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1、v o a美 国 习 惯 用 语收集整理:samsong 2011.10lesson 1 - give me a hand / foot the bill14lesson 2 - greasy spoon / potluck16lesson 3 - it goes in one ear and out the other / play by ear18lesson 4 - doggy bag / sunny side up ;over easy19lesson 5 - in hot water, cold water or deep water21lesson 6 - to hold wate

2、r / water off a ducks back22lesson 7 - blow up / blow out23lesson 8 - to be led by the nose / under nose25lesson 9 - knock socks off / pull socks up27lesson 10 - poker face / close to the vest29lesson 11 - the shoe is on the other foot / to work hand in glove31lesson 12 - follow the nose / pay throu

3、gh the nose33lesson 13 - to keep an ear to the ground / up to ones ears35lesson 14 sweeten the pot / the cards are stacked against you37lesson 15 to fly off the handle / to bark up the wrong tree39lesson 16 right on the beam / to fly by the seat of my pants41lesson 17 - to keep shirt on / to lose on

4、es shirt43lesson 18 - a stuffed shirt / to give you the shirt off his back45lesson 19 - to bail out / nose dive47lesson 20 - up in arms / at arms length49lesson 21 - to shake ones leg / to pull ones leg51lesson 22 - to twist someones arm / to charge someone an arm and a leg53lesson 23 - to take cand

5、y from a baby / a piece of cake55lesson 24 - top gun / whats the bottom line57lesson 25 - just for laughs / to laugh up ones sleeve59lesson 26 - a horse laugh / the last laugh61lesson 27 - a red letter day / red tape62lesson 28 - white hats and black hats / a white lie64lesson 29 - rain check / it n

6、ever rains but it pours66lesson 30 - to stick to ones guns / shooting the breeze68lesson 31 - green thumb / green light70lesson 32 - blues / like a bolt out of the blue71lesson 33 - apple pie / hot potato73lesson 34 - to put all his eggs in one basket / to eat crow75lesson 35 - monkey business / to

7、make a monkey out of somebody77lesson 36 - hot seat / hot and bothered79lesson 37 - to break the neck / to stick your neck out81lesson 38 - pain in the neck / neck and neck82lesson 39 - to have a heart / cross my heart84lesson 40 - heart stood still / heart-to-heart talk86lesson 41 - to go all out /

8、 to go through hell or high water88lesson 42 - to go for broke / to go overboard89lesson 43 - to put your best foot forward / to land on your feet91lesson 44 - to get off on the wrong foot / to put your foot in your mouth93lesson 45 - cold feet / jump in and get your feet wet94lesson 46 - ants in yo

9、ur pants / to have butterflies in ones stomach96lesson 47 - to bug someone / to louse up98lesson 48 - to get a foot in the door / to be dead on ones feet100lesson 49 - to stand on ones own two feet / to throw oneself at someones feet102lesson 50 - to be swept off ones feet / dont let the grass grow

10、under ones feet104lesson 51 - to pull no punches / straight from the horses mouth106lesson 52 - no holds barred / to let ones hair down107lesson 53 - loose cannon / blockbuster109lesson 54 - bomb / to drop a bombshell110lesson 55 - oddball / odds and ends112lesson 56 - peaches and cream / sour grape

11、s114lesson 57 - lemon / going bananas116lesson 58 - to shoot the breeze / through the grapevine118lesson 59 - a fish out of water / to teach a fish how to swim120lesson 60 - fish or cut bait / cold fish122lesson 61 - to feast your eyes on / to hit between the eyes124lesson 62 - eyes pop out / not ev

12、en bat an eye125lesson 63 - to keep ones eyes peeled / to have the wool over ones eyes126lesson 64 - to keep ones eye on the ball / eye-opener127lesson 65 - flea market / to clam up128lesson 66 - baloney / kickback130lesson 67 - to get a kick out of / to kick the bucket131lesson 68 - to kick up ones

13、 heels / to kick off132lesson 69 - at the drop of a hat / to talk through ones hat134lesson 70 - hang on to your hat / to keep something under your hat136lesson 71 - to eat ones hat / to eat ones heart out138lesson 72 - nerd jock / girl jock140lesson 73 - wimp / turkey142lesson 74 - throw ones hat i

14、n the ring / go on the stump144lesson 76 - blame game / negative campaigning146lesson 77 - swing voter / come out swinging148lesson 78 - jump horses in the middle of the stream.150lesson 79 - sleaze / gridlock152lesson 80 - lame duck / golden parachute154lesson 81 - on the fence / maverick156lesson

