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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语四级分类模拟题70公共英语四级分类模拟题70Reading ComprehensionPart APassage 1 Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. That compulsion has resulted in ro

2、botics-the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close. As a result, the modem world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but who

3、se universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot drivers. And thanks to the c

4、ontinual miniaturization of electronics and micromechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy-far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. But if robots are to reach the next s

5、tage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less human supervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for themselves-goals that pose a real challenge. While we know how to tell a robot to handle a specific error, says Dave Lavery, manager of a robotics program at NASA, we c

6、ant yet give a robot enough common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world. Indeed the quest for true artificial intelligence has produced very mixed results. Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be abl

7、e to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries. What they found, in attempting to model thought, is that the human brains roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented-and human perception f

8、ar more complicated-than previously imagined. They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment. But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant,

9、 instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. The most advanced computer systems on Earth cant approach that kind of ability, and neuroscientists still dont know quite how we do it. 1. Human ingenuity was initially demonstr

10、ated inA.the use of machines to produce science fiction.B.the wide use of machines in manufacturing industry.C.the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous work.D.the elites cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work.答案:C解析 此题考查考生对文首细节的捕捉。 解题的关键在于准确理解第一句话的含义,句中并没有强调the elite精英人才,只提到“people

11、have devised cunning tools”,因此排除选项D精英人才机智地应付危险和枯燥的工作。而A、B两项都不符合题中initially最初、最早这一要求,故选C。 2. The word gizmos (Paragraph 2) most probably meansA.programs.B.experts.C.devices.D.creatures.答案:C解析 此题考查考生依据上下文推测词义的能力。 本题要判断gizmos这一单词的含义,由第一段提到robotics,而“conferring human capabilities on machines”与修饰gizmos的定

12、语从句中remove,much human labor相照应,联系上下文句意。gizmos应该是与机器人有关,因此排除A、B、D,选C。 3. According to the text, what is beyond mans ability now is to design a robot that canA.fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery.B.interact with human beings verbally.C.have a little common sense.D.respond independentl

13、y to a changing world.答案:D解析 此题考查对文章细节的捕捉。 A强调“fulfill delicate tasks”,第二段最后一句指出,已经有机器人系统,能完成某些大脑或骨科外科手术,因此排除A;B强调与人进行言语上的交流,第二段第三句则指出“automated teller terminals”可以“thank us with mechanical politeness”,因此B亦被排除;C强调“have a little common sense”,从第三段Dave Lavery的话可以看出,机器人不是没有common sense,而是没有enough commo

14、n sense,排除C;只有D符合第三段原意,机器人尚不能“reliably interact with a dynamic world”。 4. Besides reducing human labor, robots can alsoA.make a few decisions for themselves.B.deal with some errors with human intervention.C.improve factory environments.D.cultivate human creativity.答案:B解析 此题考查对文章细节的捕捉。 由第三段第一句可以看出,机器

15、人尚不能“make at least a few decisions for themselves”,故排除A自己作一些决定。C、D在文中根本没有出现这样的字眼,可不予考虑,而在第三段中,由“We know how to tell a robot to handle a specific error”可得出B项正确。 5. The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots areA.expected to copy human brain in internal structure.B.able to perceive a

16、bnormalities immediately.C.far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information.D.best used in a controlled environment.答案:C解析 此题考查对细节进行推理的能力。 本题monkey一词出现在第五段第三句,由“me human mind can.immediately disregard the 98% that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey.”,可看出,这里谈的是人脑能

17、迅速捕捉相关信息,而忽略无关信息,由第四句“the most advanced computer systems on Earth cant approach that kind of ability”,可知,最先进的计算机系统都不能有这样的能力,故选C。A、B、D三项都与此例无关,可排除。 Passage 2 As video game images become increasingly more realistic and graphic, policy makers are debating if there is a link between the violence depicte

18、d in those games and violence in real life. A 20-year-old gunmans shooting spree at a school in the northeastern America this month has reinvigorated discussions about violence, prompting lawmakers to call for greater examination of brutality in video games. But evidence does not suggest violence in

19、 games causes violence in life, says James Ivory, a professor in the universitys department of communication who researches the effects of video games. The agreement is pretty well universal among social scientists that there is not a clearly established link between actual violent crime and violent

20、 media usage, says Ivory. He adds that it is possible, though debated, that exposure to violent video games could make a person think or respond more aggressively in a short term, in Ivorys words, might even make you potentially more of a jerk to somebody. But he emphasizes, temporary aggression and

21、 violent crime are worlds apart. Wayne LaPierre, head of the National Rifle Association, disagrees. He maintains that there exists in this country sadly a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and sows violence against its own people, through vicious, violent video games. He nam

22、ed the popular game Grand Theft Auto as an example. One of the creators of Grand Theft Auto, Navid Khonsari, says he grew up playing video games in Iran, Canada and the U.S. , where video games were enjoyed by people of all ages. The discerning factor among the countries, says Khonsari, is that whil

