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1、应届毕业生英文简历模版很多刚刚毕业的求职者想应聘到外企,面对英文简历却无从下手,为您提供一份英文简历样文做为参考,希望您写出好的简历,获得好的工作!xxxxcen tral uni versity of xxxx departme nt of econo mics xxxxx(100000)1 、education: central university of xxxxdepartment of economics management, major: internationalen terprise man ageme ntbachelor of man ageme nt 2002 acad

2、emic achieveme ntsuni versity scholarship (level iii) for academic excelle neemerit of excellence for research paper on social researchtitle:thoughts on creativity in en terprise man ageme nt 2english skills: excellentwritten and spoken english skills.certificatio ns:cet 6.bec level 2 (achieved exce

3、lle nce in spoke n en glish exam).3、 computer skillsproficientin officeapplications:microsoft powerpo int, microsoft access, microsoft outlook.kno wledge of and experie nce with photoshop, freeha ficie nt in c, basic, and foxbase program ming Ian guages.passed microsoft atc (advaneed) office x

4、p exam. marketing represe ntativecon ductedmarketi ngpla nning with other team members.an alyzed curre nt con sumers and competitors. predicted future target con sumers and developed market ing strategies. several major survey results and suggestionswere adopted by thecompany. 2 ) pointzero survey,

5、inc., april 2000market surveyorcon ducted survey in lower-class reside ntialareas. collecteddata and an alyzed curre nt and future market. completed heavy workload ahead of deadline, and was highly praised by the employer. 3) xxxx university guangzhou 2000 - 2001departme nt of xxxxman ager of public

6、 relati ons, stude nt orga ni zati onkeyorga ni zer,advertiser and pla nner forun iversity/departme nt-sp on soredstude nt performa nee eve ntsand academic and sport activities. successfullycon ductedadvertis ing and acted as key orga ni zer for eve nts in clud ing: celebrati ng youth, a performa ne

7、e eve nt, the bird market ing competiti on, and zoom in on our times, a series of stude nt debates. 4) heguyuan ltd. (franchise), beijing march 1997sales represe ntative recepti on delegate7 / 6范文最新推荐reception delegate, interpreter and tour guide for the chairman of the xxxxxx 2 ) huaweide cultural

8、exchange center, beiji ng february 2002 - prese ntenglish translator (written english), part-timetran slated bus in ess docume nts and econo mics articles. 6、in terests: enjoy mou ntain climbi ng, swimmi ng, painting and pia no.won first prize in university’svisual art competition’99 (br

9、ush pain ti ng).won sec ond prize in uni versity&rsq uo;s zoom in on our timesposter desig n competiti on(2000).active participa nt in chin esetraditi onalwrit ingandpaintingevents.art works were chosen for collectionsofchinese traditional art association. 7、 character profile:outgo ing, hardwork in

10、g and team-orie nted.摘要:HOTEL CLERK OBJECTIVE:To con tribute developed customer relati ons and admi nistrative skills to a challe ngi ng in a hotel.SUMMARYOFQUALIFICATIONS:Developed in terperso nal skills,havi ng dealt with a diversity of clie nts,professi on als and staff members.Detail-a nd goal-o

11、rie nted.Fun cti on well in high-stress atmosphere. Hotel ClerkResolved guests n eeds.C on trolled reservati on in put utiliz ingEECO computer system.Ha ndled incoming calls.Mai nta ined daily reports involving return guests , corporate accounts,and suite ren tals. In spected rooms.1988-1991 WALDEN

12、HOTEL,Walto n,KS Hotel ClerkTrained pers onn el.Ha ndledteleph on e,i ntern ati onalfax andtelex book in gs.Ma intained daily and mon thly reports tracki ng demandsand guaranteed no-show billing.UtilizedAPTEomputerfor in putti ng group booki ng and lists.1986-1987 WALDEN HOTEL,Walto n,KSSales Associ

13、ateAssistedcustomers.Mai ntai nedstock.Ope ned/closedshop.Tracked best selli ng no vels,a nd made recomme ndati ons to customers. 1983-1985 BETHEL COLLEGE,North Newto n,KSSecretaryResp on sibleforgen eralclerical duties.Resolvedinq uiries.Assisted in locat ing guest speakers. EDUCATIONBETHAN Y COLLE

14、GE,Li ndsborg,KSBachelor of Scie nce;Sociology,1983 PREFERENCES范文最新推荐Furnished upon request.Candidates customer relations and admi nistrativeskills,esse ntialin the hotel/hospitalityfield,are emphasized throughout the resume.Educatio n is de-emphasized because can didates work history is stro ng.Jus

15、t inNgai E-mail: * Tel:010* or 136* Objective: Seek Sales En gi neer positi on with opport unity for continued career developme nt.Skills and Qualificati ons Bili ngual: Flue nt in En glish andChin ese (Ma ndari n & Canton ese). Strong leadership and management skills;result-oriented an

16、d creative; possessoutsta ndingcom muni cati on,in terpers on al,and an alyticalskills; have en trepre neurial spirit. Over 10 year Busin essDevelopment, IT projects management,and technical sales & market ingexperie nee in MNCs based inSilic onValley.Tech ni cally in cli ned: Exte nsive work ex

17、perie nee with n etwork deployme nt supporti ng large-scale TCP/IP and LAN/WAN network en vir onment.Han ds-on experie nee of Cisco CMTSs, Possessin-depthkno wledge of the Chin ese and America n bus in esscultures with good exposure to IT, Telecom and Semic on ductor in dustries. Educati on San Jose State Uni versity, San Jose, California B.S., Engin eeri ng of In dustrial Tech no logy & amp;Bus


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