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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟59公共英语一级模拟59第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一幅图片。每句话读两遍。 下面请听这些句子。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:C听力原文F: My father has given up smoking.详细解答 图片A是吸烟,图片B是喝水,图片C是戒烟。2.答案:A听力原文M: Two girls

2、 are talking in the park.详细解答 图片A是两个女孩,图片B是两个男孩,图片C是一个女孩一个男孩。3.答案:B听力原文F: There is a bridge over the river.详细解答 图片A是一条河,图片B是河上一座桥,图片C是河里一条船。4.答案:C听力原文M: I found the door unlocked when I got back.详细解答 图片A是未关门,图片B是回家,图片C是门未锁。5.答案:B听力原文F: They paid twenty dollars for the shirt.详细解答 图片A是10$,图片B是20$,图片C是

3、30$。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:C听力原文She always remembers to give food to her dog on time.7.答案:A听力原文The cat is on the box.8.答案:B听力原文The shirt is on the next counter on your left.9.答案:A听力原文The pencil is on the book.10.答案:C听力原文The nurse is examining his back.第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个

4、选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 下面请听这些对话。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where is the woman?A.In a shop.B.In a restaurant.C.In a library.答案:A听力原文W: Good morning. What can I do for you?M: I d tike to buy some New Year s cards.2. When did the man go to the Great Wall?A.Last spring

5、.B.Last autumn.C.Last winter.答案:A听力原文W: Have you ever been to the Great Wall?M: Yes, I went there last spring.3. What does the man mean?A.He doesn t like the story.B.He has nothing to say about the story.C.He agrees with the woman.答案:C听力原文W: The story was very interesting.M: It was, wasnt it?4. What

6、 did the man want to do?A.To buy a bike.B.To borrow a bike.C.To sell a bike.答案:B听力原文W: Excuse me, I didnt hear what you said.M: I asked if you could lend me your bike.5. What are they talking about?A.The lovely day.B.The heavy rain.C.The weather.答案:C听力原文W: Its a cloudy day, isnt it?M: Yes, it is. Th

7、e radio says there will be a heavy rain today. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. When was the girls school set up?A.In 1986.B.In 1985.C.In 1984.答案:C听力原文M: My school was set up in 1987.F: My school was set up three years earlier than yours.7. When will the school sports meeting take place?A.Next week.B.The nex

8、t month.C.The week after next.答案:C听力原文F: Is the school sports meeting going to take place next week?M: No, we will have it the week after next.8. Did the girl see the film during school hours?A.No. She saw it after school.B.Yes, she did.C.She didnt see the film at all.答案:A听力原文M: When did you see the

9、 American film?F: I saw it after school.9. When did the man begin his work?A.Before TV news.B.After TV news.C.We dont know.答案:B听力原文F: When did you start your work last night?M: I began to work after the TV news finished.10. Did the woman come to the meeting?A.Yes, but she came too early.B.Yes, but s

10、he came too late to meet any people.C.No, she lost her way so she went back home.答案:B听力原文M: You didnt come to the meeting, did you?F: Yes, but I lost my way. When I arrived, nobody was there. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. What time is it now?A.4:45B.4:10C.5:15.答案:A解析 根据“几点了?”“四点四十五了。”可知答案为A。听力原文W: Whats

11、the time now?M: Its fifteen to five.12. What color marker does he want?A.Red.B.Blue.C.Pink.答案:C解析 根据“我不想用红色和蓝色的彩笔,请给我那只粉色的。”可知答案为C。听力原文M: I dont want red or blue marker. Please give me the pink one.W: All right.13. What does Sue mean?A.Her hands are full.B.She wants the boy to help her.C.She cant he

12、lp the boy carry the bag.答案:C解析 根据“苏,你能帮我拎这个书包吗?”“抱歉,我的手上满了。”可推断出苏没办法帮他拎书包。所以答案为C。听力原文M: Can you help me with the bag, Sue?W: Sorry, my hands are full.14. What does Lucy mean?A.She herself will use the cellphone.B.She agrees the boy to use her cellphone.C.She doesnt know where to go.答案:B解析 根据“露西,我能用

13、一下你的手机吗?”“用吧。”由题意可知答案为B。注意 Go ahead可以表示“可以,允许”,也可以表示“开始吧”等含义。听力原文M: Can I use your cellphone, Lucy?W: Go ahead, please.15. What festival is it today?A.New Years Day.B.Christmas.C.Mid-autumn Day.答案:A解析 根据“新年快乐!”“同乐。”可知答案为A。听力原文W: Happy New Year.M: The same to you.第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C

14、三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. He_sad because he has lost his bike.A.seesB.looksC.watches答案:B句意 他看上去挺难过,因为他把自行车丢了。本题考查系动词。三个选项都有“看”的意思,但只有look可以做系动词,有“看上去,看起来”之意。故B项正确。知识拓展 seem有“看起来”之意,例:She seems convinced by the argument. 这个论点似乎令她信服。问题:2. If I_run out of ink, I would have finished writing the paper.

