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1、科技写作基本常识1. 科技写作常见语法和文体错误分析科技学术论文写作所使用的语体为书面语,要求结构严谨,逻辑性强。如果你在撰写论文时,用词不当或出现不少语法错误,则会大大影响你的论文质量。以下分析一些常见的语法和文体错误供读者借鉴。1)逗号叠加(Comma Splice)如果你用逗号连接两个相互独立的完整句子,那么你就犯了“逗号叠加”的语法错误。举例说明:例1:误 Technology never exists in a social vacuum, it is embodied in products, processes, and people.正 Technology never exi

2、sts in a social vacuum; it is embodied in products, processes, and people. (技术决不存在于社会真空里,而是在产品、生产过程以及使用技术的人们中体现出来。)例2:误 Stevensons romances are entertaining, they are full of exciting adventures.正 Stevensons romances are entertaining, for they are full of exciting adventures. (史蒂文森的爱情故事引人入胜,因为故事中充满激

3、动人心的探险情节。)注:(1)如果有两个相互独立的完整句子,每个句子后用句号结束;(2)如果这两个完整句子之间有一定的关系,可用分号(;)将这两句隔开。分号含义很多,它可表示原因,条件,时间等等;(3)如果这两个完整句子之间有一定的关系,也可用与表示这两个句子关系的连词(如:for, if, because, as等)连接。2)文体紊乱(Choppy Style)在一篇文章中,句子的长短也很讲究的。如果每句话都是短句,读者读起来会觉得如同嚼蜡一样乏味。因此要特别注意句子的长短搭配。例3:初稿 We have established a Communications Systems (CS) P

4、lanning Team 1. This team includes user representatives from each of the 12 departments in the Forever-Seal Division 2. We hold regular meetings to assess state-of-the-art communications equipment 3. We discuss how new products are being used by other companies 4. At these meetings, the user represe

5、ntatives describe their future needs 5. They also work out their requirements for the new communication network 6.这一段中总共用了6句简单句。其实,这6句中1-2 句,3-4句, 5-6句之间都有一定的关系。以下是经过改写后的段落:修改后 We have established a Communications Systems (CS) Planning Team which includes user representatives from each of the 12 dep

6、artments in the Forever-Seal Division. We hold regular meetings to assess state-of-the-art communications equipment and to discuss how new products are being used by other companies. At these meetings, the user representatives describe their future needs and work out their requirements for the new c

7、ommunication network. (我们已经组建了一支通讯系统策划小组,其成员来自FOREVER-SEAL 部门的12个处级单位的用户代表。我们定期召开会议评估最新通讯设备并讨论其它公司是如何使用这些新产品的。用户代表在会上提出他们今后还需要些什么以及他们如何解决新通讯网络提出的要求。)例4:初稿 Electric cars must be able to meet the same safety standards that gasoline cars must meet as set up by the Department of Transportation. These st

8、andards are derived from an established crash test. In the crash test, the car is propelled against a solid wall at 30 mph.The data obtained from the crash test are analyzed for fuel spillage, fuel system integrity, windshield retention, and zone intrusion.这一段中的用斜体字标出的两句简单句可以考虑合并成一句主从复合句。有两种可能性:(1)T

9、hese standards are derived from an established crash test, in which the car is propelled against a solid wall at 30 mph. (2) These standards are derived from propelling the car against a solid wall at 30 mph, which is an established crash test. 很显然,第一种选择更符合题意。修改后 Electric cars must be able to meet t

10、he same safety standards that gasoline cars must meet as set up by the Department of Transportation. These standards are derived from an established crash test, in which the car is propelled against a solid wall at 30 mph.The data obtained from the crash test are analyzed for fuel spillage, fuel sys

11、tem integrity, windshield retention, and zone intrusion. (电动汽车与燃油汽车一样必须能够达到由交通部制定的安全标准。这些标准是根据公认的撞车试验得来的。这里的撞车试验指的是汽车以每小时30英里的时速撞击一堵墙。由撞车试验得来的数据用于分析燃油撒泼、燃油系统的完整性、挡风玻璃的完好率、防范撞击距离等。)例5:初稿 To replace a brake line, disconnect the union nuts at both ends. Unclip the line from the chassis, pull it out, an

