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1、英语笔译实习题目:learning for tomorrow中国教育事业的发展姓名: 张恒 年级: 2011级 专业: 对外汉语专业 学号: 201119116 时间:年6月1622日passage1 英译汉 learning for tomorrow all education springs from some image of the future. if the image of the future held by a society is grossly inaccurate, its education system will betray its youth. imagine

2、an indian tribe which for centuries has sailed dugouts on the river at its doorstep. during all this time, the economy and culture of the tribe have depended upon fishing, preparing and cooking the products of the river, growing food in soil fertilized by the river, building boats ad appropriate too

3、ls. so long as the rate of technological change in such a community stay slow, so long as no wars, invasions, epidemics or other natural disasters upset the even rhythm of life, it is simple for the tribe to formulate a workable image of its own future, since tomorrow merely repeats yesterday. it is

4、 from this image that education flows. schools may not even exist in the tribe; yet there is a curriculum- a cluster of skills, values and rituals to be learned. boys are taught to scrape bark and hollow out trees, just as their ancestors did before them. the teacher in such a system knows what he i

5、s doing, secure in the knowledge that traditionthe pastwill work in the future. what happens to such a tribe, however, when it pursues its traditional methods unaware that five hundred miles upstream men are constructing a gigantic dam that will dry up their branch of the river? suddenly, the tribes

6、 image of the future, the set of assumptions on which its members base their present behavior, becomes dangerously misleading. tomorrow will not replicate today. the tribal investment in preparing its children to live in a river culture becomes a pointless and potentially tragic waste. a false image

7、 of the future destroys the relevance of the education effort. this is our situation todayonly it is we, ironically, not some distant strangerswho are building the dam that will annihilate the culture of the present. never before has any culture subjected itself to so intense and prolonged a bombard

8、ment of technological, social and info-psychological change. this change is accelerating and we witness everywhere in the high- technology societies evidence that the old industrial-era structures can no longer carry out their functions. 译文 为未来而学习 所有的教育都来源于对未来的一些想象,倘若对未来的评估不准,则教育体制把青年引入歧途!想象一下有一个印第安


10、突然间,还在陶醉于此,人们没有意识到,千年赖以生存的河流上游咫尺之遥,代表变革的先知者居然建起了一道大坝,抽干支流,现存的文明面临干涸的危机。他们霍然发现他们未来部落的远景在一系列的假设之后,他们根据他们部落现在的状态,将会得到一种危险性的误导。明天将不会重复今天。部落在为他的孩子们生活在河流文化部落所做的投资准备变成了毫无意义和潜在的悲剧性浪费,教育的努力因此而付之东流。这就是我们今天面临的处境,但不仅是我们单独面临的,讽刺的是,不远处建造水坝的陌生人将消灭我们现在的文化。人类文明从未受过如此激烈而持久的技术、社会、信息变革的轰击。这种变革还在加速, 我们在知识经济中处处目睹工业时代无法完成

11、未来使命的无奈。passage 2 英译汉 in its plans to develop greece as a year-round tourist destination, the ministry of tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism. apart from stunning natu

12、ral beauties, nature has endowed greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago. the geographical location of these springs is not accidental as it is related

13、 either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. of more than 750 natural springs, around 80 operate professionally as natural spas, ma

14、ny with accommodation and other facilities. in consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism investment consultants, the government is drafting a new law to define the rules for health tourism. expected to be approved by parliament early next year, the law will establish the legal f

15、ramework and the prerequisites for health tourism centers, including provisions for handicapped guests. one condition will be that such centers will have to operate all year, not just in summer. another is that hotels providing health facilities should be near a hospital or an airport. the developme

16、nt law, which came into force in december 2004, provides attractive incentives, such subsidies or tax breaks for health tourism center investments. the government is encouraging regional development in areas in northwestern greece. doctors and investors from sweden, britain and germany have already

17、shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in greece, to take advantage of the countrys mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine. in addition to hydrotherapy, some centers will deal with illnesses of the psychedepression, psychological problems and addictions. the serenity of ma

18、ny parts of greeces countryside is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries where cold, dreary climates can lead sufferers to depression and suicide. spread throughout greece, many natural mineral springs are owned by the national tourism organization of greece and managed by the touri

19、sm development co. the latter is gradually divesting half of its large and diverse portfolio through long-term leasing of its holdings, including mineral springs and spas. 希腊正计划发展成为全年开放的旅游胜地。除原有的阳光海水和沙滩的夏季假日旅游项目之外,旅游部正在集中精力开发其他类型的旅游项目,其中尤以健康与美容旅行。 大自然赋予希腊的,初了令人惊叹的美景之外,还有许多温泉,其医疗性能,在古代已经闻名于世。医学之父希波克拉

20、底,在大约2500年之前就首先发现了温泉的这种功效。 温泉的地理分布也绝非偶然,因为这与地壳的运动和火山的活动有关,温泉的泉水对许多疾病有疗效,例如风湿病、关节炎以及与肺、肾、血液循环和皮肤有关的各种疾病。在750多个天然温泉中,有80多处是按照天然水疗中心的规格经营的,许多地方具备住宿和其他设施。 政府正与旅游协会、酒店老板和投资顾问协商,正在起草一部新的法律,以便健康旅游有章可循。预计此项法律明年年初即可在会议上通过,这样为建立健康旅游中心确定了一个法律框架,并提出先决条件,包括有关残疾客人的有关条款。一个条件是这类中心必须常年经营,而不只是夏季经营。另一个条件是,提供保健设施的旅店要建在

