



1、3第一部分听力(20分) (每小题1分,共5分)(每小题1分,共5分)BD初一英语中期测试试卷本卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,全卷满分120分第I卷(共80 分)()1. A. motherB. brotherC. father()2. A. un cleB. auntC. cous in()3. A. hisB. thoseC. these()4. A. theyB. theirC. her()5. A. on the rightB. on the leftC. n ext ton听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)()6. A. Yes, she i

2、s.B. No, he isn .C. Yes, we are()7. A. My brother.B. Her sister.C. His son.()8. A. Mike Gree n.B. Thirtee n.C. A worker.()9. A. No, we aren .B. Yes, they are.C. No, it isn .()10. A. At the statio n.B. In the morning.C. From Chi naI听句子,选出句中所含的信息。句子读一遍。川 听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。对话读一遍。11. 12. 13. 14. 15.W听短文,

3、判断正(门误(F)。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)()16. Tony father is Jim.()17. Sara is 45 years old.()18. Jim is a farm worker.()19. Lucy is Tony sister.()20. Tony is in Class2, Grade8.第二部分基础知识运用(共两节;满分 30分)第一节单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. What s Tony sfood?A. likeB. manyC. favourite22. What colo

4、urTina s shoes?red.A. is , It s B. is , They are C. are , they are23. Tony isfriend.in Class One.C. my, HisC. Yes, that s rightC. IsG-R-E-E-NC. WhyA. I, He s B. my, He s24. Your English is very good.A. That s OK B. Thank you25. your name? I m Li Ling.A. what s B. How is26. 一do you spell “ GreenA. Wh

5、atB. How27. Therean apple and two eggs on the table.A isB amC. are28. This isLi, he is my English teacher.A. Mr.B. Mrs.C. Ms29. Good after noon, class., teacher.A. GoodbyeB. Good morningC.Good after noon30.This isapple and this ispen.A. a, aB. a, anC.an, a31.my pare nts and they are workersA. These

6、areB. This isC.That is32.Are you from Class One, Lucy? A. No, I dont.B. Yes, I am.C.Yes, I do.33.Lucy12 years old. She is 13 years old.A. isn tB. isC.aren t34.Mart in, please sit dow n.A. I m OK.B. Nice to meet you.C. Thank you.35.Is your mother a doctor?A. Yes, it is.B. No, he isnC.Yes, she is.36.A

7、re these your gran dpare nts?A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, They are.C.No, they aren t 37.is Miss Li from?-She is from Chan gsha.A. WhereB. WhatC.Who38.This is a photohis familyA. ofB. inC.at39.-What are?- DesksA. thisB. thereC.these40.Alices brother.A、 HisB、HesC、Shes第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意

8、,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Hello, boys and girls. This is a 41 of my family. 42 Fran k. I am twelve. I am a stude nt in No 2 MiddleSchool. This is my father. 43name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher in my school. And this is my mother. She is44nurse (护士). She works at a hospital (在医院工作 ).The girl is m

9、y little( 小) sister. She s45years old. Who isthat woman near my father? Oh, she nsy46. She is 47 father sister. My grandparents aren irt the photo.48 are in the USA. I have a dog. 49n ame is Bobby. I love my 50 a nd I love my dog, too.41. A. backpackB. bookC. photo42. A. This isB. I mC. My name43. A

10、. HisB. He sC. Her44. A. anB. aC. the45. A. fourteenB. eighteenC. eight46. A. uncleB. auntC. cousin47. A. IB. meC. my48. A. WeB. TheyC. You49. A. It sB. ItsC. He s50. A. motherB. fatherC. family第三部分阅读下列短文,从各题所给的Look at this. It s a blue bag. It is my bag. What also in my bag. It is yellow. This is m

11、y pencil case. It 51.A、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1.5 分,满分 30 分)in it? Look, this is my English book. Its big and nice. I like English and Chinese. My.bag is my go52.53.54.55.My bag isA. yellowB. blueWhats in my bag? A. My English book. B. My Chinese book My Chinese book is also in my bag.A.

12、也B. 颜色My is my good friend.A. Chinese book B. English bookMy pencil case is . A yellowC. niceC. A. and B“ A(s意思是n)eansC. 不在C. bagB. blueC. big and niceAnn is an English girl. SheClass Tshirnee. Grade One. Shes twelve. She s in No. 2 middle school in Beijing. Dama Chinese boy, He s twelve, toos. iHne

13、No.2 Middle School, too. Daming is in Row ( 排 ) Four, Ann is in Row Two . They good friends.根据短文判断正(T )误(F)56. Annis from England.57. Annis in Nanjing.58. Annand Daming are in thesame (同样)row.59. Annand Daming are in thesame School.60. Ann and Daming are good friends.CToday we have two new students

14、in our school. They are American, They are twins (双胞胎) . They look the same. Their names are Lucy and Lily. They are in Class 3, Grade 1. Their mother and father are teachers. They teach (教) English in the same school . But they re not in Lucy and Lilys school.61. Lucy and Lily are .A. English B. in

15、 Class C. twins62. Lucy and Lily new students.A. areB. haveC. do63. They are from.A. ChinaB. Japa nC. America64. Lucy and Lily look.A. like sisterB. after their brother C. the same65. Their father and mother teach.A. Chin ese in the same school.B. English in Lucy and Lily s schcCl.English is another

16、 school.DMrs Green is an English woman. She teaches (教)English. Her English class (英语课)is very interesting (有趣).She likes us and we like her, too. Mrs Green has two children (孩子) -Mike and Jane. Mike is seven and his sister Jane is four. Mike goes to school (上学)but Jane doesn (没有).Mrs Green likes (喜

17、欢)ping pong. After school (放学后)we have ping pong matches (进行乒乓比赛).Sometimes (有时)Mrs. Green watches (看)and joins (家入)us. She plays basketballjust for fun (娱乐)66. Mrs Green is.A a Chin ese teacherB. an En glish man C. an En glish teacher67. How many daughters does Mrs Green have?A .OneB. TwoC. Three68

18、. Jane doesn t go to school because.A. she looks beautifulB. she is seve nC. she is only four69. Mrs Green likesvery much.A. baseballB. footballC. ping pong70. The passage(短文 is about (关于 .A. Mrs. Green s son B Mrs. Green C. Mike and Jane第H卷(共四部分;满分40分)第一部分:口语运用(共10小题,每小题一分,满分10分)根据下面对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出

19、最佳选项,并填入空白处。选项中有一项为多余选项。ADami ng:71Miss Li: Hello, Daming.72Daming: It s a pen.Miss Li:73Daming:Yes, it is.Miss Li:74Dami ng:Two.Miss Li:Please sit dow n, Daming.Dami ng:75A.What s this in English?B.Hello, Miss Li.C.How many pens are there in the box?D.Thank you.E.Is it your pen?F.How are you471. 72

20、. 73. 74.75. BA: Betty, please look at the photo.76B: No, she is my friend.A:77B: Susa n Brow n. She likes music. 78A: Who s the man? Is he her father?B: Yes. 79 He can speak En glish.A: Is the woma n her mother?B: Yes, she is.A:80B: She is a hotel man ager.A. She can play the piano ( 钢琴)and she can sing (唱歌).B. What s her job?C. Is this your sister?D. He s a dtur at a hospital.E. What is her n ame?F. What s his job?76. 77. 78. 79.80. 第二部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1 ( she ) n ame is Mary.2 ( this ) are his brothers, Jim and Bill.3. Here( be ) his family photos.4. How many( room ) are th


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