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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全中级阅读分类模拟题阅读3中级阅读分类模拟题阅读3Test 1 Read the article below about the employee benefits. For each question, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Employee Benefits As the bill for U.S. health care mounts, companies struggle to reconcile their ne

2、ed to off-set the rising cost of employee benefits with the desire to attract and retain the best talent. Some engage in an arms race of sorts, blindly matching or beating the benefits offered by competitors and spending billions of dollars in the process. Yet these benefits often fail to reflect ei

3、ther the preferences of employees or corporate objectives. A few companies, however, are changing the game. Emerging best practices are reducing the cost of benefits by 10 percent to 20 percent a year, keeping employee satisfaction steady or better and linking these expenditures more tightly to corp

4、orate objectives, particularly investments in talent to gain competitive advantage. Such investments are increasingly important to the profitable growth of the worlds most successful companies, from 1995 to 2005 profits per employee jumped to $83,000, from $35,000, and the number of employees more t

5、han doubled. Benefits represent a major part of that outlay: U.S. companies spend more than $2 trillion on them each year, but though the cost of health care in particular is on the rise, companies arent scrutinizing benefits as closely as they do with other investments. Benefits are much more than

6、just a cost of doing business, even though many executives dont understand that. In many companies, the chief financial officer hands down a cost goal for benefits each year, and then the HR Department works to meet it. In the end, business unit leaders get stuck with increasingly expensive benefits

7、 without understanding what they get in return. We advocate a much more active approach: employers should tailor their investment in benefits to the preferences of their employees, as some leading companies have done already. The same sophisticated market research tools companies now use to launch p

8、roducts and services ought to be used to define employee customer segments. Benefits packages should then be tailored and marketed to them accordingly. This approach, balanced with return-on-investment (ROI) objectives and rolled out over several years, will help companies meet their increasingly vi

9、tal need to offer knowledge workers higher rewards while minimizing the cost of employing a large frontline workforce. When buzz about a potential change in benefits makes its way through employee networks, they often respond with anxiety and consternation. Companies should approach them with the sa

10、me caution that consumers get, using market research to understand the workforce, segment it, and gauge its responses to potential changes. When a company tinkers with benefits, it should brand the adjustments with themes that research shows are important to employees. Then it should aim those theme

11、s at relevant employee segments and actively address the concerns of people who will dislike the changes, while also emphasizing the positive ones that other segments will applaud. These efforts should take the form of a marketing campaign, similar to what the company would use to launch a new produ

12、ct that emphasizes aspects of change employees will value. E-mail, the Web, mailers, and company newsletters ought to explain, in simple language, the nature of the changes, their rationale, and the improvements they will bring. Such communications should also directly address things that certain se

13、gments of the workforce may dislike, balancing these changes with the positive ones dictated by the preferences of the majority. A benefit hotline (on the telephone, the Web, or both) lets employees ask questions and voice concerns. This important tool helps the company to get real-time reactions an

14、d to identify and lubricate squeaky wheels. 1. What is the main problem when companies are dealing with the issue of benefits? A Increasing bills for U.S. health care. B Linking employee benefits to talent management. C Competing with others in the talent market. D Catering to the preferences of emp

15、loyees. 答案:B解析 本题考查对细节的理解。题目问:公司处理福利问题的主要问题是什么? B选项中的 Linking employee benefits to talent management与reconcile their need to offset the rising cost of employee benefits with the desire to attract and retain the best talent相对应,两句话意思一致,故选B。干扰项解析 A选项是福利问题面对的一个现实情况。C、D选项都与原文有一定联系,但C选项属于目前针对福利的一种错误做法,D选项

16、为断章取义。2. According to the second paragraph, it is important for companies to A meet changing demands of employees. B check benefits as closely as they do with other investments. C put more emphasis on talent investments. D cut back on the investments in benefits. 答案:C解析 本题考查对细节的推断。C选项put more emphas

