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1、Company LOGO 1 Lesson 3 An Unknown Goddess Company name 2 Contents 一个雅思阅读练习一个雅思阅读练习-细节细节 分词结构做插入语分词结构做插入语 情态动词情态动词must的复习的复习 学会使用定语从句学会使用定语从句 英语中被动的用法英语中被动的用法 Company name 3 Words and Expressions Explore explore some place investigate the accident/case Company name 4 Words and Expressions booming fl

2、ourishing Prosperous Company name 5 Words and Expressions worship admire-respect-worship Company name 6 Words and Expressions holy Sacred Company name 7 Words and Expressions Fragment A fragment of the movie Company name 8 Words and Expressions culture identity identity Company name 9 Text vSome tim

3、e ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. some time 一段时间一段时间 some times 几次几次 sometime 1曾经曾经 2将来将来 sometimes 有时有时 Archaeologists discovered sth. Company name 10 深入调查深入调查 Make an exhaustive investigation of 详细地分析详细地分析 Make a detailed analysis of 全面总结全面总结 M

4、ake an overall summary of Text Company name 11 Text vAn American team explored a temple. vIt stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. vAn American team explored a temple. vIt stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. vAn American team explored a temple which stands

5、 in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. Company name 12 这个人是一个演员。这个人是一个演员。 The man is an actor. 我昨天遇见他了。我昨天遇见他了。 I met him yesterday. Company name 13 Grammar vThe man is an actor. vI met him yesterday. vThe man is an actor. vI met him yesterday. vThe man (whom) I met yesterday is an act

6、or. Company name 14 那栋房子属于那栋房子属于Mr. Woods。 The house belongs to Mr. Woods. 房子的门是棕色的房子的门是棕色的。 The door of the house is brown. Company name 15 Grammar vThe house belongs to Mr. Woods. vThe door of the house is brown. vThe house belongs to Mr. Woods. vThe door of the house is brown. vThe house whose/of

7、 which door is green belongs to Mr. Woods. Company name 16 Text vAn American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. Be located in 句中有名词,联想定语从句句中有名词,联想定语从句 Company name 17 Text vThe city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high leve

8、l of civilization. Company name 18 Exercise v-Do I have to come back tomorrow? -Yes, you_. A. can B. may C. must D. should vHave a glass of water, please. You _ be thirsty after a long walk. A. should B. can C. must D. have to vMust I finish the work today? -_. A. No, you mustnt B. No, you cant C. N

9、o, you may not D. No, you neednt C C D Company name 19 Exercise v5 He_ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. (05 北京北京) A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant v6 -May I go swimming in the lake? -No, you _. Its too dangerous. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D

10、. wont B A Company name 20 Exercise vI_ have watched that movie itll give me horrible dreams. (10 山东山东) A. shouldnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt A Company name 21 Text vThe city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Company name 22 Exercise 美国人享有高质量的教育

11、。美国人享有高质量的教育。 People in America enjoyed a high level of education . Company name 23 Exercise 中国拥有中国拥有5000多年悠久灿烂的历史。多年悠久灿烂的历史。 China enjoys a long and glorious history of over 5000 years. Company name 24 Text v房子是用木头建成的,通常有五层楼高。房子是用木头建成的,通常有五层楼高。 vThe houses were made of wood. It was usually five sto

12、reys high. vThe house which was usually five storeys high was made of wood. vHouses - often three storeys high - were built of stone. Company name 25 Text v房子是用木头做的,又小又暖和。房子是用木头做的,又小又暖和。 vThe house small and warm - was built of wood. v房子是用木头做的,位于小河边。房子是用木头做的,位于小河边。 vThe houselocated near the river w

13、as built of wood. v房子位于小河边,风景优美。房子位于小河边,风景优美。 vThe house-enjoying fantastic landscape was located near the river. 分词结构做插入语分词结构做插入语 Company name 26 Text vThey had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. They decorated the walls in a beautiful way. beautifully . I prepared the speech carefully .

14、 Its a _ speech. We object the suggestion firmly. Its a _ suggestion. carefully prepared firmly objected Company name 27 Text vThe city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. Your education will equip you with knowledge and skills. A g

15、reat many+复述可数复述可数 A great amount/deal of+复数不可数复数不可数 Company name 28 Text vArmed with 装备着装备着 vA student must be armed with modesty. vA teacher must be armed with knowledge. vA sportsman must be armed with courage. vA leader must be armed with a great mind. Company name 29 Text vThe temple which the

16、archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. fromto Company name 30 Text vEach of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of

17、one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Once 追溯到追溯到 Company name 31 Text vIts missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. Company name 32 Text vThis head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and pre

18、cious even then. In Roman times 5th century B.C. Line11-line14 reading Company name 33 Reading Practice- True, False or Not Given v The head of the goddess was first found by modern people. v F v The body and the head of the goddess were separated. v T v The body of the goddess was older than its head. v F v People in Classical times carefully preserved the body of the godd


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