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1、计量设备的贮存管理程序 XD/CB-QZ-Z10-1001-08-2008Storage management procedures1 目的与适用范围 Objective and scope of application 为了加强对公司计量设备流转中的每个环节的管理,保证计量设备处于良好 的状态。In order to strengthen the management of each link that measuring equipment in flow process, ensure that measuring equipment is in good condition. 本标准适

2、用于公司对计量设备从采购到报废全过程的流转管理。This standard applies to the circulation management of the whole process which measuring equipment in the company is from procurement to scrap.2 职责 Responsibility2.1各计量器具使用部门负责编制本部门计量器具年度添置计划并向品质 保障处提出申请。The department which uses various measuring instruments is responsible f

3、or the preparation of annual purchase measuring instruments plan of the department and applying for the quality assurance department.2.2 品质保障处负责计量器具采购计划的审批。并负责从采购进厂到报废 全过程的管理。Quality assurance department is responsible for the approval of purchasing plan of measuring instruments. It is also responsi

4、ble for the management of the whole process which measuring equipment in the company is from procurement to scrap. 2.3分管计量工作的经理负责贵重计量器具申购的审批,并协助资金的落The manager in charge of metrological work takes charge of the approval of purchasing valuable measuring instruments and assisting the implementation of

5、 the funds.2.4采购部门负责计量器具按计划采购。Purchasing department is responsible for purchasing measuring equipment according to the plan.2.5工艺处负责自制专用量具的设计并向品质保障处提供设计图纸。Technology department is responsible for the design of self-made appropriative measuring implement and providing design paper to the quality assu

6、rance department.3 工作程序 Working procedures3.1 计量器具的添置申购。 Adding and subscriptsn of measuring implement3.1.1公司各有关部门应根据本行业特点和新产品、新工艺、新材料的 应用,积极采用先进检测手段,并列入“长远规划” 。All the relevant departments in the company should adopt advanced detection means actively according to characteristics of the industry and

7、 application of new products, new technology and new material. They should take it into lon-gterm planning .3.1.2 计量器具年度购置计划的编制Compilation of annual purchasing plan of measuring implement 各部门在每年11月前提出添置计量设备的申请,由品质保障处汇总审定后, 将次年全厂所需的计量器具的购置计划于12月呈报负责分管计量工作的经 理,审批后由采购部门组织采购。All departments should apply

8、 for purchasing measuring implement before November every year. After quality assurance department summarizing, examining and approving, they will submit a report about the purchasing plan of measuring implement needed by the whole company in the next year before December to the manager in charge of

9、 metrological work. After the examination and approval by the purchasing department, they will organize to purchase.3.1.3各部门零星购置计量器具应先向计量室提出申请,由工艺处、品 质保障处审核。属固定资产的由分管经理批准,一般的由品质保障处处长批 准后由采购部门组织采购。All departments which purchase measuring implement piecemeal should apply to the measuring room for that

10、 first and then technology and quality assurance department will check it. That part which belongs to the fixed assetsshould be approved by manager. The generals will be purchased by purchasing department after approval by section chief of quality assurance department.采购部门不得接受其他部门的采购申请计划,未经品质保障处和工艺处

11、审核 批准的计量器具不论出自何种费用或何人批准,采购部门应拒绝采购。Purchasing department shall not accept other departments purchasing applan. For the measuring implement which is not examined and approved by quality assurance department and technology department, no matter it is from any charge or any approval, purchasing departme

12、nt should refuse to purcha.se 采购的计量器具应有许可证标志和合格证。Measuring implement of purchasing should have license logo and certificate.3.1.4计量经费应专款专用,列入质量成本核算 (指产品质量和工艺检测)。Measuring funds should earmark a fund for its specified purpose only and should be accounted in the quality cost (refers to the quality of

13、the product and process verification).3.2 计量器具的入库 Measuri ng impleme nt put in storage3.2.1外购计量器具到厂后,由计量室按照检定规程进行示值检定,检 查零配附件是否齐全、外观无缺陷,并有合格标志和许可证标志。附件不全、 外观有缺陷等的计量器具,由计量室出具验收结果通知书交采购部门交涉办 理退换手续。对低值易耗C类计量器具,如 本厂不能检定的 ,计量室仅作附件和外观及功能检查,其他委外检定 。如 果使用时有异常,或出厂合格证已超过有效期,则应送上级计量部门或制造 厂检定修理。After outsourcin

14、g measuring implement arrived in the factory, measuring room will make a verification of indicating value according to the verification procedures to inspect whether spare and accessory parts are in readiness or not, to make sure appearancehas no defects and it has license logo and certificate. For

15、measuring implement with the accessory incomplete and appearance with defects, measuring room provides a check and acceptance result notice to purchasing department to negotiate the return formalities. For the low-value C measuring implements, if the factory can not inspect, measuring room only does

