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1、Distributed Intelligent City Street Lamp Monitoring and ControlSystem Based onWireless Communication chip nRF401Abstract: Traditional street lamp lighting system s control style has disadvantage of low efficient,high cost and difficult to monitor, etc, so, it has not met modern city requirement. In

2、order to realize distributed long distance city street lamp state automatic control in real time, we introduces a kind of wireless long distance intelligent city street lamp monitoring and control system based on SCM technology, electric power carrier communication, and wireless communication techno

3、logy, etc. System is composed of upper PC, main controller, and each terminal controller. Upper PC controls main controller SCM MSP430F19, and transmits control instruction to field controller, MSP430F149 controls corresponding lighting lamp switch s state changing by wirelesstransceiver nRF401. Upp

4、er PC can effectively complete wireless long distance lighting equipment control in real time. Through experiments, transmission distance can reach 1000m in maximum. In addition, we design illumination monitor equipment, which can assure lamp shut down automatically when communication network failur

5、e.Keywords: street lamp monitoring and control; MSP430F149; nRF401; wireless communication; AT89C51; electric power carrier communicationI. INTRODUCTIONStreet lamp lighting is city part of infrastructure, which plays important position at traffic safety, society security, people living, city appeara

6、nce style and feature, as well as making a city strength and mature degree. Traditional street lamp controlling adopts time-controller or transformer (distribution box) to realize decentralized control, which has disadvantages of bad centralized management, and high failure rate. Due to without long

7、 distance data collection and communication function, street lamp management in real time has not been realized, so, lamp working, operation result, etc can not be centralize monitor, record, and static, which usually can not get timely maintenance. This paper introduces a kind of street lamp long d

8、istance monitoring and control system through research work principle, realization, and character, etc based on SCM technology, wireless communication technology, etc after analyzing disadvantages of traditional monitoring and control system. This system realizes lighting according to needed, and mo

9、nitor alarming, which complete long distance street lamp monitoring and control and has stronger feasibility 1.II. SYSTEM COMPOSITION AND PRINCIPLESystem is composed of each single lamp monitoringcontrol terminal controller equipment, street lamp monitor central station and upper PC, etc. Each stree

10、t lamp monitor central station connects with work central station by wireless transmission, and central station links with upper PC through RS232/485 or USB interface by wire style. According to different of geographical distribution situation, each work central station connects with one or multiple

11、 work slave station by wireless communication links. Upper PC obtains lighting equipment switch state bycom muni cat ing with termi nal equipme nt. And work cen tral statio n can com mun icate with upper PC by RS232/485 or USB bus in terface. Upper PC displays field light ing equipme nt state in rea

12、l time. Each single lamp monitor-control terminal controller can realize lighting lamp start or close by upper PC, because city lamp dista nee is Ion ger, we can make street lamp mon itor central stati on as data collecti on equipme nt through electric power carrier line as com muni cati on medium.

13、That is to say, after cen tral stati on conn ected, the n conn ects with upper PC through in terface, which can fit to large scale field n eeds of city and realize Ion ger dista nee data tran smissi on. Distributed network structure principle is shown as Figure 1.DispLayUpper PCpPrinterWin? less LSn

14、inmnicaiinFiftiR: Llamp monilorin control ja true lure.Each monitor terminal lower PC can itself set street lamp work information or download control schema through upper PC, such as clock calendar, open/close time, etc. Upper can each street lamp work ing state; mon itor cen tral stati on node can

15、tran smit in struct ion to upper PC through wireless jumpi ng com muni cati on among each no des; each street lamp node con trols its working information, and realize failure alarming through electric power carrier line; if some lamp node failure, bey ond this node and com muni cati on, as well as f

16、eedback this in formati on to con trol central and upper PC. SCM MSP430F149 acts as monitor central station controller; upper PC conn ects with work cen tral stati on by RS232/485 or USB bus and realizes in formatio n excha nge, which responds whole system monitor and management. Monitor central sta

17、tion controller receiver all kinds of operati on con trol comma nd and sett ing parameters of upper PC, and each field street lamp controller collects switch analogy and realize long distance lighting lamp control according to control schema. Upper PC connects work central station by RS485 or USB bu

18、s in terface; gets and storages mon itori ng data through work slave stati on uploadi ng mon itori ng data. As well as dow nl oadi ng con trol schema and avoid system out of con trol phe nomenon appeara nce because of network failure. In addition, each single street lamp controller has ability of li

19、ght-i nten sity detect ion module, which can realize automatically on-off accord ing to ni ght or day.III. HARDWARE CIRCUIT DESIGNSystem street lamp monitor central station controller adopts America TI .co SCM of MSP430F149; it is a kind of low power mix-signal controller, which has 16 bit RSIC stru

