1、U3T1SCSection C、 X X X X 、I . Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第三课时,要完成1a,1b,1c和2。主活动是1a和2。学生通过阅读1a,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的中心句。1c让学生学习怎样归纳总结文章的主要内容。2是对1a的补充,换个角度来说明英语的重要性。3a是小组活动,需要学生查找资料才能完成,3b是在3a的基础之上进行的写作活动。由于课堂限制,把这两个部分作为课后作业来处理。通过学习English Around the World,让学生进一步了解英语的重要地位。让学生认
2、识到要成为一个现代社会的有用之才,学好英语是非常有必要的。n .Teaching aims1. K no wledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。2.Skill aims:能读懂用一般现在时态的被动语态表达的文章。能找出段落、文章的中心句。能归纳,总结文章的主要内容。能根据需要,适当地运用主动语态和被动语态。能运用一般现在时态的被动语态,以口头和书面的形式来表达自己的观点,写出小短文。3. Emoti onal aims: (opti on al)通过学习,激发学生对英语的需求,让学生自发地从要我学”变为 我要学”实现从外驱动到内驱动的转变。4. Cu
3、lture aware ness: (opti on al)了解英语对世界文化交流和许多行业的影响力。川.The key points and difficult points1. Key poin ts:Words and phrases: speaker, foreign, European, tourist, base, tourism, conference, kingdom, native, mother tongue, as well as, play an importantpart in.Senten ces: It is clear that the En glish Ian
4、 guage is beco ming more importa nt.The En glish Ian guage plays an importa nt part in our lives.Grammar: the simple prese nt passive voice2. Difficult points :能记住不规则动词的过去分词。能熟练地运用一般现在时的主动语态和被动语态。IV . Learning strategies在1b这个活动中,能运用阅读策略,迅速找出段落和文章的中心句。在3a中,要求学生能运用各种资源获取所需要的信息,如:能合理运用网络资源,向老师、同学、家长求助等
5、。学会运用资源策略。能积极地加入小组进行讨论,勇于表达自己的观点,在合作中相互学习V . Teaching aids图片/录音机/幻灯片/含有多种语言的音频片段、视频资料等。W . Teaching proceduresStage(time period)In teracti onpatter nsTeacher activityStude nt activityRemarks1Getti ngstude nts ready for lear ning(3 mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss in groups and the n speak out the n
6、ames of the Ianguages and coun tries they know.T: Hi, every one! Are you good at geography? How many country n ames can you speak out? Lets tryT: Well done! Why not go on listing the Ian guages used in the world as many as yoi can?Speak out the names of the Ian guages and coun tries they knowS1: Chi
7、na, Japa n, America,S2: En gla nd, Fran ce, Germa ny,.S3: Korea, Russia, In dia.S4: Chin ese, Japa nese, En glish,.S5: Fren ch, Russia n, Korea n ,.S6: Germa n, Arabic Spani sh,.此处也可以通过网络下载 .许多不同的语言片段,播放这些片段,然后让学生 听并猜一猜是哪种语言。这种难度大一点,但趣味 性更浓。2Revisio n(7 mins)Group workLet the Ss act out their HMK. T
8、hen choose the best group to be“ The Best Conv-Maker”Act out in Groups.eSOtiDad, why are you pack ing yourbags?要在学生表演完后立即评出 “The Best Conver-satio nMaker”。学生受到表T: Now, it s time to check your HMK. 1 n eed some groups to act out your new conversations. Lets see which group will be the first? Come on!