17、is on talent investments与 Such investments are increasingly important意思一致,故选C。干扰项解析 B选项与原文意思不一致,原文说“公司不像审查投资一样仔细审查福利上的花费”,而并不是要求公司“像审查投资一样仔细审查福利上的花费”,故B选项与题干不符。3. Many executives regard benefits as a cost because A benefits are on the rise but reward is little. B they dont realize the importance of

18、benefits. C they dont care the benefits of development. D they must meet the cost goal for benefits. 答案:B解析 本题要求推断许多管理者认为福利是一种成本的原因。原文中说到:福利并不仅仅是一种成本,许多管理者不理解这一点。文章最后一句又说明“管理者不清楚福利的回报是什么”,由此可以推断出B:他们没有意识到福利的重要性。干扰项解析 A为干扰项,认为福利不断增加,但回报甚少,而文中的意思是管理者根本没有意识到福利的回报问题,故谈不上reward is little。4. Defining empl

19、oyee customer segments means A offering some employees more and the other less. B relating the customers to the employees benefits. C varying benefits according to different employees. D dividing employees into different groups. 答案:D解析 本题考查对细节的理解。考查define employee customer segments的意思:把员工划分为不同的需求群体,

20、与D选项意思一致。干扰项解析 A为干扰项,文章最后一句具体说明了给knowledge worker更高的奖励,而缩减一线员工的成本,但与题干不符。5. When preparing benefit changes, companies should A treat employees as customers. B stress the benefits of the changes. C talk employees into accepting the changes. D act quickly according to the reactions of employees. 答案:A解

21、析 本题考查对细节的推断。根据题干,准备进行福利改动的时候,应将原文定位于第五段第二句,Companies should approach them with the same caution that consumers get, “员工要获得与客户一样的关注和谨慎对待”,故选A。干扰项解析 B、C、D选项均不是在准备阶段所做的工作。注意关键词的转化buzz about a potential change指的是在变动之前的准备阶段。6. To find and solve problems in time, it is important for companies to A persua

22、de employees who oppose the change. B avoid two-way communication. C learn of quick responses of employees. D explain the changes in detail. 答案:C解析 本题考查对细节的推断。本题的信息点在末段最后一句,而C选项中的learn of quick responses of employees指的就是get real-time reactions。C答案与原文意思一致,故为答案。干扰项解析 A、B、D选项的意思皆与原文意思不符。Test 2 Read the

23、 article below about the role of leadership. For each question, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. The Role of Leadership In an organisation where there is faith in the abilities of formal leaders, employees will look towards the leaders for a number of things. During drastic chang

24、e times, employees will expect effective and sensible planning, confident and effective decision-making, and regular, complete communication that are timely. The best way to summarize is that there is a climate of trust between leader and the rest of the team. The existence of this trust brings hope

25、 for better times in the future, and that makes coping with drastic change much easier. In organisations characterized by poor leadership, employees expect nothing positive. In a climate of distrust, employees learn that leaders will act in indecipherable ways and in ways that do not seem to be in a

26、nyones best interests. The organisation must deal with the practical impact of unpleasant change, but more importantly, must labor under the weight of employees who have given up, have no faith in the system or in the ability of leaders to turn the organisation around. When we talk about preparing f

27、or the change journey, we are talking about leading in a way that lays the foundation or groundwork for any changes that may occur in the future. Preparing is about building resources, by building healthy organizations in the first place. Much like healthy people, who are better able to cope with in

28、fection or disease than unhealthy people, organizations that are healthy in the first place are better able to deal with change. As a leader, you need to establish credibility and a track record of effective decision-making, so that there is trust in your ability to figure out what is necessary to b

29、ring the organisation through. Leaders play a critical role during change implementation. During this period, effective leaders need to focus on two things. First, the feelings and confusion of employees must be acknowledged and validated. Second, the leader must work with employees to begin creatin