20、cture, 16 bit register and constant generator of CPU. On running of CPU, if it goes wrong, DCO will automatically start, and assures system work normally. If program error, we can set watch dog to solve it. And on program fleeting, watch dog will appear overflow situation, watch dog will produce res

21、et sig nal, and make system restart, which can assure system running stability.A. Sin gle Lamp Mon itori ng Equipme ntMain function of single lamp monitor terminal is switch on-off of controlling lamp, collecting lamp working information in real time, and communication with monitor central station c

22、ontroller, its hardware module frame diagram is shown as Figure 2.Figure 2 Sinele lamp monilvring and control svsiem struclure.ISL29000 working lighting intensity range is between 1lux and 10000lux, and can transfer it into currency; outputting currency is proportional to receiving lighting intensit

23、y of photodiode. Outputt ing curre ncy is con verted into voltage, calculate outer circumsta nee lighti ng inten sity through A/D conversion, and SCM judges if street on or off. Through lighti ng inten sity mon itor module, system can realize to automatically control street lamp on-off to avoid comm

24、unication failure. Lower PC can get each street lamp term inal address through sett ing digital port codi ng, and realize relay driving on-off state, as well as using currency transformer to obtain lamp working state information. Single lamp monitor terminal adopts SCM AT89C51,and realize com muni c

25、ati on with MSP430F149 through electric power carrier com muni cati on. Electric power com muni cati on module is composed by electric power carrier com muni cati on professi onal chip SSC P300 and SSC 2.B. Wireless Tran sceiver Circuit Desig nSystem adopts nRF401 wireless transceiver chip of Nordic

26、 of Norway as core of wireless com muni catio n module 3. Core architecture of Bluetooth tech no logy, the ability of an ti-jam ming is very strong of type of modulation FSK. The working frequency is stable and reliable and peripheral components are few. So it is adapt to design portable hand-in pro

27、ducts. Owing to its low transmitting frequency, high receiving sensitivity and carrier frequency which value is 433MHz of ISM freque ncy band. n RF401 satisfies the dema nds of wireless supervisor and permitti ng lice nse is unn ecessary. n RF401 can convert sta ndby state to com mon one or tran smi

28、tt ing state to receivi ng one. Accord ing to real desig n dema nds, the con trol port PWR_UP, CS, TXEN of n RF401 conn ects to SCM through pull dow n resista nee. So, whe n the corresp onding port of MSP430F149 is in in put state, owing to pull dow n resista nee, the curre nt con sumption is nearly

29、 zero4. Because SCM of MSP430F149 series automatically has serial com muni cati on ports, it can be conn ected to tran sceiver circuit of n RF401. Level tran sform is unn ecessary. The work ing freque ncy band of Radio freque ncy module is set by the in terface CS of serial peripheral equipments of

30、nRF401 .In addition, through adjusting bias resistance of RF_PWR port, radiated power can be adjusted. The maximum radiated power can be +10dBm. Also, the chip s VCO circuit needs external connection of VCO inductanee whose value is 22nH and the in ducta nee is very crucial. Q433MHz, the precisi on

31、is 2%. The wireless tran sceiver prin ciple is show n as Figure 3.biemu 工 W ireless commonicarion nzduAThe structure of in spect ion device is as same as each detecti on apparatus wireless tran sceiver un it. The wireless in terface is desig ned to be coil aerial with small bulk and low costs and it

32、 can be corroded to PCB board directly. It is very suit to portable and low con sumpti on product ions.C. System An ti-jammi ng Desig nTo prevent electromagnetic jamming, this system adopts anti-jamming measure; because electromag netic jammi ng freque ncy segme nt is 0.1Hz50M Hz, so, system com mun

33、 icatio n adopts freque ncy 433MHz, which can avoid main electromag netic in terfere nee. Un der field circumsta nee, antenna selectio n can improve system an ti-jam ming function, so, i nspectio n touri ng statio n selects high-gain omni-directional antenna. To avoid much more terminal station numb

34、er, antenna tuning of PCB outer, and trouble of circle antenna field tuning, etc. We select low price single whip antenna and fix it on top of suitable positi on, which can obta in best tran sceiver effect. n RF401 DC near VDD adopts high character capacity to decouple, nRF401 power has been filtere

35、d and let it isolates with digital circuit. In additi on, because in specti on touri ng equipme nt con troller conn ects with cen tral stati on PC by RS-485 bus, output port is double end bala nce driver, in put port is double differe nt amplifier. So, jam ming no ise can be can celled out. Because

36、work slave stati on single lamp monitoring and control equipment has delay switch action, which producing micro variable voltage du/dt, and micro currency di/dt are all jamming source. Method of reducing jamming source du/dt is parallel capacity, and reduci ng jam ming source di/dt is series in duct

