已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、仁爱版七年级下英语短语归纳Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 11. at the school gate在学校大门口 2. The same to you!也同样祝你- - 3. look very nice!看起来漂亮-Thank you .4. go to.on foot=walk to.步行去.5. do ones homework 做家庭作业(homework,不可数名词)6. see a movie 看电影/read books(newspapers)看书(报)/watch a game观看比赛/watch TV 看电视 /look at看着.7. want

2、to do sth想要做某事=would like to do.8. what time 什么时间/几点钟?9. on weekdays 在平日10. at about six oclock 在大约六点钟11. come on快点12. Its time for class该上课了13. =Its time to have classes该上课了14. know about了解- - 的情况/know something about了解关于的情况15. at school在学校,在上学16. for a short time 一会儿17. have no more time 没有更多时间18.

3、 in ones free time 在某人的空余时间里19. after lunch午餐后20. after class下课后21. after school放学后22. listen to music 听音乐23. in onesfree time 在某人的业余时间里24. how often多久一次25. once a week每周一次26. twice a week每周两次27. at half past seven在七点半28. at a quarter to ten在十点差十五分29. get home到家 30. go / goes to bed上床睡觉31. go swimmi

4、ng/fishing 去游泳/钓鱼32get up 起床33.walk to=go/come toon foot 步行去fly to.=go/come to.by plane 坐飞机去take a bus to.=go/come to.by bus 坐巴士去take the subway to.=go/come to.by subway 坐地铁去ride a bike to.=go/come to.by bike 骑自行车去take/drive a car to.=go/come to.by car 坐/开小车去Topic 2He is playing soccer on the playgr

5、ound1. in the teachers office在教师办公室2. make cards制作卡片3. Good idea!好主意4. See you soon一会儿见5. a few+复数名词几个,一些6. a little + 不可数名词/形容词 一点儿7. on time 准时8. this is.(speaking)我是(打电话用语)9. do some cleaning/shopping 做清洁/购物(固定短语,some不能变any)10. look for寻找/look after.照顾/look like 看起来像11. on the shelf/shelves在书架上12

6、. thank you all the same 还是要谢谢你13. keepfor two weeks借.两周14. borrowfrom从借.15. returnto把归还给.=giveback to.-return to sp=go/come back to sp返回到某地(return后不能跟 back.)16. at the Lost and Found在失物招领处17. show sb around sp带领某人参观某地show sb sth=show sth to sb 把给某人看18at the back of 在- -后部19.in the book/picture/news

7、paper 在书上/图片上/报纸上 On the computer/TV在电脑上/电视上20.some photos of his/hers他/她的一些照片(用名物代或者名词所有格)21.talk to/with sb 与某人交谈 talk about sth 谈论某事22.would like to do=want to do 想要做.23.on the telephone=by telephone 通过电话24.write a letter to sb=write sb a letter 给某人写信25.have lessons/classes 上课26.at the back of 在.

8、后面27. one day 将来有一天28.love doing 爱做.29.how long 多久29.have a soccer game举行一场足球比赛30.play ping-pong 打乒乓球31. a Japanese girl 一个日本女孩Unit5Topic3 My school life is very interesting1. like.very much=like.a lot 非常喜欢.2. have an English class 上英语课3. class meeting 班会课4. What do you think of = How do you like ?你

9、觉得.怎么样?5. work on 专心于 work on math problems做数学题6. learn about the past 了解/学习过去的事7. how many lessons 多少节课?8. which subject 哪门学科?9. be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 对某人友好10. some other其他一些11. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事tell sb something about 告诉某人关于某事的一些情况tell a story 讲故事12. o

10、utdoor activity/activities 户外活动13. between. and -在- - 和- 之间14. different kinds of .各种各样的.15. thank sb for sth/doing sth 感谢某人某事/做某事16. go out for a walk 出去散步17. learn a lot from从中学到很多 learn to do 学习做18. what day 星期几 What day is it today?今天星期几?19. on Wednesday 在周三20. what time 几点21. have a music class

11、 上一节音乐课22. like.very much/a lot 非常喜欢23. help each other 互相帮助24. a little difficult 有点难25. speak English 讲英语26. draw pictures 画画27. Which subject do you like best?=Whats your favorite subject?你最喜欢什么科目?28. learn .from 向/从.学习29. What class 什么课 What class are they having? 他们在上什么课?30. the next class 下节课3