23、e video games have been readily available, what has been limited is the accessibility to weapons. The focus on virtual violence might be limiting substantive discussions about firearm regulations and mental health treatment. When we talk about violent video games and actual violent crime, were chasi

24、ng something that hasnt really been observed and were not talking about other things that have been observed, says Ivory. Despite the renewed focus on video game violence, investigators of the most recent U.S. school shooting have not said whether the young gunman was a player of violent video games

25、. Interest in video games continues to grow around the globe. Analysts estimate people spent about 70 billion worldwide on video games and components in 2012. North America, Western Europe and East Asia remain key markets, while gaming is on the rise in India, Brazil, Russia and Southeast Asia. 1. W

26、hats the feature of the present day video games?A.They contain too much violence.B.They seem so lifelike and vivid.C.They have no difference with the real life.D.They have become increasingly popular among youngsters.答案:B解析 细节题。由第一段第一句“As video game images become increasingly more realistic and grap

27、hic.”可知:现在的视频游戏图案越来越接近现实,这与B项的内容相符。由第一段第一句“.policy makers are debating if there is a link between the violence depicted in those games and violence in real life.”可知:现在视频游戏里包含暴力镜头,但并不能说明暴力镜头过多,这与A项的内容不相符。C项、D项内容文章没有提及。所以本题答案是B。2. Whats the universal agreement among social scientists according to Jame

28、s Ivory?A.Violent games have nothing to do with crime committing.B.Whether video games would lead to crimes is controversial.C.There exists a cause-and-effect relationship between violent video games and crimes.D.Social scientists reach an agreement that we should keep youngsters away from video gam

29、es.答案:B解析 态度题。由第二段第三句“The agreement is pretty well universal among social scientists that there is not a clearly established link between actual violent crime and violent media usage.”可知:社会学家达成的共识是现实中的暴力犯罪与媒体对暴力的宣扬之间关系并不明确。这与B项的内容相符。所以本题的正确答案是B。3. What does the word established (Para. 2) mean?A.Fixe

30、d.B.Direct.C.Indirect.D.Necessary.答案:A解析 释义题。文章中“established”在第二段第三句话中是“既定的”的意思,这与A项内容相符。所以本题的正确答案是A。4. Wayne LaPierre cited the popular game Grand Theft Auto to show _.A.how worrisome the present situation isB.the growth and the experience of the creatorC.how popular video games are around the worl

31、dD.there exists a causal relationship between video games and its negative effects答案:D解析 推理题。由第四段第二句“He maintains that there exists in this country sadly a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells and SOWS violence against its own people, through vicious,violent video games.”可知:拉皮埃

32、尔的观点是暴力视频与暴力行为之间有着必然的因果联系。这与D项的内容相符,所以本题的正确答案是D。5. This text can be best summarized that _.A.a gunmans crime has caused heated debateB.video games are to blame for the improper behaviorsC.whether video games would cause crimes is controversialD.the more video games one plays, the more violent he wou

33、ld be in real life答案:C解析 主旨题。通读全文可以发现“crime”与“video”反复出现。围绕这两者的关系,文章论述了暴力视频游戏是否对青少年的行为产生消极影响,两派专家表达了截然相反的观点。所以关于这一话题依然存在争议。所以本题的正确答案是C。Passage 3 Many doctors suspect that there may be some relationship between emotions and illness. How ever, they can not find a proof. It is until two decades ago whe

34、n Louise Hay brings her books You Can Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life to us, things get clear in our mind. In her book, over three hundred people were assessed in terms of their emotions for a two-week period. They were assessed for positive emotions they might be feeling, such as vigor, w

35、ell-being, and calmness, as well as for negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and hostility. Then they were each given a squirt in the nose of the virus that causes common cold. People with more positive emotional states were less likely to suffer from symptoms of the cold than people with

36、negative emotional states and they restored to health in a short time. So there really does seem to be a link between emotional state and illness. According to her research, our emotions are fundamentally connected with all aspects of health. This belief is widely accepted by numerous medical worker

37、s. Some physical problems are linked to emotional well-being. Our body and emotion are dependent on each other for us to be healthy. Chinese traditional medical theories also hold the same idea that excitement does harm to the heart, anger to the liver, depression to the lung, and fears to the kidne

38、y. The immune system forms a solid protection to us. Whether or not we are likely to get disease depends on the work of our immune system. A person often feeling distressed may feel dizzy and develop heart disease, and the person feeling fearful is likely to get insomnia. Back pain has been attribut

39、ed to a feeling of not being emotionally supported. Headache can be caused by a kind of strain from life and work. However, many of us must have experienced the miracle that the euphoria of a good day makes our ache go away. A positive person is more immune to the attack of diseases. Studies show th

