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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级分类模拟题26公共英语五级分类模拟题26Unit 1Part The Greenwashing of the Travel Industry Although travel writers have no union to represent their interests and fight on their behalf, the travel industry is protected and promoted by a variety of organizations, includ

2、ing the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). Clearly, the travel industry has an interest in protecting the worlds natural and cultural resources, which are at the core of its business activities. But it has o

3、ther concerns as well, some of which run counter to the tenets of sound ecotourism. These travel associations advocate, for instance, self regulation, expanded tourism markets and a lowering of trade barriers. In the mid-to late 1990s, industry associations responded to the growth of environmental c

4、oncerns and the rise of ecotourism by instituting certain changes that, when examined closely, often amount to promoting minor, cost saving environmental reform - ecotourism lite - rather than seriously grappling with the principles and practices of ecotourism. ASTAs Ten Commandments on Eco-Tourism

5、are among a growing number of voluntary codes of conduct written by various organizations. Widely distributed to travel agents and the traveling public, the Commandments are printed on green paper and designed to slip into an airline ticket folder. Directed at sensitizing travelers, not the travel a

6、gents who belong to ASTA they include such platitudes as Respect the frailty of the earth, Always follow designated trails, and Do not buy products made from endangered plants or animals. Although they urge travelers to patronize those . dedicated to strong principles of conservation, they do not sp

7、ecifically encourage travelers to patronize locally owned or community-based ecotourism ventures. Without further education of both travel agents and the public, ASTAs Commandments are not good ecotourism. Much of what is marketed as ecotourism is simply conventional mass tourism wrapped in a thin v

8、eneer of green. Ecotourism lite is propelled by travel agents, tour operators, airlines and cruise lines, large hotels and resort chains, and international tourism organizations, which promote quick, superficially green visits within conventional packages. A lot of travel companies used it to call a

9、ttention to anything they were selling. Perhaps more than any other big player in the tourism industry, the Walt Disney Company has tried to cash in on the traveling publics desire to go green with an ecotourism lite theme park, Animal Kingdom. Disney spent $800 million dollars to transform 500 acre

10、s of central Florida cow pasture into an African savanna, with fake wide-trunk Baobab Trees, a Zulu village and some one thousand real imported animals. This largest of Disneys theme parks is designed to let the American public go on safari without leaving the shores of the United States. Although i

11、t has won praise from zoo-industry officials, Animal Kingdom opened in mid 1988 amidst protests from animal rights groups and an investigation by the US Department of Agriculture into the deaths of some dozen animals, including representatives of endangered species. Two West African crowned cranes w

12、ere run over by tour vehicles. A sizable segment of the traveling public wants this type of tourism. In recent years, there has been a gradual trend for many ecotourists to be less intellectually curious, socially responsible, environmentally concerned and politically aware than in the past. Increas

13、ing numbers of older, wealthier and softer travelers have begun opting for comfort over conservation. Ecotourism lite travelers are, as David Western puts it entertained by nature, but not unduly concerned with its preservation. Biologist guides on the Galapagos Islands say that tourists these days,

14、 though far greater in number, are overall, less interested in the details of the islands unique ecosystem than they were in the past and want simply a quick historical and ecological overview of the islands. Several naturalist guides are contemplating quitting because they no longer get much profes

15、sional satisfaction. These trends reflect the watering down of the true meaning of ecotourism - a movement from real ecotourism toward ecotourism lite. The ultimate goal of ecotourism should be to infuse the entire travel industry with the principles and practices of ecotourism and thereby transform

16、 tourism into an environmentally and culturally sensitive activity that contributes to sustainable growth in developing countries. Clearly there is some movement in that direction on the part of many travelers and the mass market. But the movement towards ecotourism lite, towards industry greenwashi

17、ng through advertising images and cosmetic changes is stronger. Once some of the worlds oldest and most prized nature destinations, including the Galapagos Islands, Nepal and even Monteverde were visited by only the most physically rugged and intellectually curious. Now, however, with improved air a

18、nd ground transportation, better accommodations and extensive publicity, these destinations are being marketed to a mass audience. When poorly planned, unregulated and over hyped, ecotourism lite, like mass tourism or even traditional nature tourism, can bring only marginal financial benefits but se

19、rious environmental and social consequences. The travel industrys efforts to water down ecotourism, to sell ecotourism lite in exchange for short-term profits, has led some travel experts to drop the word ecotourism and dismiss the concept as simply a fad. As Bob Harvey puts it, the word ecotourism

20、became a buzz-word in the early 1990s, but so many people used it in so many different ways that it has become virtually meaningless. This is, however, a classic case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. As a concept, as a set of principles and practices, ecotourism is still in its infancy.

