后,作为国内单一品牌保有量最大的 轿车-桑塔纳正在面临产品的老化和市场的衰退 l上海大众希望通过更新型产品,重塑桑塔纳品牌。并在中级轿车市场上与凯 越、伊兰特等新锐产品竞争 background intermediate market since the second half of 2003, intermediate cars what the price of 120-180thousand yuan, displacement 1. 8 liters has already begun to become the ma

5、in-consumption of the domestic car market 3000 replace to 2000 the moment of the general santana came out 20 years, 2000 types have gone into operation 10 years, santana as the top selling car was facing the decline of the products and wearing out market shanghai volkswagen hoped to rebuild the sant

6、ana brand through reflash style of car, voice:(public image) n对新车猜测:桑塔纳3000可能要上市vs桑 塔纳3000可能不会上市 nthe image of the new product:santana 3000 will come out of the market vs santana will not come out of the market 公众公众: public: n桑塔纳可能要出3000型了 nsantana 3000 going show out n桑塔纳3000型是什么样的车? nwhat kind of

7、the car is it? step one 传播内容传播内容: :(品牌故事) voice:brand story n桑塔纳品牌的历史(历史回顾、产业贡献、 市场反应等) nthe history of santana (review,offers,market feedback,and so on) n桑塔纳品牌在中国的未来 nthe future of the brand in china 公众公众: public: n桑塔纳品牌是一种属于中国市场的品牌 nsantana is an part of chinese market brand n应继续支持桑塔纳品牌 nshould be

8、 continue to support 桑塔纳3000第二轮传播 step two 传播内容:传播内容:(媒体试车媒体试车) voice:test drive of media n上海大众的实力和决心 nthe strength and purpose n产品first look(试车) nfirst look (test drive) 公众公众: public: n桑塔纳品牌是一种属于中国市场 的品牌 nsantana grow up with chinese auto market, n应继续支持桑塔纳品牌 ncarry on support chinese brand 桑塔纳3000第

9、三轮传播 step three 桑塔纳3000第三轮传播 step three 传播内容传播内容:(改款车利益点) voice:advantage of the new style n谍照(外观) npicture(face) n价格猜测 nprice image 公众公众: public: n桑塔纳3000快要上市 nsantana 3000 land in market soon n上市价格 nwhats the price in market 传播内容传播内容: (密集传播密集传播) event: 活动仪式新闻传播 action/news communication 配合产品的试驾活动进

10、行配合传播 communication for test drive 公众:公众: public 产品的改进点 improvement of product 产品的最新价格 the latest price of new product 传播内容传播内容: (市场评论传播市场评论传播) voice:commentary of market 突出改款车在产业中的地位 stand out the status of new style 产品品牌的传播 communication of brand 公众:公众: public: 重温品牌的口碑效应 review brand intension 了解产

11、品的市场地位 deep understand the product worth 传播内容传播内容: (产品功能传播产品功能传播) voice:(function) 对改款车的功能改进点进行详解 minute introduce the improvement 进行对比性传播 compare with others 公众:公众: public 熟知产品的核心利益点 know the key message very well 了解与竞争品牌的区分 know the different with others 传播内容传播内容: (试驾传播试驾传播) event:test drive 体验传播体

12、现改款车的技术特征 reflect that changes the technological characteristic of the fund car 公众:公众: public 全面了解体会到改款车的产品优势 all-around realize the advantage of the new car 桑塔纳桑塔纳3000改款传播研究改款传播研究 点评:点评: 桑塔纳3000还未上市,就在全国引发了一起“3000悬念”,媒体纷纷扎 进解 密3000的怪圈,在其外观线条变化、2000是否停产等细节上纠缠不休, 让消费者有石破天惊的分量感。待到解密之日,可以总结为:“加质不 加 价,桑