37、a nce or resista nce to in crease fly wheel diode.In this system, we in crease fly wheel diode of delay coil to elim in ate jam ming of reverse electromotive force whe n disc connecting coil. But, if on ly add fly wheel diode will produce time delay, so, we add zener diode to realize action more tim

38、es in unit time 5.IV. SYSTEM SOFTWARE DESIGNSoftware design is anther key to realize system function. To convenient to replant and resource sharing, software system adopts structured process design scheme, which can make system has better modularity and portability. Software design is composed of si

39、ngle lamp monitor-control program, street lamp monitor central station control program, upper PC display-c on trol program, wireless com mun icati on program, etc. Key of system software desig n is street lamp monitor station and wireless communication module design, etc. Single lamp mon itor-c on t

40、rol slave stati on software is resp on sibility to data collecti on and com muni cati on, etc. Wireless com muni cati on module is made up of in itial program, tran smitt ing and receiv ing program, etc. Because system any one of no des can com muni cate with other no des at any time. So, each monit

41、or-control node communication program is basic same. Main program of system includes two parts, which one is street lamp monitor central station MSP430F149 receiving upper PC correct in struct ion, the n tran smitt ing corresp onding in struct ion to field lighti ng lamp. The other part is con troll

42、 ing each sin gle lamp state accord ing to receivi ng in structio n.A. Upper PC Commun icati onUpper PC adopts VB Ian guage to desig n friend manm achi ne in terface, which can reach higher con trol dema nd, and cost is lower. As well as meet many nu mber con trol system requirement. We use Microsof

43、t Comm Control com munication control file that VB provides, only need compiling little program code, and can realize data transceiver. MSP430F149 SCM adopts IARC430 Ianguage to design and complete communication with upper PC. Upper PC monitor software structure flow is show n as Figure 4.B. Wireles

44、s Tran sceiver ModuleDesig n of tran sceiver module com muni cati on betwee n mon itor cen tral stati on con troller MSP430F149 and lower PC controller AT89C51 is connected through wireless transceiver nRF401 chip, which realizes data transmission. When transceiver module has transmitting or receivi

45、ng task, SCM fulfills by interruption style, which assures control main program running no rmally6.Tra nsmissi on data must fit com muni cati on protocol that can be recog ni zed by receiver. So, we n eed packet data, and add protocol head, tran smissi on len gth, check, etc. Packet data can be sent

46、 into in terface, and tran smitted by wireless module. Data marki ng head is used to express a new data block s starting; block length assures data can not be lost. On programming, we should pre-desig n com muni cati on protocol and think data error correct ion. Error correcti on can adopts checksum

47、 style or CRC check style, checksum is adding data except marking head, which assures receivi ng data can not error because of circumsta nee jammi ng. Tran sceiver process flow is show n as Figure 5.C. Single Lamp Monitor ModuleSingle lamp monitor terminal management module, which mainly completes f

48、unction of monitor controller and single lamp monitor address setting, adding, and modifying, etc; single lamp state controlling and checking module, which mainly completes central station controller time adjusting, single lamp switch controlling and state monitoring, as well as on line programming

49、timingcontrolling, and night lamp controlling, etc; failure alarming module, which is realize street lamp remote abnormal, state abnormal, or currency failure, etc recording and alarming in sound-light style, until processing in time after user notice normal; lighting lamp rate module, maintenance m

50、an ageme nt module, etc.V. EXPERIMENT AND CONCLUSIONSThis paper desig ns a wireless long distance lighting control system based on electric power carrier com mun icati on and wireless com muni cati on tech no logies, and based on chip of SCM MSP430F149, AT89C51 and n RF401, etc, which realizes cen t

51、ralized ma nageme nt and distributed con trol function, etc. Experime nt results show that tran smissi on dista nce betwee n a PC and multi work slave station controller can reach 1000m through system experiment, and completes field street lamp lighting equipment control accuracy. This paper mainly

52、introduces hardware and software desig n of wireless com muni cati on module and upper PC in terface module. System usesVB visualization character to design application program, and realizes lighting lamp long distance automatically control effect under Windows circumstance. System has many advantag

53、es of high anti-jamming, better expansibility, simple structure, low cost, and strong practicality7. System adopts wireless data transmission technology, it not only improves snr (signal-to-noise ratio) andmonitors precision, but also avoids many heavy works such as signal transmission cable traffic

54、, cable routing, cable connection, and cable monitor, etc. And reduce monitor and system monitor workload, time and cost, so, in great degree, it has broader applicability and better economy. If we change measurement style, for example, fix other monitor sensor, and modify corresponding software, we

55、 can easy to realize many other industry control value monitor in real time. Such as coal mine harmful gas concentrations monitor, grain storage temperature monitor, intelligent building monitor, etc. So, system has better popularization value and application prospect.VI. CONCLUSIONSThis paper introduces street lamp long distance upper PC monitoring and control system design method, structure


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