



1、 精品文档申请联合培养博士给国外导师联系我打算申请的是联合培养博士生,今年博二。昨天,我刚收到外方导师的邀请函,申请的学校一般,但对方导师是我们领域的大牛。在*有很多同学要我的邮件,看来大家对这比较关注。因此,我把我的申请过程在这里整理一下,顺便把通讯邮件附上。原来担心对方名气太大了,恐怕不要我。也听别的同学说,这一步是比较耗时间的。所以开始时,我做好了被拒的心理准备。10 月 18 日发出我的申请邮件,打算没有消息一周后再发下一封申请信。申请函的内容如下:email 标题:application letter for xx from harbin institute of technolog

2、y in p. r. chinadear prof. xx:im xx, a 2nd year phd candidate from harbin institute of technology, harbin, p. r. china, supervisedby prof. xx. and i ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. im supported bya chinese national fund, which will support those phd candidates in

3、 china to go abroad to some worldclass universities of their fields. this programme will cover all living cost i need in usa. after i read a lotof papers of my research area, i understand that you are working on max phases and have publishedquite a lot of high level scientific papers. as such, you a

4、re the leading researcher in xx in the world. ifind your area fits me well, so i write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school.my cv and published papers have been attached.my research area is mainly about max phases. i have published 5 papers in the journals including j.ma

5、ter. res. and solid state commun. in addition, 2 papers were submitted. and now im doing xx. i amnot applying a full time phd programme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-education experiences more like a visit scholar programme. this programme is a new type of co-educate phd prog

6、ramme supported by china scholarship council. the study period abroad varies from12 months at least to 24 months at most. i have to accomplish my doctor degree back to my school(harbin institute of technology), so im not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at drexel university.and this programme ru

7、ns like this, students meet the application requirements can apply thisprogramme, and my university and research area is among the main supporting universities and areas.students must acquire an official invitation letter from the prospective tutor/university. therefore, all ineed is an official inv

8、itation letter from you (or your university). the date of enrollment im considering isseptember/october 2010. in order to make sure i can catch up with the next years programme, i haveto prepare all the application stuff (including your official invitation letter) before january, 2010. andbecause it

9、 will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter from usa to china, so i really hope youcan respond me as soon as possible to make sure i can receive your letter before the winter vacationthis year.and if you cant make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit

10、 mewell, please inform me.really hope to hear from you as soon as possible!yours sincerely,精品文档 精品文档但是没想到,我的这个过程出奇的顺利:在电子子邮件发出的三天后,大牛给我回信,非常高兴的接受了我的申请,回信如下:dear xx,my apologies for late response. i am delighted that you would like to get your phd from drexeluniversity. your experience with the xx ce

11、rtainly makes this a perfect fit since as you noted my group isone of the leading groups in the world in that area. as for the invitation letter, if you would not mind, plsdraft one that says all the correct things and send it to me. this way would greatly speed up theprocess. looking very much forw

12、ard to having you join my group.看到回信后,我非常高兴,就赶快给写好了邀请函草稿。用的是我同学去年申请用的邀请函,把个人信息发改了一下就发过去了,邮件如下:dear prof. xx,very thanks for giving me the chance to study in your group! the draft of invitation letter under therequirement of china scholarship council (csc) has been attached below. and the bold part o

13、f the draftcould be replaced or modified. it should be noted that the invitation letter must be printed on the formalletter paper of drexel university, with your handwriting signature, and then please send it to me byexpress delivery (csc needs the original one).in addition, we need to formulate a r

14、esearch plan for the phd joint training program in your group.whats your opinion about it? if you would not mind, i will also draft one to you. if possible, i hope that itcan be mailed to me with the invitation letter as mentioned above.your reply is appreciated!到这一步了,基本完成了和国外老师间的联系,昨天下午拿到了邀请函和培养计划。

15、我申请的经验就是对申请要有针对性,对自己本领域课题组要比较熟悉,找与自己研究方向相近的,这点就能和国内的工作联系起来,对联合培养的博士很重要。方法可以通过看文献,参加学术会议等。另外一点很重要的是本人要有前期工作量,有发表出的论文是比较好的。拿我自己来说,我发表的五篇论文是起了很大的重要。我使用的联合培养计划框架已经上传到附件,是我同学给我的,他已经申请联合培养成功后出去了。所以,这个应该是满足留学基金委要求的。最后把给老外发的邀请函草稿贴出来,供大家参考:re: application for scholarship from the china scholarship council (c

16、sc)dear mr. xxafter discussing with your phd supervisor prof. xx, director of the centre of composite materials,harbin institute of technology, i am pleased to invite you, mr. xx (dob xx) to spend 18 months as ajoint ph. d. candidate under my supervision in department of materials science and engine

17、ering atdrexel university from september 1, 2010 to february 29, 2012 subject to the success of yourscholarship application. as a joint ph. d. candidate, your tuition fee will be waived. your result of xxxmeets the english requirements for a joint ph. d. candidate.during this 18 months period, you w

18、ill be working on “xxx” as outlined in the research plan signed byprof.xx and myself.精品文档 精品文档it gives me a pleasure to write this letter to support your application for the csc scholarship.yours sincerely,(handwriting signature)dr. xxgrosvenor and distinguished professordepartment of materials scie

19、nce and engineeringdrexel universityphiladelphia, pa 19104phone: 215 895 2338research plan for phd joint training program (hit)name surname:xx first name: xxsex xx date of birth x/x/xschool/department xx major xxdomestic supervisor x hosting country xhosting university x hosting faculty or department xhos


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