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1、stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag customized manual non- customized manual amm aipc wdm (awm, awl) ssm (asm) fim (tsm) srm swpm (espm) sopm (pms) mpd ntm item (tem) cml (airbus) stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag amm 维护手册 ipc 图解零件目录 wdm 飞机线路图

2、手册 srm 结构修理手册 mpd 维护计划数据 item 工具设备图解手册 ssm 系统原理图手册 cpm 防腐手册 ntm 无损探伤手册 swpm 标准线路施工手册 ohm/cmm 大修手册/部件修理手册 bite manual bite手册 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag myboeingfleet: stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag delta web page: https:/ stag quality deptfo

3、r training purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag page block page typepage typepage blockpage block description and operation (d/o)description and operation (d/o)1 99 fault isolation (fi)fault isolation (fi)101-199 maintenance practices (mp)maintenanc

4、e practices (mp)201-299 servicingservicing301-399 removal/installation removal/installation 401-499 adjustment/testadjustment/test501-599 inspection/checkinspection/check601-699 cleaning/paintingcleaning/painting701-799 approved repairsapproved repairs801-899 stag quality deptfor training purposes o

5、nly ver.1 stagstag amtoss (aircraft maintenance task-oriented support system) / amtoss numbers task 29-11-05-400-801-002 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag ata 100 chapter aircraft general group / 飞机概述 05 time limits/maintenance checks 时 限/维护检查 06 dimensions and areas 尺寸和区域 0

6、7 lifting & shoring 顶起与支撑 08 leveling & weighing 校水平和称重 09 towing & taxiing 牵引和滑行 10 parking, mooring, storage & return to service 停放和系留 11 placards and markings 标牌和标记 12 servicing 勤务 airframe systems group / 飞机机体系统 20 standard practices-airframe 标准实施-机身 21 air conditioning 空调 22 auto flight 自动飞行 23

7、 communications 通讯 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 24 electrical power 电源 25 equipment/furnishings 设备/ 装饰 26 fire protection 防火 27 flight controls 飞行操纵 28 fuel 燃油 29 hydraulic power 液压 30 ice and rain protection 防冰和 防雨 31 indicating/recording systems 指示/记录系 统 32 landing ge

8、ar 起落架 33 lights 灯 34 navigation 导航 35 oxygen 氧气 36 pneumatic 气动系统 38 water/waste 水/污水 46 information systems 信 息系统 49 airborne auxiliary power 空运的 辅助电源 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag structure group / 结构 51 standard practices and structures - general 标准施工与结构简介 52 doors 舱

9、门 53 fuselage 机身 54 nacelles/pylons 短舱/吊架 55 stabilizers 安定面 56 windows 窗 57 wings 机翼 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag power plant group / 动力装置 70 standard practices - engines 标准实施-发动 机 71 power plant 动力装置 72 engine 发动机 73 engine fuel and control 发动机燃油 和控制 74 ignition 点火 75

10、 air 空气 76 engine controls 发 动机控制器 77 engine indicating 发 动机指示 78 exhaust 排气 79 oil 滑油 80 starting 起动 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag power plant group / 动力装置 70 standard practices - engines 标准实施-发动 机 71 power plant 动力装置 72 engine 发动机 73 engine fuel and control 发动机燃油 和控制 7

11、4 ignition 点火 75 air 空气 76 engine controls 发 动机控制器 77 engine indicating 发 动机指示 78 exhaust 排气 79 oil 滑油 80 starting 起动 stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag function code 000000removalremoval 100cleaning 200inspection / check 300correction / repair 400installation 500material & a

12、ircraft handling 600servicing / preserving / lubrication 700testing / checking 800miscellaneous 900change = remove + installation stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag the sequence number is used to provide a unique number when the first four elements are not unique. (a) the seq

13、uence number starts at 801 for tasks and continues through 999. if there are more than 200 tasks, the number continues with a01 through a99, b01 through b99, etc. (b) the sequence number starts at 001 for subtasks and continues through 799. the configuration number is used to indicate an engine or p

14、age block configuration. (a) the first position is the engine prefix. (b) the second and third positions are the page block configuration. (c) if the page block is not part of the engine chapters or does not have a config number (see effectively and configuration numbering), then the tasks and subta

15、sks will not have this element. (d) if the page block is not part of the engine chapters but does have a configuration number, then the first position will have a zero and the last two will indicate the config number. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor tr

16、aining purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 如果已知件号,则由数码索引入手: 在数码索引中找到此件号,并记下 对应的章、节、组件、图和项目号。 由图号可找到相应的图解。 在图解中找到部件及项目号,并在 清单中可找到相应的部件及相关的内 容。 如果未知件号,则由目录内容表入手: 在预想到的章节中找到内容目录表。 参见零件所在的主组。 图是按主要名称的字母顺序列出的, 找到零件最有可能被显示的图解标题, 记下图号。 由图解和清单可找到相应的内容。 sta