21、In identifying what is ecotourism lite and determining where genuine ecotourism is being practiced today, we need also to discover ways in which authentic ecotourism can move from being simply a niche market in the category of nature tourism to becoming a broad set of principles and practices that t

22、ransform the way we travel and the way the tourism industry functions. Comprehension Questions 5-9 Complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN three words for each blank.1. Ecotourists used to be more _.答案:intellectually curious/socially responsible/environmentally concerned/politically aware

23、见Paragraph 4: In recent years, there has been a gradual trend for many ecotourists to be less intellectually curious, socially responsible, environmentally concerned and politically aware than in the past.2. More and more older and wealthier travelers have begun to show a preference for _.答案:comfort

24、见Paragraph 4: Increasing numbers of older, wealthier and softer travelers have begun opting for comfort over conversation.3. Today tourists show less interest in _ of the places they visit.答案:the unique ecosystem(s)见Paragraph 5: tourists these days, are overall, less interested in the details of the

25、 islands unique ecosystem than they were in the past4. The movement fr6m real ecotourism toward ecotourism lite is called _ of ecotourism.答案:(the) watering down见Paragraph 6: These trends reflect the watering down of the true meaning of ecotourism-a movement from real ecotourism toward ecotourism lit

26、e.5. Due to the travel industrys greenwashing, the term ecotourism has been dismissed by some people as _.答案:(simply) a fad见the last paragraph: The travel industrys effortshas led some travel expels to drop the word ecotourism and dismiss the concept as simply a fad.Questions 10-12 Answer the follow

27、ing questions by using NO MORE THAN four words.6. What is the goal of ecotourism to work towards in developing countries?答案:Sustainable growth见Paragraph 5: The ultimate goal of ecotourism should be to infuse the entire travel industry with the principles and practices of ecotourism and thereby trans

28、form tourism into an environmentally and culturally sensitive activity that contributes to sustainable growth7. What kind of movement is stronger?答案:Ecotourism lite/industry greenwashing见Paragraph 5: But the movement towards ecotourism lite, towards industry greenwashing is stronger.8. What are the

29、possible consequences of unregulated ecotourism lite?答案:Environmental and social consequences见Paragraph 5: When poorly planned, unregulated, ecotourism litecan bringserious environmental and social consequences. Question 1-4 Choose the best answer. 9. According to the author, travel associations _.A

30、.are committed to the protection of natural and cultural resourcesB.advocate principles favourable to the development of sound ecotourismC.made drastic changes in order to address environmental concernsD.made only a few superficial reforms as a response to environmental concerns答案:D见Paragraph 1: In

31、the mid-to late 1990s, industry associations responded to the growth of environmental concerns and the rise of ecotourism by instituting certain changes that, when examined closely, often amount to promoting minor, cost - saving environmental reform - ecotourism lite-rather than seriously grappling

32、with the principles and practices of ecotourism.10. The following statements about Ten Commandments are true except _.A.they are imposed on travel agents by ASTAB.they are intended to raise travelers awarenessC.they urge travelers not to buy products made from endangered animalsD.they have not done

33、enough to educate both travel agents and travelers答案:A见Paragraph 2。11. Ecotourism lite refers to _.A.traditional tour packages targeted at ecofriendly travelersB.practices of selling conventional tourism with a green facadeC.products that cater to the needs of light green travelersD.products welcome

34、d by travel agents and tourist alike答案:B见Paragraph 3: Much of what is marketed as ecotourism is simply conventional mass tourism wrapped in a thin veneer of green.12. Animal Kingdom _.A.helped save animals of endangered speciesB.incurred protests from animal rights groupsC.was met with enthusiasm by

35、 the American public for being ecofriendlyD.was criticized by zoo-industry officials for the deaths of some animals答案:B见Paragraph 3: Although it has won praise from zoo-industry officials, Animal Kingdom opened in mid 1988 amidst protests from animal rights groups and an investigation by the US Depa

36、rtment of Agriculture into the deaths of some dozen animals, including representatives of endangered species, Two West African crowned cranes were Fun over by tour vehicles. 据此可以判断:A与原文内容不符,C在原文中没有提及,D与原文内容相反。Part Exercise 1 Use of English Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces

37、 with ONE suitable word. The Conscientious Tourist Tourism continues to surge as a world economic force, contributing nearly $5.5 trillion to the worlds economy in 2004. A growing trend in travel is the desire of many tourists 1 non-typical tourist experiences, such as ethical adventures. Ecotourism

38、, geotourism, and pro-poor tourism are 2 the increasingly popular niches in the travel industry that aim to address consumers ethical concerns, reports the Worldwatch Institute. Which hotel more actively 3 the environment? Which 4 better support of its local community? Such questions may be more imp

39、ortant to vacationers than a hotels proximity to the beach 5 the type of mint left on the pillow. One 6 driving this conscientious tourism is the growth of international travel, which exposes visitors 7 the impacts they may have on the cultures and environments they 8 . International tourism 9 by 10

40、% in 2004, and the 10 of international tourist arrivals will reach more than 1.5 billion by 2020, predicts the World Tourism Organization. Low-cost air travel is 11 to this increased international travel, 12 one result is more air pollution and 13 environmental costs that are not factored into the p