12、1. talk about sth 谈论某事32. like best 最喜欢33. at school 在学校Unit 6 Topic 1There is a study next to my bedroom1. On the first/second floor在一/二楼上2. Go upstairs/downstairs上楼/下楼(go后不用to)3. 提建议的表达(1) Why not +V原(do)?为什么不做呢?(2) What/how about doing.?做.,如何?(3) Lets do sth.让我们做吧。(4)Youd better do sth 常用答语:Good

13、idea/sounds good.等4. next to /close to./near. 在- - 旁边/紧挨着/靠近5.so many+复数 如此多的.、/so much+不可数名词6.in front of.在.前面(范围外)/in the front of.在.前部(范围内)7.in the tree在树上(外来物) -区别 on the tree(树木生长出来的)8.on the wall在墙上(表面)-区别in the wall(在里面如door,window)9.put away 把收起来(代词it/them 放中间)=put on 穿上put up举起,挂起10.on the

14、left/right of.在的左边/右边11.look after.照顾好,保管好.12.play with sth 玩耍.play with sb 与某人一起玩耍13.two apple trees 两颗苹果树14.write to sb 给写信15. and so on 等等16 have a look看一看18. help sb do sth =help sb with sth帮某人做19. write to sb =write a letter to sb 给某人写信20. tell sb about.告诉某人有关21. in the center of 在的中心22. at the

15、 back of 在的后面23. an apple tree一棵苹果树24. love doing 爱做25. play on the computer 在电脑上玩26. how much+不可数名词 多少 how many +可数名词复数 多少U6Topic 2(P35-42)1. live in sp 居住/生活在某地2. live with sb 与某人一起居住/生活-live in sp with sb 和某人一起生活在某地3. a house with two floors 两层楼的房子4. call sb at +号码 拨打.号码与某人联系=call+号码5.rent sth fr

16、om sb 从某人租借=rent sb sth=rent sth to sb 把.租借给rent sth for+价格 以.价格租6. on the street corner在街道拐角处7.a quiet room for two people 适合两个人住的安静房间8.cant find.找不到.9.keep money 存钱10.post letters 寄信 11.see a doctor 看医生12.Its very nice of you.你真好 Its very nice of you to do sth 某人做.太好了13.at the end of.在.末/尽头14.Ther

17、e is/are sb doing sth.(在某地有)某人正做某事15.a lot of .=lots of许多.(与many/much区别)16.be far from距离远 17.call/ask.for help 向求助18.have a colorful life 过着丰富多彩的生活19.move from.to从.搬到.20.the traffic is heavy/busy 交通拥挤(much traffic 很多车辆)21.the cost of living is high/low 生活费用高/低22.in the country/countryside.在乡村23.the

18、air is fresh and life is quiet.空气清新,生活宁静。24.what kind of 什么种类的25.look for 寻找 find 找到26.under=less than 少于27.such as比如28 do sports 做运动34. close to 靠近35. call sb at +电话号码 以.给某人打电话36. be kind /friendly to sb 对某人友好37. in our area 在我们地区U6Topic 3(P43-50)1.Go up/along this street to the end沿着这条街一直走到尽头2.go

19、across.跨过.=cross. across from在的对面 at the first/second crossing 在第一个十字路口4. turn right/left 向右/左转turn green/yellow 变绿/黄along on the left 顺着左边5. get to sp 到达某地=arrive at+小地点/arrive in+大地点(home,here,there前省略介词;没有加地点用arrive)6. walk on 继续走7. need to do sth需要做某事8. take Bus No.718/theNo.718bus乘坐718路车(注意书写方式

20、)9. change to换乘.10. How far“多远”,问距离。11. No right turn=Dont turn right.禁止右转No parking.禁止停车12. in traffic accidents在交通事故中13. get hurt 受伤14. lose ones life/lives丧生,失去生命15. obey the trafficrules遵守交通规则16. before we cross the road在我们过马路之前17. stop and look both ways停下来左右看看18.both.and. 和.两个都19.Its good to d

21、o sth做某事是助人为乐的,好心的20.Cross the road = go across the road 过马路21.a ticket for speeding超速行驶罚单22.Excuse me,could you tell me the way to.?(问路的表达方式)Excuse me,which is the way to.?Excuse me,how can I get to.?Excuse me,where is?23.you cant miss it. 你不会错过的24. Its about 15 kilometers away from here.它大约离这儿15 公

