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1、高邮市初中英语导学案(九年级) 课题unit 1 star signs reading (1)课型 新授课执教时间主备人陈德志审核人黄海晖复备人学习目标1知识目标:(1)进一步了解有关星座的知识。 (2)认识和了解与性格有关的词汇2. 技能目标:(1)归纳各星座的人物所拥有的性格特征,了解文章大意 (2)通过阅读提高从所给材料中提取信息的能力.3情感目标:通过星座的学习,了解中西方文化的差异学习重点1.了解每一个星座和有关性格特征的词汇。2.理解并会使用形容词描述每个星座和某人的性格特征。学习难点使用恰当的形容词描述某人的性格特征学法指导通过多阅读,品味语句,体会语感 订正、笔记栏学习过程【预

2、习指导与检测】 (一)预习指导1. divideinto 把.划分 the city is divided into four areas. 2. energy n.活力 -energetic adj. 活力的children are usually full of energy. jogging is a very energetic form of exercise.3. give up 放弃 the doctor asked my father to give up smoking.4. argue with 与争论 she never argues with others.5. eno

3、ugh to he is patient enough to wait without getting angry.6. too much 太多(+不可数名词) much too 太(+形容词或副词) oo many太多(+名词复数)(二)预习检测a、认真阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文。1.有时候 _ _ 2.和别人争吵 3.被分成两部分 4.在乎自己 _ 5.注意细节 6.保守秘密 _ 7.有很强的幽默感 _ 8.勤劳的人们 _ 9.容易放弃 10.善于计划事情 _ b、根据提示,用适当形式拼写单词1. the twins look alike, but their characte

4、ristics are not _ at all. (相似)2. none of us would play with him because he is very _. (自私)3. she is _ about everything around her. (好奇)4. dont care about your fault too much. they have _ you. (原谅)5. she is _money to go abroad for further education. (节省)订正、笔记栏6. peter is so _that he joins three clubs

5、 at the same time. (energy)7. he threw my book to me _, without taking a look at me. (patient)(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1. whats your star sign? what are your characteristics?2. whats your best friends star sign? (四)预学质疑关于性格特点的形容词:_ 【课堂导学与互动】任务一:听课文录音,完成p10 partc1.任务二:快速阅读课文,完成p10 partb.任务三:学习了课文,你能

6、区分西方的星座和中国的生肖?分小组讨论下列问题: 1. what are the 12 animal signs in chinese culture?2. what are the 12 star signs in the west?【总结提升】你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的?_方法点拨:通过多阅读,品味语句,体会语感。【当堂反馈】一、根据句意,结合提示填空1. a day is _(divide) into 24 hours.2. this student is _(active )and seldom takes part in class activities.3. tom cant s

7、it there quietly. he is _(patient) .4. _(give) up dreaming is hopeless.5 the top student in our class is the most _ (humour).6. the person whose star sign is capricorn is patient and _(practice). 7. he can think of good ideas, so we think he is _(create) 8. many actors and sports players are _ (精力充沛

8、) .9. liu xiang is a_ runner.(成功)10. if you want to be a scientist, you should be_.(想象力)二、单项选择123456789101.we all think _ was kind _ you to give your seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday. a. that, for b. it, for c. it, of d. that, of 2. peter is kind and helpful, but he is a little

9、 careless _.a. at time b. at a time c. at times d. once a time 3. -im _ to eat all the food in the world now! -really? but i dont have _ for you. its a great pity! a. enough hungry, food enough b. enough hungry, enough food 订正、笔记栏c. hungrily enough, enough food d. hungry enough, enough food 4. jim i

10、s _ sometimes. its hard for him to change his mind even though he is wrong.a. stubborn b. imaginative c. energetic d. practical 5. people born _ gemini are clever, curious and outgoing.a. by b. under c. for d. with 6. he dreamt _ his old classmates and teachers the night before last.a. about b. with