13、塔纳2000变相降价”。但就是这样一个简单的降价,上海大众却 利 用桑塔纳2000这个单一车型销售之冠即将被替代作悬念,将众人的目光 引向还未现身的替代车型,营造神秘感;利用桑塔纳2000代表一个时代 的概念,推出3000的升级概念,将3000的地位推向另一个高点。 整体传播安排有序,但缺乏用户对产品的体验性传播和改款产品的对比性 传播过少。 before santana 3000 come into the market,all countries had a imagination of 3000, the national medias all pay attention to the

14、specific of the product-what change of the face?whether the 2000 stop production? have attracted consumers height attention and interest .when the result clear revelation: “more offers but same price”, the simple action of reduce the price of santana 2000, dressed up as the issue of the new products

15、 santana 3000, guide everybody interest in the upgrade new style what was not appearing yet, build mystique.and also made a picture that the times represented by santana 2000 is over,santana 3000s times coming, push the position of 3000 to another culmination this is a integrity and typical pr commu

16、nication,but the cases weakness is users experience and products contrast not enough 新捷达新捷达 new jetta 上市背景上市背景 background 捷达情况: introduction: 捷达一直不变的“朴实”外形让钟爱时尚的人们颇有微词。 the fashion person all dont like the never changes image-“plain” 捷达已经经历了3次大的技术革新,完全是趋向于实用主义,符合当时消费 者的心态。 jetta has already gone thr

17、ough 3 great technological innovations, has totally trended towards the pragmatism, accord with consumers need at that time. 新捷达项目于2002年2月正式启动,总投资为3亿元人民币,是一汽-大众公 司与德国保时捷公司开发小组历经两年的严谨合作,在长春共同完成。 the new jettas project was started in february 2002, the investment was 300 million yuan, the faw- volkswa

18、gen and german porsche develop together in two years, finish together in changchun. 市场状况: marketing: 有富康和桑塔纳 2000 的改型在前,新捷达的问世也早已在人们的预 料之中。但其上市的速度之快,改进的项目之多还是超出了许多业人 的估计。 new jetta launch out later than fukang and santana 2000,its already in peoples expectation.but out of expectation,it come into th

19、e market so fast and improved so many 在个性消费氛围日益浓烈的中国,消费者对汽车的外形和其他配置的 人性化要求越来越高。 in chinese market right now,consumers require to more humanization of the appearance and other dispositions 传播内容传播内容: (品牌故事) voice:brand story n捷达历年的辉煌业绩,消费者调查显示、近期捷达业 绩等文章的宣传 nrefulgent history of jetta, consumers inves

20、tigate,latest achievement of jetta n公众公众: npublic n捷达一个老品牌,有着辉煌的业绩 njetta is an old and refulgent brand n捷达是一款大家都公认的好车 njetta is a good car that everybody confessed 传播内容传播内容: :(舆论关注) voice:the public opinion 传播一汽大众将要推出04款捷达 the new jetta 04 will launch out n对比传播巩固捷达的市场地位 ncompare with and propagate

21、the market status which consolidates jetta n老款捷大降价,腾出价格空间 ngreat sale of old jetta, vacate the price space 公众:公众: publicpublic n04款的捷达应该是一辆不错的车 nthe jetta 04 should be good 传播内容传播内容 :(最后悬念) voice:(last image) n引导舆论,加强关注 n各种已上市信息的传播 n新款捷达的产品技术宣传 公众公众: n捷达随时就上市了,现在已买得很火 n捷达实力很强,非消费者欢迎度高 传播方法:传播方法:(密集传

22、播) 上市仪式新闻,的传播 the new of launch 产品活动传播,软文配合 event with news 人物采访,企业,产品品牌的传播 interview, enterprises product and brand communication 公众:公众: public 关注改款产品的外形,配置和价格 more care of the face,price, disposing of the new product 传播方法:传播方法:(改进点传播) voice: 通过改款车的价格,产品性能,外观等进行详 解 minute introduce the price,perfor

23、mance,face and so on 公众:公众: public: 持续关注改款产品的外形,配置和价格 still attention in the face,price and disposing of the product 传播方法:传播方法:(市场评论) voice: commentary of market 新捷达在中级轿车市场中的地位 the status of new style in intermediate car market 公众:公众: public: 产品品牌的理念,内涵 the idea and intension of the products brand,