16、 the verification of accessory, appearance and functions, the others will be inspected by the third party. If there is abnormal in the use or factory certificate has been over the period of validity, then it should be sent to superior measuring department or manufacturer to be inspected and repaired

17、.3.2.2 ?本厂自行设计制造的专用量检具加工完后连同设计图纸交计量 室进行入库检定,合格的出具合格证入库。After self-made appropriative measuring implement in the factory processed, the measuring implement and design paper should be sent to measuring room to be inspected and put in storage. The qualified ones should be provided with a certificate an

18、d put in storage.3.2.3 新添置的设备中如附有计量器具,设备能源处在开箱时应通知计 量室参加验收。If there is measuring implement in the new purchasing implement, equipment and energy department should inform measuring room to check and accept when open up the case.3.3 计量器具的领用和发放 Get and give out measuring implement3.3.1采购入库的计量器具由计量室根据采购

19、计划及时通知使用单位领 取。Measuring room should inform use department to get measuring implement which is purchased in storage according to the purchasing plan in time.3.3.2 各车间、部门领用计量器具时由兼职计量员办理领用手续,经本 部门领导批准由品质保障处处长核准后,到计量库领取。Every workshop and department can get measuring implement after part-time measurer h

20、andles procedures, approved by department director and checked by section chief of quality assurance department.3.3.3使用车间、部门领取计量器具后及时送计量室进行登记、编号、建账和发放检定,列入周检计划后才能使用。车间、部门并同时建账,未经 编号、建账和发放检定的计量器具一律不得使用,一经发现由计量室收回。 Workshop and department should send it to measuring room to register, number, set up ac

21、counts, provide and inspect in time after getting measuring implement. It can be used till listed in the weekly verification plan. Workshop and department should set up accounts at the same time. Without numbering, setting up accounts, providing and inspecting, measuring implement shall not be used.

22、 If it being found, measuring room should take it back.3.3.4本厂自制的专用量检具投入使用前,由仓库管理人员通知计量室, 列入周检计划。Before self-made appropriative measuring implement being used, warehouse organizer shall inform measuring room to list it in weekly verification plan.3.4 计量器具的检定 Verification of measuring implement3.4.1计

23、量器具的检定要按国家检定规程(或公司暂行检定方法)?和国 家检定系统表进行。Verification of measuring implement should be conduct according to national metrological verification regulations (or company interim verification method) and national verification system tables.3.4.2计量器具检定人员必须经考核合格持有检定员证书后,才能对计 量器具进行相应项目的检定工作。Verifier of measur

24、ing implement should provide verification for measuring implement after qualified and get a commissioner certificate.3.4.3计量标准经上级政府部门考核合格,并取得合格证才能进行量值传递开展检定工作。Standard of measuring should get a certificate then to make quantity transmission and verification work after qualified by superior governmen

25、t department.3.4.4 计量器具的检定包括下列内容 Verification of measuring implement include the following contents3.4.4.1 入库检定 Verification in storage 凡新购置和自制的计量器具,在入库前所进行的确定其示值性能是否合格的 检定。All the new purchasing and self-made measuring implement should be provided verification to make sure indicating value is quali

26、fied. 发放检定 Providing verification 库存计量器具发放时需进行发放检定,一般作外观、零位和个别部位相互作 用检查。存放时间过长的(超过一个检定周期) ,则需按照检定规程进行检定 后,才可发放。Measuring implement in storage must be provided verifications and it includes verification of appearance,zero position and individual parts interaction. The measuring implement store

27、d in a long time (over a verification cycle) should be inspected according to verification procedures. 周期检定 Cycle verification 在用计量器具必须按计量室编制的周检计划,定期进行检定。以保证计量器 具量值的准确和一致。Using measuring implement should be inspected at regular intervals according to weekly verification plan to make sure magn

28、itude of measuring implement accurate and consistent.3.4.5各使用计量器具的部门,根据计量室周检通知单由部门兼职计量 员集中送检,计量室收发室做好登记签字手续。The use of measuring instruments department, according to the measuring room weekly inspection notice by department part-time measurersthrough inspection, measuring room mailroom completes the

29、 registration formalities for signature.3.4.6检定合格的计量器具由计量收发室通知使用部门,由兼职计量员 集中领取并做好签字手续。Verification qualified by the metrological measuring instruments use department mail notification, by part-time measurers through centralized procedures of receiving and signing it.3.4.7已建立计量标准的,由计量室进行自检。未建立计量标准的由计

30、 量室集中送法定计量技术机构检定或现场检定。Established standards of measurement, the measuring room for self-check. Measurement standard has not been established by measuring room centralized send legal metrological verification or on-site verification technology institutions.3.4.8强检的计量器具按法定技术机构的送检通知,由计量室按通知实 行定期、定点送检。S

