1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级模拟116公共英语五级模拟116Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are
2、THREE parts in this section: Part A, Part B, and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test bo
3、oklet onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a conversation. As you listen, answer Question 1 to 10 by circling True or False. You will he
4、ar the conversation ONLY ONCE. You now have 60 seconds to read Question 110. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. The speaker knows a few Chinese students.答案:B解析 1-10 Having been a student and teacher in China (at Peking and Tsinghua Universities, respectively), I know quite a few Chinese students. Indeed, nearl
5、y all of them have gone to the United States to pursue their studies. Like the larger body of Chinese students in the United States totaling well over 40,000-my friends live across the vast expanse of the American continent, on both coasts and in the states in between. They have chosen fields of stu
6、dy ranging from environmental engineering and public policy to history and Asian studies. Yet despite the great diversity among these students in terms of their ages, backgrounds, locations, and majors, shared experiences remain. None are more pronounced than the inability of most Chinese students t
7、o effectively immerse themselves in American society. It seems to me that the majority of Chinese students in the United States have never made the effort to reach out and embrace American life on its own terms. Instead, most share apartments with one or more fellow Chinese students, speaking Chines
8、e and eating Chinese food on a daily basis. In some respects, it is as if these students had never left China. Interactions with Americans tend to be limited to relatively formal, academic settings, such as the classroom or a professors office. Moreover, few Chinese students participate in campus wi
9、de extracurricular activities, such as athletic matches and dances, which would put them into contact with a diverse array of American young people. Rather, most limit themselves to taking part in programs arranged by the Chinese Students Association and, naturally, these events are generally linked
10、 to uniquely Chinese occasions such as the Spring Festival and National Day. As a result, even Chinese students who have spent years in the United States often find difficult to engage American friends in sophisticated conversations about such subjects as American politics, race relations, and popul
11、ar music. In short, they lack a feel for the country. Chinese students widely acknowledge this phenomenon even as they maintain differing views as to its cause. Some contend that Chinese have difficulty bridging the cultural divide on account of such practical considerations as money. Because Chines
12、e students come from a developing country and often have to rely on limited scholarship funds for support, they argue, Chinese students simply do not have the financial means to more fully participate in the extracurricular and social activities which would afford them more substantive contact with
13、American (and other foreign) students. The truth is, however, that most American students are just as poor; it is a common fact of American student life. And in any event, most campus based social events are priced to meet student needs. Others believe that the reason Chinese find acculturation diff
14、icult is somewhat more complex. Fundamentally, few Chinese see the chance to study in the United States for what it is: a once in lifetime opportunity to get to know another country from the inside. Chinese students typically focus so single-mindedly on their studies that they lose sight of the larg
15、er picture, that is, their ultimate role as cultural interpreters between their homeland and the United States. To be sure, a Chinese students service as an engineer or biologist is integral to Chinas continued economic construction; but his or her ability to bridge the divide-or often, the perceive
16、d divide-between two distinct cultures is perhaps even more important over the long run. To date, only a small fraction of the Chinese students who have studied in the United States have returned to China, a proof of both the academic and professional success of Chinese students in the United States
17、 and the openness of the society in which they found this success. The contributions Chinese students have made to American life are truly striking. Still, I believe that the next generation of Chinese students in the United States-those who will begin the 21st century there-will recognize their cru
18、cial function in the process of furthering U. S. -China understanding. They will return to China in unprecedented numbers to contribute to their countrys development in unprecedented ways. I only hope that before these students find their way back to China, they find their way into the heart of Amer
19、ica. 2. The speaker thinks most Chinese students in USA are trying hard to adjust themselves to the American life.答案:B3. Interactions with Americans tend to be limited to relatively formal, academic settings.答案:A4. Only those who have spent years in the United States can talk freely with American fr
20、iends about sophisticated subjects such as race relations and popular music.答案:B5. Chinese students say they cant join the extracurricular and social activities because of financial reasons.答案:A6. The speaker does not think the reasons given by Chinese students about lack of social activities are gr