15、82 - give sb. a piece of ones mind / to tell someone off158lesson 83 - hick / city slicker160lesson 84 - throw to the wolves / to throw the baby out with the bath water162lesson 85 - throw a wet blanket on sth / to throw a monkey wrench164lesson 86 - let the cat out of the bag / look like the cat th

16、at ate the canary166lesson 87 - brain or shine / rainy day168lesson 88 - buddy / sidekick170lesson 89 - put on the dog / go to the dogs172lesson 90 - let sleeping dogs lie / every dog has his day174lesson 91 - pass throw a curve / throw for a loop175lesson 92 - crocodile tears / sob story177lesson 9

17、3 - cry in ones beer / cry baby179lesson 94 - cloudy / in the clouds181lesson 95 - on a cloud / under a cloud183lesson 96 - basket case / all washed up185lesson 97 - smart (as intelligence / fashionable)187lesson 98 - put on the back burner / drag ones feet189lesson 99 - turn ones back on sb. get on

18、 ones back191lesson 100 - nag / get off ones back192lesson 101 - get ones back up / scratch ones back194lesson 102 - brainchild / pick ones brain196lesson 103 - give up the ghost / ghost town198lesson 104 - ghost writer / spooky200lesson 105 - brainstorm / egghead202lesson 106 - grab a bite / grubst

19、ake204lesson 107 - munch / hors doeuvres206lesson 108 - call the shots / call ones bluff208lesson 109 - call up / call it a day210lesson 110 - rub elbows / elbow room212lesson 111 - shrimp / crab214lesson 112 - smell fishy / fish for compliments216lesson 113 - turkey / cold turkey218lesson 114 - bee

20、fy / beef up220lesson 115 - snowball / snow job222lesson 116 - break the ice / iceberg224lesson 117 - where-is-the-beef / turkey farm226lesson 118 - sitting duck / dead duck228lesson 119 - chicken out / chicken feed230lesson 120 - spring chicken / goose bumps232lesson 121 - make hay / go haywire234l

21、esson 122 - the last straw / sow ones wild oats236lesson 123 - belly laugh / knee-slapper238lesson 124 - a straw in the wind / grasp at straws240lesson 125 - trailblazer / cutting edge242lesson 126 - penny-pincher / cheapskate244lesson 127 - not all there / have a screw loose246lesson 128 - under th

22、e weather / down with a bug248lesson 129 - baby boomers / yuppies250lesson 130 - dinks / sandwich generation252lesson 131 - couch potato / mall rats254lesson 132 - backslider / backslapper256lesson 133 - backseat driver / back-up system258lesson 134 - in the pink / fit as a fiddle260lesson 134 - in

23、the pink / fit as a fiddle260lesson 135 - play ball / on the ball262lesson 136 - now the ball is in your court / start the ball rolling264lesson 137 - skin deep / that really gets under my skin266lesson 138 - no skin off my nose / save ones skin268lesson 139 - at the wheel / hell on wheels270lesson

24、140 - spin ones wheel / re-invent the wheel273lesson 141 - jump right out of ones skin / all skin and bones275lesson 142 - skin sb. alive / skin game277lesson 143 - one of a kind / top-notch279lesson 144 - crash the gate / crash the party / crash course281lesson 145 - set of wheels / free-wheeler283

25、lesson 146 - wheeler-dealer / fifth wheel285lesson 147 - green thumb / all thumbs287lesson 148 - under the thumb / stick out like a sore thumb289lesson 149 - everything from soup to nuts / everything but the kitchen sink291lesson 150 - kiss sb. or sth. goodbye / kiss of death293lesson 151 - easy str

26、eet / out on the street295lesson 152 - street smart / two-way street297lesson 153 - knock off299lesson 154 - run a tight ship / sit tight301lesson 155 - tight-lipped / tight with someone303lesson 156 - loose lips / at loose ends305lesson 157 - out of ones skull / skull session307lesson 158 - have a

27、feeling in ones bones / have a bone to pick309lesson 159 - lick / lickety-split311lesson 160 - shape up or ship out / rock the boat313lesson 161 - up to ones neck / break ones neck315lesson 162 - get it in the neck / stick out ones neck317lesson 163 - cold shoulder / hot air319lesson 164 - over ones

28、 head / over the hump321lesson 165 - over a barrel / over ones dead body323lesson 166 - out of the woods / out of the picture325lesson 167 - out the window / out of this world327lesson 168 - whistle in the dark / blow the whistle329lesson 169 - nothing special / so-so331lesson 170 - far cry / crying

