1、ice国际文教基金会编辑,大方小巨人潜能开发系列的西方文化导读第二册1.spring-thomas nash2.tree-joyce kilmer3.five little chickens-penryhn w.coussens4.work while you work-mcguffeys primer5.i meant to do my work today-richard le gallienne6.persevere -mcguffeys reader7.the arrow and the song-henry wadsworth longfellow8.a lovesy child-a
2、uthor unknown9.the little red hen-penryhn w.coussens10.the tortoise and the hare-aesop11.the lion andthe mouse-aesop12.the boy who criedwolf-aesop13.the boy and the nuts-aesop14.a speech by chief seattle-chief seattlespringby thomas nash 1 spring , the sweet spring ,is the year s pleasant king ;then
3、 blooms each thing ,then maids dance in a ring ,cold doth not sting ,the pretty birds do sing ,cuckoo , jug jug , pu we ,to witta woo !2 the palm and may make country houses gay ,lambs frisk and play , the shepherds pipe all day ,and we hear aye birds tune this merry lay ,cuckoo , jug jug , pu we ,t
4、o witta woo!3 the fields breathe sweet , the daisies kiss our feer ,young lovers meet ,old wives a sunning sit ,in every street these tunes our ears do greet ,cuckoo , jug jug , pu we ,to wirtta woo ! spting ! the sweet spring !春天托马斯纳什thomas nash 托马斯纳什(15671501)英国小册子作者、诗人、剧作家。15981590年,他参加乐清教徒论战,之后写
5、了他最成功的英文流浪汉小说倒楣的旅行家。这首诗描写了春回大地时,万物生机盎然的景象。1 春光!甜美的春光!生机盎然,衰领年光;万物绽放,姑娘们跳舞转成圈严寒不再刺骨,小鸟漫吟树间,咕咕,吱吱,喂喂,吐味特乌!2 棕榈、五月花装点村舍,小洋羔嬉戏活泼,牧人们整天吹奏竹笛,听到了鸟群在赞赏应和,咕咕,吱吱,喂喂,吐味特乌!3 田野飘香,小雏菊吻着鞋帮,青年爱侣幽会,家主婆坐着晒太阳,街头充耳而来的是这些欢唱,咕咕,吱吱,喂喂,吐味特乌!春光!甜美的春光!treesby joyce kilmer i think that i shall never seea poem lovely as a tre
6、e ;a tree whose hungry mouth is prestagainst the earths sweet flowing breast ;a tree that looks at god all day ,and lifts her leafy arms to pray ;anest that may in smmer wearanest of robins in her hair ;upon whose bosow has lain ,who intimately lives with rain .poems are made by fools like me ,but o
7、nly god can make a tree .树乔伊斯基尔默joyce kilmer 乔伊斯基尔默。作者通过对树的赞美来讴歌造物的神奇。小树自得天机自长成,于不经意中已经使得诗人的才情在大自然的佳作前自叹弗如。想来,我永远找不到一首诗像树一样美妙。树的饥饿双唇紧偎大地把甜美的乳汁尽情吮吸。树整天仰望着上帝,祈祷时,举起枝叶扶苏的双臂。夏天,树还会把知更雀的小巢戴在自己发梢。雪花在树的怀抱里冬眠,树和雨露更是亲密无间。诗是我这样的愚人写的,而树却只有上帝才能创造。five little chicensretold by penryhn w. coussens1、 said the first
8、 little chicken ,with a queer little squirm ,“oh , i wish i could finda fat little worm !”2said the next little chicken , with an odd little shrug ,“oh , i wish i could finda fat little bug !”3said the third little chicken ,with a sharp little squeal ,“oh , a i wish i could findsome nice yellow meal
9、 !”4said the fourth little chicken , with a smsll sigh of grief ,“oh , i wish i could find a green little leaf !5said the fifth little chicken ,with a faint little moan , “oh , i wish i could find a wee gravel stone !”6“now , see here ,” said the mother , from the green garden patch , “if you want a
10、ny breakfast , you must come and scratch .”五只小鸡彭林w库森斯讲述retoid by penryhn w. coussens 彭林w库森斯讲述.九层之台起于垒土,千里之行始于足下。即使是一份可口的早餐,也要靠我们的实际行动才能获得。1 第一只小鸡忸忸怩怩,带点夸张地说:“啊,希望我能找到一个胖胖的小毛虫!”2 第二只小鸡古怪地耸耸肩说:“啊,希望我能够找到一只肥肥的臭虫!”3 第三只小鸡尖声地说:“啊,希望我能找到一顿黄蓬蓬的佳肴!”4 第四只小鸡发愁地轻轻叹到:“啊,希望我能找到一片绿油油的小嫩叶。”5 第五只小鸡有气无力地轻嘘一声:“啊,希望我能