21、ounded.答案:A7. Most Chinese students try to get to know the foreign country from the inside.答案:B8. The role of a cultural interpreter is as important as that of being an engineer or biologist.答案:B9. Many Chinese students who have studied in the United States return to China to contribute to their hom
22、elands development.答案:B10. The 21st century Chinese students in the United States will recognize their crucial function in the process of furthering U. S. -China understanding.答案:APart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear
23、the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1113. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. The author implies that social behavior of baboons is _ .A.predictableB.practicalC.politicalD.primitive答案:A解析 11-13 The most striking single fact about chi
24、mpanzees is the flexibility of their social life, the lack of any rigid form of organization. It represents about as far a departure from the baboon type of organization as one can find among the higher primates, and serves to emphasize the great variety of primate adaptations. Chimpanzees are more
25、human than baboons, or rather they jibe better with the way we like to picture ourselves, as freewheeling individuals who tend to be unpredictable, do not take readily to any form of regimentation, and are frequently charming. (Charm is relatively rare among baboons.) Two researchers have described
26、what they found during more than eight months spent among chimpanzees in their natural habitat, tide forest: We were quite surprised to observe that there is no single distinct social unit in chimpanzee society. Not only is there no family or harem organization; neither is there a troop organization
27、-that is to say, no particular chimpanzees keep permanently together. On the contrary, individuals move about at will, alone or in Small groups best described as bands, which sometimes form into large aggregations. They leave their associates if they want to, and join up with new ones without confli
28、ct. The general practice is best described as easy come, easy go, although there are certain group-forming tendencies. As a rule chimpanzees move about in one of four types of band: adult makes only; mothers and offspring and occasionally a few other females; adults and adolescents of both sexes, bu
29、t no mothers with young; and representatives of all categories mixed together. The composition of bands may change a number of times during the course of a day as individuals wander off and groups split or combine with other groups. On the other hand, certain individuals prefer one anothers company.
30、 One of the researchers observed that four makes often roamed together over a four-month period, and mother often associated with their older offspring. 2. According to the passage, the researchers were surprised that chimpanzees had such _ .A.temporary associationsB.humanlike familiesC.violent conf
31、lictsD.large harems答案:A3. According to the passage, the membership of a chimpanzee band may change several times in a _ .A.dayB.weekC.monthD.year答案:A Questions 1416 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1416. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. The passage mentions all of th
32、e following as factors important to the success of a new food crop EXCEPT the _ .A.practicality of storage of the cropB.security of the crop yieldC.quality of the crops proteinD.cultural acceptability of the crop答案:C解析 14-16 The promise of finding long-term technological solutions to the problem of
33、world food shortages seems difficult to fulfill. Many innovations that were once heavily supported and publicized have since fallen by the wayside. The proposals themselves were technically feasible, but they proved to be economically unviable and to yield food products culturally unacceptable to th
34、eir consumers. One characteristic common to unsuccessful food innovations has been that, even with extensive government support, they often have not been technologically adapted or culturally acceptable to the people for whom they had been developed. A successful new technology; therefore, must fit
35、the entire social cultural system in which it is to find a place. Security of crop yield, particularly of storage, and costs are much more significant than had previously been realized by the advocates of new technologies. The adoption of new food technologies depends on more than these technical an
36、d cultural considerations; economic factors and governmental policies also strongly influence the ultimate success of any innovation. Economists in the Anglo-American tradition have taken the lead in investigating the economics of technological innovation. Although they exaggerate in claiming that p
37、rofitability is the key factor guiding technical change-they completely disregard the substantial effects of culture-they are correct in stressing the importance of profits. Most technological innovations in agriculture can be fully used only by large landowners and are only adopted if these profit-
38、oriented business people believe that the innovation will increase their incomes. Thus, innovations that carry high rewards for big agribusiness groups will be adopted even if they harm segments of the population and reduce the availability of food in a country. Further, should a new technology prom
39、ise to alter substantially the profits and losses associated with any production system, those with economic power will strive to maintain and improve their own positions. Therefore, although technical advances in food production and processing will perhaps be needed to ensure food availability, mee
40、ting food will depends much more on equalizing economic power among the various segments of the populations within the developing countries themselves. 5. The author suggests that, in most developing countries, extensive government intervention accompanying the introduction of a food innovation will
