已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、班级姓名装订 线 内 不要答题二 V选出不同类的一项。“0分)()1.A .thisB. thatC. they()2.A dancerB. WOrkerC. StUdy()3.A .lycheeB. juiceC. Water()4.A .auntB. motherC. actor()5.AIOSPitalB. IOVeIyC. bank四给下列词语选择正确的译文。()1 头发A.eyeB.mouthC.hair()2.鼻子A. noseB.oldC.ear()3.女人A. manB. womanC.she()4.词典A.hotelB.restaurantC.dictionary()5.椰子

2、A.IonganB.lycheeC.coconut五、单选。(10 分)()1 .Theretwo PenS in my PenCiI-boxA .isB areC .be()2.does your mother WOrk ?A . Who B. WhereC .Whose五年级英语上学期期末测试题一、英汉互译。(10分)学习 商店 桃 家庭面条 雨伞 电影院 fruitd river animal二、按要求写一写。(5分)1.work(名词) 2.shop (现在分词)3.man (对应词)4. isn,t (完全形式)5.these(对应词))3.Remember to PUt your

3、thingsafter CIaSSA. On B .off C. away)4 StOrybOOk is this7-It,s Kate storybook.A .Whose B. Who C. What)5 Shefrom ChinaA is COming B COme C COmeS)6 .Is that your Camera ?A .Yes , it is B Yes, it isnt C .No, it is ()7.My aunt is an A. POliCeman B actor C. actress()8 .Letintroduce my ParentS to you A m

4、e B I C my()9.Do you Iike? A .swim B SWimming C SWinIS()10 .It,s timehome. A to go B going C go六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1 Is this a(sheep)?2.Ifs time to(go) home.3. My father(WOrk) in Beijing HOtel4. ItSiX o,clock (be).5. (be) this your fish?6. My grandfather(be) a farmer.7. Can I(have) a pear?& What is(y

5、ou) name?9. Look! ThiS is(I)bear.10. .1 Wantan actor (be).(5分)A. He,s my father.B. Yes, it is C. She,s a driver.七、选择恰当的答语,将序号填在括号中。()1.What are these?()2. WhOSe PenCil is this?()3.Wliaf S her job ?D. IFs TorrfS E They are apples.()4.Is that your fish?()5. Who,s that man?八、把下列句子中的错误找出来,并将正确答案写在横线上。(5

6、分)()l.My mother isA-()2.Where()3.Whosdo your A B- book isa actress .F Cbrother work?. Cthis?A()4. IsA()5.SheCthat your elephants ?BCWOrkS at Beijing HOSPital.B C九、按要求完成下列各题。(5分)1. ThiS is my new book.(变成否定句)2. That is my dictionary.(变成一般疑 问句)3.Is that your fish?(做否定回答)4.It,s a cherry.(对画线部分提问)5. IS

7、this a Cherry?(做肯定回答)十、连词成句。(5分)LdriverjmclejsNyG (.)2. umbrella , It,s , Peter(.) 3. do,mother, What, your , does(?)4. work, you, Where, do, (?) 5. this, is, Camera , WhOSe(?)十一、选择合适的句子,完成对话,将序号填在横线上。(5分)A. He WOrkS at CCTV.B. She,s a good teacher C. No, she,s a teache匚D. Where does She work?E. Wha

8、t,s his job?A: Look! That,s my father. He,s On TV.B: Really? 1A: He,s a TV reporte匚B: Where does he work?A: 2.B:IS your mother a TV reporter , too?A: 3B:4?A: She WOrkS at SUnny SChOOL 5十二、将下列句子译成中文。(5分)1 She has a Small nose and big ears. 2. What does your daughter do? 3. It that your SChOOIbag? 4.

9、Can I have one? 5. We made all the animals.十三、情境交际(10分)()1.当你觉得是个好主意时应说:A. It is good ! B. TIlat,s a good idea !()2.当你想询问别人在哪工作时,应说:A. Where are you COme from ? B. Where do you WOrk ?()3.你们想问妈妈,我们能吃一些櫻桃吗?你们会说:A. Mum, Can I have SOme cherries? B. Mum, Can We have SOlne cherries? ()4.如何询问对方从哪里来:A. Whe

10、re are you from ? B. WhO are you ? ()5.想让对方猜猜看应说:A. Can you guess ? B. DO you know ?()6.你想知道这伞是谁的,你会问:A. WhOSe Ulnbrena is this? B. WhOSe UmbrelIa are these ?()7.见到对方很高兴,你应说:A. m VeIy IlaPPy . B. NiCe to See you .()&你想表达你的叔叔是一名好警察,你会说:A . .Hes a good POliCeman. B. She,s a good POliCeWOman.()9.想知道那是不

11、是一匹马,你会问:A. IS that a cow? B.Is that a horse?()10.你想告诉李明,你有一个新书包,你可以说:A. I have a new SChOOIbag. B. I have a big Umbreila.十四、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(5分)I have a new math teacher. Hes VeIy handsome He has a Sman mouth and big eyes He Often WearS(穿)a White Shirt and black jeans My math teacher is Very kind.

12、And he is Very smart. Today , We have math class. We are Very happy BeCaUSe he is SO funny. WhO is IIe ? Hes Mr Zhang()LMr Zhang is a math teache匚()2.His eyes are not big.()3.He is Very kind()4. We have EngliSh ClaSS today()5.He is SO funny.十五、习作:根据首字母提示完成短文。(5分)HenO!My name is John.m from AUStraIia.1 have ShOrt hand big bluee My mother is a teacher. She IOOk


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