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1、黑龙江大学伊春分校毕业论文多媒体辅助小学英语教学on application of multimedia in primary english teaching学 生 姓 名 学 科 方 向 指 导 教 师 论 文 完 成 时 间 on application of multimedia in primary english teachinga thesis submitted in partialfulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofmaster of artsschool of foreign languagesyichun voc

2、ational collega2010论文独创性声明 本人承诺:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下所取得的研究成果。论文中除特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含他人和其他机构已经撰写或发表过的研究成果,其他同志的研究成果对本人的启示和所提供的帮助,均已在论文中做了明确的声明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名: 论文版权的使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解黑龙江大学伊春分校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,及学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交复印件或磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本文授权黑大伊春分校,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库并进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文

3、,并且本人电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日摘 要英语教学的远期、最终目标是逐渐培养学生英语的交际能力。然而,对于一般的英语教师来说,在常规教室里面是很难具体操作的。随着20世纪信息时代的出现,多媒体辅助英语教学为英语教学提供了更为先进的媒介。科技的发展推动了现代教学技术的发展,多媒体的出现更促进了教学的改革。本论文从揭示传统小学英语教学的弊端入手,分析多媒体辅助小学英语教学利用声音、图片、影像和动画等在全面调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性方面的优势. 多媒体在教学方面的确实有诸多优势,比如节省课堂时间,激发学生兴趣,提供更多的信息和交流

4、机会。但与此同时,作者在大量的实践和分析基础上,提出了在运用多媒体辅助英语教学的过程中存在的一些问题和一些合理建议。关键词多媒体;小学英语教学;辅助;创设情境;学习兴趣on application of multimedia in primary english teachingabstractthe ultimate and permanent goal of english teaching is to enable students to acquire the ability to communicate in english. however, it is very hard for

5、 the english teachers to perform in the common physical classroom. as the information age commenced in the late 20th century, multimedia-assisted language teaching systems have been developed to provide a more advanced medium for english teaching. with the development of science and technology, the

6、development of multimedia technology urges the educational reforms. the aim of this thesis is to find disadvantages of traditional primary english teaching and then to analyze the advantages of application of multimedia to assist primary english teaching by means of using sounds, pictures, films and

7、 flashes.it is true that multimedia has many advantages in teaching, such as saving class time, arousing students interests, offering more information, providing opportunities for real communication, etc. but at the same time, based on studying and analyzing large amount of teaching practices and ex

8、periences, the author points out some problems that exist in the course of multimedia-assisted english teaching and puts forward some reasonable suggestions.目 录摘 要iabstractii1 introduction-1-2 the theoretical base of applying multimedia in primary english teaching.-2-2.1 constructivism theory-2-2.2

9、cognitive psychology .-2-3 the disadvantages of traditional primary english teaching.-4-3.1 classroom as a stage of teachers .-4-3.2 classroom as a training center of students.-4-3.3classroom as a stage of knowledge instillation.-4-3.4 classroom as a stage of the same teaching mode-4-4 analyzing fro

10、m primary english teaching elements.-5-4.1 analyzing from learners.-5-4.2 analyzing from teaching content.-5-4.3 analyzing from the key points of successful english teaching-5-5 matters needing attention in the application of multimedia.-6-5.1 before the class: .-6-5.2 in the class:.-6-5.3 after the

11、 class:.-6-5.4teachers .-6-6 conclusion-7-references.-8-acknowledgements.-9-1introductionmodern educational technology is to develop and use advanced teaching media and then to form better information carriers of teaching, so that the teachers can use it to improve the teaching efficiency of classro

12、om and to urge the reforms of education. in english teaching, multimedia has profound significance.the main purpose of primary english teaching is to inspire the students interests, to train students pronunciation and intonation, to develop students communicative abilities and to create condition of

13、 learning english. therefore, in the process of english teaching the teachers task is to set scene, to increase information and to find good methods for teaching. with the development of learning theories and educational technology, application of multimedia is the best way to improve teaching effic

14、iency and to push teaching reforms.nowadays, there are many teachers or people who can not realize the advantages of multimedia so that many teaching aids or tools can not be used sufficiently. primary english teaching is a basic phase of a learner. in this phase a child starts to form his or her fo

15、ndness for english. by the comparison with the traditional primary english teaching, this paper wants to let the teachers and people find the disadvantage of traditional primary english teaching methods and know the usefulness of using multimedia to assist primary english teaching. this paper will g

