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1、091031NA Speaking Question 1Describe a pers on who always makes you laugh. Expla in why thepers on is funny.In clude details and examples in your expla nati on.sample an swer:The peion who always makes me laugh is my grandfathei who is already 飞 years old. I pess the reason be is so funny is lhat he

2、 is a y oppoituriistic nian and always look at the bjight side of things. Like the other day when he mentions his thinning hair he said lie could save a lot by not having to go to the barbers so often. Another reason is that he never takes himself too seriously. He wld me that life is 100 short and

3、if one takes himself too seriously his life Avonld not only to short but painful. The best way to deal with an embarrassment is to laugh it off.091031NA Speaki ng Question 2Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people preferto move to differe nt places. Which do you prefer

4、and why? Use specific reas ons andexamples to support your resp on se.sample an swer:I prefer to move around a lot in stead of settli ng in one place because firstof all I believe most people s growth comes with the changes in their lives. Forexample, after finishing my junior high school in China,

5、I decided to go to Canada.This gives me an opport un ity to be in structed in an en tirely differe nt mann er. Ive become a more independent thinker and learned how to look at things from different perspectives. If I were still study ing in Chin a, I quite doubt I would lear n allthis. Secondly, I t

6、hink that by moving around, people are able to experienee diverse circumstances which give them new experiences and broaden their views, and thus they can get more comprehensive understanding of the world, the society and life itself.090403NA Speaki ng Question 1童年学到了什么东西?What did you learn in your

7、childhood?sample an swer:1 learned many essential things in my life. Most importantly, f learned how to read and wrile I think it is a great thing to be able to read and write: because in this way 1 can know other people s ideas, read newspapers and books. I can also know what was written two thousa

8、nd or more years ago: I can know the spiritual aiitiunts of the world and oommunicate with one another. I also learned the importance of good health. Even I 常as ve young my mother told me that good health is a secret of every happy man. There is an old saying that Health is Wealth* so 1 tried to kee

9、p healthy by exercising, playirg sports, eat a healthy diet and remain optimistic,090403NA Speaki ng Question 2有人喜欢把时间排得很满,有人喜欢留很多 free time。你呢? Som即eople like to havea tight schedule while others prefer to have a lot of free time. What about you?sample an swer:Personally, I like to have a tight sch

10、edule when 1 was at work because in todays competitive world, efficiency is what all private enterprises aim for if! dont keep myself busy 1 am not likely to get 2 promotion and a pay rise, I could even get fired. But at weekends or during holidays, I tend to have a more relaxed life, because beside

11、s work, there a loi of oiher tliinss that are*Jwworthwhile for me, like tny family. 1 need to spend some quality time with them and get my mind relaxed so that I would get back to my busy work relaxed and refreshed.- mystery, scie nee fiction and100130NA Speaking Question:1:Among the followi ng thre

12、e types of booksbiography, which do you like the least? Explain why.sample an swer10 / 271 / 27I have to admit that I really don7 tlike science fiction at all! In my opinion, most scij&nc& fictions are basically about a bunch of supernatural human beings doii培 weird things in a fantasy7 world. You n

13、ever see people Eke them in real life, not to mention the things they do, so unless you like daydreaming, you 11 find sri-f5 stories 赳nothing BUT mte re sting! .Another reason I di&lik? science Setions is that sometinies they ar*? written without common sense! For example, there is actually no sound

14、 in space lecause there is no air and soxind needs air to tra7el Yet some science fictions depict scenes of aircraft landing and taking off metkins loud noise!100130NA Speaking Question 2:Do you like to travel alone or with your family members?Explain your answer with details and examples.sample an

15、swer:I Eke to trav&l alone. 1J m a prettv independent person. Although I don t niind doing things Yvith friends or family, I don t like to be tied to someone else s schedule all the time. If I travelled with my parents, for example-, I would be dragged out of bed at 6 o? clock in the niorniiig and s

16、pend most of the day walking; sleepy and exhausted.smore, the more people you travel tvith the more tastes and interests you have to bear with Like if I travelled itli my sister I would be wandering in juw已】ry stores or souvenir shops wherever I travel, which ets me bur已d. So 1 would rather travel a

17、lone, even if it means a lonely or a more costly trip.100213NA Speaking Question1:you enjoying doing most at school? Expla in why youWhat kind of activity doenjoy doing this activity.sample an swerActually, g Chinese sttid&nts havm little time, for any actixities because of the hevy schoolwork. Ent

18、w alvays a point of Granizing actitis ivhenever we can. One of the activities we often have and which I enjoy most is the end-of-year party. It s usually held at the end of the 灵hw year to celebrate the cunung of 迪 mw yean ZE wQuld decorate o-iir classroom with ribbons and paper flowers and put pape

19、r cut on the vindow We would also buy some fruits snacks and drinks. At the party, we would put on various kinds of performances like singing, dancing guessing riddles and so forth. At the 皂nd of the party. ive would vote to choose a queen and a king. It ivas really great fun.100213NA Speaki ng Ques