11、找到一粒小尿砾!”6“来,看这儿!” 从青草坪传来妈妈的声音: “如果你们想吃早餐, 必须立即行动起来。”work while you workform mcguffeys primerwork while you work ,play while you play ;one thing each time ,that is the way .all that you do ,do with your might ;things done by halvesare not done right .工作时工作from mcguffeys primer “麦格非”初级课本学习、工作和娱乐,每次只做
12、一件事,每件事都要一心一意地去做。正确与错误的标准不在于成功或失败,而在于我们是否全力以赴。工作时工作,玩耍时玩耍,一次做一件事,才是好办法。你所做的一切,必须尽力而为,半途而废,岂不白白后悔? i meant to do my work today by richard le gallienne 1i meant to do my work today , but a brown birs sang in the apple tree , and a butterfly flitted across the field , and all the leaves were calling me
13、 2and the wing went sighing over the land , tossing the grasses to and fro , and a rainbow held out its and fro , so what could i do but laugh and go ?我正想工作里夏尔勒加利安那richard le gallienne 里夏尔勒加利安那。当诗人刚要开始一天繁忙的工作时,不经意中看到小鸟唱歌、蝴蝶飞舞、风吹草摆、彩虹飞扬,面对这完美无暇不假造作的大自然,诗人顿然忘记了自己的工作,情不自禁地从心底发出赞美和微笑。1 我正想工作,一只棕色的小鸟却在苹果
14、树上唱起了歌,蝴蝶飞过了田野,所有的树叶都在和我打招呼。2风儿啊一路吹拂,小草的头啊也随风摇来摆去,彩虹伸出了光彩夺目的手臂怎么办?我只好开开心,走一走。persverfrom mcguffeys reader1the fisher who draws in his net too soon , wont have any fish to sell ; the child who shuts up his book too soon ,wont learn any lessons well .2if you would have your learning stay ,be patient d
15、ont learn too fast ;the man who travels a mile each day ,may get round the world at last .锲而不舍from mcguffeys reader 采自“麦格菲”课本凡事欲速则不达。锲而舍之朽木不折,锲而不舍金石可镂。1渔翁抽网过早,没有多少鲜鱼可捞;小孩把书合早,不能把功课学好。2你要想学得牢实,还得耐心坚持学习不能毛躁,每天坚持走一英里的人,总能绕完地球全程。the arrow and the songby henry wadsworth longfellow1i shot an arrow into th
16、e air , it fell to earth , iknew not where ; for , so swiftly it flew , the sight could not follow it in its flight .2i breathed a song inito the air , it fell to earth , i knew not where ; for who has sight so keen and strong , that it can follow the fliht of song ?3long , ;ong afterward , in an oa
17、k i found the arrow , still unbroke ; and the song , from beginning to end , i found again the heart of a friend .箭和歌亨利沃兹华斯朗费罗henry wadsworth longfellow 亨利沃兹华斯朗费罗(18071882),美国诗人。从小喜爱文学,十三岁即在报纸上发表第一篇诗作。曾先后到法国、西班牙、意大利和德国留学,研究语言文学。后在哈佛大学执教,逐渐成名。1839年出版了第一本诗集夜籁,其中包括本篇人生颂和夜的赞歌等。1814年出版歌谣及其他,收有名篇金星号的遇难、乡下
18、铁匠等。他的代表作是印第安民族英雄史诗哈依瓦撒之歌(1855)。朗费罗的诗歌创作丰富多彩,题材广泛,思想深邃,语言凝练,具有较高的艺术价值。他主张艺术必须造福与人民,抱定“为人生而艺术”的宗旨,提出诗人的三项任务是“娱悦”、“鼓舞”、“教导”。他的诗篇具有高超的技巧和“美”的艺术魅力,其中不乏脍炙人口之作,并为普通人理解和喜爱,因而成为美国家喻户晓的诗人。这首小诗告诉我们不要轻视不经意的播种,只要我们播出去的是快乐、仁慈和爱,哪怕微不足道,终有一天我们会在不经意中惊喜地发现收获的也是快乐、仁慈和爱。1 我向空中射了一支箭,它飞落地上,却无影无踪;因为飞得那样迅速,目光怎能追得上箭的轨迹。2 我
19、向空中唱一支歌, 它飘扬而去,不可琢磨; 谁有那样尖锐,灵活的目力, 跟得上歌声的飘逸?3很久以后,在橡树上 我找到那支箭,依然安好无恙; 那支歌,从头到尾, 还在朋友心头萦绕。a lovely childauthor unknownwash your face and hands with care change your shoes , and brush your hair ;then so fresh , and clean and neat ,come and take your proper seat ;do not loiter and be late ,making other
20、 people wait ;do not rudely point or touch ;do not eat and drink too much ;finish what you have beforeyou even ask or send for more :never crumble or destroyfood that others might enjoy ;they who idly crumbs will wasteoften want a loaf to taste !never spill your milk or tea ,never rude or noisy be ;
21、never choose the daintiest food ,be content with what is good :seek in all things that you canto be a lovely child .乖孩子佚名这首韵味十足,朗朗上口的小诗教导小朋友如何做一个爱干净、讲卫生、有礼貌、有教养的乖孩子。认真洗净脸和手,换双鞋子梳好头,清爽整洁又漂亮。整理好后坐位上,不拖踏来不迟到,勿让别人等心焦。乱指乱模不恰当,饮食切勿太过量。手边有的要先吃,不吃完来不多要。吃不了的勿弄脏,他人还可再分享,若为尝尝就糟踏,浪费粮食不应当。牛奶茶水勿泼溅,粗鲁喧哗不礼貌。挑食不是好孩子