15、A.haventB.shouldntC.hadnt答案:C句意 如果我的墨水没用完,我就会写完这篇论文。本题考查的是虚拟语气。因为主句是现在完成时态,根据虚拟语气的谓语结构,条件从句中的谓语一定是过去完成时态,故选项C正确。问题:3. Look!Li Ling and Fang Fang_basketball now.A.are playingB.is playingC.playing答案:A句意 看!李灵和方芳正在打排球。本题考查主谓一致。句子的主语为并列主语,谓语动词为第三人称复数形式。故A项正确。知识拓展 有些情况下,主语为并列主语时,谓语动词为第三人称单数形式,例:Bread and

16、milk is healthy food. 面包加牛奶是一种健康食品。此句中把bread和milk当做是混合在一起的一种食物,故谓语动词用单数形式。问题:4. Lets go out for a walk, _?A.shall weB.will youC.can we答案:A句意 我们出去散步吧,好吗?本题考查特殊的反义疑问句。Lets对应的反义疑问句为shall we。故A项正确。知识拓展 另一个不规则的反义疑问句:Im late, arent I?我迟到了,是吗?问题:5. A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Road? B: _. A.Im notB.SorryC.Yes

17、, I am答案:C解析 此题考查情景英语。A、B皆没有直接回答提问。问题:6. I dont believe you can draw _ picture.A.so a goodB.so well aC.such a good答案:C解析 此题考查限定词的用法。在用法上,such a good picture=so good a picture,排除A;另外, so后跟形容词,而well做形容词时意为“(身体)好”,排除B。这种用法已多次考到,应注意。问题:7. The child has fallen into the water! Lets _ him up!A.pullB.pushC.

18、draw答案:A名师解析 由前半句“那个孩子掉到水里了”可知后半句要表达“我们把他拉起来吧”。选项B意为“推”,不符合题意。选项C往往表示“向前方拖”,不能与句中副词“up”搭配。只有选项A“pull”与意为“向上”的副词“up”连用表示“拉起来”,符合题意,故选A。问题:8. _is it from Beijing to Shanghai?About 2,000 kilometers.A.How longB.How farC.How soon答案:B解析 本题考查疑问词的用法。根据回答2000米”,可知上句问距离,其中只有how far是问两地距离的,所以答案为B。知识拓展how long对

19、时间长短或某物的长短进行提问;how often对频率进行提问;how soon是问多久的。问题:9. She _ me the way to the hospital the day before yesterday.A.doesnt showB.not showedC.didnt show答案:C解析 根据题意“她昨天才告诉我去医院的路”。显然是一般过去时。问题:10. He _ in China for ten years.A.livedB.livesC.has lived答案:C解析 本题考查时态。for后边加一个时间表示一段时间内一直持续的动作或状态,所以要用完成时态,答案为C。知识

20、拓展 since表示自从那时一直持续的动作或状态,也经常用来引导完成时态。如:He has lived here since he came to Beijing问题:11. They _ a football match at four oclock yesterday afternoon.A.hadB.were havingC.had had答案:B详细解答 此处考查时态。此句意为:昨天下午四点中,他们正在进行足球比赛。表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,用过去进行时。问题:12. The sun _ in the east.A.risesB.will riseC.would rise答案:A

21、解析 此题考查动词时态。“太阳从东方升起”作为常识,应该用一般现在时。问题:13. Its time for Linda and _ to work.A.me goingB.me to goC.I to go答案:B详细解答 此题考查固定搭配。Its time for sbto do sth意为:现在是某人做某事的时间。sb必须用宾格。问题:14. I _ in Canada from 1993 to 2003 when I was working for IBM.A.liveB.have livedC.lived答案:C精析 句意 1993年到2003年期间我在IBM工作,那时我居住在加拿

22、大。鉴于事件发生在过去,谓语动词应该选用表示过去时态的动词。故C 正确。问题:15. We have lived in the house since our family _ into the city.A.movedB.was movingC.has moved答案:A精析 句意 自从我家搬到这个城市,我们就一直住在这所房子里。 本题考查的是语法现在完成时态的用法。主句用现在完成时态,since引导 的是一个时间状语从句,其谓语动词应该用一般过去时态。故A正确。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所组的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Tourism(旅游) was

