1、编号:099140141074本 科 毕 业 论 文题 目: 梭罗及其作品瓦尔登湖的生态解析 a literary interpretation of walden from the ecological perspectivespecialty: english direction: american literatureapplicant: dong yuanyuansupervisor: lu guorongsubmitted to college of foreign languages for the degree of bachelor of artsat inner mongol
2、ia university for the nationalities may 18, 2013内蒙古民族大学学士学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:董媛媛日 期:2013 年 5 月18 日毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研
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9、谢本论文是在导师刘丹老师的悉心指导下完成的,导师严谨的治学态度、广博的专业知识、开阔的思路和强烈的敬业精神将使我终生受益,三年的学习生涯中,导师在科研、学习、生活方面,都给予我许多的帮助和无微不至的关怀。并且非常感谢导师为我提供了一个良好的实验与学习环境。特别感谢副院长卢国荣老师对本论文给予了很多帮助和指导。论文实施过程中,英美文学老师给了我支持和帮助,在此表示由衷的感谢。感谢四年来朝夕相处的同学计艳、李娜、包富平、杨海玲。求知共勉,你们给了我很大的信心和勇气。特别感谢在二十多年求学路上默默支持和辛勤付出的父母。摘 要在生态批评崛起和人们对研究梭罗以及其作品瓦尔登湖给予更多关注的背景下,本文分
10、析梭罗的生态关注,瓦尔登湖中的象征意义以及梭罗的幸福观等几个方面解析梭罗在瓦尔登湖中的自然观。梭罗强调自然的审美意义和精神意义,极力反对把自然的价值约减为实用和经济的价值,表达了在文明与荒野之间,人与自然之间保持平衡的理念。梭罗的瓦尔登湖既是一部不朽的文学作品,又是传播绿色观念和诗意栖居的教科书。关键词:梭罗 瓦尔登湖 生态批评 自然 幸福a literary interpretation of walden from the ecological perspective dong yuanyuanabstractwith the rising of eco-criticism, the wo
11、rld is paying more and more attention to thoreau and his most famous work walden. against this background, my paper makes a literary interpretation and analysis of thoreaus view on nature as reflected in his walden. the paper mainly focuses on his ecological concerns, the symbolic implications in wa
12、lden, and his sense of happiness. thoreau resists the reduction of nature to its material and economic value and emphasizes the spiritual and aesthetic aspects of nature and urges a balance between civilization and wilderness, man and nature. thoreaus walden is not only a great literary works, but a
13、 pedagogical project that spreads “green” ideology and poetic living. keywords: thoreau walden eco-criticism nature happiness contentsintroduction11.henry david thoreaus ecological concern.31.1thoreaus aesthetic view of nature.31.2thoreaus awareness of ecology crisis and environmental protection.52.
14、interpretation of symbols in walden from the ecological perspective.72.1 the symbol of walden pond.72.2the symbol of bean-field:82.3the symbol of the french canadian woodchopper.82.4other symbols in walden83.an interpretation of thoreaus sense of happiness from the ecological view93.1 the simple lif
15、e.93.2the happy-medium thought.113.3a discussion of thoreaus real reason toward happiness.13 conclusion14notes.15bibliography17a literary interpretation of walden from ecological perspective dong yuanyuanintroductionhenry david thoreau (july12, 1817-may6, 1862) was an american author, poet, philosop
16、her, abolitionist, naturalist and a leading transcendentalist. his most famous work walden, or life in the woods published in 1845, it detailed thoreaus experiences over the course of two years in a cabin he built near walden pond, amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor ralph waldo emerson1
17、1, near concord massachusetts, simple living and self-sufficiency were thoreaus other goals, and the whole project was inspired by the transcendentalist philosophy2 2, a central theme of american romantic period. the experience gave thoreau the chance to make keen observation on the world around him
18、. the result became an american classic: walden explores not only the soul of the searching thoreau, but defines what it means to be a truly free person, and distills the essence of our relationship of nature.in recent years, with the increasing awareness of environment, thoreaus walden drew much pe
19、oples attention as a “green book”, and it was studied from the perspective of ecological view. it has been studied in 1990s, at the time when the global environment crisis was increasing severely. the history of eco-criticism3 3 is brief, but it has a fast and far-reaching influence on the study of
20、literature and natural environment. in general, eco-criticism goes through three stages:the first stage mainly focuses on how the nature elements find full expression in literary works; the second stage emphasizes how the marginalized natures works make contribution to the development and creation o
21、f american nature works; the third stage tries to establish a set of ecological poetic thinking, so that the ecological ideology improve the construction of eco-criticism theory. what it means to study thoreaus walden is that his works is a hot topic of the second stage. by studying thoreaus work, i
