



1、系动词、助动词、情态动词、情态动词1. can (could):能够、可能、可以;may (might):可以、可能;must:必须;shall:将会; should:应该;will:将会,愿意;would:将会2. 半情态动词(后接动原,但否定和疑问句要借助do) : have to不得不,had better最好, used to过去常常3情态动词无三单(have to除外);不能单独使用,后接动词原形共同构成谓语4. need既可做实义动词又可做情态动词(作实义动词,后接to do/doing,否定don t needto do do/doi ng;作情态动词,后接动词原形,否定 nee

2、d n* t do)5. 表推测:must be 定是(语气最肯定),can be可能是,may be也许是(语气最不肯 定);can* tbe-定不是(语气最肯定,must be的否定形式)6. maybe也许(副词,常用在句首);maybe也许是(谓语动词,用在句中)7. must与need开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用needn* t/don * t have to (不必).8. may开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用may/can,否定回答用can t/mustn 1 t.二、系动词1. 系动词后可接形容词。2. 表示状态的系动词be (am, is, are, wa

3、s, were,been) ,keep ,stay,表示感觉的半系动词feel (摸起来,感觉),look (看起来),smell (闻起来),sound (听起来),taste (尝 起 来);三、助动词1. 助动词本身无词义或意义不完整,必须和实义动词共同构成谓语。2. 常用的助动词:be (am, is, are, was, were,been,being)用于进行时态或被动语态;do (does5did)用于一般现在时或一般过去时的否定句和疑问句;have (has,had)用于完成时 态;will,shall,would,should用于将来时态,shall/should 只能用于第

4、一人称。情态动词与系动词练习题一、基础题1. Wheres Mr Lee? I have somethi ng unu sual to tell him. Youfind him.HeJapa n.A. may not; has gone to B. may not; has bee n to C. cant; has gone to D. cant;has bee n to2. F inish draw ing a horse in te n minu tes. OK?-Sorry. Itin such a shorttime.A. may do B. cant be done C. mus

5、t do D. n eed nt be done3.1 have my own room in my house, so Ido what I want in it.A. must B. have to C. n eed to D. can4. you mend my car? I not start it.A. Would; would B. Must; must C. Can; can D. May; may5. she ride whe n she was three years old?A. Can B. Could C. Need D. May6. The boyan swer th

6、is ki nd of hard questi ons one year ago.A. can B. may C. could7. Who is the manover there? Is it Mr Li?-No, it be him. Mr Li is muchtaller.A. must nt B. may not C. cant D. n eed nt8. Listen! Someoneis singing in the next room. Whoit be? Is it Wei Fang?No. Itbe her. She is at school now.A. will; may

7、 not B. must; must nt C. may; cant D. may; wont9. -Is Mr Hu in the reading room?-No, hebe there. He has gone to Tianji n.A. must n*t B. need nt C. wont D. cant10. you pass me a pen? rd like to write dow n the telepho ne nu mber.A. Need B. Could C. Must D. Should二、提高题1. -May I go to the ci nema, Mum?

8、-Certai nly. But yoube back by 11 oclock.A. can B. may C. must D. n eed2. SARS is such a terrible disease.-Yes, it is. Webe more careful.A. can B. may C. must D. n eed3. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish into the river.A. n eed nt be throw n B. must nt be throw nC. cant throwD. may not throw4

9、. These books out of the readi ng room. You have to read them here.A. cant take B. must be take nC. can take D. must nt be take n5. Cars, buses and bikesstop whe n traffic lights cha nge to red.A. can B. may C. must D. n eed6. Ca n you go swimmi ng with us this after noon?Sorry, I can*t. Itake care

10、of mylittle sister at homebecause my motheris ill.A. can B. may C. would D. have to7. -Must I fin ish the work before five oclock?-No, youA. n eed nt B. must nt C. have to8. I come back before five oclock?-No, you . But yoube back later tha n seve n oclock.A. Need; must; must nt B. May; must nt; can

11、t C. Can; cant; cantD. Must;n eed nt; cant9. Must I clea n the room right no w?-No, you. Youclea n it afterlun ch.A. n eed nt; can B. n eed nt; may C. must n*t; canD. must nt; may10.Susa ns pare nts have bought a large house with a swim ming pool. It_ be very expe nsive.A. must B. can C. must nt D.

12、cant11. This bookLucys. Look! Her n ame is on the book cover.A. must be B. may be C. can*t be D. must nt be12. I have your name, please?-Yes, Michael. M-l-C-H-A-E-L.A. Must B. Will C. May D. Need13. May I go to the cin ema, dad?-No, you . You must fin ish your homeworkfirst.A. must n*t B. wo nt C. d

13、ont D. need nt14. - May I smoke here? - , you.It can be dan gerous.A. Yes; can B. No; cantC. Yes; may D. No, need nt15. Yougo and ask Meimei. She know the an swer.A. must; can B. must; may C. n eed; can D. can; may16. Look out! The knife is very sharp. You cut your fin ger.A. n eed B. must C. should

14、 D. may三、巩固1 A teacher _do every exercise, but a pupil .A needn t ;must B may not; must C needn t ;needn t D can t ;must2. You_ to the meeti ng this after noon if you have someth ing imports nt to do.A neednt to come B don t need come C dont need coming D needn 4 come3. Could I look at your pictures

15、?-Yes, of course you.A. could B. can C. will D. might4. He some time to rest because he feels thirsty and hun gry.A.n eed B.n eeds C.n eedi ng D.n eeded5.1a car, the bike is good for me.A.dont n eed buy B.d ont n eed to buy C.n eed nt to buy D.n eed nt buying6. 一 Some one is knocking at the door. Wh

16、oit be?-Itbe Tom. He is still in the school.A. can; can 4 B. can; mustn rt C. might; could D. might; may7. Herun a train whe n he fini shes his trai ning in that college.A.ca n B.will can C.is able to B.will be able to8. Hesing 30 songs whe n he was five.A.ca n B.have could C.has bee n able to D.had bee n able to9. Mr Wangbe in Na nji ng now, he we nt to Beiji ng on ly this morni ng.A. mustnt B. may not C. can t D. needn 410. 一 Must I stay at home, Mum?-No, you.A. needn rt B. mustnt C. dont D. may not11. -the man there be our new teacher?-Hebe, but I m not sur


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