1、精品教学课件设计| excellent teaching planexercise foursection 1. compound dictationbeing the mother of two potentially bilingual children (the youngest is only three months old) and the teacher of french and english bilingual children, the subject of bilingualism is very important to me. in fact we have rec
2、ently moved to china and are now considering multilingualism. but what are the advantages of learning several languages from an early age? what are the dangers? what s the best way to teach your child two or more languages (1) simultaneously? i don i have the answers here but like most mothers and t
3、eachers i certainly have a point of view!what is a bilingual child?the way i see it, being bilingual means being able to (2) communicate almost perfectly in two languages and also knowing something about both cultures. if i take the example of my daughter it s about being able to understand when som
4、eone is speaking another language and being able to switch (3) automatically into speaking it with them. at two and a half she has already grasped the concept of daddy speaks french and mummy speaks english . she has even picked up that baiyuoine speaks chinese! i think it s very important for her t
5、o know that the (4) cartoon characternoddy is also called oui oui by her friends at playgroup and that marmite and cadburys chocolate exist as well as croissants. this is what makes it possible for her to communicate with the people around her (5) regardless of whether they are french or english.why
6、 encourage bilingualism?in our case it is logical that with an english mother and french father our children should be able to speak both languages to communicate, not only with us, but with their grandparents and (6) extended family. on a wider scale learning two or more languages helps children to
7、 accept cultures other than their own. if speaking their mother tongue(s) at home and at school is (7) encouraged they are more likely to enjoy their difference and view difference in general as a positive thing.how do you raise a bilingual child?there may be a dominant language and this will normal
8、ly depend on the country you live in or the language your child uses most at school. however, it will also depend on what language is spoken in the home. we lived in france and spoke french at home but i always speak to my children in english. it s (8) imperative that the child has consistency. they
9、 know that their english auntie will always speak to them in english and that for her to understand them they should speak to her in english.what are the dangers?it can be very difficult for people around you to support what you do. (9)grandparents can be upset if they don understand what you reayin
10、g to their grandchild and worry that they will never be able to communicate with them. (please pause here for 40 -50 this is of course highly unlikely and you should stick to your guns.another problem we have encountered was when our daughter refused to listen to either of us. (10)a psychologist adv
11、ised us that as there wasn a common language at home between theparents and child and so i should stop speaking english and spend the weekend speaking only in french. (please pause here for 40 -50 thankfully i decided to ignore this piece of advice and persisted with my english! i also know of one c
12、hild who had problems at school because his friends made fun of him. his parents eventually gave up speaking english to him. unfortunately children can be cruel and differences whatever they may be are often a source of bullying. differences need to be promoted and valued and celebrations such as th
13、e international mother language day help to do just that.international mother language day21st february 2000 saw the first mother language day celebrated internationally. however the importance of this date originated in bangladesh where in 1952 a handful of students, now known as language martyrs,
14、were killed in demonstrations defending bangla, their mother language. (11) in 1999 unesco decided to take this cause onto an international scale in order to encourage cultural diversity and worldwide tolerance. (please pause here for 40 -50 ,广section 2. note-taking1) always spanked and hit2) they c
15、ommit crimes and abuse their wivies and children3) grow up to be violent4) a lawyer and psychologist.5) a form of discipline.6) doesn t hurt children7) family researcher8) decreasing9) corporal punishment10) a child psychologistsection 3. short answering questions.keys:1. less than four years ago2.
16、it would no longer publish a print edition3. a survey about the use of e-books by library patrons4. free e-book check-outs at the library will hurt sales5. six months after it s releasede-books catch on at public librarycomplete the following sentence:“you go to the library to check out.?”the obviou
17、s answer is “ books. but a harder question might be, “ whatdo we mean by book ?”electronic books or -books,“have established a firm foothold in american society.the big online bookseller amazon, for instance, recently announced that less than four years after introducing them to its catalog, it new
18、selling more electronic versions of its book titles than printed ones.and this past april, encyclopedia britannica, the world oldest and largest maker of encyclopedias - a staple at any library - announced it would no longer publish a print edition .last week, the pew internet & american life projec
19、t released a survey about the use of e-books by library patrons . it found that 12 percent of americans age 16 and older who read e -books say they had borrowed at least one from a library within the past year.but the survey found that the broader public, including 58 percent of those who have libra
20、ry cards and 53 percent of people who own electronic book readers, are not aware that they can find and check out e -books from public libraries, even though three -quarters of the libraries offer that service.pew internet project director lee rainie noted that e -book borrowing is becoming more pop
21、ular at the same time that publishers - who are selling plenty of e -books and fewer hard-copy editions - are worried that free e-book check-outs at the library will hurt sales .in february, for instance, the big publisher penguin books stopped supplying new e -books and audio books to libraries.pen
22、guin just reached an agreement to resume supplying one big library system - in new york city - but not until six months after they are released . that way, those who want the latest books will have to buy them.so things are a little murky in the library world when it comes to electronic books.more a
23、nd more patrons want them, but publishers are giving the libraries a hard time about offering them. demand s not the problem. supply may soon be.section 4. listening & translating1. the president spoke monday at the university of texas. he talked about the decrease in college graduation rates in the
24、 united states. ina single generation, we vefallen from first place to twelfth place in college graduation rates for young adults. that is unacceptable, but it is not irreversible. we can retake the lead.”在仅仅一代人的时间内,我们的年轻人大学毕业率已从第一降到了第十二名,这是不可接受的,但并非不可逆转。我们可以重新领先。2. food that has come in contact wit
25、h floodwaters can sicken anyone who eats it. water from floods may contain animal and human waste. it can also contain other pollutants like chemicals from agriculture and industry. after a flood, food safety specialists at the united states department of agriculture have this advice: throw away any
26、thing that is not stored in a waterproof container if there was a chance of contact. also, throw away boxes of juice, milk or baby formula if they have come into contact with floodwater.如果有接触的可能的话,任何没有保存于防水的容器中的东西都要扔掉。另外,盒装果汁、 牛奶或儿童奶粉如果其盒子已经接触洪水这些食品也要扔掉。3. the journal health affairs recently publish
27、ed an issue on -health in the developing world. ”editor susan dentzer says e-health is improving lives in different ways. for example in rwanda,where cell phone-based technologies are being used to keep track of dispensation of drugs to patients with h.i.v. and rwanda is actually at the leading edge of developing nations in tapping these technologies to advance health and
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