22、里远。25. keep safe 保证安全26.all of us 我们所有人27. walk /go on 一直走 Review of units 561. at the foot of the hill在山脚下2. both sides of the river河的两旁3. have/take a short rest 休息一会儿Unit7 The Birthday Party Topic 1(P55-62)1. be born in+月份/年份/地点出生于.be born on+日期2.a big fan of . .的超级粉丝3. Whats the date today?=what

23、date is it today?今天是几号?4. plan to do sth 打算做. make a plan 制定一个计划 a good plan for the holidays 一个好的假日计划5.would you like to do sth?=Do you want to do sth? 你想做某事吗?-would like sb to do sth=want sb to do sth 想某人做某事6.have a birthday party for sb 为某人举办一个生日聚会7.play the piano/guitar 弹奏钢琴/吉他8.what else 其他什么9.

24、celebrate ones birthday 庆祝某人的生日10.talk about sth 谈论某事11.want to do=would like to do 想要做.12.look at 看.13.be like 像14. Whats the shape of your present ?= What shape is your present?你的礼物是什么形状的?Whats the shape of.?= What shape is? .是什么形状?15.How wide/long多宽/多长-.meters/centimeters wide/long. .米/厘米宽/长 (相互对

25、应)16.How long 多长,(时间)多久17. use.to do sth/for doing sth用 做. /用于.18.buy sb sth =buy sth for sb 为某人买某物19.cook a big dinner 做一顿大餐20.want to do =would like to do 想要做Unit7 The Birthday Party Topic 2(P63-70)1. at ones birthday party 在某人的生日聚会上2. play the piano/guitar 弹钢琴/吉他(乐器前用the,球类运动,三餐前不用the )3. dance t

26、o disco 跳迪斯科舞 4. what/where else 其他什么事/地方5. have a good time=have fun =enjoy oneself玩得开心have fun doing sth 开心的做某事 enjoy/like/love doing sth喜欢做某事6. take photos 拍照-take photos of sb/sth 给某人/某物拍照7. speak English/Japanese 说英语/日语say.in English/Chinese 用英语/汉语说8. dont/doesnt like at all 一点儿也不喜欢.9. take sth

27、 to. 把.带给/去.-take sth with sb 随身带上bring .from把.从带来carry.携带、搬动。(重物)无方向性10. can do sth a little 会做.一点儿can do sth very well 做做得非常好cant do sth at all 一点儿不会做,根本不会做11. just/only a little 只会一点点.12. in the past 在过去.13. last year 去年 this year 今年(前面不用介词in)14. two years ago 两年前15. at the age of =when sb was.在多

28、少岁时16. There was something wrong with her eyes=Something is wrong with her eyes. 她的眼睛出了问题 There was something wrong with.= Something is wrong with.出了问题17.Cant/couldnt see anything any more 再也看不见任何东西18.with ones help =with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下19.want to be a/an .想成为一个.20.learn from sb 向某人学习21.perfo

29、rm ballet 跳芭蕾22.so many+可数名词复数 so much+不可数 如此多23.fly a kite/kites 放风筝24.when she was five 当她五岁时25.notany more=no more 不再,再也不26.be hard for.对来说难。Unit7 Topic 3(P71-78) 1. Whats the matter (with)?=whats wrong(with)?(.)怎么啦?2. fall down 摔倒3. hurt oneself伤着某人自己4. at once=right away 立刻,马上5. remember to do

30、sth 记着做某事=dont forget to do sth 别忘记做某事remember sb 纪念某人6. each of us/them 我们/他们每一个人(表示单数)=we/they each (表示复数)7. make by hand 手工制作.(hand 用单数)by doing sth 通过做.by the fireplace 在壁炉旁边8.a big cake with 13 candles on it 在上面有13支蜡烛的大蛋糕9.sit around.坐在- - 周围10.make a wish许个心愿11.blow the candles out = blow out

31、the candles 吹灭蜡烛blow it/them out 把它/它们吹灭12.what is/was it like? 它像什么样子? What do/does/did .like ?.喜欢什么.?13.perform some magic tricks 表演魔术14.enjoy oneself=have a good time =have fun 玩得高兴15.perform Chinese kung fu 表演中国武术16.next time 下次17.Dont be late 别迟到18.tel l sb (not)to do 告诉某人(不)要做.19.come back 回来2