12、d install the new line in the chassis clips. Moisten the ends in brake fluid, then tighten the union nuts.在描述过程或步骤时,为了让读者一目了然,最好用简单句或列表来表示。上例可改写如下:To replace a brake line, you should follow the following instructions:1. Disconnect the union nuts at both ends.2. Unclip the line from the chassis.3. Pu

13、ll the line out.4. Install the new line in the chassis clips.5. Moisten the ends in brake fluid.6. Tighten the union nuts.(要替换汽车的制动衬面,你必须按以下步骤进行:1)拧松两头的连接螺钉;2)松开绷在框架的衬面;3)取出衬面;4)把新的衬面装在框架的夹子里;5)用制动润滑剂抹在两头;6)拧紧连接螺钉。)例6:初稿 The proposed system is required to alleviate the increase in demand by using th

14、e microcomputer as a stand-alone entry system with all the necessary graphics and software capabilities to remove the burden of data entry from the present system. CADDS.此例是典型的长而费解的长句。这里要说明的是不要为了写复合句而写复合句。这一段落可根据主题句,用从总体到特殊 (general-to-specific) 的展开模式来阐明该段落的主题进行改写。修改后 The proposed system is required

15、 to alleviate the increase in demand. The system will do that by removing the burden of data entry from the present system. CADDS. This is accomplished by using the microcomputer as a stand-alone entry system. The microcomputer has all the graphics and software capabilities required to implement thi

16、s concept. (要求拟建的系统能缓和不得不增加的信息量。这个系统通过去除现有系统CADDS的数据入口负担而达到这个要求的。我们把微机作为独立入口系统来完成的。而这种微机具有为完成这概念所要求的所有图表以及软件能力。)例7:初稿 Computerized systems can operate in one of three modes. The operating modes are batch processing, remote batch processing and time-share processing. Conventional batch processing met

17、 all but one of the design requirements. The exception was accessibility. Batch processing could not provide output to diversified, remote locations in a timely manner. Remote batch processing, as the name implies, could provide batch processing at remote locations. It could do this through the use

18、of teletype terminals as output devices. Unfortunately, the response time for remote batch processing is unpredictable. It can vary from a few minutes to several hours.修改后 Computerized systems can operate in one of three modes: batch processing, remote batch processing, and time-share processing. Ex

19、cept for accessibility, conventional batch processing met all the design requirements, however, it could not provide output to diversified, remote locations in a timely manner. Remote batch processing, as the name implies, could provide batch processing at remote locations through teletype terminals

20、. Unfortunately, its response time is unpredictable, varying from a few minutes to several hours. ( 计算机化系统可以按以下3种模式之一操作:成批处理、远程成批处理、分时处理。普通成批处理模式除易于操作外,还能满足所有设计要求,但它不能为输出提供多种远程位置。远程成批处理,正如它的名称所暗示那样,能够通过电传打字终端把成批处理发送到较远的位置。遗憾的是,它的反馈时间不可预测,从几分钟到几个小时不等。)3) 滥用被动语态(Excessive Use of the Passive Voice)被动语态

21、常用于科技英语写作中,但并不意味着任何场合都可以使用被动语态。如果被动语态用得太滥,文章就会失去它的活力,成了八股式的文章。据统计,在一篇好的科技文章中,被动语态不超过四分之一。4)指代含糊(Ambiguous Reference)科技学术论文必须清晰、简明,不能模棱两可。特别在使用代词或修饰词时,要考虑到这些代词是否明确指代前面出现的名词。例8:指代含糊 Ground loops associated with coaxial cables are totally eliminated with fiber optic cables. Because they are dielectric,