22、t will benefit the establishment of ecological poetic living and further ecological study. scholars investigate many aspects of ecological things, such as the underlying ecological values and examine human perception of wilderness, how it has changed throughout history, and if or not current environ
23、mental problems are symbolized or even mentioned in popular culture and modern literature. william rueckert may have been the first person to use the term, joseph meckers the comedy of survival (1974) , proposed a version that environmental crisis was caused primarily by cultural tradition in the we
24、st of separation of culture from nature, and elevation of the former to moral predominance. such anthropocentrism was perhaps the main cause of the disorder of man and nature.however there is a problem among literary works studied from the eco-critical point of view. as michael p. cohen has observed
25、, “if you want to be an eco-critic, be prepared to explain what you do and be criticized, if not satirized.” thats what he calls its “praise song school” of criticism. all eco-critics shares an environmentalist motivation of some sort, but whereas the majority are “nature endosing ” in response to t
26、he question what the eco-criticism is or should be , henry vogel makes the case that eco-criticism constitutes an “economic school of thought” as it engages audiences to debate problems of resource allocation that have no technical solution.based on the previous research, this thesis is to give a li
27、terary interpretation of walden from the ecological perspective, and discuss a sense of happiness reflected by thoreau in his book walden. what this thesis means is to arouse again peoples concern about nature and reflect their way of living style.1. henry david thoreaus ecological concern.henry dav
28、id thoreau was an ardent observer of nature, and he served as a son and a protector. perhaps his natural intelligence was much higher than his contemporaries. he enjoyed the beauty and primitive appearance of nature. the quiet lake, the green trees, the singing birds, the blowing windhe could apprec
29、iate them like a poet. and for him, to stay a whole afternoon in nature is much worthwhile. at the same time, he felt worried about the nature pollution. the deforestation, the disappearing birds, and the spreading sands weighed much on his mind. he thus investigated and advocated to the protection
30、of nature.1.1 thoreaus aesthetic view of nature.thoreau was ardent observer of nature, and he depicted nature so earnestly. in his works walden, the landscape of the lake was beautiful and graceful, the forest was quiet and flourishing, the birds and the mice were lovely and friendly. in a word, tho
31、reau was intoxicated in the beauty of nature, and at the same time his searching soul was being purified.in walden he wrote, “a lake is the landscapes most beautiful and expressive feature. its earths eye, looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.” 4 he compared the lake
32、to the earths eye, it was evident that he loved the lake so much and he got the most important enlightenment from it .the aesthetics of nature had been appreciated by him since his childhood. his mother used to bring him to the woods in a sunny afternoon, they went hiking, held picnic parties and li
33、stened to the songs of the birds. therefore, thoreau cultivated his love of nature from an early age. and at the age of four, he for the first time saw walden which left him a deep impression; he wrote seasons when he was ten yeas old, which describe the sceneries and changes of weather, it was the
34、earliest works of him.nature for thoreau, just as he observed in walden “every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and i may say innocence, with nature herself.” 5 here to some extent, nature was the god. and thoreau was a son of god, not only did he appreciate the
35、 nature but also he admired her so much. he humbly showed his reverence for nature, and regarded her as a personified beauty.in the chapter the ponds his observation brought him a great enlightenment. he put it in this way, “it is the same liquid joy and happiness to itself and its maker, ay, and it
36、 may be to me. it is the work of a brave man surely, in whom there was no guile! he rounded this water with his hand, deepened and clarified in his thought, and in his will bequeathed it to concord. i see by its face that it is visited by the same reflection; and i can almost say, walden, is it you?