21、医院或机场附近。 2004年12月生效的发展法规定了颇具吸引力的奖励措施,例如健康旅游中心投资者可以享受补贴或者减税政策,政府鼓励在希腊西北部各地实行区域开发。瑞典、英国和德国的医生和投资者已经有意向在希腊建立健康旅游中心,以利用希腊温和的气候、较低的适度和常年的阳光。有些健康旅游中心除了进行水疗外,还治疗精神方面的疾病抑郁症、心理问题和上瘾习惯等。希腊乡村有许多地方安宁恬静,人们认为这样的环境对北欧人来说可以起到医疗作用,因为北欧地区气候阴冷,能使患者让上抑郁症,甚至自杀。天然的矿泉遍布希腊各地,许多矿泉归希腊旅游组织所有,由旅游开发公司经营。旅游开发公司正逐步减轻自身庞杂的任务,采取的办法

22、是长期出租其所控的地产,包括矿泉和水疗中心。passage 3 汉译英 中国教育事业的发展 1949年新中国成立以来,中国政府一直十分重视教育,并且颁布了一系列法规,保护不同群体的公民受教育的权利,尤其是保护少数民族、妇女、儿童和残疾人受教育的权利。五十多年来,通过持续不断的努力,中国的教育事业取得了长足的进步。 九年制义务教育正在全国有计划地分阶段普及。小学教育已在全国占人口91%的地区普及。高等教育、职业技术教育、各种形式的成人教育和少数民族的教育迅速发展,一个多层次、多元化、多学科的教育体系已经在中国形成,从而有利于在教育领域中跨国交流和合作。 中国建立了以政府投资为主,社会办学力量为辅

23、的教育体制。当前,地方政府主要是推广九年制义务教育,中央政府和省级政府以兴办高等教育为主。在职业教育和成人教育方面,包括工商企业和事业单位在内的社会办学力量正在起着越来越重要的作用。 教育部是中国最高的教育行政机构,负责实施中央政府有关的法律、条例和方针政策,规划教育事业的发展,协调全国办学力量和办学计划,推进和指导在全国范围内开展教育改革。 中国的教育体系由四个部分组成,即基础教育、职业技术教育、普通高等教育和成人教育。 基础教育包括学前教育、小学(6年)、初中(3年)和高中(3年)教育。中国政府历来把基础教育放在发展教育事业的首位。自从1986年通过了九年制义务教育法以来,中国绝大部分地区

24、都普及了小学教育;初中教育则已在全国各大城市和经济发达地区普及。 职业技术教育迅速发展,一个多层次的职业技术教育体系已经建立起来,其中包括中等专业学校、中等技术学校、中等职业学校和各种形式的短期职业技术培训。 普通高等教育包括专科、本科、硕士和博士教育。大专一般是2-3年制,本科大学是4年制(医学和有些工程技术专业是5年制),硕士2-3年,博士3年。 五十多年来,中国的高等教育也取得了巨大的成就。1981年,中国还制定了包括学士、硕士和博士的学位制度。通过多次教育改革和结构调整,高等教育在促进国民经济建设、科技进步和社会发展中起着越来越重要的作用。 成人教育包括学历教育、扫盲教育和其他针对成人

25、的各种教育。至1999年,全国普通高校已办了871所成人教育学院和大学,800余个函授教育点和成人夜校。自考教育已发展到250多个专业,3000万人获得了大专和本科文凭。 总之,中国是一个人口众多、经济和文化发展不平衡的大国,教育事业还有待进一步发展,但我们有信心建立起一个与国情相适应的、面向21世纪的教育体制。 the development of china education since 1949 when the peoples republic of china was established. chinese governmenthas alwaysbeen placing the

26、education on its higher agenda, whichhas promulgated multiple codes to protect the education rights of its population from different angles, especially of ethical groups,women, children and disabled. through the uninterrupted efforts in the past five decades,chinahas made significantprogress in its

27、education career.the 9-year compulsory education is being implemented nationwide in stages in planned way; primary schooling has prevailed in areas concentrating 91% of chinese population; higher education, occupational ,. and polytechnic education, diversified adult education, and ethical education

28、 have been developed rapidly. all these have contributed to a multi-layered, diversified and discipline-inclusive education system in china and facilitated the cross-border communication and cooperation in education sector.china has set up an education system with the government as investor and soci

29、al partners as co-investors. in current stage, the local government is playing the key role in compulsory education while the central and provincial government are dominant in higher education. in occupational and adult education, social partners including industrial organizations, business and publ

30、ic institutions are playing a more and more important role. chinaseducation system is composed of fourcomponentsi.e. basiceducation,occupational and polytechniceducation, common highereducation and adulteducation.basic education comprisesofpre-school education, primary( 6 years ), junior ( 3 years )

31、 and senior (3 years) middle schooling. chinese government has alwaysbeen listing basic education as one of its toppriorities. since 1986 whenthelaw of compulsory education of the peoples republic ofchina was promulgated, primaryschooling hasprevailed in most areas in china, while thejunior middle s

32、choolingis being popularized in large citiesand economically developedareas.chinese occupational and polytechnic education hasexperienced rapid development anda multi-level occupational and polytechnic system has been established, which is mainly composed of medium-level professional schools,occupat

33、ional middle schools as well as short-term occupational and technical training programs of various kinds.common higher education comprises of junior college, bachelor, master and doctoral degree programs. junior college program usually last 2-3 years. bachelor program 4 years (medical and some engineering and technical program five years); master program 2-3 years; doctoral program 3 years.in five decades since 1949, chinahas mad


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