24、传播方法:传播方法:(试驾传播) event:test drive 媒体对比性传播 compare with others brand by media 用户试驾体验传播 user experiencing of test drive 公众:公众: 充分全面了解改款车的增加性能和核心利益 abundantly understand increase performance and key interests 传播方法:传播方法:(品牌印象传播) impression of the brand 重温品牌印象传播 review the impression of the brand 公众:公众:

25、public 认知改款车的品牌价值 ,并得到认同,巩 固购买意向 understand the brand value, consolidate the purpose of buying 点评: 新捷达的整体传播量比较大,铺垫工作做得很早,在即将上市前后采用 了悬念传播和较密集的传播“轰炸”.新捷达很好的提炼出“21项改进之 处”, 给公众留下深刻记忆.运用的传播手段较多。属于是比较成功的改款车上 市传播策略。 上市前期的传播手段不高明,没有很好的引起更多公众的期待.传播次序 安排不是很有序. 捷达改款传播研究捷达改款传播研究 comments: new jetta has done muc

26、h pr work in pre-launch period, and it has left much deep impressions on the mass. many communications channel has been used in its work and has succeeded. it has not excitated the targeted consumers,the schedule is not reasonable. communications strategy for jetta 改款车上市传播模型改款车上市传播模型 舆论猜测媒体试车品牌故事价格悬

27、念 试车报告 上市新闻 活动新闻 市场评论 产品改进 品牌强化 改款产品改款产品 上市前上市前 改款产品改款产品 上市中上市中 改款产品改款产品 上市后上市后 吸引公众产生期待吸引公众产生期待 吸引公众关注吸引公众关注 公众持续关注公众持续关注 改款车上市改款车上市 在原有的品牌利益在原有的品牌利益 基础上基础上,增强改进点增强改进点 的体验传播的体验传播 communication models 上市新闻eventconsolidate new style launch attract the publics interest testing reportcommentary improve

28、ment new style after keep the publics interest public opinion media test drive brand story price suspense news new style warm up attract the publics interest strengthen and improve the experience on the basis of interests launch 0505新款爱丽舍如何传播新款爱丽舍如何传播 how to launch 0505新款爱丽舍传播面临的挑战新款爱丽舍传播面临的挑战 消费者对爱

29、丽舍轿车产生关注疲劳,外形长时间没有变化; 爱丽舍轿车以往的卖点不突出,传播产品利益点过多,公众没有留下深 刻的印象; 消费者对来自法国的产品区分认识不清晰,对产品品牌的忠诚度低。 立场立场:神龙汽车公司坚持以用户为中心,追求高性价比的产品设计理念,关注与尊重用户, 满足用户的消费心理. 传播重点传播重点:软文传播将放在“来自欧洲的中国家轿第一品牌”,突出爱丽舍轿车的技术 含量和舒适性,是值得信赖的产品 challenge consumers tired in elysee,non-change for a long time point is not outstanding of past

30、selling,key message was too much, did not left the deep impression ; consumers can not know clearly what is product from france, the loyalty to the products brand is low. information:神龙汽车公司坚持以用户为中心,追求高性价比的产品设计理念,关注与 尊重用户,满足用户的消费心理. key point:spread the message”the first car brand for chinese family”

31、,stand out the high technology and comfortable,worth to trust 0505新款爱丽舍传播主旨新款爱丽舍传播主旨 05新款爱丽舍轿车:新款爱丽舍轿车: 0505款产品的核心改进利益点款产品的核心改进利益点 突出良好的操控性和舒适性 目标消费群:目标消费群: 成熟而理性,受教育程度较高、中 等收入、稳重的白领家庭 特性:特性: 大气的外观、 爱丽舍品牌:爱丽舍品牌: “精致生活,精彩演精致生活,精彩演 绎绎”,体现尊贵、法国 式的优雅和品味 标杆性家轿标杆性家轿,兼顾了舒适性、经济性、动力性和安全性 主旨:主旨:适应市场需求的变化,提升产品