22、 they do not attack lightning. Nor do they act as antennas.上句中的三个“they”可能指的是“Ground loops”,也可能指的是“fiber optic cables”,因此造成指代不清。根据句意,此处的“they”应指“fiber optic cables”。修改后 Ground loops associated with coaxial cables are totally eliminated with fiber optic cables. Because they are dielectric, fiber optic

23、 cables do not attack lightning. Nor do they act as antennas. (和同轴电缆相连接的接地线圈完全被光纤电缆所代替,因为光纤电缆是介电质的,它不会被闪电电击,也不起天线的作用。)例9:初稿 The fine dampers shall be tied with the inlet dampers of the fans located at the exit side of the electrostatic precipitators. These dampers will open automatically in the even

24、t of any failure in the electrostatic precipitator system.例句中的斜体字指的是什么不清楚。它可能指上一句的,也可能指,或者指所有的。因此,为了避免误解,作者应该把所指代的名词的修饰语写出来。修改后 The fine dampers shall be tied with the inlet dampers of the fans located at the exit side of the electrostatic precipitators. The flue dampers will open automatically in t

25、he event of any failure in the electrostatic precipitator system. (烟道调节风门要和安装在静电滤尘器出口处的风扇入口调节风门相连接,如果静电滤尘器万一出现故障的话,这些烟道调节风门就会自动开启。)5)累赘多余(Wordiness)写文章时,该简练的地方就不要添加不必要的词语。例10:累赘多余 It is my purpose in this report to present and justify the modifications that I recommend in order to increase the perfo

26、rmance of your Corsair.修改后My purpose in this report is to recommend certain modifications for improving the performance of your Corsair. (我写这份报告的目的是提出一些修改建议以便改进“科赛”船的性能。)6)连接语用得不当连接语就像一瓶胶水能把散落的句子连接在一起,使读者读起来流畅、重点突出。科技论文写作中常用的连接语有:in general, in particular, furthermore, on the one hand, on the other

27、hand, however, therefore, since, because, although, despite, for this purpose, with this in mind, before taking any further steps,等等。例11:初稿 The more-complete-expansion cycle is more efficient than the conventional diesel cycle. It uses the same four strokes but a relatively smaller combustion chambe

28、r. The intake valve closes when the piston is at some point A between TDC and BDC in its intake stroke. This draws in less air-fuel mixture. The compression, power, and exhaust strokes are identical to those of the diesel cycle. The increase in volume of the air-fuel mixture due to the piston moving

29、 to BDC is the same. The temperature and pressure of the gases after the power stroke is over are lower. More of their energy has been utilized. This increases the efficiency of the cycle. The smaller combustion chamber is necessary. The temperature and pressure at TDC in the compression stroke must

30、 be high enough to cause combustion of the mixture. The mixture must be squeezed into a smaller volume to get the same temperature and pressure.整个段落缺少必要的连接语导致句子与句子之间不连贯,重点不突出。若在几个需要强调的地方加上有关的连接语,情况就大不一样了。修改后 The more-complete-expansion cycle is more efficient than the conventional diesel cycle. It u

31、ses the same four strokes but a relatively smaller combustion chamber. In its intake stroke, the intake valve closes when the piston is at some point A between TDC and BDC, thus drawing in less air-fuel mixture. The compression, power, and exhaust strokes are identical to those of the diesel cycle.

32、However, since there was less mixture to start with and since the increase in volume of the air-fuel mixture due to the piston moving to BDC is the same. The temperature and pressure of the gases after the power stroke is over are lower. More of their energy has been utilized, thus increasing the ef

33、ficiency of the cycle. The smaller combustion chamber is necessary because the temperature and pressure at TDC in the compression stroke must be high enough to cause combustion of the mixture. Since there is less mixture in the chamber, the mixture must be squeezed into a smaller volume to get the s