22、,吃的健康最重要。全力以赴尊教导,乖孩子也不难当。 the little red henretold by penryhn w. coussens1a little red hen once found a grain of wheat .who will plant this wheat ? she said .i won t ,says the dog .i won t ,says the cat .i won t ,says the pig .i won t ,says the turkey .then i will , says the little red hen . cuck !
23、cluck ! 2so she planted the grain of wheat . veery soon the wheat began to grow and the green leaves came out of the ground .the sun shone and the rain fell and the wheat kept on growing until it was tall , strong , and ripe .3who will reap this wheat ? says the little red hen . i won t , says the d
24、og .i won t , says the cat .i won t , says the pig .i won t , says the turkey .i will , then , says the little red hen .cluck ! cluck !so she reaped the wheat .4who will thresh this wheat ?says the little red hen . i won t , says the dog .i won t , says the cat .i won t , says the pig .i won t , say
25、s the turkey .i will , then , says the little red hen .cluck ! cluck !so she threshed the wheat .5who will take this wheat to mill to have it ground ?says the little red hen .i won t , says the dog .i won t , says the cat .i won t , says the pig .i won t , says the turkey .i will , then , says the l
26、ittle red hen .cluck ! cluck !so she took the wheat to mill , and by and by she came back with the flour .6who will bake this flour ?says the little red hen .i won t , says the dog .i won t , says the cat .i won t , says the pig .i won t , says the turkey .i will , then , says the little red hen .cl
27、uck ! cluck !so she baked the flour and made a loaf of bread .7who will eat this bread ?says the little ren hen .i will t , says the dog .i will t , says the cat .i will t , says the pig .i will t , says the turkey .no , i will , says the little red hen .cluck ! cluck ! 8and she ate up the loaf of b
28、read .小红母鸡彭林w库塞斯复述retold by penryhn . w . coussens这篇可爱的小故事告诉我们一分耕耘一分收获的道理。1小红母鸡找到一粒小麦。“谁愿意种这粒小麦?”她问大家。狗说:“我不种。”猫说:“我不种。”猪说:“我不种。”火鸡说:“我也不种。”“那我自己种。”小红母鸡说。“克拉克!克拉克!”。2小红母鸡把那粒小麦种好了。很快,麦子破土而出,冒出了绿芽。阳光的照射,雨水的浇灌,麦子长的又高又壮,渐渐成熟了。3小红母鸡又问大家:“谁愿意收麦子?”狗说:“我不收。”猫说:“我不收。”猪说:“我不收。”火鸡说:“我也不收。”“那我去收。”小红母鸡说。“克拉克!克拉克
29、!”。于是她把小麦收割了。4“谁愿意打麦子?“小红母鸡又问。 狗说:“我不打。” 猫说:“我不打。” 猪说:“我也不打。” 火鸡说:“我也不打。” “那我去打。” 小红母鸡说。“克拉克!克拉克!”。 小红母鸡把麦子打好了。5小红母鸡又问:“谁愿把小麦拿到磨房去磨?” 狗说:“我不去。” 猫说:“我不去。” 猪说:“我不去。” 火鸡说:“我也不去。” “那我去。” 小红母鸡说。“克拉克!克拉克!”。 于是,她把小麦背去磨了,不久,把面粉背了回来。6“谁愿意烤面包?” 小红母鸡又问。 狗说:“我不烤。” 猫说:“我不烤。” 猪说:“我不烤。” 火鸡说:“我也不烤。” “那我去烤。” 小红母鸡说。“
30、克拉克!克拉克!”。 她就把面粉烤熟了,做了一条面包。7“谁来吃面包呀?” 小红母鸡又问。 狗说:“我吃。” 猫说:“我吃。” 猪说:“我吃。” 火鸡说:“我也要吃。” “不行,我自己吃。” 小红母鸡说。“克拉克!克拉克!”。8她把面包吃完了。the tortoise and the hareby aesop1a hare once made fun of a tortoise .what a slow way you have ! he said . how you creep along ! do i ?said the tortoise . try a race with me and
31、ill beat you .what a boaster you are ,said the hare .but come ! iwill race with you . whom shall we ask to mark off the finish line and see that the race is fair ?the fox was very wise and tortoise .2the fox was very wise fair . he showed them where they were to start , and how far they were to run