37、 it is no dream of mine,to ornament a line;i cannot come nearer to god and heaventhan i live to walden even,i am its stony shore,and the breeze that passes oer;in the hollow of my hand,are its water and its sand,and its deepest resort,lie high in my thought” 6 thoreau showed his deep insight about w
38、alden. for thoreau , she was kind and generous and nature offered sunshine, wind, rain, summer and winter, and constantly provided us healthy and well-being. he believed that the voice of the cow at dusk far away was a sweet and well-rhymed song; and compared the owls songs as voices joining togethe
39、r in the night in mourning; he even interpreted the noisy of the frogs as songs sung by the ancient drinkers.1.2 thoreaus awareness of ecology crisis and environmental protection.thoreaus deep love and reverence of nature formed the basic of his environmental ethics and policies. when he was boating
40、 on the river of his hometown, he was happy to see the landscape around the river being free of polluted. but he also aware that the disorder of ecology caused by human being. he was anger and felt pity when he saw the trees near the lake being cut down, and he first paddled a boat on walden, he fou
41、nd it was completely surrounded by thick and lofty pine and oak woods, and in some of its coves grapevines had run over the trees next the water and formed bowers under which a boat could pass, but since left those shores the woodchoppers have still further laid them waste, and now for many a year t
42、here will be no more rambling through the aisles of the wood, with occasional vistas through which you see the water. the muse may be excused if she is silent henceforth. he asked how could he expect the birds to sing when their groves are cut down. we can sense the pity and indignation of thoreau b
43、etween the lines.in the woods of maine, when he saw hundreds of factories turned thousands of trees into furniture or tools, he thought the woodchoppers as busy devils.in concord, thoreau found that the flourishing woods reduced into the uneven wasteland, and the sand spreads at an alarming speed, d
44、ue to deforestation and destruction of grassland. and in a beach, the dead whales was lying everywhere. the local people earned their living by hunting whale. the fat part of the whale was used by them, the head of the whale was left on the beach. in consequence, the air was smelly and polluted mile
45、s of the surroundings. but no measures were taken to tackle the problem.thoreau thus appealed to all man protecting the woods and grasslands, to keep the balance between man and nature, and to maintain the order of ecology. he held the view that each creature, living was much better than dead, it wa
46、s the same to man and a pine tree. anyone who truly understands this would rather preserve its life than destroy it.thoreau seemed at first in awe of the train and the commerce it brought to the area from far away places. he even says that their whistle can be heard so far, that the farmers set thei
47、r clock by them, and thus one well conducted institution regulates a whole country. it means to emphasize how the locomotive had industrialized almost all aspects of human life. he seemed nostalgic for the world he used to know, and regretful that such technology can reach into even the broadest of
48、wilderness, and how it seemed to corrupt the harmony that is the silent natural environment only filled by the sounds of the animals around it. he was an early advocator of entertainment hiking and canoeing, of conserving natural resources on private land, and of preserving wilderness as public land
49、. his walden put forward that men, to use a common phrase, can and should “make the best of two worlds”-the supernatural world of the spirit and the natural world of everyday existence. he was dedicated to advocate a pattern of sustainable scientific development.2. interpretation of symbols in walde
50、n from the ecological perspective.the american transcendental movement, which ralph waldo emerson was the leading representative absorbed the elements of european romanticism. it viewed nature as the symbol of nature and the over-soul idea. thoreau, as an american transcendentalist also did well in
51、discovering the meaning of the symbols. the following is going to analyze several significant symbols. 2.1 the symbol of walden pond. life at walden pond provides thoreau with the opportunity to journey into himself, into nature, and into the divine. walden pond itself, where thoreaus own journey un
52、folds, is both real and symbolic. it is a symbol of the nature, an expression of the divine, human potential for clear perception and understanding, and the mystery of the universe. although it is vast, however it may be understood. in the chapter “the ponds,” thoreau proposes integration of nature
53、as reality and nature as symbol. he writes his fishing experience like this: “it was very queer, especially in dark nights, when your thoughts had wandered to vast and cosmogonal themes in other spheres, to feel this faint jerk, which came to interrupt your dreams and link you to nature again. it se
54、emed as if i might next cast my line upward into the air, as well as downward into this element which was scarcely much dense. thus i caught two fishes as it were with one hook.”thoreau is therefore suddenly brought back from the spiritual realm to reality. the pond is the work of the divine maker, a kind of access to the universal for the alert seeker. waldens purity and mystery reflected the nature itself. through the pond, throu
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