30、g a new vision of the altered workplace, and helping employees to understand the direction of the future. Focusing only on feelings may result in wallowing. That is why it is necessary to begin the movement into the new ways or situations. Focusing only on the new vision may result in the perception

31、 that the leader is out of touch, cold and uncaring. A key part of leadership in this phase knows when to focus on the pain, and when to focus on building and moving into the future. In a sense you never completely arrive, but here we are talking about the period where the initial instability of mas

32、sive change has been reduced. The critical thing here is that leaders must now offer hope that the organization is working towards being better, by solving problems and improving the quality of work life. While the new vision of the organization may have begun while people were slogging through the

33、swamp, this is the time to complete the process, and make sure that people buy into it, and understand their roles in this new organization. Playing a leadership role in the three phases is not easy. Not only do you have a responsibility to lead, but as an employee yourself, you have to deal with yo

34、ur own reactions to the change, and your role in it. However, if you are ineffective in leading change, you will bear a very heavy personal load. Since you are accountable for the performance of your unit, you will have to deal with the ongoing loss of productivity that can result from poorly manage

35、d change, not to mention the potential impact on your own enjoyment of your job. 1. In what way do employees behave with a good leader when a change is under the way? A They allow the leaders to make any decisions. B They rely on the leaders and wish to be trusted. C They hope for the improvement of

36、 working conditions. D They have confidence and show readiness to help. 答案:D解析 本题考查对原文细节的整理和推断。题目问:在变革来临的时候,优秀的领导带领的员工会如何表现?D选项中的They have confidence and show readiness to help与文中的信息点trust及expect timely communication相对应,信任并且期待着及时的沟通,可以推断他们愿意提供一定的帮助,故选D。干扰项解析 B选项为干扰项,原文中反复强调的a climate oftrust指的是互相信任的

37、氛围,并不是员工的意愿“wish to be trusted”。2. During the drastic changes, what is the more serious challenge poor leadership must face? A Employees feel reluctant to accept the changes. B Employees show indifference to the changes. C Employees despair of the competence of leaders. D Employees look down upon th

38、e leaders. 答案:C解析 本题考查对关键词的转化。C选项Employees despair of the competence of leaders“对于领导力感到绝望”与第二段末句more importantly, .employees who have given up, have no faith in.相对应,故选C。干扰项解析 B中的Employees show indifference to the changes与原文不符,并不是漠不关心,而是distrust的负面情绪一直存在。3. To lead a change in an organisation, a lead

39、er should A behave in a reliable and determinant way. B gather enough information and financial support. C reform the organisation and reallocate the resources. D work under the pressure and be healthy. 答案:A解析 本题考查对细节的定位,关键在于原文第三段最后一句:作为领导者,你需要建立威信,并给人留下能够有效做出决策的印象。behave in a reliable and determina

40、nt way正符合题意。干扰项解析 B、C选项是对原文的过度推断,不符合题意。4. When putting changes into practice, if emotions of employees draw all the attention, A employees will be grateful to leaders. B the workplace will present a new appearance. C leaders will be considered nice and easy-going. D any change will never be carried

41、out. 答案:D解析 本题考查对细节的推断。题目问:在变革执行期间,如果只关注员工的情绪,那么会如何? D选项“不会完成任何的变革”与原文中的result in wallowing“结果是原地踏步”相对应,故选D。干扰项解析 C选项中的leaders will be considered nice and easy-going,与原文out of touch, cold and uncaring对应,“不关心员工的情绪会让人认为领导冷酷、漠不关心”,但并不是说,关心员工的情绪,就一定能会产生相反的效果。5. The changes will be put a temporary end wh

42、en A employees recognize them and reposition themselves. B employees can overcome the difficulties they meet. C employees have barriers removed and workplace improved. D employees have faith in the development of the future. 答案:A解析 本题考查对关键词的同义转化。题目问:到什么时候可以暂时终止变革呢? A选项recognize them and reposition t