31、trong inspection measuring instruments according to statutory technical inspection notice, by notice by measuring room adopts a regular, fixed point inspection.3.4.9 抽查检定 Spot check verification对在用周检有效期内的计量器具抽查其示值是否合格的检定,以考核使用部 门对计量器具的使用维护和保养的情况。抽检采取随机抽查方式,数量一般 按季度自检计量器具总数的10%进行抽查。To use weekly insp

32、ection period of validity of its value in selective examination is qualified gage verification, used in appraisal department for the use of measuring instruments maintenance and maintenance. When sampling random inspection, 10% of the total number of general self-inspection measuring instruments qua

33、rterly spot check.3.4.10 返回检定 Return verification 借用的计量器具归还后,作零位及一般外观作用或示值的检定。如有异常情 况,再作全面检定和修理。After returning the borrowed measuring implement, to provide a verification of zero position, general appearance function and indicating value. If there is an abnormal situation, measuring room provides a

34、 comprehensive verification and repair.3.4.11 巡回检定 Tour verification 到生产现场对在用计量器具作零位、外观、各部分相互作用等项目的检定。Go to the production scene to providing verification for using measuring implement of zero position, appearanceand all parts interaction, etc projects.3.4.12 临时检定 Temporary verification 在用计量器具在周期内发生

35、故障,根据使用者的要求,计量室给予的检定。Measuring implement breaks down when it is used by someone. Measuring roomshould provide verification according to the user s requirement.3.4.13 仲裁检定 Arbitration verification因计量器具的准确度 (或示值 ) 发生争执时,计量室根据纠纷双方的要求给予 的检定。Because of the accuracy (indicating value) of measuring impleme

36、nt they come into conflict, measuring room provides verification according to their requirements.3.4.14 计量器具检定时,检定人员要作好检定原始记录,填写历史记 录卡和统计表。对合格的发给合格印证,对不合格的出具修理或报废或者降 级通知单并做好周检率和周检合格率的统计。When measuring implements are inspected, inspectors should make an original verification record and write history

37、records and statistical table. For the qualified ones, they should make a qualified print. For the unqualified ones, they should provide a repair or scrap or downgrading notice and make a statistics of weekly verification rate and weekly verification qualified rate.3.5 计量器具的修理 Repair of measuri ng e

38、quipme nt3.5.1计量室负责全厂计量器具的修理工作,对于计量室不具备检修条 件的计量器具由计量室统一办理委外修理。本厂自制专用量检具由有关车间 负责修理,任何部门及个人不得擅自拆卸、修理各种计量器具,凡检定不合 格的计量器具由相关人员进行修理或反馈。Measuring room is responsible for repair work of all measuring instruments in the company. To these measuring instruments that measuring room does not posses the repair c

39、ondition, measuring room will commission external to repair. Self-made appropriative measuring equipment is repaired by related workshop any department or individual shall not disassemble and repair all kinds of measuring equipment. All the unqualified measuring equipments should be repaired and mad

40、e a feedback by related personnel.3.5.2凡在使用有效期内的计量器具中途损坏或失准,需要修理时由部 门兼职计量员统一办理送修,但原检定周期不变。When all the measuring implements in the period of use validity have damages halfway or have a loss of accuracy, they would be sent to repair in a unified manner by the part-time measurerin the department but t

41、he original verification period is constant.3.6 计量器具的降级 Down grad ing of measuri ng equipme nt3.6.1计量器具经检定不合格,又无法修复到原有准确度。在重新确定 准确度等级的情况下,可以办理降级使用。Measuring equipment which is unqualified after verification and cannot repair to the original accuracy can be downgraded to use with determining the leve

42、l of accuracy.3.6.2 根据公司实际情况,在满足生产过程中工艺控制及产品质量检测 参数要求的前提下,对一些精度等级较高的工作计量器具也可降级使用,以 提高企业经济效益。According to the actual situation in the company, under the premise of meeting technical control and product quality testing parameters requirements in the process, measuring equipment with higher accuracy le

43、vel can be downgraded to use to improve enterprise economic benefits.3.6.3 计量器具降级手续 Downgrading procedure of measuring equipment3.6.3.1公司最高标准器的降级,应根据法定计量检定技术机构出具的检定结果通知书或降级建议书,由计量室填写计量器具降级申请书,经主 管经理批准,报政府计量行政部门备案,方能降级使用。The downgrading of the highest standard equipment should be based on the notice

44、of test result or downgrading proposal provided by statutory metrological verification technology institution. After measuring room filling in downgrading application of measuring equipment, approval of the executive manager and submitting to the metrological administrative department of the governm

45、ent for the record, then it can be downgraded and put into use. 工作标准器具及配套计量器具的降级,由各专业组提出降级 申请,经计量室技术人员审核,由品质保障处处长批准方能降级。For the downgrading of work standard implement and matched measuring implement, every professional team applies for downgrading. After checked by technician and approved by