32、. the tortoise lost no time . he started out at once and jogged straight on .3the hare leaped along swiftly for a few minutes till he had left the tortoise far behind . he knew he could reach the mark very quicly , so he lay down by the road under a shady tree and took a nap .by and by he woke and r
33、emembered the race . he sprang up and ran as fast as he could . but when he reached the mark , the tortoise was already there !4slow and steady wins the race , said the fox .龟和兔伊索aesop 伊索,希腊最伟大的寓言家。诞生于萨摩斯岛,生存年代大约是公元前六世纪左右,他的出身是一名奴隶,但因为他的机智与丰富才学,得以被释放而成为自由民。现今流传下来的伊索寓言故事,根据研究,其实只有一部分是真正由伊索本人所著作的。其他的部
35、!我和你比比。我们找谁定终点线,作裁判呢?”乌龟说:“我们去请狐狸吧。”2 狐狸很聪明也很公平。他指定了赛跑的起点和距离。乌龟片刻也不耽搁,立刻出发,一步步向前爬去。3 兔子迅速地向前跑了几分钟,直到把乌龟甩在后面。他知道自己很快就会到达终点,于是就在路边的树荫下打了一个盹。过了好一会儿兔子醒了,想起赛跑的事。他一跃而起,竭尽全力地跑起来。可是,等他跑到终点,乌龟已经到了。4 狐狸说:“不怕慢,只怕站,坚持不懈就会赢得胜利。”the lion and the mouseby aesop1 one day a great lion lay asleep in the sunshine . a l
36、ittle mouse ran across his paw and wakened him . the grrat lion was just going to eat him up when the little mouse cried oh , please , let me go , sir . some day i may help you . 2 the lion laughed at the thought that the little mouse could be of any use to him . but he was a good natured lion , and
37、 he set the mouse free .not long after , the lion was caught in a net . he tugged and pulled with all his might , but the ropes were too strong . then he roared loudly . the little mouse heard him , and ran to the spot .3be still , dear lion , and will set you free . i will gnaw the ropes . with his
38、 sharp little teeth , the mouse cut the ropes , and lion came out of the net .you laughes at me once , said the mouse . you thought i was too little to do you a good turn . but see , you owe your life to a poor little mouse .狮子和老鼠伊索aesop 伊索这则寓言告诉我们尺有所短,寸有所长的道理。同时也赞美了受恩必报的美德。1一天,一头大狮子晒太阳睡着了。一只小老鼠窜过他的
39、脚爪,把他惊醒了。大 狮子正准备吃掉老虎,老鼠哭着说:“哦,先生,求求你放了我吧,说不定哪一天我可以帮助你。”2想到小老鼠说可能对他有用,狮子不禁大笑。不过,他是一头和善的狮子,就把小老鼠放了。过了不久,狮子被陷井网住了。他拼命地挣扎着,拉扯着,可是绳子太结实。他急得大声吼叫。小老鼠听到吼叫声,连忙跑到现场。3“别急,亲爱的狮子,我来救你,我会把绳子咬断的。” 老鼠用他尖锐的小牙齿咬断了绳子,狮子从网中跑了出来。老鼠说:“上一次你笑过我,认为我一丁点大,怎么可能报答你。可是现在你瞧,是我这只不起眼的小老鼠救了你的命。” the boy who cried wolfby aesop1there
40、was once a shepherd boy who kept his flock at a little distance from the village . once he thought he would play a trick on the villagers and have some fun at their expense . so he ran toward the village crying out , with all his might :wolf ! wolf ! come and help ! the wolves are at my lambs ! 2the
41、 kind villagers left their work and ran to the field to help him . but when they got there the boy laughed at them for their pains ; there was no wolf there .still another day the boy tried the same trick , and the villagers came running to help and were laughed at again .3then one day a wolf did br
42、eak into the fold and behan killing the lambs . in great fright , the boy ran back for help . wolf ! wolf !he screamed . there is a wolf in the flock ! help ! the villagers heard him , but they thought it was anotheer mean trick ; no one paid the least attention , or went near him . and the shepherd
