



1、Act 1Queen:.eke eke (armed by a maid)Doctor :( to King) Majesty, there is a good n ews and a bad n ews.King: Tell me about it.Doctor: The good news is that our Queen is pregnant, and you re going to have a baby!King: Really? Thafe great! I m gonna to be a father! It is a prince or a princess? Doctor

2、: (interrupt) Stop! I m sorry to tell you that the bad news is that our Queen has got a very serious sick. She was running out of time. And we may lose her eve n before the baby is bornKi ng: What? Are you kiddi ng me? It cant be true!Doctor: I m sorry for thatKi ng: I ve bee n look ing forward to h

3、av ing a baby for a long time and I love my Quee n so much .I dont want to lose them! What can I do to save them?!Old wise man: It was said that there is a magic golden flower. This special flower has the power to heal the sick people, and eve n can bring the dying back to life.King: Ok. I comma nd

4、you to look for the magic flower, and an ybody who finds it can take any thi ng in my palace as a reward.(Soldiers are look ing for the magic flower here and there.)But what they don know is that the magic flower can not only heal pate nts, but also can bring elder people back to young. And the flow

5、er was hided by a selfish witch for hun dreds of years to keep her young and pretty. And all she had to do was to say malimalih ong to the flower. But one day after she uses the magic power of the flower to bring her back to young, she forgets to hide it well.Soldiers: We ve found it!The magic of th

6、e golde n flower healed the quee n. A healthy baby girl, a prin cess was born. With beautiful golden magic hair. Thats Red. And for that one moment, everything was perfect. And the n that mome nt en ded. Mutt on broke into the castle, stole the child, and just like that.g one. So she can use her mag

7、ic hair to keep her young. The Kin gdom searched and searched, but they could not find the Prin cess.Act 2For deep with in the forest in a hidde n tower. Mutt on raised the child as her own. Mutt on: malimaliho ng! (Comb Red s hair and the n back to young) Red: Mom, why cant I go outside?Mutt on: Th

8、e outside world is a dan gerous place. Filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where youre safe. Do you un dersta nd, flower?-Red: Yes, Mommy.(18 years later)Act 3Red: Everyday I get up at 7olock.I sweep the flood until it clean. Read a book ,or maybe two or three, add a few new pa

9、intings to my gallery. Then I will play guitar, and cook and learn a bit of ballet, then I will re-read the books. After all this, I brush, and brush, and brush my hair. Stuck in the same place Ive always been .It was so boring! And I just can stop wondering when will my life beg in?Mutton: RED! Let

10、 down your hair!Red:Coming, mother.Hi, welcome home, mother.Mutt on: I miss you so much, dari ng.Red: I miss you, too .Mother, as you know tomorrow is a very big day:Mutt on: (in terrupt) Red, mothers feeli ng a little run dow n. Would you speak the magic word to me, dear?Red :( very fast) Ok. Malim

11、alihong! So,mother, earlier I was saying that tomorrow was a pretty big day, and you did nt really respond, so rm just going to tellyou. It mySirthday!Surprise!Mutt on: No, no, no cant be. I remember. Your birthday was last year.Red:Thats the funny thing about birthdays. Theykinde)f an annual thing.

12、 And I want to gooutside to that beautiful castle as my birthday prese nt! Im 18 but I have n ever goneoutside, and I want to see the outside world very much!Mutt on: Stop, no more, you just upset me! I always knew this day was coming. We stay up in this tower to keep you safe. Dont ever ask to leav

13、e this tower, aga in!Red:Yes, Mother.Mutt on: Ahh, I love you very much, dear.Red:I love you more.Mutt on : I love you most. Dont forget it. I jlsee you in few days later. Bye!Act 4General: Catch that thief! He has stolen the crown of our lost princess!Soldiers: Yes, sir!Grey :( run, cross the trees

14、 and in ter the tower whereRed lived) Alone at last! Now I m a richman!Red :( hit him on his head with a pot, he fall to the ground. She pokes him with the pot and he wake up, she was frightened and hit him again, and then she tied him to a chair. She finds the crow n and hides the bag)Grey :( wake

15、up afar a few sec onds and struggle) AHHH! Is this.hair?Red:Struggli ng is poin tless. I know why youre here. And rm not afraid of you. Who are you, and how did you find me?Grey: What?Red:Who are you, and how did you find me?Grey: I know not who you are. Nor how I came to find you. But may I just sa

16、y.Hi! How you doing?The names Grey. How your day going, huh? (Charming)Red:Who else knows my locatio n, Grey?Grey: All right, Blo ndie.Red:Call me Red.Grey: Heres the deal. I was in a situation, gallivanting through the forest. I came across your tower an d.Ho, oh no, where is my bag?Red:Ive hidden

17、it, somewhere you ll nevfind it.Grey: Its in that pot, is nt it?Red:Huh? (Hit him aga in with that pot and hide the bag to ano ther place)Grey: (wake up)Red:Now its hidden where youll never find it. So, what do you want, with my hair? To cut it?Sell it?Grey: No! Liste n, the only thing I want to do

18、with your hair, is to get out of it!Red:Uh, okay Grey, I pmpared to offer you a deal.Grey: Deal?Red:Look this way. Do you know that castle? You will act as my guide, Take me to the castle, and retur n me home safely. Then, I will retur n your bag to you.Grey :( hesitate for a while ) Deal! Letgo!Red

19、 :( in a low voice Bye, mom. I be black soon.Act 5Mutt on: Red let dow n your hair. Red? Red! RED! (She finds the crow n, and go out to seek Red and catch her back so she can stay young)Act 6Red: For the first time ever, I ncompletely free! The grass, the dirt, it so fantastic! I cantbelieve this is

20、 true! I did it! This is so fun!Grey: I m happy you enjoy all this! Oh! (Attacked by a poisonous snake, and about to die)Red: what s happened? Don scare me! Wake up! Cram down; you can save him, malimaliho ng!Grey: (wake up) You saved my life! How can you do that?Red: You might have already know, I

21、have magic hair that can heals people when I say malimalih on g.Sorry, I just want to keep the secret.Grey: How long has it bee n doing that, exactly?Red:Forever, I guess. Mother said whe n I was a baby people tried to cut it. They wan ted to take it for themselves. But, once its cut. It turns brown

22、, and looses its power. A gift like that, it has to be protected. That why Mother n ever let me.That am why. .I n ever left the.You n ever left that tower.Grey: (sympathy) Well. Ill spare you the story of mine. My real n ame is Euge ne, and I m a thief.I ve stolen the crown of that castle, and it be

23、longs to our lost princess.Red: Guess what,l like Eugene much better than, Grey, you re so honest. I happy to be with you.Grey: I thi nk Ive fell in love with you.Red:害羞状)I m hungry.Grey: Ok, I gm ing to find someth ing to eat. Wait me!Red: Ok!Act 7(Grey离开,Mutton偷偷摸摸的出现了)Mutt on : Red! How can you d

24、are to do this? Go home with me, hurry up!(两人拉扯)Red: Mother , please! I ll be back as long as I finished my trip to that castle.Mutt on : NO, you cantgo there! I raised you up and you should be min e. If people in there recognize that you re their lost princess, then all my effort will be waste!Red:

25、打断)What? What did you say? You mea n that Im not your daughter, but the lost prin cess of our Kin gdom?Mutt on : No, no, of course youre my daughter, I just made a mistake. Come with me! (Mutton想强行拖走Red, Red用平底锅将其打晕)Red: I spe nt my en tire life, hidi ng from people who would use me for my power. And I shouldhave been hiding from you. And I never let you use my


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