9、S2:l mgoing to France on bus in ess toni ght.S1:.S2:.扬后,会更有信心和激情。3Pre-read ing(2-3 mi ns)Group workDiscuss the two questions in 1a and then an swer them.T: Read the two questions in 1a in your group, and the n give me your an swers.T: Now, lets share your opinions. Each group only needs to answer on
10、e of the two questi ons.Discuss in groups and choose a member to an swer.S1: We know English is widely used, but we are not sure if it is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.S2: We think Chi nese is spoken by the largest number of people because China has the largest populati on.S3:
11、We use En glish at school .We use English to enjoy the English songs and America n movies.当学生在讨论时,如果有 小组询问第一个问题,老 师不能明确告诉他们,要 保持信息差,这样学生才 会有阅读1a的动力。S4:.4While-readi ng(4 mins)In dividualworkLet the Ss read 1a quickly, circle the new words, the numbers and underline the passive voice as they are read
12、 ing.T: Read 1a quickly, circle the new words, the nu mbers, un derl ine the passive voice and try to find the answer to Question One.T: Now, tell me whether En glish is spoke n by the largest number of people in the world.T: Now, point out the passive voice sentenceRead and circle the new words and
13、 nu mbers. Find the right an swer to Questi on One.JSs: No. English is not spoken by the largest nu mber of people in the world.拓1: There are more tha n .spoke n in the world.S2: Of all these Ian guages, En glish is used.S3: From its .was spread . new Ian ds.第一遍初读时,不要布置 太多任务,让学生找找生 词。找数字是为了解决 pre-re
14、adi ng 的问题,同时 为1b做准备。In dividualStep1: Let the Ss read 1a alone carefully,Read 1a alone carefully, find out对于学生的问题,先鼓励work/Groupfind out the difficult points and ask thethe difficult points, discuss in学生在组内解决,解决不workgroup leaders to collect them and discussgroups. If they can s olve, give了的再提交给老师,这样
15、them within the group.them to the teacher.才能培养学生的能力。老T: Read 1a again, and find out the difficultS1: We don t understand the师要在这个环节处理好学points, the group leaders should collectsentence “Thepopulation of .,生不能解决的词、句子。them and the n discuss them in your group, i:making it.speakers”Why is5Post-readi ng(
16、15 mins)you can t solve them in your group, we w discuss them together. Two heads are bette tha n one!ll “ making ” used here?In dividualStep 2: Read 1a aga in, list the key poin ts,Read 1a, list the key points and课文中把 base作为名词workfinish 1b and 1c.finish 1b and 1c. Check the来呈现,没有出现它的其T: Read 1a aga
17、 in, list the key poin ts, finishan swers.他用法,老师可以视情况1b and 1c.S1:speak . as ., spread -spread适当补充。如:T: I moi ng to collect the key poin ts. Are-spread, n ative .speaker, .baseyou ready?S2: as well as, study.as., theverb:T: Who can tell the topic sentence of thisworld s,.base .o n .passage?T: Where
18、do you usually find the topic senten ces?T: What do the red nu mbers refer to?T: Lets turn to 1c, now check together.S3:It is clear /true /certain that .S4: It is clear that the English . importa nt.S5: At the beg inning or at the end of a passage.S6:3000 refers to .S7: 500 millio n refers to .S8:.S
19、9: En gla nd, AmericaS10: seco ndbe based on .noun:on the base of在处理1c的答案时,让学 生注意 Europea n构成方 法:Europe + an。并让学 生再举几个例子,如:America n, In dia n, Africa n, Russia n, Italia n 等。6Fin ishi ngTask 2(8 mins)In dividualworkStep 1: Let the Ss read 2, un derli ne the new words and complete the passage with t
20、he give n words.T: Read 2 and complete the passage with th given words. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.Read 2, un derli ne the new words, fill in the blanks and check the an swers.e这个步骤只是检测学生能 否正确使用一般现在时的 被动语态。所以不要急着 让学生解决新单词。In dividualworkT: Now, lets check the answers together.Step 2: Le
21、t the Ss learn the new words by word-formatio n.Writedow n“ tour+ism=tourism, tour+ ist =tourist,King+ dom = Kingdom, confer+enee = conference ” on the Bb.T: Look at these words on the Bb. Try to get some ideas from the suffixes.S1: is spoke nS2:speakS3:is usedS4:.Learn the new words and the suffixe
22、s.对于有明显前后缀的单 词,尽量让学生自学,老 师可适当地提示或解释。7Summarizi ng and assigning homework(5 mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss recall what they have lear ned today.T: Now, lets go over what you have lear ned today, in clud ing words, phrases, sentences and skills.Go over together and speak out what they have lear
23、 ned today.S1: root, trader, n ative,.S2:speaker,as well as, base, base on ,S3:It s clear that .11Class activityS4:.Step 2: Let the Ss look at the numbers onLook at the nu mbers and retell.the Bb and try to retell the passage.S1: There are more than 3000T: Look at the nu mbers here. Try to retellIan guages spoke n in the world.the passage. You had better use passiveS2: English is spoken by 309lion native speakers in America.S3:.Step 3: HMK:Discuss the questions in 3a af
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