41、 _ .A.usually be sufficient to guarantee the financial success of the innovationB.be necessary to ensure that the benefits of the innovation will be spread throughout the societyC.normally occur only when the innovation favors large landownersD.generally cost the country more than will be earned by
42、the innovation答案:B6. The author provides a sustained argument to support which of the following assertions?A.Profitability is neither necessary nor sufficient for a new technology to be adopted.B.Profitability is the key factor guiding technological change.C.Economic factors and governmental policie
43、s strongly influence the ultimate success of any innovation.D.Innovations carrying high rewards for big agribusiness groups harm the poor.答案:C Questions 1720 are based on the following talk. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 1720. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. A working-class wife thinks that her
44、husband _ .A.gets his own way in everythingB.is the only master of the houseC.is sometimes an absolute ruler of the familyD.understands now the role of the family is changing答案:C解析 17-20 The point of departure for an understanding of the position of the working-class father in his home is that he is
45、 the master in his own house. This he is by long-recognized custom, and neither he nor his wife would want the custom changed. She will often refer to him before others as Mr. W or the master. This does not mean that he is an absolute ruler or that he gets or expects his own way in everything. Being
46、 the master often goes with a carefulness, a willingness to help and be considerate, to be a good husband. In the lazy or insensitive, it may go with a marked selfishness or near-cruelty. In either case, there is likely to be an obedience to him as the main breadwinner and heavy worker, as, even tod
47、ay, he remains the chief connection with the outer world which brings the money into the house. There is often a kind of roughness in his manner which a middle-class wife would find unbearable. A wife will say how worried she is because something is wrong, and because the master will be mad when he
48、gets home; she knows he may shout at her harshly or in a few cases may even beat her, especially if he has had a couple of drinks on the way from work. If middle-aged wives say to a younger one, Hes good to you, isnt he? they mean that he is not likely to become violent in word or act, or that he do
49、es not leave her alone almost every night, or that he will help her out if she gets into difficulties with the house-keeping allowance. The roughness he shows is in part a heavy laboring-mans usual manner in personal relations and expression, and clearly does not necessarily mean a lack of fondness
50、on his part, or a helplessness on the wifes part. A husband is consequently not really expected to help about the house. If he does, his wife is pleased; but she is unlikely to hold it against him if he does not. A woman would not want him to do too much of that kind of thing for fear he is thought
51、womanish. If he should help in the house, the highest praise he can earn is: Hes good about the house, just like a woman. In helping, he is doing work in place of the woman whose job it should be; the household jobs are not joint responsibilities. 8. A working-class wife will, on the whole, obey her
52、 husband _ .A.supporting he is not lazy and selfish in the familyB.only if he is considerate and helpful to herC.unless he keeps her well informed of the worldD.since he is the person who earns most of the family money答案:B9. What does she mean when a middle-aged wife says to a younger one He is good
53、 to you, isnt he?A.He gives her a large housekeeping allowance.B.He can understand her feelings and problems.C.He will not beat her even though he is rough.D.He often speaks quietly and fondly to her.答案:B10. It is learned from the passage that _ .A.wives obedience to husbands doesnt mean women have
54、no say in family mattersB.women show no sign of dissatisfaction with their family lifeC.mans role as lord and master in the working-class house is accepted by allD.mens rough manners to wives can often be understood and forgiven答案:CPart C You will hear a talk about womens social role. As you listen,
55、 you must answer Questions 21-30 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE. You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 21-30. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. As a grown-up, how does the speaker see herself in the mirror?答案: mature, confident, fascina
56、ted解析 21-30 I like to look into the mirror. I remember when I was a little girl, I often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table which was nearly as high as I was. Now I still like to look into the mirror. Only now, the dressing table is too low for me. As I bend
57、 down, I see the face of a young woman, glowing with maturity, confident in her future and fascinated with her own reflection. The fact that I like to look into the mirror has to do with my granny with whom I spent most of my childhood. I remember clearly that one night I heard her murmuring, Women
58、cant be seen. Women cant be seen. I was so confused as to look into the mirror the next morning to check if I could indeed see myself. Only now as a young woman myself, can I understand that it was not physical visibility that granny had on her mind. Granny spent all her life taking care of the family, day in and day out. She cooked for her husband and 10 children. But whenever
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