32、0.buy sb sth= buy sth for sb为某人买某物21.give sb sth=give sth to sb把某物给某人22.have a birthday party for sb 为某人举行生日派对Unit 8 Topic 1(P81-88)1. Whats the weather like in spring?在春季天气怎么样?=How is the weather in spring?2. It is a good time/season to do sth/ for doing sth.这是做某事的好时间/季节。3. Its the best time to do/

33、for doing sth .这是做某事的最佳时间。4. make snowmen 堆雪人5. Its hard to say这很难说6. Its warm and nice很暧和7. .is sbs favorite.=sb like .best.某人最喜欢Eg. Spring is my favorite season.=I like spring best.8. How are things going?=How is everything going?一切都好吗?Things are going very well.事情进展顺利。8.put on.穿上/戴上 (表动作) wear.穿着

34、/戴着.(表状态,已经穿好)9.go outside/out 外出10.Whats the temperature 温度是多少?11.the highest/lowest temperature is最高/最低气温是.12. had better do sth 最好做某事13.had better not do sth最好不要做某事14.travel on your holidays 旅行度假 go to sp for holidays.去某地度假15. take an umbrella带把雨伞16.in most areas of China 在中国大部分地区most students 大部

35、分学生17.later on 以后,后来,随后 18.be different from和- - 不同 19.need to wear a warm coat 需要穿暖和的衣服20.come back to life 苏醒,复苏,复活21.It rains heavily雨下得大It blows strongly.风吹得很猛。The sun shines brightly.太阳明亮的照耀着. It rains suddenly 突然下雨22.the harvest season收获的季节23.be busy doing sth忙于做某事24.last year 去年 last from Dec

36、ember to February从12月持续到二月25.The weather changes a lot 天气变化大/经常变化。26.begin to do sth开始做某事27.climb hills 爬山28 go swimming去游泳 go shopping去购物29.remember to do sth 记着做某事=dont forget to do sth 别忘记做某事38. plan to do打算做39. know about 了解40. the weather in different places 不同地方的天气41. need to do 需要做42. take a

37、walk 散步43. go out 外出44. wear sunglasses 戴太阳镜45. come out 开花,出版46. have a short rest 休息一小会47. begin to do=start to do 开始做48. at noon 在中午49. see sb doing看见某人正在做50. see sb do看见某人经常做51. right away=at once 立刻,马上Unit 8 Topic 2(P89-96)1. hope/wish to do sth希望做某事wish sb to do sth (某人A)希望某人(B)做某事(此结构不能用hope)

38、best wishes to sb.致以某人最美好的祝愿。Hope/wish +句子2. run around 围着跑sit around. 围着坐travel around.周游/环游.around our school 在我们学校周围My present is round.我的礼物是圆形的。3. travel to sp 旅行去某地4. get togetherwith 与- 团聚 在一起have a get-together with sb 与某人举行聚会keep together with与团结在一起5. You can go anytime你在任何时间去都可以6.all(the) y

39、ear round一年到头7.a pair of sunglasses/shoes 一副太阳镜/一双鞋子 This pair of shoes is old ,I need to buy a new pair.(注意以pair的单复数决定谓语动词,后面的代词不用one)8.on the trip 在旅行中9.teach sb to do sth.教某人做某事 teach us English.教我们英语(用人称代词宾格)10. prepare.for为- - 做准备11.share sth with sb 与分享/共用 share the fun 分享快乐12.take the right c

40、lothing.带合适的服装 You are right. 你是对的/正确的 on the right 在右边13.in the sun 在阳光下14.Dont go to dangerous places.不要去危险的地方.15. Dont go swimming alone.不要独自去游泳。16.drink lots of safe water.多喝安全健康的水。17.keep away from远离/不靠近.18.be happy/glad to do sth.开心的/高兴的做某事19.stayfor three days.在待三天 stay at home 待在家里 stay up 熬

41、夜 stay in the sun 待在阳光下17. enjoy doing 喜欢做18. enjoy the delicious food .享受美食enjoy the bright full moon 欣赏明亮的满月(赏月)enjoy a seven-day holiday 享受一个七天的假期19. help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事。20. take pictures/photos 照相21. talk about sth 谈论某事22. plan to do 打算某事23. go/come back to=return to 回到.来/去24. places of interest 名胜25. a good plan for the holidays 一个好的假日计划26. Its the best time to do 它是做.的最佳时间27. go to.for holidays/go on holiday 去.度假28. take sth with sb 某人随身携带某物29. take a trip/go on a trip 旅行30.


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