



1、外贸人员个人英文简历范文EnglishResume: Name: Michael YangEmailAddress : Age:26 Sex: MaleExpected Salary: face to face n egotiatio n is preferred.EDUCATIONS: College degree.WORKING EXPERIENCE:Post:Assista nt toVice General ManagerDuties: Arrange the production meeti ng for vice gen eral man ager.

2、Receive and reply vice general manager’s internaland externalmails. Communi cate with Italia n desig ner to follow up his design style with factory developers. Follow up factory 5’s production process and report to vice general manager every day. Receptionist of foreigners especially for

3、 dinner with dr inking.& #61656; Tran slate all the Chin ese and En glish vers ion of compa ny rules .& #61656; Han dle all the issues of vice general manager when he is out of office for vacati on or bus in ess trip. But calli ng vice gen eral man ager or report ing to preside nt is a must before t

4、ak ing action.ACHIEVEMENTS:Wellassist vice general manager to handle his job.Jul. 2003/7/now ACH& Co., HKLtdPost:Parts deparme nt man ager Duties :& #61656; Con trol running of partsdepartment Sourcing new parts and purchase the general parts for oders .& #61656; Search new parts ven dor and com

5、pare the price. Build a system of ven dors’ in formatio n for emerge ncy use. Supervis ing assista nt and staffs to send out the correct parts for productio n.& #61656; Atte nd the jewely show in China such as in HongKong Guangzhouand Shenzhen for source newvendors. Purchase parts in USA,Germa

6、ny, and Italy.Execute the instructions from US headoffice Control the spare quantity of parts production. Show the operators how to handle the parts such as laser shooti ng, plat ing and polish ing etc. Man ageme nt of parts inven tory qua ntity.ACHIEVEMENTS: Well co ntrol parts departme nt running

7、and get good feedback from US head office. Save lots of cost for compa ny.& #61656; Train out some good staffs and cooperate with me very well.SKILLS: Familiar with footwear developme nt.& #61656; Good comma nd of jewelry field. Practice of 6 mon ths in the fatory before positi oning as parts man ag

8、er. Good un dersta nding of all the production procedures, especially well known of parts issues. Know the quality problems of the jewelry such as loose and broke n ston es, over-high and over-low prongs of the rin gs, over-polishing and poor plating etc. Well uderstanding of parts5 / 6范文最新推荐such as

9、 chains, lever back, pins, nuts and silk cord, etc. Know the labor fees of parts processing, price and quality. Can work well un der pressure. Face difficulty and patie ntly train subord in ate to work and build team work spirit in our group. Enjoy my work. Good com muni cati on and corresp onding a

10、bility. Can handle theemergency issues well in thejob.Good planningofproductioncapacity andaccord in gly adjust staffs and equipme nt to match the producti on if n ecessary. Make correct decisi on un der emerge ncy situationsIndependent work under pressureGood comma nd of En glish skills A littble b

11、it comma nd of Japa nese Ian guage.Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University,Beiji ng 100084(010) 62771234 Email:goodts in Zheng Yan ObjectiveTo obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and developme nt.Educati on 1997.9-2000.6 Dept.ofAutom

12、ati on, Graduate School of Tsin ghua Un iversity, M.E. 1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automatio n,Beiji ng In sititute of Tech nology,B.E. Academic Main Courses MathematicsAdva need Mathematics Probability and Statistics Lin ear Algebra Engin eeri ngMathematics Numerical AlgorithmOperatio nalAlgorithmFun cti

13、 onalAn alysisLin earand Non li nearProgrammi ng Electro nics and Computer CircuitPrin cipalDataStructures Digital Electro nics ArtificialIn tellige neeComputer Local Area Network Computer Abilitees Skilledi n use of MS Fron tpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabea ns, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Inte

14、rdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C+, Project 98, Office 97, Ratio nal RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software En glish SkillsHave a good comma nd of both spoke n and writte n En glish .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213zd.54yjs.c nScholarships andAwards1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholar

15、ship for graduate 1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award 1997.4 Academic Progress AwardQualificati on sGe neralbus in ess kno wledgerelating to financial,healthcare Have a passion for theIntern et, and an abundance of com mon sense会计英文简历范文一 I was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhuang, the largest

16、 city in Hebei, China. I lived there un til completi on of senior high school study in 1984n September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and Economics范文最新推荐College after successful performa nee in the competitive college entrance exam in ati on. In the four years that followed, I studied in th

17、e Department of Accounting and Statistics of that college and obta ined a diploma in June 1988.In August 1988. I bega n to work in bus in ess and was an assista nt at Da XingEnterprise Corp. Since November1980, I have been working with Electro nic Memories & Magn etics Corp. At first. I was a ju

18、nior acco untant; the n successively I became assista nt toAccounting Manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).Theattached Personal Data gives a detailed accountof my work experiences.As a result of my six and a half years of experienee in accounting. I have becomethoroughly fam

19、iliar with acco un ti ng operati ons in mediumsize bus in ess firms. This, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. To meet the n eeds of career developme nt in the future, I have decided to continue myeducation. Myplans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and the n to w

20、ork toward an MBA degree in the field of acco un ti ng. Most bus in ess firms in China areexpanding, and manynew companies are being set up every month. My proposed study will no doubt rein force my qualificatio n for a more gainful executive positi on.会计英文简历范文二 I have bee n told by Mr.Joh n L.Pak,C

21、redit Man ager, The Busin ess BookPublishing,New York, with whom I believe youareacqua in ted,that you are expect ing to make some additi ons to your acco unting staff in Juneshould like to be con sidered an applica nt for one of these positi ons.You can see from the data sheet that is en closed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experie neein the book bus in ess.Thecompa nies for which I have worked have give n me permissi on


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