20、tion 2:Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement:Artists (painters,musicia ns, etc.) are born and not taught.sample an swer 1:I do not 总色 ivith this statement. It is true that some people are bom with innate abilities for drawing or pbFng muioal mtruments. Th色y my shov* ar affinity for ar

21、t from aarly childhood, and started driving nice pictures as far back as they could hold a pencil ar cray&n. Hoever. innate talent only g&ts one so far” One does have to learn the methods and theories of art and hon their skills to truly understand art and the technique and skills required for creat

22、ing a true masterpiece of art. Mcreovr, modern artists need tc take lessons in a varieties of disciplines like architecuture. engineeririg, bioniQ吕仿生学),亡 to m詁弋 sure that their design is 口ot onlypleasiqg but 出。practicalsample an swer 2:Well, 1 think 辻 depends on vhat you man by talent. Take painting

23、 for example, for most painters, talent refers to how easily and how quickly someone can acquire the necessars- skills and understanding to male art. There is another facet of talent that deals vith cratiely choosing what to paint, Iioav to arrange the elements, chat style to use and sometimes exper

24、imentirg iritn completely new ways to repress nt a subject or idea. If your goal is to paint something that is good enough to hang in your house, i think all you need is a lot of practice to master the skills- Talent i$ not nessardy a requirement- But if you want to became a famous artist who is rec

25、ognized the ;vorld over for transcending all works of art irith something neiv and great, you need a lot of talent.1, What suggestions would you give to a friend who wants to improve his/her scorein class?sample an swer:Well, I think there are many ways that h/she can make use of to enhance his/her

26、academic performa nee. He can join a study group where h/she can ask other group members for clarifying difficult points. I would also advise him to preview what the professor is going to discuss the next day and review what the professor has taught. That way he/she will understand better the teachi

27、ng content and the knowledge will reta in muchl on ger. Also make fulluse of the office hours, if he/she encoun tersdifficulties, the professor is always glad to offer a help ing hand.2, Some people like to purchase books from a book store while others like to borrow books from the library. Which do

28、 you prefer and why?sample an swer:I prefer buying books to borrow ing books. True, borrow ing books can save youa lot of money and you can get almost any book, even the latest releases if you are willing to wait or joina queue. However, you have to return it on time even if youhave not finished it.

29、 However, by buying the book, you can read it wherever you want and whe never you want, and once you have read it, you can lend it to friends and family or even give it as a gift. Ano ther stre ngth of owing books is that we can take whatever no tes on the margin of the pages of the books.100619NA独立

30、口语1, One of your friends wants to drop out of college. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Why?sample an swer:I Kould stronglj7 且色 him against dropping out of c&Uege. College 色ducation canproxnde a studemt with many mere new and exciting opportunities that they never would have had if they drop o

31、ut at high school. Many high school students get tempted by earning a good income immediatelVj and this is understandable. Hovever in the long run college graduat5 will find it easier to find higher pacing jobs that they enjoy, plus they atII have gone thro-ugh the college experience. Anotiier reaso

32、n wiiv colleges are important is that they can gain aluable resources during your tenure. The more connections which are collect&d during your college career, the more options you s讪 haFe when you begin your job search. Once you have ended yotir job search and have started your career, however, the

33、importance of a colle呂e education has not b&en exhausted- Having a coDege degree often provides for greater promotion opportunity.2, Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a pers on should study in the uni versity.sample an swer:I think in this inereasiixgl

34、y competie 科pfld* a college 栏du cation is a must for a person to succeed On巳 important answer to this question is more opportunity. As opposed to generations of the past, high school graduates today are unable to obtain the number of high- pacing jobs that were once available, The Chinese economy ha

35、s been transformed from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, and the importance of a college education today can be compared to that of a high school education forty years ago. It senses as the gat-eAay to better options and more opportunity. There are additiona reasons as

36、 to why it is important to go ro college. Whe口 students experie.nce a past secondary ed.uea.tion, they hare the opportunity to read books and listen to the lectures of top experts in tlieir fields. This sthiiuJation encourages students to think, ask questions, and explore new idess, Khich allows for

37、 additional growlh and development and provides college graduates with an edge in the job market over those who have not experienced a higher edutation100821NA独立口语高分答案 1, One of your friends has suddenly received a large amount of money and hasasked you for advice on how to handle this money. What a

38、dvice would you give to your friend? Give reas ons for your an swer.sample an swer:I would adlse my friend to save most of the money for a rainy day because the economy is really bad at the moment with students finding it very difficult tofind jobs, and people are even talking about a recession in t

39、he USA and Europe, So the money covld come in handy if she needed some mone)- to fall back ra at some point m the future. Another reason I would suggest saying the money is that she could put the monev towards buying a flat. Property prices are rising all the time, so buying a hwnse or fkt would not

40、 only be a good investment, but would also ensure that she would always have a place to live, vrithout payingxtortionate rent.2, Do you agree or disagree with this statement? People should dress according to the latest fashi on.sample an swer:I guess every one has dreamed o suddenly coming into poss