32、的竞争力,促进销售适应市场需求的变化,提升产品的竞争力,促进销售 作为东风雪铁龙的销售主力品牌产品,在05款新品上市之后将视桑塔纳、捷达、伊兰特、凯越为主要竞争对手。 objective elyess 05: key point:key point: stand out the comfort and controllability target: highly educated middle- income ,stability white-collar family 特性:特性: enjoy life,value practical,wan to make the life more co

33、mfort and elegant elyess brand: “elegant life” romantic and graceful brand yardstick-style family,comfort,economy and safe key messagekey message passing on is exquisite, reflect the grade 品质传承精亦求新新 key message: 05新款爱丽舍在保持原有产品优秀品质的基础上进行的改进,经得住品味与推 敲,完全传承了雪铁龙轿车的特有风格、并延续着神龙公司严瑾、实用的理性 价值观。成为东风雪铁龙打造“来自欧

34、洲的中国家轿第一品牌”的核心产品。 elyess 05 not only improved but also keeping outstanding quality of the original products, can stand sampling, is totally passing the peculiar style of the citroen car, and extending mother companys , practical values. become the key product that the citroen made first brand car of

35、 chinese family from europe . 如何传播如何传播0505新款爱丽舍新款爱丽舍 how to launchhow to launch 0505新款爱丽舍轿车的认知新款爱丽舍轿车的认知 understand of elysee 05understand of elysee 05 产品产品(重点-核心改进利益点) product(key point improve) 品牌品牌 brand 东风雪铁龙-来自欧洲的中国家轿第一品牌 citroenthe first car brand of chinese family from europe 爱丽舍-中国标杆性的家轿品牌 e

36、lysee the yardstick-style family brand 公众关注公众关注0505新款爱丽舍什么新款爱丽舍什么 内部空间 购买、使用成本 动力强劲 安全舒适 精致现代外形 05新款爱丽舍新款爱丽舍elysee new elyess 05 产品关注点产品关注点 情感关注点情感关注点 改进款重点关注改进款重点关注 原有品牌产品基础上的核心改进利益点:原有品牌产品基础上的核心改进利益点: 外形、价格、性能、配置的改进外形、价格、性能、配置的改进 whats public interest of elyess interspaces buy/use cost power safel

37、y,comfort 精致现代外形 new elyess 05 product sensibility improve on the base: the change of face,price,performance and collocation 传播策略模型传播策略模型 时间时间 根据市场传播规律,我们认为05款爱丽舍的传播模型如下: 传传 播播 效效 果果 内部建设内部建设 提升非消费者 对产品的认知 (树立内部员工 的信心) 阶段二(上市关注期)阶段二(上市关注期) 吸引公众的关注,密集传播产 品改进利益点,价格,建立起改 进款的认知 (形成对产品的认同与好感, 促进达成购买) 阶段一

38、(期待预售期)阶段一(期待预售期) 引出05款爱丽舍轿车,吸引公 众产生期待 (达成消费者的询问) 阶段三(形象巩固及增加阶段三(形象巩固及增加 销量)销量) 在潜在消费群中树立良好口 碑,使公众持续关注 (建立一定数量的车住群体) communication strategy model according to the market, communication models in elysee05 are as follows : communication effect phase two(launch) attracting the public concern propagate

39、the improve products to build the understand of new product (reach sales) phase one(warm up) attract the publics interest (meet enquires ) phase(impress the sale ) keep the publics long-term interest (build up a car owner group) 时间时间 传播策略方向传播策略方向 eventevent objective: 1.经销商内部人员培训、激励 2.短期内提升05款爱丽舍的认知