16、ive some points for attention of application multimedia so that primary english teachers can get some references from it. this thesis will let the teachers know the multimedia more clearly so that they can use it correctly and effectively.2. the theoretical base of applying multimedia in primary eng

17、lish teaching2.1 constructivism theoryin general, constructivists believe that knowledge is individually and socially constructed by learners based on their interpretations of experiences in the world; reality is constructed rather than discovered; holistic way of thinking about the nature of learni

18、ng; holds that knowledge cannot exist in some complete form outside the learner and be internalized, stored, and reproduced at some later time; knowledge as an interconnection among ideas; perceive a community of learners connecting the personal experiences of each learner to the group and to the cu

19、lture; the learning process must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student willing and able to learn (readiness); the learning process should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and / or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given); learning in constructivism

20、may be characterized as grasping meaning by the learners own construction, rather than being given to him / her in his / her experiences, according to how his / her understanding is currently organized. practice can not live without the guidance of theory. the emphasis of constructivism is placed on

21、 the learner or the student rather than the teacher or the instructor. the learner, therefore, constructs his/her own solutions to problems. learners autonomy and initiative is accepted and encouraged. when teacher uses multimedia to assist primary english teaching, the teacher will be organizer, he

22、lper, director, and promoter. teachers use the key learning elements, such as: scene cooperation, dialogue, and so on to inspire students interest and initiative sufficiently. multimedia becomes cognitive tool of students to learn actively. multimedia can help students to accomplish the construction

23、 of meaning. constructivism theory holds that learning should be “situated” in realistic setting. the multimedia capacity engages nearly all of the students senses by combining printed text, graphic imagery, motion video, photographic stills, and audio recordings to create a “virtual” reality of aut

24、hentic communication and provide learners greater comprehensible input. therefore, with the rapid development of multi-media and network education, the learning theory of constructivism is showing its stronger and stronger life force and enlarging its influence all over the world.2.2 cognitive psych

25、ologycognitive psychology is a theoretical perspective that focuses on the realms of human perception, thought, and memory. it portrays learners as active processors of information. what learners do to enrich information, in the view of cognitive psychology, determines the level of understanding the

26、y ultimately achieve.under cognitive psychology, it is believed that learning occurred when a learner processes information. the input, processing, storage, and retrieval of information are at the heart of learning. the instructor remains the manager of information-input process; but the learner is

27、more active in planning and carrying out his her own learning. instruction is not something that done to a learner but rather involves the learner and empowers their internal mental processes. as articulated by piaget (1969) , students learn better when they can invent knowledge through inquiry and

28、experimentation instead of acquiring facts which are presented by a teacher in class. it is difficult for a teacher to provide this kind of environment for each student in a traditional classroom. since there is only one teacher for many students, it is physically impossible for the teacher to suppo

29、rt each students individual needs. multimedia computers can help teachers by providing students with a world of interconnected knowledge to explore. the student becomes an active processor of the information, and knowledge is the by-product. recent researches in cognitive psychology have shed light

30、on the human learning process. researches proclaim that learners have their own distinctive personalities, motivation, so learning styles and strategies can affect the learning results. each person is ultimately responsible for his/her own learning and engages his/her own personality in the learning

31、 process. learning takes place only when learners actively construct their own understanding and knowledge through their interaction with the world around them. in a multimedia-assisted classroom, learners can be highly motivated to sustain effort and actively engaged to carry out english learning;

32、they can be in a favorable psychological state and be willing to join in; and he can learn english through various senses. in this environment students become the center of teaching process. teachers help the students to build up their confidence, to promote interactivity in learning and communicati

33、on, to expose the appropriate context of students, and so on.3 the disadvantages of traditional primary english teachinginformation age has arrived before 21st century. it is leading to a series of stern problems on the traditional primary english teaching we have to face. the disadvantages of tradi

34、tional primary english teaching can be summarized as follows.3.1classroom as a stage of teachers primary english teachers have been the only main body in the class who are controllers, positive knowledge-carriers and knowledge-spreaders while students act as the passive knowledge-receivers. people r

35、egard a number of roles of teachers in the teacher-fronted classroom as controller in eliciting nationality words; as corrector of pronunciation; as organizer in the pair work.3.2 classroom as a training center of students in the classroom there is a phenomenon that teachers make books as standard.