11、 c. for d. like 7. he explained _ why he didnt come to our party the day before last.a. us b. for us c. with us d. to us 8.- do you mind my smoking here? -_. the boy is sleeping.a. better not b. never mind c. not at all d. you are welcome9. she is very modest. she never _.a. proud b. is proud c. sho

12、ws off d. shows of10. “you must keep in the hospital,” the woman said to me .a. quietly; quietb. quietly; quietlyc. quiet; quietly d. quiet; quiet【课后拓展】一、阅读理解12345part-time waiterbusy caf needs honest and reliable waiter for weekends. must enjoy working with a team and dealing with customers. call s

13、erge at 95562476 after 6 pm.delivery(投递,传送)personyoung, fit person required to deliver heavy boxes of books. must have a driverslicense and be able to carry heavy boxes. we are looking for a trust worthy person for this position. call gary at 0556-805987 any time.nanny wanted kind, hard-working nann

14、y wanted to look after three friendly children. must be experienced and have childcare qualifications(资格). please call tess at 98674451 between 10 am and 3 pm.alice, sonia and bobby are looking at the employment section in their local newspaper. they are looking at advertisements for different types

15、 of jobs.“why dont you apply(申请)for the job as a waiter, bobby?” said alice. “do you think i will have a chance?” bobby replied.“of course you will,”said alice. “youre certainly honest and reliable(可靠的). everyone trusts you, and youre never late.”“i think sonia should apply forthe job as a nanny,” b

16、obby said.订正、笔记栏“yes, sonia,” alice said. “you always work so hard and you love children. you would be perfect!”“id love to do it,” sonia said, “but the advertisement says they want someone who is experienced. i dont have any experience or qualifications. but what about you, alice?“yes, alice,” bobb

17、y said. “which job would you like”?“i think i should become a career advisor!” said alice.1. what does the underlined word “nanny” mean?a. 女工 b. 阿姨 c. 佣人 d. 保姆2. the friends are looking at the employment section in the newspaper for _.a. money b. advertisements c. jobs d. chances3. who is supposed t

18、o be a good waiter?a. alice b. sonia c. bobby d. serge.4. if bobby wanted the jobs at the caf he could call serge _.a. anytime b. after 6 pm c. before 10 am d. after 3 pm5. alice was the most active of the three in _.a. giving suggestions b. applying for jobs c. making experiences d. looking at the

19、employment advertisments二、短文填空i still remember visiting moscow. it is the capital of russia, the b 1 country in the world. i went there w 2 my parents when i was eight years old. i lived and studied there for one year, i had some happy memories.one of the most interesting things of that city was tha

20、t t 3 were many dogs.perhaps russians l 4 dogs very much. you can see dogs here and there. almost each of the families had a dog. i made friends with many russian children w 5 i was living and studying there. they were all very nice. they had fair hair and fair skin. i played with them h 6 though i

21、could only speak a little russian at first. they were f 7 to me. the weather in moscow was very cold. it snowed almost every in winter. the ground was always c 8 with a lot of snow. we often made s 9 together.now i am b 10 in china, but i miss them so much. i will never forget my happymemories of th

22、is visit to moscow.12345678910【学后反思】学完这节课,我认识到_高邮市初中英语导学案(九年级) 课题unit 1 star signs reading2课型新授课执教时间主备人陈德志审核人黄海晖复备人学习目标1知识目标:(1)理解并会使用课文中的表达方式(2)辨认并理解关于任何性格特征的词汇2. 技能目标:使用不同的形容词描述某人的性格特征3情感目标:培养对星座的兴趣,了解相信西方星相是为了取乐。学习重点1.掌握课文语言点。2.掌握描写人物性格特征的词汇:energetic, impatient, selfish, stubborn, curious, outgo

