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1、Unit 4 Sharing A Letter Home Jo, a young Australian woman, was a volunteer teacher who worked in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years. Jo Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚独立国巴布亚新几内亚独立国 to the north of Australia Located to the north of Australia About 5.7 million English as the official l

2、anguage. Pidgin English as the language for communication. A poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depending on subsistence farming to make a living. About 85% of children start school but only about 60% of these reach Year 5. Location: Population: Language: Economy: Education:

3、 Papua New Guinea PNGs national flag and national emblem(国徽国徽) 巴布亚在马来语中意为巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人卷发人”。 16世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见 当地居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,当地居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚, 故称之为新几内亚故称之为新几内亚. PNGs paper currency the tribe (部落部落) the villagers Part 1 (Para 1) Part2 (Para_) Part 3 (Para_) Part 4 (Para 9) A vis

4、it to a local village The end of the letter The beginning of the letter and introduction to the topic The school and Jos work as a teacher 2-3 4-8 Match each part with its main idea Fast reading 2. Fill in the blanks. Fast reading The passage is written in the form of a letter by a young 1 _woman na

5、med Jo. It is about her experience as a volunteer 2 _, and her first 3_ to a local village. Australian teacher visit Scanning 1. _ is a young Australian woman. 2. _ was dying to hear all about Jos life in Papua New Guinea. 3. _ walked a long way to get to the school. 4. _ didnt have any textbooks. 5

6、. _ became a lot more imaginative when teaching. 6. _ started jumping out of the windows during a chemistry experiment. Jo Rosemary The boys The boys and Jo Jo The boys Scanning 7. _ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. 8. _ started crying “ieee ieee” to welcome them. 9. _

7、led us to a low bamboo hut. 10. _ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo. 11. _ softly talked to each other in their language Jo didnt understand. Jenny and Jo Kiak Mukap Kiak Tombes family 2. Jo is popular with her students. How do you know? Detailed reading The classrooms are made of ba

8、mboo and the roofs of grass. 1. Describe her classrooms. There are lots of “good mornings” for Jo from the boys. 4. Why did the boys start jumping out of the windows? Because they had never come across anything like bubbling and they were frightened. Detailed reading 3. In the passage which sentence

9、 can be replaced by “But it is certain that I have had more imagination in teaching.”? However, one thing is for sure, Ive become more imaginative in my teaching. Type of housesMens hut is a _ with _. No _, small _. Floor was covered with _. Family relationships Everyone seemed to be a _ of Tombes.

10、(large extended family) Cooking methods _ are placed in an _, then _ are placed in the drum, covered with _ and _. low bamboo hut grass sticking out of the roof windows doorway fresh grass relative Hot stones oil drum vegetables banana leaves steamed Sleeping arrangements Kiak usually slept in her _

11、. A newly made _ for Jenny and me to sleep on. own hut platform Diet_, _ and _. PossessionsI could only see a few _ and _ and a couple of _. sweet potato cornsgreens tin plates cupsjars AgricultureTools are very basic, e.g. a digging stick. There is no machinery. Beliefs The villagers believe in _.

12、They believe that leftover food _ evil spirits so that dry it out in a can over the fire and throw it. evil spirits attracts l. Why does Jo call the school where she teaches a bush school? A. Because the school was built in a bush. B. Because the classrooms are made of bamboo and the roofs of grass.

13、 C. Because there is nothing but bush around the school. D. Because students in that school use bush as their names. Reading Comprehension IVScanning 2. Which of the following statements is true? A. There is no electricity but enough water at school. B. I can become used to the schools condition eas

14、ily. C. The students there often do chemistry experiments. D. We have neither textbooks nor any experiment equipment. 1. I know youre dying to hear all about my life here, so Ive included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. 我知道你急于了解我在这儿的生活情况,我知道你急于了解我在这儿的生活情况, 因此我在信封里放了一

15、些能够帮助你想象因此我在信封里放了一些能够帮助你想象 出我所讲述的地方的照片。出我所讲述的地方的照片。 句中句中so是连词,引导的是结果状语从句。是连词,引导的是结果状语从句。 课文难句精析 2. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. 有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些孩子有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些孩子 究竟有多大用处,他们中的大多数人学究竟有多大用处,他们中的大多

16、数人学 完八年以后就要回到他们的村庄去了。完八年以后就要回到他们的村庄去了。 句中句中how为连接副词,引导一个宾语从为连接副词,引导一个宾语从 句。该从句作句。该从句作wonder的宾语。该从句中的宾语。该从句中 含有一个由关系代词含有一个由关系代词whom引导的非限制引导的非限制 性定语从句。性定语从句。 Appreciation: Sharing 予人玫瑰,手有余香予人玫瑰,手有余香 What would you like to do to help others in the future? 2. A magician /take us to a magical world 3. A

17、singer / Children can grow up with beautiful songs 4. A sportsman / make money, donate money. 1. An actor / bring laughter and happiness 5. A worker 6. A volunteer teacher A Letter Home Part 1 (para.1) An introduction Opening of the letter: 1._ Part 2 (para.2-3) the conditions of the school Para.2So

18、mething about my high school: 2._ Para.3Poor teaching conditions: 3._ Part 3 (para.4-8) how I get to know the local people ( a visit to a local village) Para. 4My first visit to a village. Para. 54._ Para. 65._ Para. 76._ Para. 87._ Part 4 (para.9) the ending Para.9The close of the letter. A. We had a meal tog


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