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1、Unit4Howlifebeganontheearth教学设计 Unit 4 How life began on the earth教学设计【教学内容】 How life began on the earth(人教新课标)英语高一(必修3) Unit 4 Astronomy:The science of the starsReading【教材分析】本单元的中心话题是“天文学”,内容涉及太阳系、地球上生命的起源、宇宙大爆炸、月球探秘、黑洞效应等,主要内容是围绕地球上生命的起源展开的。 How life began on the earth这篇阅读文章讲述了地球上生命的起源,所使用的文体是说明文。




5、课件,相关资料及习题【教学过程】一、 情景导入 Good morning, boys and girls! We are living on the earth. Do you think it is beautiful? However, do you know how life began on the earth? Please look at the screen.Play a short video about some beliefs of the beginning of the earth:(1) Chinese legends: Pangu separates the sky

6、 from the earth; Nvwa the sky.(2) Religious beliefs: According to Bible (圣经), God created the world and the first man, Adam (亚当) and the first woman, Eve (夏娃).(3) Scientific Theories: The universe began from the Big Bang. (4) Other beliefs: Life first began in the sea on the earth; Life was brought

7、to the earth by ET from outer space.; Life came from a comet which hit the earth. Which one do you think is reliable and scientific? Now lets come into the passage HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH to find out the truth. 播放电影片段,导入新课。(设计意图:问题导入能激发学生的想象力。电影欣赏能调动学生的积极性,达到激疑生趣的目的.)二、理解文意I. Fast reading速读Ask t

8、he students to read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph. ( 让学生速读课文,掌握段落大意。):Para1 The formation of the earthPara2 The importance of water for lifePara3 The arrival of humans and their impact on the earthPara4 The development of plants and animals on the earthPara5 A widel

9、y accepted theory about the formation of the universe(设计意图:掌握文章大意,培养学生自主探究及概括总结的能力。)II. Careful reading细读Task I: Ask the students to read the passage carefully and answer the questions.(让学生仔细阅读文章,筛选或概括文中信息,相互之间低声讨论,解决问题。)1.When did the Earth settle into a solid globe?2. Why do scientists think there

10、 has never been life on other planets? 3. Why did animals first appear in the seas? 4. Why were mammals different from other animals?5.What made possible the rise of mammals on the earth?Suggested answers:1.Between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago.2.Because there is no water on other planets?3.Because

11、water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into the oceans and seas. 4.They were different because they produced their young from within their bodies.5.That dinosaurs disappeared made possible the rise of mammals on the earthTask II: Put the following events in correct order.(让学生按照行文线索,对下列句子进

12、行排序。)Put the order of development of life into a timeline. Use the reading passage to help you.1 Insects and amphibians appeared.2 Dinosaurs appeared. 3 The earth became a solid ball.4 Small plants grew on the water.5 Reptiles appeared.6 Plants began to grow on dry land.7 The earth was a cloud of du

13、st.8 Water appeared on the earth.9 Shellfish and other fish appeared.10 The universe began with a “Big Bang”.11 Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.12 Mammals appeared.Suggested answer: 10 7 3 8 4 9 6 1 5 2 12 11(设计意图:培养学生在理解文意的基础上,梳理文章结构的能力。)三、合作探索Task I The development of the earth_(a huge

14、 explosion around 15 billion years ago);a cloud of _;_ moving around the sun;exploded with _and _;produce the _,_, _;cooled down;_ appeared;harmful _were dissolved;Earth.Task II Analyze the development of lifewater; water plants; _; land plants; _; _; forest s; _; dinosaurs; _; clever animals(_).(设计

15、意图:让学生弄清文章的行文线索,即地球上生命的起源和发展历程。)四、拓展探究1.What does the writer try to tell us through such a passage?(设计意图:把握本文的主旨并引导学生树立探索科学的意识。)2. Many scientists believe that the Earth will become too hot to live on. What can we do to protect our land from becoming too hot? (设计意图:增强学生的环保意识,树立正确的价值观、人生观。)五、课堂延伸How can we protect the earth and make it a better place to live


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