23、 not always as important as it is today. In the past only wealthy(富有的) people could travel 1 vacations to other countries. More people travel today than in the past 2 there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world. People now 3 more money for travel. Special airplane fares for tourists m

24、ake travel 4 expensive and thus more attractive(有吸引务的) than 5 before. One person does not travel for the same reason as 6 . But most people enjoy 7 countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people, try new food and 8 life in other parts of the world. Tourism 9 many chan

25、ges in a country and in peoples lives. People build new hotels and restaurants and train native men and women 50 tour guides to show tourists interesting places. 1.A.onB.withC.to答案:A考查固定搭配。on vacation是同定搭配,指“度假”。2.A.because ofB.becauseC.so that答案:B考查连词和上下文理解。由上下文不难看出,世界上属于中产阶级的人数量增加是更多的人能出去旅游的原因,因此选

26、连词because(因为)。because of是介词结构,不能跟句子;so that引出的是结果。3.A.haveB.hasC.had答案:A考查时态与主谓一致。主语是复数可数名词people,谓语动词也要用复数形式,而且空格前的时间状语为now,谓语动词要用现在时态,选A。4.A.moreB.muchC.less答案:C考查比较级和上下文理解。由上下文特别是空格后的分句表示的结果不难看出,这里指旅游便宜了,因此应选含否定义的比较级形式less。5.A.onceB.evenC.ever答案:C考查副词。once曾经一度;even甚至;event从来,总是。三个选项中只有ever可用在befo

27、re前,构成ever before这一搭配,指“以前从来”。6.A.anotherB.the otherC.the others答案:A考查代词固定搭配。one()another是固定搭配,指“彼此之间”。the other用于指两者之间的“另一个”;the others搭配不正确,others指“其他的人或物”。后面两个都不与one连用。7.A.seeB.seenC.seeing答案:C考查动词用法。enjoy是及物动词,其后应跟名词或者动名词作宾语,因此此处要用seeing。8.A.liveB.experienceC.know答案:B考查动词辨义。live生活,生存(live alife指

28、“过样的生活”);experience经历,体验;know了解,知道。由空格前表并列的try new food(尝新奇食物)及旅游的常识可知,这里应指人们“体验”不同的生活,因此选B。9.A.causesB.takesC.leads答案:A考查动词辨义。cause引起,导致(是及物动词);take带走,占据;lead领导,导致(指“导致”时为不及物动词,其后应跟介词to)。由文章可知,这里指旅游给因家和人们的生活带来许多变化,因此选A。10.A.inB.forC.as答案:C考查介词用法。in用于指范围和领域,“在里”;for表示目的或对象,“为了,对于”;as表示职业或身份,“作为”。由于空

29、格后的tourist guides(导游)是一种职业,因此选as。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 从上栏所给选项中选出与下栏各项意义相符的选项。 A park B music C library D taxi E worker F subjects G hotel 1. He works eight hours a day in a factory.答案:E解析 根据句意“他在工厂一天工作8小时”,即工人worker。2. There are many kinds of flowers in it.答案:A解析 根据句意“它里面有多种花”,即公园 park。3. Many persons

30、like listening to it.答案:B解析 根据句意“许多人喜欢听它”,即音乐 music。4. People study them at school.答案:F解析 根据句意“人们在学校学习它们”,即课程subjects。5. Students read various kinds of books in it.答案:C解析 根据句意“学生们在它里面读各种书籍”,即图书馆library。第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给问题的A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选出一个正确选项。 Daylight Saving Time begi

31、ns on Monday, April 3, 2005. People in most parts of the United States will turn their clocks ahead one hour. The official (正式的) time to turn your clock ahead is early in the morning, April 3. Two a.m. becomes three a.m. Sunday will have only 23 hours. (Most people changes their clocks before they g

32、o to sleep Saturday night.) In the fall, people turn their clock back an hour. This saying helps people remember which way to turn the clock: Spring ahead; fall back. (Spring and fall each have two meanings here.) We use daylight Saving Time in order to save electricity (电) . We need one less hour o

33、f light from electricity each day in the summer. Arizona, Hawaii, and parts of Indiana do not use Daylight Saving Time. Not every country uses Daylight Saving Time, either. Countries near the equator (赤道) have no reason to use Daylight Saving Time. Their hours of daylight and darkness are always nea

34、rly the same. There is no Daylight Saving Time in Japan, China, or India. Countries south of the equator have quite different seasons. They are ending their Daylight Saving Time now. 1. Daylight Saving Time is used in most parts of the United States. A Right. B Wrong. C Doesnt say. 答案:A精析 句意 美国的大部分地