23、ing, confident, modest, practical, fair, elegant, powerful, silly, businesslike, easy-going, creative, imaginative学习难点如何正确使用用不同的形容词描述某人的性格特征.学法指导打好词汇基础,把握课文重点,提升阅读速度 订正、笔记栏学习过程【预习指导与检测】 (一)预习指导 1.treat everyone equally 平等对待每一个人 treat as 把看作2.have a good sense of houmour 有幽默感3.we love being friends w

24、ith him. love doing sth. 喜爱做某事 be friends with sb. 与某人交朋友(二)预习检测a、仔细阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文决定你的星座 _ 过于担心_原谅别人的过错 _ 只在意自己 _ 平等的对待每一个人 _ 确信自己的能力 _对感到好奇 _ 照顾别人 _有很多经历 _ 喜欢见到人 _b、用适当的介词填空1. its clever_ _ your brother to be good _planning things.2. a person _ the aries can be thought of being a wise leader.3

25、. many people think that he is strange as he hates to be _ the others.4. lily looks the same _lucy, but her character is very different _lucys.5. its silly _ _ you not to forgive others _ _ their faults.6. she was so confident _success that she even didnt care _the result at all.(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后,两人

26、一组活动,谈论彼此的星座和性格特征。(四)预学质疑:如何恰当使用词汇描写人们的性格特征。【课堂导学与互动】订正、笔记栏任务一:快速阅读课文,完成p11,part c2 部分练习。任务二:两人一组完成p11,partd2部分练习。 任务三:学了课文,你对十二星座掌握多少啦?请写一份对你自己个性特征的描述,看一看是否与星相学上所描述你的星座相同,并翻译下列句子:1.她喜欢与别人争论 she likes to _ _. 2.他有很强的幽默感 he has _ _. 3.她是如此的有想象力,以至于她事事都喜欢憧憬。she is _that she _ everything.4.我星座上说的很符合我的特

27、征。_ my characteristics very well5.你有时很愚蠢,与别人争吵。sometimes _ others.6.你们放弃这次国外旅行太可惜了。what a pity that you _7.我们只有充满创造力和想象力,才能把学习搞好。we can study well _.【总结提升】1. 你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的?_2. 方法点拨:打好词汇基础,把握课文重点,提升阅读速度。【当堂反馈】一、单项选择123456789101. a woman _ long hair is coming to us.a. in b. with c. has d. on2. your s

28、chool things should _.a. be looked after well b. be looked well afterc. be taken good care of d. be taken care of well3. could you tell me how much it _ to fly to beijing?a. costs b. spends c. takes d. pays4. i was born _ the evening _ march 12. 1977.a. in; of b. in; in c. on; of d. on; in5. the nic

29、e birthday card _her.a. makes b. made c. was made to d. was made by6. there _ ice and snow in winter.a. are too much b. is too much c. are much too d. is much too7. hes a person who always _ details.a. pay attention at b. pays attention for c. pays attention to d. pay attention to8. i cant decide _.

30、a. to buy which one b. which one to buy c. to buy which d. which to buy one订正、笔记栏9. it was _ a fine day that we went to the beach.a. so b. such c. very d. too 10. it is selfish _ eddie _ the whole birthday cake. a. for; eat b. for; to eat c. of; to eat d. of; eating 二、单词拼写1. he pays a lot of _(注意)to

31、 the details.2. yao ming is _(成功的)in his basketball career.3. people all over the world love _(和平).4. he is _(外向型的). he isnt afraid to meet strangers.5. human beings are _(有创造力的)animals.6. this toy is not _(适合的)for young children.7. he usually spends a lot of time _(看)newspapers.8. this girl is poli

32、te and _(文雅的). we all want to make friends with her.三、翻译句子,每空不限一词1. 一年被分为12个不同的星座。a year _12 different star signs.2. 出生在相同星座下的人们有可能具有相似的个性。people _ the same star sign may _3. 我叔叔很随和,足以和身边所有人和睦相处。my uncle is _ everyone around him.4. 她很心灵手巧,能够注意到每一个细节。she is _ that she can _5. 你有足够的耐心去等待而不会发怒。you are