29、 towel333lesson 171 - to whistle a different tune / pipe dream335lesson 172 - for crying out loud / cool it337lesson 173 - keep ones cool & be cool as a cucumber339lesson 174 - all in the same bout / miss the boat341lesson 175 - in ones blood / fresh blood343lesson 176 - make ones blood boil / make

30、ones blood run cold345lesson 177 - hit the ceiling / blow ones top347lesson 178 - jump the gun / stick to the guns349lesson 179 - beat ones brains out / brainwash351lesson 180 - brain drain / brain trust353lesson 181 - one track mind / track record355lesson 182 - give sb. a piece of mind / mind-bogg

31、ling357lesson 183 - under the gun / gunshy359lesson 184 - hippie / to shoot from the hip361lesson 185 - full of beans / not worth a hill of beans363lesson 186 - bean counters / spill the beans365lesson 187 - make tracks / wrong side of the tracks367lesson 188 - stand sb. up / a stand-in369lesson 189

32、 - stand tall / stand-out371lesson 190 - at the drop of a hat / to pull something out of the hat.373lesson 191 - pass the hat / take ones hat off375lesson 192 - hat in hand / wear two hats.377lesson 193 - fat farm / chew fat379lesson 194 - fat cat / fat chance381lesson 195 - on thin ice / thin-skinn

33、ed383lesson 195 - on thin ice / thin-skinned383lesson 196 - workaholic / grunt work385lesson 197 - the works / in the works387lesson 198 - cut a deal / cut corners389lesson 199 - cut out for/cut out to be / cut-up391lesson 200 - honeymoon / moonlight393lesson 201 - sunday best / sunday driver395less

34、on 202 - one for the book / know sombody like a book397lesson 203 - close the books / cook the books399lesson 204 - bad-mouth / shoot sb. mouth off401lesson 205 - to walk on air / to walk the floor403lesson 206 - take a walk / walk on eggshells405lesson 207 - motor mouth / foot in mouth disease407le

35、sson 208 - put your money where your mouth is.409lesson 209 - wall-to-wall / wallflower411lesson 210 - climb the wall / drive sb. up the wall413lesson 211 - stonewall / off the wall415lesson 212 - over the long haul / long shot417lesson 213 - short and sweet / the long and short of it419lesson 214 -

36、 in short order / get the short end of the stick421lesson 215 - on the level / kosher423lesson 216 - open and aboveboard / on the up and up425lesson 217 - ups and downs / down and out427lesson 218 - get caught with ones hand in the cookie jar.429lesson 219 - touch base / do lunch431lesson 220 - bird

37、s of a feather / feather ones nest433lesson 221 - as light as a feather / a feather in ones cap435lesson 222 - breadwinner / to know which side ones bread is buttered on437lesson 223 - bread and butter / butter up somebody439lesson 224 - butterfingers / butterball441lesson 225 - like greased lightni

38、ng / like a bat out of hell443lesson 226 - slow burn / slow as molasses445lesson 227 - give one a break / break even447lesson 228 - to break the news / to break the ice449lesson 229 - sacred cow / dark horse451lesson 230 - right on the mark / right up ones alley453lesson 231 - give somebody the hook

39、 / by hook or by crook455lesson 232 - pick up the tab / go dutch457lesson 233 - tax-and-spend-liberal / knee-jerk liberal459lesson 234 - redneck / mccarthyite461lesson 235 - dry run / cut and dried463lesson 236 - high and dry / dry up465lesson 237 - in the doghouse / between a rock and a hard place4

40、67lesson 238 - bummer / bum rap469lesson 239 - fair and square / fair shake471lesson 240 - fair game / fair-haired boy473lesson 241 - the time of ones life / in the nick of time475lesson 242 - front money / hush money477lesson 243 - freelance / freeloader479lesson 244 - free and easy / free-for-all4

41、81lesson 245 - to blow ones own horn / to blow the lid off483lesson 246 - to play with fire / to fight fire with fire485lesson 247 - half-baked / half-hearted487lesson 248 - to get to the bottom of something / to scrape the bottom of the barrel489lesson 249 - theres no such thing as a free lunch / p

42、ower lunch491lesson 250 - easy money / to bet ones bottom dollar493lesson 251 - smart money / mad money495lesson 252 - sweet talk / snow job497lesson 253 - a fine kettle of fish / to have other fish to fry499lesson 254 - to butter up someone / nitpicker501lesson 255 - smoke and mirrors / bum steer50