35、区都使用夏令时。是非题。从原文 “People in most parts of the United States will turn their clocks ahead one hour”“美国大部分地区的人都会将表调快一小时。”得知美国的大部分地 区都使用夏令时。故选A。2. Most Americans turn their clock ahead early in the morning of April 3, 2005. A Right. B Wrong. C Doesnt say. 答案:C精析 句意 大多数的美国人都在2005年4月3日清早把钟表调快。是 非题。原文第一段中说

36、“夏令时始于2005年4月3日。美国大部分地区的人 都会将表调快一小时。”但是,没有提到“多数的美国人都在2005年4月3日 清早把钟表调快”;第二段中有“正式调整你的钟表的时问是在4月3日的清 早。多数人都会在周六晚上睡觉前调表。”也没有提到多少美国人是在什么 时候把钟表调快的,因此选C 。3. Daylight Saving Time is used in the summer. A Right. B Wrong. C Doesnt say. 答案:B精析 句意 夏季用夏令时。从原文中得知,夏令时起于4月初,一 直持续到秋季,其中经过了春、夏和秋。因此此说法不符合原文。故选 B。4. Da

37、ylight Saving Time on both sides of the equator begins at the same time. A Right. B Wrong. C Doesnt say. 答案:B精析 句意 赤道两侧的国家开始夏令时的时间相同。细节题。从文 中的最后一段得知:赤道南部的国家有着不同的季节。因此,此说法与原 文不符,故选B。5. Some people are against the use of Daylight Saving Time. A Right. B Wrong. C Doesnt say. 答案:C精析 句意 有些人反对用夏令时:原文始终没有提

38、及是否有人反对 使用夏令时,只是说有些国家没有用夏令时,故选C。第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给问题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 Happy Life Swimming Club Rules 1. All swimmers must take a bath before they go into the pool (游泳池).2. Diving (跳水) is only allowed unless you have been a member for at least 1 year.3. Running and playing near the pool are

39、not allowed.4. Club members can bring guests only at weekends.5. Children under 12 are not allowed to use the pool unless their parents are with them.6. Members must show their membership cards before going inside.7. Smoking is not allowed in the room for changing clothes.8. Guests must write down t

40、heir names before going inside.9. All members must leave before 6 P.M. at workdays.10. All members must leave before 10 P.M. at weekends.11. Clothes must be put in the lockers (带锁柜厨).12. Keep your key of the lockers along with you. If it is lost, you must report to the manager as soon as possible.13

41、. Only club members and their families are allowed to use the pool.1. Who win probably read this text?A.The members of a swimming club.B.People who read newspapers everyday.C.Children under 12.答案:A名师解析 此通知是有关游泳俱乐部的有关规定的,因此肯定是该俱乐部的会员才去读它。所以A是对的。2. When can members bring their guests?A.Everyday.B.Only

42、 at weekends.C.After 10 P. M.答案:B名师解析 题目问会员什么时候可以带客人进去。如果时间够的话,仔细阅读文章,可以发现第四条规定写着只有周末才能带客人进去。如果时间不够的话,那就在文中找 guest这个词,可以很快发现第四条和第八条是有关客人的规定,再进一步简单阅读就可以发现第四条是所需的,答案是B。3. If you have been in this club for half a year, can you dive?A.Yes.B.No.C.Doesnt say.答案:B名师解析 题目问“如果你已在俱乐部待了半年,可不可以跳水”。文中第二条规定只有一年以上

43、的会员才可以跳水,因此,是不可以的。4. If youve lost your key of the locker, what should you do?A.Go to find it soon.B.Leave the club soon.C.Report to the manager.答案:C名师解析 题目问“如果你掉了钥匙怎么办”,第十二条就是有关此事的规定:“应该尽快告诉经理”。 Healthy eating is very important for us. If we want to be healthy, we must have enough food. It must be

44、clean food which has been properly cooked or hasnt been polluted. It must be the right kind of food. Most people in our country have enough food. We know when we need food because we feel hungry, then, if we eat a bowl of rice, we do not feel hungry. We have eaten enough food. But have we eaten the

45、right kind of food? Rice and bread are both good for us. They help us to work. They keep us warm when the weather is cold. But if we do not eat other food as well, we become ill. Meat, fish, eggs and milk are all very good for us. They help us to grow. They keep us healthy. We must have some of these kinds of food every day. We also need fruit and vegetables. These also help us to grow and be healthy. They make our bone and skin healthy. 5. We mustnt eat the food which is _.A.properly cookedB.pollutedC.not polluted答案:B详细解答 本题必须看清题目,不要把mustnt看成must。答案显然是B6. What ca


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