34、ame temperature and pressure. (使燃气更加充分膨胀的工作循环比传统的柴油活塞循环效率要高一些。这种循环也是用四个冲程但其燃烧室相对要小得多。在进气冲程中,当活塞在TDC 和BDC之间的某个点时,进气阀门就关闭,因此吸入较少的空气与燃气的混合物。其它3个冲程(压缩冲程、动力冲程、排气冲程)与柴油活塞循环相同。然而,使燃气更加充分膨胀的工作循环经过动力冲程后,燃烧的温度和压力会减小,这是因为在开始发动时,空气和燃气混合物较少,另外由于活塞移至BDC时空气燃气混合物的体积增大。其结果是更多的能量被利用,从而提高了工作循环的效率。较小的燃烧室也是必要的,因为在压缩冲程中T

35、DC的温度和压力必须达到一定程度使混合物燃烧。由于燃烧室空气和燃气混合物较少,混合物被挤压到较小的体积中以获得相同的温度和压力。)如何正确使用连接语,需要多写多实践。以下列举一些常见的错误:(1)误用after all代替finally, in conclusion. after all指的是regardless of what might be said about it (不考虑所要说的)。(2)在同一句中同时用上but和although。中国读者受汉语“虽然但是”的影响,经常把but和although放在一个主从复合句中,这是错误的。but和although只能任选一个用在表达“虽然但是

36、”的句型里。(3)随意添加主语it。在As was mentioned above(如上所述), As is shown in Figure 12 (如图12所示)这样的固定表达中,As作为关系代词在句中做主语,但有些作者误把As看作是连接语,非在As与 was中添加it不可,以致写出这样的错句:As it was mentioned above。(4)误用comparing to (with)。正确表达应该是:compared to或in comparison with(和比较)。若要用comparing形式,则应在comparing后加名词后再加to (with) , 如:Comparin

37、g these latest results to /with our earlier ones.(把最新结果与我们早些时候得到的结果相比较)(5)误用conclusively代替in conclusion。conclusively只是一个副词,意为“决定性地”或“有说服力”。它不能起承上启下的连接作用。(6)误用on the contrary代替on the other hand。on the contrary(相反地)主要用来驳斥与之相反的观点。on the other hand(另一方面)则是表达事物的另一方面,并经常与on the one hand(一方面)搭配使用。(7)误用part

38、icularly(特别地)代替in particular(尤其是)。particularly只是一个副词,不是连接词。7)平行结构不平行 (Misleading Parallelism)在使用平行结构时,平行的成份均应用同一语法结构。例12:初稿 The TFC engineers and I found the selection of Hybrid Analog Transmission using FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexer) to be highly reliable, improved security of communications;

39、 complete ground isolation, free from cross-talk, sparking, short circuit loading; RFI (radio frequency interference), EMI (electric magnetic field), and EMP (electric magnetic polarization) immunity.此例中包含哪些优点不能让读者一看就明白,非得费劲仔细地琢磨才知道。一般说来,用列举或排比可以比较清楚地说明所列举的款项。修改后 The TFC engineers and I found the se

40、lection of Hybrid Analog Transmission using FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexer) to be highly reliable. It has several advantages as follows: 1. Improved security of communications; 2. complete ground isolation, free from cross-talk, sparking, short circuit loading; 3. RFI (radio frequency interfere

41、nce), EMI (electric magnetic field), and EMP (electric magnetic polarization) immunity. (TFC工程师和我发现使用FDM的混合类比传输可靠性大。它有以下几个特点:1)通讯可靠性大大改善;2)与地面全部隔离,没有电话干扰,火花以及短路负载等;3)免受无线电频率干扰,电磁场和电磁偏振的影响。)例13:初稿 The principle processes are :1. Coagulating and flocculation2. Removing the solids3. Nitrogen-removal4.

42、Disinfection修改后 The principle processes are :1. Coagulation and flocculation2. Removal of solids3. Removal of nitrogen4. Disinfection(主要程序包括:1)凝固和絮结;2)清除固状物;3)除去氮气;4)消毒。)例14:初稿 The purpose of this report is to present evidence that the contracting officer acted within the range of his authority and his final opinion was binding.此例中the contracting officer acted within the range of his authority 和 his final opinion was binding为同一语法结构,但平行效果不明显。可在第二个平行句前加上that,


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