40、度 3.增加目标受众群体的产品接触、体验机会,帮助达成销售目标 阶段性策略: 内部建设-经销商内部人员培训、激励 预售期-帮助经销商拿到订单、配合新车上市的市场推广运作 上市关注期-侧重提升05款爱丽舍品牌认知度,增强对核心改进利益点的体验传播 形象巩固-侧重帮助销售目标的达成 媒体传播媒体传播 抢占中心省会地区的市场份额,扩展二三级城市的市场 中心省会地区:主要通过电视广告,并配合一系列的平面电台户外网上及特殊媒体渠道 迅速地建立起知名度 二三级地区:主要通过平面及经销商广告,建立地区消费群信心 pr strategy directionpr strategy direction objec

41、tive: 1.dealer training and motivation 2. upgrade the awareness in short period 3.enhance experience opportunities to reach the sales goal phase strategy: internal - dealer training and motivation presell help dealer to get order、tone with new launch marketing event launch- upgrade the awareness in

42、short period, increased the key benefit communications stability-reach the sales goal media take the provincial city, expand tier 2 or 3 towns provincial city: tv ad ,assort with broadcastingpaperinternetoutdoors tier 2or 3 towns: papermedia to connect with targeted consumers event communications 前期

43、内部建设前期内部建设 内部建设内部建设 目标目标 以内部运作为主,让内部人员在短时间内对产品形 成深刻的认知,从而建立强大的信心 传播的信息传播的信息内部传播和教育05款爱丽舍定位及产品改进特性 策略方向策略方向 新闻发布会,内部产品培训会, 经销商会议,产品05款爱丽舍新品 实施工具实施工具 建设内部环境,完成内部的产品教育和流程建设 配合工具配合工具 新闻稿,产品手册 internal building in early period internal building objective internal operation will be dominating, let interna

44、l employee have a profound cognition on product formation thus to build confidence. information communicated internal communication and training, positioning of 05 version elysee and product improvement feature orientation of strategy news release, internal product training dealers conference, 05 ve

45、rsion new elysee products implementation tools build internal environment, accomplish internal product training and procedure building auxiliary tools news release, product manual 主要战术行动设计主要战术行动设计( (一一) ) 期待预售期期待预售期-产品悬念产品悬念 目标目标 通过平面,公关软文,逐步激发消费者对改进产品的 期待,达成到展厅的问询及预订 传播的信息传播的信息 引出改款05款爱丽舍轿车,上市前的悬念制

46、造(改进 产品利益点价格),爱丽舍的品牌口碑传播和东风雪 铁龙的品牌传播,公众值得期待 策略方向策略方向 经销商新车上市平面广告,网络广告,媒体试乘试驾, 展厅预售活动,直邮(吸引目标消费者) 实施工具实施工具 ,吸引公众期待(达成消费者的闻询) 配合工具配合工具 展厅展示,展厅预售细则,预售平面广告,网上广告, main tactics action design imain tactics action design i expectation and presell period- product suspense objective gradually stimulate the co

47、nsumers expectation on product improvement through promotion articles in print media and make the consumers to inquire in exhibition hall and order in advance. information communicated educe the 05 version elysee sedan, make suspense before delivery to the market( improve products benefit/price). th

48、e public praise communication of the brand of elysee and the brand of dcad, which makes the public to expect orientation of strategy advertisement on print media and web media for the launching of new cars, medias test drive, presell in exhibition hall, direct postal (attract target consumers) imple

49、mentation tools ,attract the publics expectation( make consumers to inquire) auxiliary tools exhibition in exhibition hall, presell specification, planar advertisement, web advertisement auxiliary tools 战术行动简介(一)战术行动简介(一) 事件传播事件传播 主题:主题:“你想要什么样的爱丽舍你想要什么样的爱丽舍” 在主要的网络媒体上(; ; ; 中国汽车网等)的汽车频道开设 专栏讨论05款爱丽