40、at the system is in connection with our emotions. Therefore, emotions can be influential to ones mental and physical health. A happy patient with cancer may live longer than a depressed and disappointed patient. This is why many doctors help patients to release emotional strain besides the physical

41、treatment. One should keep happy all the time. Only by this way, one can make his life better and healthier. 1. From the first paragraph we leant thatA.the connection of emotions and illness is first found among doctors.B.the doctors are not sure whether emotions influence illness.C.Louise Hay is an

42、 extraordinary doctor and she is widely accepted.D.Louise Hay solves many medical problems, so she is popular among doctors.答案:B解析 此题考查考生对文章细节的理解能力。 文章首句提出很多医生都怀疑情绪和疾病之间可能有关联,但是没有足够的证据证明,A项属于偷换概念,故不选,同时可知B项符合文意;根据第一段第三句“It is until two decades ago when Louise Hay brings her books You Can Heal Your B

43、ody and You Can Heal Your Life to us, things get clear in our mind. ”可知,文章只是提到路易斯黑的两本著作出版之后,情绪和疾病之间的关联性才变得清楚起来,但并没有明确表示她是一名医生,故C项错误;根据第一段可知,路易斯黑的两本著作只是针对情绪和疾病之间关系的研究,并没有解决很多医学问题,故D项错误,故正确答案为B选项。 2. How many examples are cited in this passage to illustrate that the emotions are associated with illnes

44、s?A.4B.5C.6D.7答案:B解析 此题考查考生对文章细节的理解能力。 为了证明情绪和疾病是相关联的,文章共举了五个例子。分别是:经常烦恼的人可能会得心脏病,感到恐惧的人会患上失眠,缺少情感支持会引起背痛,生活和工作上的压力会导致头疼,乐观的癌症患者会比失望沮丧的病人活得更为长久,所以正确答案选择B项。 3. The text implies thatA.a man who is feeling high pressure is likely to get headache.B.a man often with a low spirit is likely to be indigesti

45、ble.C.hysteria does harm to the lung.D.the best way to treat a patient is keep him happy all the time.答案:A解析 此题考查考生对文章细节的推断能力。 根据第三段最后一句“Headache can be caused by a kind of strain from life and work. ”可知,生活和工作上的紧张会引起头疼,由此可以推断出处于高度压力下的人很可能患上头疼病,A项符合文意;根据第二段第三句,“Chinese traditional medical theories al

46、so hold.excitement does harm to the heart.”可知,兴奋会对心脏而不是对肺有影响,故C项错误;根据最后一段倒数第三句“This is why many doctors help patients to release emotional strain besides the physical treatment”可知,除了接收身体治疗之外,病人保持心情舒畅对康复也有利,但是并不能直接得出这就是“最好的方法”,D项说法太片面;B项文中并没有涉及,故正确答案为A项。 4. The fact that the euphoria of a good day ma

47、kes our ache go away can illustrate thatA.Louise Hays book has a visible affect on diseases.B.positive attitude helps us to be immune to illness.C.the sunny day can forms a solid protection for us.D.the good mood could cure illness.答案:B解析 此题考查考生对句意的理解和推断能力。 文章整体都在讨论情绪和疾病的关系,乐观的情绪对健康是有帮助的。根据原文“愉快的一天之

48、后,我们的病痛就不知不觉好了”可以推断,好的情绪对疾病的侵袭起着很强的免疫作用,故正确答案为B项;路易斯黑的书只是指出了疾病和情绪的关系,并不能认为她的书能够治疗疾病,故不选A项;文章没有涉及好的天气对健康的影响,故不选C项;好的心情有助于恢复健康,但并不能治愈疾病,D项说法太绝对,故不选。 5. What is the main idea of this passage?A.The contribution of Louise HayB.How to make an effective treatment for doctorsC.Keep healthy with a high spiri

49、tD.The connection between emotions and health答案:D解析 此题考查考生对全文的理解把握能力。 文章通篇都在讨论情绪和疾病之间的关系,其中提到积极乐观的情绪有助于健康,沮丧的情绪可能会引起各种各样的疾病。故正确答案为D项。 Passage 4 Recent research had claimed that an excess of positive ions (离子) in the air can have an illeffect on peoples physical or psychological health. What are posi

50、tive ions? Well, the air is full of ions, electrically charged particles, and generally there is a rough balance between the positive and the negative charges. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a larger proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorms

51、, earthquakes or when winds are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoors from carpets or clothing made of man-made fibers, or from TV sets, duplicators or computer display screens. When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many p

52、eople experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea (恶心) or even mental disturbance. Animals are also found to be affected, particularly before earthquakes; snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation (冬眠), rats

53、to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the U.S. Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in all effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California. Conversely, when large numbers of negative

54、ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to waterfalls or fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or i

55、n the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls. To increase the supply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionizers: small portable machines which generate negative ions. They claim that ionizers not only clean and refresh the air but also improve the health of people sensitive to excess positive i


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