46、section chief of quality assurance department, the measuring implement can be downgraded. 般工作计量器具的降级由计量检定人员根据计量检测的实 际情况和修理情况填写降级申请书,经专业技术人员审核,计量室负责人批 准,方能降级。For the downgrading of general work measuring implement, metrological verification personnel write downgrading application according to

47、the physical situation and repair situation of metrological verification. It can be downgraded after checked by professionals and approved by the director of measuring room.3.6.4凡经降级的计量器具均应有明显标志,并在合格证上注明现有的精度等级和适用范围。指定地点使用,不得任意转让改动,以免失控。All downgraded measuring implement should has a clear sign and

48、the existing level of precisi on and applicable range should be no ted in the certificate. It should be used in the designated place and shall not be transferred and changed arbitrarily to avoid out of con trol.3.7 计量器具的报废scrap of measuri ng equipme nt3.7.1计量器具经计量检定不合格,已无法修复或没有修理价值的,应 予报废Measuring e

49、quipment is unqualified by the metrological verification, which has bee n un able to repair or without repair value, should be discarded.3.7.2凡需报废的计量器具,必须有完整的检定数据和检修记录,填写 报废单,经技术人员复核同意,才能办理报废手续。All the measuri ng in strume nts n eed to be scrapped, there must be a complete test data and maintenance

50、records, filled in the scrap list, approved by the tech ni cia ns, to go through the formalities of scrapped3.7.3 计量器具的报废手续 Scrap procedure of measuri ng equipme nt3.7.3.1公司最高标准器的报废,应根据法定计量检定技术机构出具 的检定结果通知书或报废建议书,由计量室填写计量器具报废单,经主管经 理签字,报政府计量行政部门备案,方能报废。the highest standard of scrap of company, shoul

51、d according to the notice of verificati on results issued by the statutory metrological verificati on tech no logy or discarded proposal, filled measuring instruments scrap form by measuring room, sig ned by the compete nt man ager, submitted to the metrological admi nistrative departme nt of the go

52、ver nment for the record, and can be scrapped3.7.3.2工作标准器及配套计量器具的报废,由各专业组填写报废单, 经计量管理员复核,分管计量工作的处长签字后,办理注销手续。Scarp of working standard measuring instruments and form a complete set of measuring instruments is filled the scarp notice by the every professional scrap group, through measuring administra

53、tor s review, and signed by director in charge of the metrological work, which can con duct the can cellati on procedures. 般工作计量器具价值在800元以下的需要报废,?由各专业人员填写报废单,经计量负责人审核批准,办理报废、更新手续。The gen eral worki ng measuri ng in strume nts below 800 Yuan n eed to be scrapped. It should be filled the scrap

54、notice by each professional staff, approved by the resp on sible pers on, in order to scrap, update formalities. 报废的计量器具如列入公司固定资产的应按公司有关规定办 理手续。The scrap measuring instrument belonging to fixed asset of company should con duct the releva nt formalities3.7.4凡已报废的计量器具,应注销有关台帐、历史记录卡和技术档案。The scr

55、ap measuri ng in strume nt shall can cel the acco unt, history record cards and tech ni cal files3.7.5凡已报废的计量器具.一律不准投入使用,由计量室仓库回收, 按公司有关制度统一处理。The scrap measuring instruments are not allowed to be put into use, which should be recycli ng by measuri ng room accord ing to releva nt proposal of compa n

56、y.3.8 计量器具的圭寸存和启用the storage and start ing use ofmeasuring instrument3.8.1由于公司产品结构变化、机构调整和设备停用等原因部分计量器 具暂时闲置不用,可将部分计量器具办理圭存手续,实行圭存。Some measuring instruments are on the shelf temporarily becauseof change of company product structure, organization adjustment and instrument out of serve and other reas

57、ons. They can be conducted storage formalities and sealed up.3.8.2 计量器具的圭寸存手续 the sealed up formalities of the measuring instrument3.8.2.1 需要圭存的公司最高标准器, 应由各专业人员提出书面申请, 计量室负责人同意,分管计量的处长批准后报主管经理,并向政府计量技术 机构申请备案。The highest standard instrument of company need to be sealed up, which should submit writte

58、n application by the professional staff. Its also approved by the principal. After approved by the director of measuring department, it should be reported to manager and apply to the measurement technology institute of government for a record. 工作标准器具及配套计量器具的圭存,由各专业人员填写圭 存报告,品质保障处处长同意批准后办理。.8.

59、2.3The seal of working standard instruments and matched measure instruments should be filled the seal report by the professional staff, which should be approved by the director of the quality assurance department and conduct the formalities.般工作计量器具的圭存,由使用单位 (或个人) 提出圭存,?经计量负责人批准即可封存The seal of general work


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