41、rice of tourism. Now, environmentally conscious travelers can choose an airline that offsets its carbon emissions 14 purchasing credits for the amount of miles they fly, Worldwatch reports. The traveler 15 more for the flight, but is assured that the 16 money is invested in green technologies, refor

42、estation projects, or other efforts to counter the emissions 17 by that flight. Eagerness to attract the ethical dollar may 18 to unethical marketing practices, raising the specter of greenwashing. The increasing market demand for responsible tourism has led many businesses to 19 names suggesting th

43、ey are environmentally responsible, warns Worldwatch researcher Zoe Chafe in Vital Signs 2005. While some are indeed examples of true ecotourism, many 20 are not. They may make superficial changes to their operations, encourage guests to reuse towels (a move that saves water, but that is often motiv

44、ated by a desire to cut costs), or actually do nothing to improve their operations. 1.答案:for与前而的desire搭配。2.答案:amongecotourism, geotourism and pro-poor tourism是popular niches中的一部分,所以要用among。3.答案:protectshotel的谓语动词,并且与environment搭配。4.答案:offers/provides注意主语which即which hotel, 谓语要用第三人称单数形式。5.答案:orproximi

45、ty to the beach与the type of mint是并列关系。6.答案:factor需要填入的是主语,需要一个名词。7.答案:toexposeto使置身于8.答案:visitthey visit是修饰cultures and environments的定语从句。9.答案:grew/increased读完整句话后再判断所需词的意义。10.答案:number11.答案:contributinglow-cost air travel对increased air travel只是起了部分作用,所以要用contributing,不能用leading。12.答案:but后面的结果是负面的,是

46、转折关系。13.答案:otherair pollution是environmental costs的一种,因此为air pollution and other environmental costs。14.答案:bypurchasing credits for the amount of miles they fly是一种方式。15.答案:pays应联系上一句判断所需词汇。16.答案:extra如果能正确填入第15题的答案,根据上下文判断,多付的钱用于绿色科技。17.答案:produced根据by the flight判断空白处应当是过去分词。18.答案:leadeagerness与uneth

47、ical marketing practices是因果关系。19.答案:adopt/use主要根据意义判断。20.答案:otherssome与others指的都是前面提到的businesses。Exercise 2 Gapped Text In the following article some paragraphs have been removed. For Questions 1-5, choose the most suitable paragraph from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered gaps. There is

48、one paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. Massive Growth of Ecotourism Worries Biologists Something weird is happening in the wilderness. The animals are becoming restless. Polar bears and penguins, dolphins and dingoes, even birds in the rainforest are becoming stressed. They are losing

49、weight, with some dying as a result. The cause is a pursuit intended to have the opposite effect: ecotourism. 1. _ Ecotourism has clear benefits. Poor countries that are rich in biodiversity benefit from the money tourists bring in, supposedly without damaging the environment. Ecotourism is an alter

50、native activity to overuse of natural resources, says Geoffrey Howard of the East Africa office of IUCN (the World Conservation Union) in Nairobi, Kenya. Many of our projects encourage ecotourism so that rural people can make a living out of something apart from using too much of the forests or fish

51、eries or wetlands. 2. _ What is not considered are less obvious impacts. Transmission of disease to wildlife, or subtle changes to wildlife health through disturbance of daily routines or increased stress levels, while not apparent to a casual observer, may translate to lowered survival and breeding

52、, says Philip Seddon of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. 3. _ Such changes in behaviour are potentially serious for the population, says Gordon Hastie, a marine mammal expert at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Hastie and his team have found that dolphins in t

53、he Moray Firth in Scotland spend significantly more time surfacing synchronously in the presence of boats than they do otherwise. This could lead to the animals resting more at night, possibly reducing the time they spend socialising and foraging. 4. _ Markus Dyck and Richard Baydack of the Universi

54、ty of Manitoba, Winnipeg, have found that signs of vigilance among male bears increased nearly sevenfold when vehicles were around. Just one vehicle could disturb the bears. 5. _ Such effects are seen among yellow-eyed penguins in the Otago peninsula in New Zealand. Observations by Seddons team, als

55、o to be published in Biological Conservation, show that chicks in areas frequently visited by tourists weigh on average 0.76 kilograms less than chicks in an area not visited, a fall of over 10 per cent. This could be a result of parents taking longer to reach the chicks after they finish foraging a

56、t sea. Yellow-eyed penguins tend to delay landing if people are clearly visible at their beach landing sites, says Seddon. Penguins will run back into the sea if approached on the beach, and will wait beyond the breakers until a beach is clear. Such delays could mean that the birds digest some of th

57、e food that they would otherwise regurgitate to feed their chicks. Seddon found that the lighter chicks were less likely to survive, and he fears that heavy tourist traffic could ultimately spark the failure of a colony. A For instance, Rochelle Constantine of the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and her colleagues have been monitoring schools of bottlenose dolphins along the countrys north-eastern coast since 1996. In an upcoming paper in Bio


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