43、 boy lost all his sheep .4that is the kind of thing that happens to people who lie : even when they do tell the truth they will not be believed . “狼来了”伊索aesop伊索谎言虽然能愚人一时,但撒谎者最终会失去别人的信任和自己的尊严。1从前,有一个牧童在村外较远的地方看守羊群。一次,他打算和村里的人开玩笑取乐,于是跑到村庄大声喊到:“狼来了!狼来了!来救救我们呀!狼要扑我的小羊了!”2好心的村民放下工作,跑到田野去帮助牧童。他们到了那,牧童看着他们
44、跑的气喘嘘嘘的样子大笑,那里根本没有什么狼。一天,牧童又玩了一次同样的把戏,村民跑去解救,又被嘲笑了一顿。3后来有一天,狼真的冲破围栏,吃起羊来了。牧童恐惧万分,急着赶回村求救。“狼来了,狼来了”,他拼命叫喊:“狼钻进羊圈了!救救羊吧!”,村民们听出了牧童的声音,不过,他们认为这又是一次玩笑,没有人当回事,也没有人过去瞧瞧。牧童失去了所有的羊。 4这就是说谎人的报应:即便他们说真话的时候也没有人相信了。the boy and the nutsby aesop1a littl boy once found a jar of nuts on the table .i would like some
45、 of these nuts ,he thought .i m sure mother would give them to me if she were here . i ll take a big handful . so he reached into the jar and grabbed as many as he could hold .2but when he tried to pull his hand out , he found the neck of the jar was too small . his hand was held fast , but he did n
46、ot want to drop any of the nuts .he tried again and again , but he couldn t get the whole handful out . at last he began to cry .3just then his mother came into the room . what s the matter ?she asked . i can t take this handful of nuts out of the jar , sobbed the boy .well , don t be so greedy ,his
47、 mother replied . just take two or three , and you ll have no trouble getting your hand out .how easy that was , said the boy as he left the table .i might have have thought of that myself .男孩和坚果伊索aesop伊索男孩取坚果的故事告诉我们少则得,多则惑,欲速则不达的道理。天下难事必做于易,大事必做于细。1一个小男孩有一次看到桌上有一瓶坚果。“我想吃些坚果,” 他心里想。“相信妈妈在这里也一定会给我的,那
48、就拿一大把吧。” 于是,他把手伸进瓶罐,尽量抓了一大把。 2但是当他想把手拿出来时,才发现瓶口太小,手已被紧紧地卡住了。然而他一个坚果也不愿少拿。他试了一次又一次,总是不能将整把坚果取出,终于,他哭了。3这时,妈妈进来了。“出什么事呀?”她问。孩子抽泣着说:“我没法子把一把坚果拿出来。”“好啦,可不能太贪心哦,”妈妈说,“每次只拿两三个,你的手就很容易出来了。” “原来这么简单”,男孩离开桌子说到,“我自己也应该想到呀。”a speech by chief seattleby chief seattle1the president in washington sends word that h
49、e wishes to buy our land . but how can you buy or sell the sky , the land ? the idea is strange to us . if we do not own the ptesence of the air and the sparkle of the water , how can you buy them ? every part of this earth is sacred to my people . every shining pine needle . every sandy shore . eve
50、ry mist in the dark woods . every meadow . every humming insect . all are holy in the memory and experience of my people .2we know the sap that courses through the trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins . we are a part of the earth and it is part of us . perfumed flowers are our s
51、isters . the bear , the deer , the great eagle , these are our brothers . the rocky crests , the juices in the meadow , the boody heat of the pony , and man , all belong to the same family . the shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors .3if
52、we sell you our land you must remember that it is sacred . each ghostly reflection in the clear water of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people . the waters murmur is the voice of my father s father . the rivers are our brothers . they quench our thirst . they carry our canoes and feed our children . so you must give to the rivers the kindness you would give any brother
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