33、_ _ to wait without _ _【课后拓展】一、阅读理解12345an old foreign friend who was to stay with me telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. i was still at the office at the time, but i had made arrangements for his coming. after explaining where my new house was, i told him that i had left the

34、 key under the door mat. as i was likely to be home rather late, i advised him to go to the kitchen and help himself to food and drink.two hours later my friend telephoned me from my house. at the moment, he said he was listening to some of my records after having just had a truly wonderful meal. he

35、 had found a pan on the gas stove and fried two eggs and had helped himself to some cold chicken from the fridge too. now, he said he was drinking a glass of orange juice and he hoped i would join him. when i asked him if he had entered the house without difficulty, he answered that he had not been

36、able to find the key under the doormat, but fortunately the living-room window just by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in. i listened to all this in surprise. there is no apple tree in front of my living订正、笔记栏-room, but there is one in front of my neighbors 1. when an old friend

37、 telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived, _ how to get to my house.a. i was so busy that i forgot to tell him b. i was too busy to tell himc. i told him d. i wanted to tell him2. some time later my friend rang me up and told me _.a. he didnt find anything to eat b. he had only had

38、 some cold chicken to eatc. he was frying two eggs d. he had had a fine meal3. my friend didnt find the key to my house, because _.a. there was no key under my doormat b. i forgot to leave my key under my doormatc. he didnt go to my house d. the key had been stolen4. my friend got into the house _.a

39、. through the living-room window b. through the bedroom windowc. by the back door d. by the front door5. my friend _. a. took my neighbor for me b. took my neighbors house for minec. took me for my neighbor d. took my house for my neighbors 二、任务型阅读 mr. wang is over seventy and his wife is sixty-two.

40、 they have just received an e-mail about the medicine for high blood pressure (高血压) from their relative in san francisco. please read it and complete the blanks.dear grandparents, ive been here with my parents for nearly twelve years and im getting on very well with my work here. im sorry to hear th

41、at you both have had high blood pressure. now ive got some best medicine for it here. the big bottle is for mens. take one three times daily before meals. the middle one is for womens. take one twice daily after getting up and before bed. the small one is for anyperson under seventy after finishing

42、the medicine in the big and middle bottles. one pill each day at any time. i hope the medicine is helpful to you. smith booth阅读上面的语言材料,完成下面句子的相关内容(每空一词)1. smith booths nationality (国籍) is _2. the medicine sent to mr. and mrs. wang is used for treating (治疗) _ _3. _ _ can take the medicine in the smal

43、l bottle.4. mr. wang should take the medicine _ pills a day.5. mrs. wang can take _ kinds of medicine.【学后反思】学完这节课,我认识到_高邮市初中英语导学案(九年级) 课题unit1 star signs vocabulary课型新授课执教时间主备人陈德志审核人黄海晖复备人学习目标1知识目标:(1)正确使用以前学过的一些词汇描写人物性格特征。(2)学习表示肯定含义与否定含义的词。2. 技能目标:辨别形容词是褒义还是贬义3情感目标:养成辨别是非的好习惯。学习重点1. 复习一些表示否定的词缀un-

44、, in-, im-, dis-, -less2. 学习表示肯定含义与否定含义的词学习难点如何用正确的形容词描述人的性格学法指导复习课文,找出形容词及其反义词 学习过程订正、笔记栏【预习指导与检测】 (一)预习指导1. mr wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.spend time/money (in) doing sth. 花时间/金钱做某事explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事2. sandy always gives money to charities. give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.(二)预习检测a、同学们:认真预习,相信你们就能写出下列词的反义词:active- patient- fair- careful-clever- proud- lazy- shyweak- angry- similar- generous-b.请根据语境,完成单词: 1. people dont like him because he always cares about himself. hes _2. we all believe him because he treats everything or everyone equally. he is _.3


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