



1、九年级英语名词专项复习一选择题(共 30 小题)1 Each couple in China can have twofrom January 1st ,2016()Aboy B girlC childrenD child2 These in beautiful dresses will have a party this evening ( )Aman Bmen C womanD women3 Yibin is one of the most beautiful in Sichuan ( )A city B cities C citys4 Its sports time Most stude

2、nts in Class 1 are playing football on theplayground ( )Aboy B boys C boys D boys5. Our school has fifty - sixteachers.()A womanB womenC womans6. - Are you sure this is a photo , the famous comedy actress?- It surprised you ,didnt it ? But she was once really thin .()A . Jia Ling B . Jia LingsC. of

3、Jia LingD . of Jia Lings7. room is big and nice .()A . Kates and Janes B . Kates and Jane C. Kate and Janes8. John,is the book on the desk yours?No ,its my . She left it here yesterday.()A . sisters B . sister C. sisters9. - The milk shake tastes good . How do you make it ?- Its easy, just follow th

4、e .()A . discussions B. instructions C. resolutions10. Peter didt tell his parents that he was going home because he wanted to give thema.()A. note B. surprise C. call D . gift11. 一 The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive .一 Dont worry . You can enjoy yourself . Its my .()A . time B. ta

5、sk C. treat D. taste12. Cathy has such a goodthat she won many prizes in singing competitions lastyear.()A . sleep B. idea C. voice D . time13. - Its useful for the deaf people to learn sign language .-Yes,its a major way of for them .()A . suggestion B. vacationC. productionD . communication14. Bil

6、l will be a/an to interview the football players in the coming Rio 2016Olympics .()A . guest B. reporter C. tourist D. engineer15. During the next few days , I decide to have a good by taking a walk or seeing amovie. I really need to relax.()Ameal B sleep C rest16. Are you going out with Jade tonigh

7、t ?Thats my . Mi nd your own!()A offer B business C question D chance17 Your is very helpful I guess Ill take it ()A secretB adviceC promise D purpose18 Every year many foreign friends come to see theof Tianjin , such as Tianjin Eye andHaihe River ()A concerts B plays C cartoons D sights19 Ais a per

8、son who is in someones home by invitation ,for a short time , as for a meal,or to stay one or more nights ()A boss B customer C guest20. The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou won the 2015Nobel Prize .Herhas saved millions of lives across the world .()A victoryB story C discovery D industry21. Tu Youyou re

9、ceived the Nobel Prize for herof anemisinin (青蒿素). And she was the first Chinese who won the prize in scienee .()A designB thoughtC invention D discovery22. Life is like riding a bicycle . To keep your ,you must keep moving .()A. promise B. positionC. balance D . ability23. A smart phone makes a big

10、 to our life .()A. difference B . decision C. progress D . prediction24. Whatwill you get after winning the competitio n in the programme Stay to the end (一站到底)?- A free trip to Bali Island .()A awardB attention C adviceD ability25. Have you heard of a cool washing machine called Bicycle Washing Mac

11、hine ? Yes,its a new by a group of Chinese university students .()A. invention B. information C. instruction D. introduction26. There are a lot ofof bike riding . I agree. Its good for environment and it saves money .()A. products B. advantages C. instruments D. instructions27. Can you tell me some

12、about the Brazil Olympic Games ? OK. Let me help you search the Internet.()A. service B . information C. discussion D. success28. Great for football lovers more than 50,000soccer schools will be built in our countryby the end of 2025 .()A. news B. message C. situation D. information29. He has much a

13、s an engineer. So he can build the bridge successfully .()A. balance B. experienceC. surface D. service30. Could you show me the method of cooking the tasty cookies ? Please follow the on the cookbook .()A. direction B. attention C. introduction D. instruction.填空题(共 40 小题)第3页(共 4页)1. There were(thou

14、sand) of people at the concert.2. After class , children went out of their classroom to enjoy the (warm) of the sun.3. By the end of this month , people in Beijing will be able to brush their(tooth) with water from Hubei .4. Please accept our best w (祝愿)for your exams .5. In the famous competition ,

15、 (获胜者) always get very good prize .6. When swimming , you should put s (安全)first .8. I saw some (German) and Englishmen dancing in the street the day before yesterday .9. Emily published her fifth two - million word novel in her. (thirty )10. We had to go there on foot. After the two ( hour) walk ,

16、we were tired out.11. When I was younger, my h was collecting stamps, but now I like painting .12. There is no doubt that Moyan is a great( succeed) with Nobel Prize .13. We are pleased with the goodin Yangzhou restaurants.(服务)14. He made a (decide)not to spend too much time playing video games .15.

17、 After he finished high school , my brother went to c for further education .16. Now Mom feels much better after taking the (medical).17. Early in the( 二十)century, two famous scientists developed their personal ideasabout dreams.18. In order to search for the missing passengers in the MH370 , two (军

18、人)died.19. There are two (different)in the following pictures .20. Mary has curly hair and she is of medium (高度).21. Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some about the missing plane (information )22. Hold on to your (梦想).One day they may come true .23. Thanks to your( suggest), l got to com

19、plete the job in time .24. In my hometown , lots of trees are full of greenall year round . (leaf)25. Our modern times need more and more (hero) for us to learn from .26. Many people do not know the (important) of the wetlands .27. Good habits are good for the (develop)of us teenagers.28. Her (声音)so

20、unds sweet on the phone.29. Millions of(tour) come to our city every year .30. Sally became a member of the company after the job.(面试)31. We all received an (invite) to her wedding .32. Take your (照相机) to enjoy the beautiful sights with us!33. Reading English aloud every day will of course help you

21、to improve your (发音).34. We do lots of outdoor (active) when spring comes.35. Shes going to be a (scienee) when she grows up.36. As we know , China is an (亚洲) country .37. Several (foreign) came to visit our school last week .38 . It seemed that the victim had many(enemy).39 . Today most students can go to high school for further ( educate)in our country .40 . The teachers often talk to us about theof smoking . (dangerous)2017年01月09日老师10的初中英语组卷参考答案.选择题(共30小题)1. C; 2. D; 3. B; 4. A ; 5. B; 6. C;


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