43、3lesson 256 - to go up in smoke / smoke screen505lesson 257 - on top of the world / off the top of ones head507lesson 258 - top banana / top brass509lesson 259 - pin / on pins and needles511lesson 260 - to cook up / smart cookies and tough cookies513lesson 260 - to cook up / smart cookies and tough

44、cookies513lesson 261 - fly-by-night / off the cuff515lesson 262 - gold mine / born with a silver spoon in ones mouth517lesson 263 - be handed sth. in a silver platter.519lesson 264 - steamroller / under ones own steam521lesson 265 - go full steam ahead / blow off steam523lesson 266 - goody two shoes

45、 / fill the shoe525lesson 267 - lower the boom / throw away the key527lesson 268 - a slap on the wrist / wait for the other shoe to drop529lesson 269 - wild and woolly / dyed in the wool531lesson 270 - walk down the aisle / walk the plank533lesson 271 - eat ones words / from the word go535lesson 272

46、 - no problem / have a nice day537lesson 273 - one-liner / punch-line539lesson 274 - play fast and loose / hard and fast541lesson 275 - sitting pretty / sit tight543lesson 276 - sit on ones hands / sit on the fence545lesson 277 - life in the fast lane / go nowhere fast547lesson 278 - wing it / take

47、sb. under your wing549lesson 279 - start from scratch / scratch the surface551lesson 280 - raise the devil / devils advocate553lesson 281 - there is going to be a devil to pay.555lesson 282 - fair shake / fair-weather friend / fair-haired boy557lesson 283 - go whole hog / the whole nine yards.559les

48、son 284 - get in on the ground floor / mop the floor with561lesson 285 - run like clockwork / cut and run / dry run563lesson 286 - lie low / let sleeping dogs lie565lesson 287 - blow-out / bash / wing-ding / blast567lesson 288 - stag/hen/tailgate party / baby shower569lesson 289 - wet blanket / secu

49、rity blanket571lesson 289 - wet blanket / security blanket571lesson 291 - pull for / pull through / pull sb.s leg574lesson 292 - rat race / treadmill / salt mine576lesson 293 - class act / hard act to follow / get ones act together578lesson 294 - go over with a bang / get a bang out of.580lesson 295

50、 - step up to the plate / not get to first plate.582lesson 296 - have a ball / ball of fire / ball up584lesson 297 - have a lot on the ball / start the ball rolling586lesson 298 - plug588lesson 299 - have a bear by the tail / loaded for bear.590lesson 300 - cut a deal / raw deal592lesson 301 - penny

51、-ante / penny-pincher / penny-wise594lesson 302 - nickel and dime / on a dime596lesson 303 - no brainer / cut to the chase598lesson 304 - ace in the hole / an ace up your sleeve.600lesson 305 - fib / white lie.602lesson 306 - button your lip / on the button604lesson 307 - foul your own nest / stir u

52、p a hornets nest606lesson 308 - feather your own nest / empty nest608lesson 309 - scrape the bottom of the barrel610lesson 310 - buy a pig in a poke.612lesson 311 - hard sell / sell a bill of goods614lesson 312 - pull the strings / string sb. along616lesson 313 - feel in your bone / throw sb. a bone

53、618lesson 314 - bone of contention / make no bones about it620lesson 315 - stand out / stand the heat622lesson 316 - eyes bigger than your stomach / butterflies in your stomach624lesson 317 - cock and bull story / cover story626lesson 318 - inside story / sob story628lesson 319 - fish or cut bait -

54、fishing expedition - have other fish to fry630lesson 320 - thin air / come up for air632lesson 321 - go to pot / sweeten the pot634lesson 322 - not playing with a full deck.636lesson 323 - go bananas / compare oranges and apples.637lesson 324 - dog tired / go to the dogs.639lesson 325 - learn the ro

55、pes641lesson 326 - rope sb. in / at the end of ones rope643lesson 327 - on the/ ropes / give sb. enough rope to hang.645lesson 328 - fight tooth and nail.647lesson 329 - cant fight the city hall.649lesson 330 - knock-down and drag-out fight.651lesson 331 - legal eagle / rain maker.653lesson 332 - tongue-lashing / a slip of tongue.655lesson 333 - shake up / shake down.657lesson 334 - wait for the other shoe to drop / the jury is still out659lesson 335 - kiss sth. goodbye / kiss off.661lesson 336 - shoot down / shoot ones wad.663lesson 337 - shoot


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