41、ession of a lirg amount of money. The best advice I car offer tn my friend is to put 30 percent of the mony as an emergency fiind to be used in such circumstances as ob loss, significant medical expenses. honiE repairs ect. And thpn put another 50 percent on loiv-risk investment such as gwTernment b

42、onds and the rest 10 percent on high-risk investment such as shares.the golden rule is spread your risk-it s madvjable to put all of one! s money into one channel of investment.100821NA独立口语高分答案 1, One of your friends has suddenly received a large amount of money and has asked you for advice on how t

43、o handle this money. What advice would you give to your friend? Give reas ons for your an swer.sample an swer:I disagree far a couple of reasons. Firstly, because dressing according tathe latest fashion is incredibly expensive and people shouldn t be expected to buy fashionable dothes just so that y

44、ou can be seen by others to be feooV or trendy . Most people probabfy vonldnJ t Z able to afford the FXorbiTariT prices amrvay* Moreoer3 not only wTould the prire of the clothes themseh?es be unreasonable, but fashions are constantly changing and so dressing aocording to the latest fashions vould me

45、an buing a whole new vardrob every few months, which is also unrealistic for the average working girl or man. Finally: the clothes we wear die often an expression of our individuality and n one dressing according to the latest fashions Avould limit thi possibilities for this expression; and instead

46、申弋ryoiif would wear the clothes, which wquld be incrediblr boring.2, Do you agree or disagree with this statement? People should dress according to the latest fashi on.sample an swer:I like fashion, but I don t fall pTey to the stupid trends. For instance;, I like to watch fashion shows so I can get

47、 an id&a of what I would like to 仏它sr for the ses&n. I don t shop at places like Hollister, and Ambercrombit? & Fitch because even*one vears the same thin君.No one is unique. Besides the bad tiling about trends is that they last for 且 short time, and then you have to get a. brand new wardrobe every t

48、ime. Some trends that are popular for the fall are metalliSj faux fur? layers* the 80 *3* and this year the Napoleon look, I * m not too fond of either look. I Ekt to create my owm sense of style from fashions 1 see from around the world-100828NA独立口语高分答案1. Are the livi ng sta ndards of people today

49、better tha n the past?sample an swer:Vellj I cad t generalize for evry part of the world. But so fer as china is concerned I 11 have to say our Uuing standards are definitely better than previous generations. First of all, people s income ha5 increised, this means th&y have more money in the bank an

50、d they have more money to spend on things othar than dafl- necessities. They spend more on leisure activities such as watching nicies md traveling to Xher places. Secondly, the poverty rate hd Imved cons*i住匚f government figures are to believej poverty rate decreased from 10.2% in 2000 to 玉8滋 in 2009

51、. that 5 et huge step forvvaid.2, Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Internet plays an importa nt role in your life. Use specific examples and details to support your an swer.sample an swer:Well 1 am a college student, and for me, the internet has become an indispensable tool far

52、 my academic life. Oi-er the internet. I can retrieve information and databases from eery networked library- around the world in seconds. The World ividg Web proides an easy way to access hard-tcfind information, I can novT reach any library through the global network and find lvhat they want* Besid

53、ea that, the inteTnet is also 曰 fabulous entertainment fecility. I can listen to the music, watch TV and do many other interesting thingsT and actually I can t imagine life mthout the internet*100924NA独立口语高分答案1, Talk about an organization you want to join and why.sample an swer:I 賓ant to join an org

54、anization called Pedal Power. It s an international charity based miinly in the UK, It sends bicy cles to some of the poorest regions in the vorld. I vant to join this organization because with a bicycte, people can get ivhereve匚 they wanl to go without much trouble: this enables them to imprwe thei

55、r position and have more control ovet Their lives. In this way, I can make a difference in other people s lives. What? & more, I think as a Chinese national, I have mort resources to contribute to this organization be cause t as)*ou know, china is virtually a Kingdom at Bicycles * where a lot of unw

56、antedbik皂曹 are discarded each year, if they can be collected and repairedj Pedal Power can have a constant supply of bikes to send-2,本题暂缺101009NA独立口语高分答案1, Describe a cha nge in your country,服饰文化上的等等 (讲一个变化,可以是社会的,可以是现象的。差不多,反正是挑种变化讲讲)Sample answer :The most noticeable change in my country is that p

57、eople? especially young people are getting more and more interested in celebrating the s-o called imported festwals think People have to co-ntribute to their communities, societies and humanity in some ivay, and doing volunteer work is 迅 great way to adnese this. If I got the chancej I woule like to

58、 become a care-giver % olunteer for my neighborhood. I an】a medical student and I beliee that I have the professional skills and knoivleclge to offer help to those local people who are sick, disabled or semi- bedridden. Even if thev do not need medical attention, or if I am not qualified to do so,丄 coud arrays help by doing laundnj cleaning, cocking, etc, for them, which is also important. I think it is truly gratifyiig vork and I hope that if I need help someday, that someone nught come to help 口1匕 such as Valentin已s Day* and Christmas Day.


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