



1、Module 7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space. 教学设计一、教材分析He spent about twenty-one hours in space是. 新标准英语六年级下册第七模 块第一单元的内容。课文围绕杨利伟乘坐神舟五号飞入太空的伟大事迹展 开,要求学生掌握过去式的用法。本模块主要用于过去时介绍人物的生平 事迹,有助于学生树立伟大的理想。二、教学目标知识目标1.100 的学生能够听懂、会说并认读单词 spent (spend) flew (fly ) about video October proud someday2.9

2、0 的学生能够读懂、会说并认读下列句子:He spent about twenty-one hours in space.In October, my father flew into space in Shenzhou.He also made a video in space.I was very proud of him.技能目标95的学生能够听说读写本课的单词和课文。 85的学生能够听懂课文,并回答课文中的相关问题。70的学生能够根据图片提示描述或单词提示,描述杨利伟和神舟五号 的故事,并能运用过去时描述过去的事情或讲述人物的生平事迹。情感目标 通过杨利伟事迹的介绍,激发学生学习的动力

3、,培养学生的爱国热情, 帮助学生树立远大的理想。三、教学重、难点教学重点: flew spent video proud 单词的学习运用 He spent about twenty-one hours in space这. 类语句讲述过去发生的事 情。教学难点:运用过去式描述过去发生的事情,并将所学知识在实际生活中加以运用四、教学准备PPT课件,录音机,单词卡片五、教学方法:本节课采用小组合作及情境教学法开展教学。六、教学过程fly flewspend spent do didmake madecome came go wentare were am/is was(课前小组内互相检查同学们对动

4、词过去式的掌握情况, 如有不会, 小组 内帮助解决。 )Step1: Warming up.1. Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss:2. T:Let s look at this picture. What( 教师课s 本thi呈s?现活动一的图片,指着图片中的宇宙飞船问 ) Ss:T:Yes,it s a spaceship. Are you interested in it? Lelotok at the flash.(s教 师播放活动一动画,要求学生认真观看 )再次播放录音或动画,学生全班跟读录音。教师利用

5、单词卡片、图片等教具带领学生学习 flew ,并对其进行运用训 练。Step2: Leading in.Let s watch a video. Please think what the video is abo( u教t.师 播放神舟五 号在太空中旅行的情景,请学生仔细观看视频,引导学生积极思考 )T: What s tvhiedeo about? Ss: (教师创设情境,学习新单词 video)T: Yes, it s about space travel. I know yoeur ya rien tverested in space travel.Who is this, do yo

6、u know? ( 教师出示杨利伟的图片,并向学生做简单介绍 )Do you want to know more about him. Now let s learn Module 7 Unit 1Shenzhou V flew into space.( 师领读,学生个人读,教师板书课题 )Step3:Learn new text.1. 播放 SB Unit1 活动 2 的动画,学生看动画听录音,选择正确答案( ) 1.Who flew into space in Shenzhou V?A .Fei Junlong B. Nie Haisheng C. Yang Liwei( ) 2.What

7、 is Yang Liwei?A. a doctor B. a policeman C. a taikonaut2. Watch the video and then answer the questions.1. When did Shenzhou fly into space?2. How many hours did Yang Liwei spend in space?3. Were Yang Liwei s son proud of him?(学生回答问题,教师课件呈现答案。在回答问题的过程中学习新单词spent proud,给学生充分的时间练习巩固句型 )( 通过回答问题,学生能够对

8、课文有更好的理解 )3. Read after the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation.4. Read the text in groups.5. Say a chant.Spend, spend, spent. He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Fly, fly, flew. My father flew into space in Shenzhou .Make,make, made. He also made a video.Am, am, was. I was very proud

9、of him.(通过 chant 的形式充分巩固所学知识)Step4:Practice1.T: Please make sentences on Page 40 activity4. You can discuss in groups(小组讨论 ).T: Let sa y the sentences (. 活动四主要练习使用 and 连接两个相关联的 句子,教师可以给学生展示更多的句子加以练习。 )2.Now let s retell the story about Yang Liwei.( 教师给学生一定的图片或者 单词提示帮助学生复述课文,小组间开展竞赛 , 教师给予及时的奖励 )Step

10、5: ExtensionT: We know Yang Liwei is a great taikonaut. Do you know other taikonauts?Ss: Nie Haisheng , Fei Junlong Wang Yaping (教师可让学生提前查阅 相关资料对宇宙飞船及宇航员有一定的了解,如果学生不了解,教师可进 行大体的介绍,让学生熟悉相关知识。)T: They are all great. They all love our country. We should learn something from them. You can try to tell the story of them after class.板书设计:Module 7 Unit1 He spent about twenty-one hours in flewIn October, my father flew into space in Shenzhou


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