17、g quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 1. figure number - the figure number identifies the illustration an

18、d the part list defining a specific portion of the aircraft coverage. the figure number appears in the illustration title, to the left of the first item number in the figure item column at the top of each parts list page, and in the footing of each applicable page. 2. item number - the item number c

19、orresponds to the number on the part in the illustrations. a dash (-) preceding the item number indicates that the part is not illustrated. as noted in the explanation of customizing description, item numbers missing from parts list section but found on the illustration are not applicable. 3. next h

20、igher assembly (nha) cross reference - the reference catalog location indicates where the used on component or assembly is defined. 4. units per assembly (upa)- the quantity of the part which is used on the nha assembly. the following entries other than a numeric value maybe found in the ipc data: r

21、f (reference) - indicates the item is listed at the nha location which carries the upa quantity. the nha location is found through the nha cross reference (see 3.). ar (as required) - indicates the part is used in a quantity determined at the time when the part is installed. stag quality deptfor tra

22、ining purposes only ver.1 stagstag 5. supplier code - the (5) digit code which identifies the manufacturer of the part. the supplier code is found in the nomenclature column following the supplier part number entry. the supplier code is extracted from the cataloging handbook h4/h8, commercial and go

23、vernment entity (cage), the nato supply code for manufacturers (nscm), or it is assigned by boeing if not available from the cage or nscm handbooks. the supplier name and address corresponding to each supplier code is available in the suppliers name and address index. 6. specification number and qua

24、lified parts - the specification number is a boeing assigned number which defines all of the necessary part performance requirements a supplier must comply with to be qualified to produce the part. the boeing specification number is documented in the part number column when no supplier part has been

25、 qualified. when a supplier part qualifies to a boeing specification, the supplier part number is shown in the part number column and the specification is placed in the nomenclature column. any additional qualified supplier parts are captured as optional parts in the nomenclature column. 7. used on

26、- a note in the nomenclature column which indicates the appropriate next higher assembly when the part is not common to all of the next higher assemblies listed preceding the part. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 8. for details see - a reference to another location where t

27、he installation or assembly is broken down in further detail to its component parts. 9. position data - extra information defining where the part is installed. typical information presented here includes station or zone location information or physical installed position information. 10. altered fro

28、m - an existing component that was altered to create another part number. there are only minor modification differences between the original (altered from) part number and the new part number. 11. effect to from - where a design change produces a qualified or limited interchangeability condition, th

29、e delivered effectivity is shown and an appropriate note is included in the nomenclature column to define this condition. the relationship between parts shown in interchangeability notes is defined by the following terms: replaces or repl by - indicates the parts (or sets) are physically and functio

30、nally interchangeable. may use - indicates a one-way interchangeability exists, either forward or backward, depending on the parts involved. t/w (together with) - indicates parts which are necessary to be replaced along with the main part for interchangeability. interchangeability is only accomplish

31、ed as specified by the note. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 12. illustration reference - a reference note to the functionally related figure which defines the part(s). the part is drawn at this figure in phantom for identification of an illustration reference condition. t

32、ubing and ducts are example uses for this reference. 13. overlength part number - a boeing company reference(bcref) number is assigned to all overlength part numbers which exceed 15 digits. the bcref number is placed in the part column and the overlength number is in the nomenclature column. pn unas

33、signed - bcref numbers are also assigned when there is no part number for a component. this condition occurs for supplier or customer modification data. 14. maintenance components of assemblies - disassembly sequence of intermediate subassemblies may not be included in the ipc if the intermediate su

34、bassemblies are not considered line maintenance components. temporary breakdown - a note which is included in the ipc when a design change produces an assembly part number for which breakdown information is not available. breakdown components for the current assembly are extended as a applicable for

35、 the new assembly. the temporary breakdown note is removed when actual breakdown information is available and incorporated in the ipc. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 15. attaching parts - attaching parts are listed immediately following the item which they attach. they ar

36、e preceded by the phrase attaching parts and are followed by the symbol -*-. 16. boeing standard parts - boeing standard parts are identified by a bac prefix. the boeing standard part number appears in the part number column when no supplier part has yet been qualified. when an equivalent supplier p

37、art number is qualified, it will appear in the part number column and the boeing standard part number and any other equivalent supplier numbers will appear in the nomenclature column as optional parts if no supplier part numbers are included in the parts list for a boeing standard, see the boeing st

38、andards volumes (d-590), boeing to supplier part number cross-reference index or the specific standards page for procurement source information. 17. change indicators - change indicators are applied opposite the revised data line entry. an r in the margin indicates the line opposite was added or rev

39、ised in the current revision. when the parts list page for a figure includes airline stock numbers, the letter s is shown opposite the line entry when a change in the airline stock number data is the only change to the item entry. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 18. functi