36、students do not have their own minds. teachers and books are regarded as truth. teachers regard teaching as training. by the boring training there is no change, no passion, and no creation in the classroom. teachers ask students to have the same behaviors, the same thoughts and words. there is a phe

37、nomenon that teacher is like an emperor; the book is like a law; the students are like slaves.3.3classroom as a stage of knowledge instillation some teachers regard class-teaching process as process of knowledge points instillation. the learners are accustomed to being passively spoon-fed with gramm

38、atical rules and vocabulary that they have few chances to use. there is little or no room for the learners independent thoughts, as if learning is a straightforward reflection of teachers actions. consequently, learners often feel disoriented, lose confidence and fail to pinpoint their goals in lear

39、ning.3.4 classroom as a stage of the same teaching mode in the classes of traditional primary, people always see the same teaching behaviors, the same teaching strategies and the same teaching mode. teachers use a chalk, a book and a blackboard to teach students all the time. teachers teaching plan

40、is nearly the same and even their teaching methods are nearly the same. teacher is the core of class, but the students are audiences. in the class, the students have no thoughts, no behavior and no opposition.4 analyzing from primary english teaching elements4.1 analyzing from learners for pupils, t

41、hey can easier accept new things of intuitional model than rational thoughts. for pupils,the visual experience is much better than abstract understanding. for the pupils, they are adequate for learning new knowledge in amusement. multimedia can use its teaching features to grasp attention of student

42、s to start lesson in activities. multimedia can use many kinds of information to stimulate the students sense and feeling. comparison with traditional primary english teaching methods, multimedia can leave a deep impression in pupils mind.4.2 analyzing from teaching content there are two points in t

43、he primary english teaching content: 1 there are certain differences in terms of pronunciation, letters and sentence structure between chinese and english. all of these engender impediment for thinking of students. 2 for a pupil, primary english teaching is a basic period. systematic grammar learnin

44、g is not necessary. the pronunciation and communication is the key of teaching. multimedia can use different pattern to show the english. teachers apply multimedia to train the students listening, reading, and writing. multimedia can increase the communicative teaching materials to train students pr

45、onunciation. by the means of setting scene teachers can train students competence between computer and students. vivid courseware can attract students well.4.3 analyzing from the key points of successful english teaching the interest is the key of primary english teaching. according to the features

46、of primary english and childrens mentality, teaching should be started in enjoyable, visual, practical and communicative environment. teaching methods should so suitable, multiple, agile and interesting that teachers can inspire the interests of students. multimedia can use flashes, pictures, sounds

47、 and video to create beautiful environment for students to learn actively. multimedia uses all kinds of information pattern to inspire the students interests completely. in the class computer can sing the song for students so that the teaching atmosphere become lively and happy. teachers show beauti

48、ful courseware to grasp students attention with colorful pictures. in the teaching process, teachers use multimedia to set scene. by this means students will join in the class actively. multimedia is a good tool for primary english teaching.5 matters needing attention in the application of multimedi

49、aaccording to the problems i will give teachers the points for attention to solve these problems. these points for attention involve the following aspects.5.1 before the class: teachers should try to choose and prepare teaching materials and teaching content. firstly, teachers should learn knowledge

50、 about multimedia as much as possible to make themselves use it deftly. secondly, teachers need insure suitability between teaching targets and teaching materials. teachers can not use multimedia just as a blackboard.5.2 in the class: teachers should make students as the core of class. the materials

51、 should be adapted to age and level of students. teachers should put themselves into students shoes to select materials. the teachers role as an instructor could by no means be replaced, so they had better use multimedia just moderately.5.3 after the class: teachers should let students practice imme

52、diately with the interesting method so that their students remember the knowledge at the same time. at last, teachers should write a note about their class.5.4 teachersteachers can not use the same teaching materials to different students. different students have different thoughts and different ide

53、as. teachers should design different courseware to different students. teachers should use multimedia reasonably and timely. although there are so many advantages for application of multimedia in english teaching, english teachers should not apply it all the time, and teachers should choose teaching

54、 materials and teaching tools according to the teaching content and the teaching targets.6 conclusionin the class, teachers should supply opportunities to students as many as possible. the traditional primary english teaching methods can not create good teaching circumstance for students. with the d

55、evelopment of educational technology, multimedia appears. multimedia as a teaching tool can use animated graphics, full-motion videos, and flashes, and so on to create a vivid teaching mode for learners. the purpose of primary english teaching is to inspire students interests, to develop students co

56、mmunicative abilities, and to increase teaching information. multimedia can provide a gothis thesis introduces the application of multimedia to assist english teaching thoroughly from multimedia advantages, problems, basic theories, and so on. through the study, the author holds that multimedia technology is helpful an


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