43、hemselves实际上是指原文中buy into it, and understand their roles in this new organization。buy into指“买账,认可”,故选A。干扰项解析 C选项have barriers removed and workplace improved由原文中的solving problems and improving the quality of work life改写而来,但原文指领导者通过解决问题和改善工作环境来给员工提供更多的希望,动作的实施者为leaders而不是employees。6. What are the poss

44、ible results if change isnt well managed? A Leaders will work under greater pressure. B Leaders wont get any sense of satisfaction from work. C Leaders feel greatly disappointed to the change. D Leaders feel guilty of the loss of the company. 答案:A解析 本题考查对关键词的转换。本题的信息点在末段第二句,而A选项中的work under greater

45、pressure指的就是bear a very heavy personal load,故选A。干扰项解析 B选项“没有任何满足感”与原文“可能影响到你工作的快乐”并不对应,属于过度推断。Test 3 Read the article below about the financial crisis. For each question, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. The Financial Crisis: The World at War No one could have imagined that Japan

46、, the second largest economy in the world, would contract at a rate of nearly 13% on an annualized basis or that Koreas economic output could drop 20%. In the U.S., the GDP is shrinking at a rate of 6% now, but there is nothing in the economic or employment news that keeps us from believing that Ame

47、rica will avoid a double-digit drop in GDP. If the U.S. skids at that rate, the other large economies in the world, all of which depend on the American consumer to some great degree, will have the hulls of their exports breached below the water line. One of the reasons that the drop in economic acti

48、vity has accelerated is that there is no mechanism in place to cope with a failure of this magnitude. The world in which The Great Depression played itself out predated the globalization of credit and economic interdependence. Even the worst of the large post-war recessions rarely lasted more than a

49、 year. Even at their most inventive, government policy systems are incapable of operating in an environment where the pace of negative change quickens by the week. The largest issue between now and whenever the cataclysm ends is whether the major economic powers develop more intimate relationships o

50、r are driven to isolation in order to defend their economies through protectionism. This development would reach an epic level if nations such as China began to hold capital in their country and slow their purchase of U.S. debt. That would begin a lethal exchange between the greatest exporting and i

51、mporting nations of the world, with America blocking the inflow of Chinese goods and China flailing back by throttling its appetite for Treasuries. Without the ability to borrow money at reasonable rates any hope of continuing to stimulate the U.S. economy would flag and Chinas manufacturing machine

52、 would lose its largest market. The most valuable treasure that will be lost is the fundamental economic transition from one generation to the next. In developed nations, the old will no longer have the means to retire, the middle-aged will face joblessness and an obliteration of the standard of liv

53、ing to which they believed they were entitled since they were very young, and the young may have to fight for a small number of jobs most of which pay little more than a fraction of what their parents made in 2004, 2005, and 2006. In the underdeveloped world the miserys fallout will be incomprehensi

54、ble. Whatever social services and generosity that has come from the more wealthy nations will dry up along with the financial capacity that has created a history for large scale compassion. A hoarding of natural resources, especially those that are agriculturally based, will cause the cost of humani

55、tarian aid to become unaffordable, especially when there is so little capital for charity efforts because of ruined economies. In places like East Africa, where millions of people look into the face of starvation every year, the misery could be apocalyptic. It is almost a betrayal to paint such a da

56、rk picture of the failure of the American financial system which has carried the nation through sixty years of prosperity. That system is now fractured mid-axle. It may take a lifetime or more for historians to sort out its causes, and the federal government feels the need to sift through that sand

57、in the name of justice. When blame can be defined it will be too late to bring back the world we knew. 1. If the U.S. economy keeps going down, what would happen to other countries? A The productivity will be lowered gradually. B No agreements will be made in some countries. C The GDPs will be reduced by more than 10%. D The foreign trade will be damaged to a great extent. 答案:D解析 本题考查对原文内容的推断。题目问:美国经济持续下滑,会给其他国家带来什么影响? D选项中的Th


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