50、舍的畅想,结合网友对爱丽舍产品的评述共同进行,引发网络关于爱丽 舍话题的讨论。 “05款爱丽舍新品别名征集大赛”,吸引更多的用户群体关注,获胜者将邀请免费参观 武汉厂区,参加05款爱丽舍下线仪式。 prpr传播传播 东风雪铁龙东风雪铁龙- -爱丽舍爱丽舍20052005品牌战略品牌战略高层访谈高层访谈 总结东风雪铁龙在2004年的成绩和对去年市场的看法 公布东风雪铁龙在2005年的整体战略和产品规划,打造“来自欧洲的中国第一家轿品牌” 透露即将上市的爱丽舍新品情况以及公司对其的期望 媒体运用:主要汽车媒体/北京都市媒体汽车版面/主要网络媒体汽车栏目 爱丽舍爱丽舍20052005年新款即将面市年

51、新款即将面市 告知05新款爱丽舍即将上市的消息,假设其最有诱惑力的价格传播 爱丽舍在中国上市以来所取得的成绩 突出其产品的优良品质和品牌内涵 媒体运用:选择广泛媒体进行覆盖传播 tactics action introduction i communication through incident theme:“what kind of elysee do you want” open special columns in the auto channel of major web media(; ; ; c) to learn the consumers imagination on 05

52、version elysee and educe a discussion on elysee on the internet by combination the discussion of netizens on elysee products. draw the attention of more users through “05 version elysee new product alias solicitation contest”, the winners will be invited to visit wuhan-based workshop to see 05 versi

53、on elysees rolling of the production line. prpr communicationcommunication dcad-dcad-elyseeselysees brand strategy brand strategyhigh-level talkhigh-level talk summarize dcads achievements in 2004 and views on the auto market 2004. promulgate dcads overall strategy and product planning 2005, forge “

54、chinas premier family sedan brand from europe” disclose information on the new elysee which is to be launched on the market and expectation on it from the company media application: major auto media/ auto page of beijings print media/auto channel of major web media 05 05 version version elyseeelysee

55、 is to be launched on the market is to be launched on the market announce the news that the 05 version elysee is to appear on the market, assume a most appealing price communication elysees achievement in the chinese market since its launching. give prominence to its quality and brand connotation me

56、dia application:select broad media to cover and communicate 主要战术行动设计(二)主要战术行动设计(二) 上市关注期上市关注期-正式销售正式销售宣传风暴宣传风暴 目标目标 以中心省会城市为重点媒体投放点,辐射周边二三 级城市,改款产品的巡回路演配合不断发展的东风 雪铁龙的销售维修服务网络发展,迅速抢占国内中 级家轿市场份额 传播的信息传播的信息 05款爱丽舍的产品改进利益点,具有竞争力的价格, 带来更有质感的生活享受,中级车市场的标杆 策略方向策略方向 公益活动赞助,改款产品fbi软文,大规模电视平面 网络电台户外特殊媒体 实施工具实

57、施工具 在国内重点城市形成集中的关注谈论高潮,认知度 直线增长,从而吸引消费者达成购买 配合材料配合材料 第二波的媒体各类广告软文投放 main tactics action design ii attention period after getting on the market-offical salescommunication storm objective with central capital cities as the key, radiate the surrounding second and third-tier cities; exhibition tour of t

58、he refitted product and the constantly developing sales and maintenance service network and try to occupy a lions share in the domestic intermediate car market. information communicated the benefit for 05 version elysees improvement, competitive price; a good enjoyment and the yardstick of the inter

59、mediate car market orientation of strategy sponsor public welfare activities, release fbi articles on the improved products and advertisements on tv/print media/web media/radio and special media implementation tools form an intensive attention and discussion upsurge in major cities, make the cogniti

60、on to rise constantly to draw the consumers to buy the car auxiliary materials the second-round media advertisement/ artice 战术行动简介(二)战术行动简介(二) 事件传播事件传播 主题:0505款爱丽舍下线仪式款爱丽舍下线仪式 厂商代表及部分用户(参别名大赛获胜者和其他订购车主、俱乐部骨干成员)和经销商 代表参加下线仪式 随后进行参观厂区 主题:“重重”装上阵,征战装上阵,征战20052005东风雪铁龙东风雪铁龙0505款爱丽舍上市新闻发布会款爱丽舍上市新闻发布会 厂商代


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