40、onalized coverage - certain items contain components which are illustrated and listed in various chapters according to their ata specification 100 function. the presence of this condition is indicated by showing the figure location(s) for the functionalized coverage in the nomenclature column of the

41、 major installation or assembly line entry. in the example, the portion of the door instal- lation covering lights is displayed in the figure identified in chapter 33. the portion covering nacelles/ pylons is shown in the figure identified in chapter 54. 19. boeing proprietary color coded parts - bo

42、eing proprietary color coded parts, excluding boeing specification part numbers 10-xxxxx, sxxxnxxx, sxxxtxxx, sxxxuxxx, sxxxwxxx or 60bxxxxx, are identified with an alpha sp suffix. this entry represents consolidation of all color codes applicable for the given usage. color coded parts may be ordere

43、d with either the specific airline (alpha) color code suffix or the consolidated sp suffix. orders received for sp parts will be converted and processed under the airlines (alpha) color coded part number. a reference to the appropriate aircraft registry number or the color name on orders for sp part

44、s will facilitate the color conversion. note: color code does not affect physical or functional interchangeability aspects. 20. local fabrication parts - material requirements for parts which can be locally fabricated are included in the nomen- clature column within a (mfd from-) note. stag quality

45、deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 21. figure title - where more than one lead entry or subject is included in a figure, a figure title is used to facilitate the preparation and maintenance of the chapter table of contents entries. the effectivity column for the figure title identifies th

46、e aircraft covered in the figure. 22. component maintenance manual reference - the applicable component maintenance manual providing detail coverage of an assembly is identified in a (ref cmm-) note in the nomenclature column. for supplier assemblies the applicable supplier code is shown following t

47、he nomenclature of the part identified in the part number column. 23. service bulletin entries - boeing service bulletins are incorporated in the ipc only upon notification from the airline that the intent of the sb has been accomplished. service bulletin coverage is incorporated using one of the fo

48、llowing methods as specified by the airline: dual configuration reflects both the before and after service bulletin incorporation components in accordance with spares letter no. 309, option 1. single configuration reflects only the after service bulletin incorporation components in accordance with s

49、pares letter no. 309, option 2. a record of the service bulletins submitted for incorporation in the ipc is shown in the service bulletin/modification list. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 24. filter maintenance kits - boeing defines a kit part number which contains all of

50、 the parts necessary to support the removal and maintenance of a filter on the airplane. the kit is a convenience to the operator and contains the filter/module element(s), packing(s)/o-ring(s), gaskets and all standard parts necessary for maintaining the element. the filter maintenance kit part num

51、ber is referenced in the nomenclature column of the element entry. the definition of the filter maintenance kit contents are detailed in the filter maintenance kit section of the ipc. 25. electrical equipment number - the wiring diagram equipment numbers are referenced in the ipc nomenclature as app

52、licable to a documented part. electrical equipment numbers also appear in the ipc on placards for identifying equipment. 26. etops entries - the ipc defines parts which are required to support extended twin operation (etops) for two (2) engine aircraft. etops notes appear in the nomenclature field o

53、f the ipc under the following conditions: not approved for etops means that part can not be installed to meet etops flying requirements. not approved for etops after service bulletin or service letter incorporation means that the part is not certified for etops if the referenced service bulletin or

54、service letter is incorporated on the airplane. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 27. maintenance manual reference - a cross reference to the applicable boeing maintenance manual location which contains the procedure for removal and repair of that part. explanation of illust

55、ration technique the illustration portion of a figure in the illustrated parts catalog pictorially displays the relationship of the parts identified in the parts list. the following is an explanation of certain techniques used in the illustration to present the relationship of these parts. the numbe

56、rs correspond to those shown in the following sample. 1. detail coverage of any portion of the illustration is provided by isolating sections in specific exploded views with alphabetic designations. 2. components of assemblies are shown either within a specific exploded view of the assembly or the i

57、tem numbers of the components are included within a bracket which is identified by the item number of the assembly. 3. when a component is physically illustrated such that a lead line from the item number within a bracket to the illus- tration of the part would be confusing or indeterminate, an arro

58、w is used to point in the direction of the illustrated component. 4. alternate configuration are indicated by a dual-headed arrow relating the illustration of the configuration involved. stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag general system of assembly order-detailed parts list (

59、dpl) the indenture system used in the parts lists of the figures included within this catalog shows the relationship of one part to another. for a given item, the number of indentures defines the relationship of the item to the associated installation, next higher assembly, or components of the item as follows: stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag stag quality deptfor training purposes only ver.1 stagstag 查找wdm的方法: 1. 已知equipment number, wire number, 根据equipment list 或 wire list 索 引到相应的电路图。 2. 未知equipment number, wire number, 则需要设备所属章节,功能在wdm上找 到相应的电路图。 以wire number w001


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