已阅读5页,还剩36页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 How do you go there(A)班级 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。on foot()by bus()by train( )by bike()by ship()by pla ne()by subway()二、认真书写下面的重要句子How do you go to schoolHow do you go to CanandeHow do you go to the USA三、抄写本单元的对话。How do you go to school,SarahMy home isnear .Usually Igo to school on foot .Someti

2、mes Igoto school by bike .What about you I usually Igoto school by bus .四、认真读单词,写出汉字意思。Goto school()goto Can ade()Go to Beijing()gohome ()Go to the park()how()Go to the bus stop()USA()Canade ()usually ()Sometimes ()五、仿照例子,写句子。例:School by bikeHow do you go to school I go to school by bikeK unming by

3、bus(2)Sha nghai by pla ne(3)Haia n by shipUnit 1 How do you go there(B)班级 姓名 得分go匚(traffic()rule()light()red light ()二、用手写体,认真书写下面的重要句子,并写出汉 字意思。Stop at a red light Wait at a yellow lightGo at a green light Remember the traffic rulesLook at the traffic light It is not far三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思。stop( ) go( )

4、 wait ()traffic( ) traffic light( )traffic rule() red light( )yellow light ()gree n light()remember()Zhon gsha n Park ()bus () sure( ) can ()right( ) lef t () if ()四、用手写体,认真地抄写下面的对话How can I get to Zhon gsha n ParkYou can go by the bus.Can I go on footSure ,if you likets not far.Unit 2 Where is the

5、science museum(2A)六年级班 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。hospital()cin ema()bookstore()post office()n ear()scie nee( )museum()二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子。Excuse is the libraryIts n ext to the hospital .What are you going to do after school三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思post office()hospital( ) cin ema()school( )good morning ()libra

6、ry( )You are welcome ()scie nee ()USA () museum()excuse me()where( ) tha nk you()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子, 并把它们翻译成中文,OKExcuse me,is there a cin ema n ear here( )Yes ,there is.()Where is the cin ema ,please ()Its n ext to the hospital.()Is it far from here ()No,its not far.()Thank you .()Youre welcome.

7、()Unit 2 Where is the scie nee museum(2B)六年级班 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思left ( )right( )museum()straight( )minute()turn()museum()二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子。Excuse can I get to the museumGo straight for 5 minutes. Then turn left .Thank you . You are welcome.三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思left () light( ) museum ()after schoo

8、l( ) right ()library( ) You are welcome ()go straight( ) Cananda () east()south () where( ) post office()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子,并把它们翻译成中文,They are easy !(它们很容易 啊)Excuse me,Where is the postoffice()And the nTurn left at the cinema,thego s on the left. ( )Thank you .()Youre welcome.()五、请你用心默写一下字母表Unit

9、 3 What are you going to do(A)六年级 班 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。tomorrow()morning()after noon( )seve ning一()magazine()weekend()far theme二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子What are you going to do this eve ningIm going to the cin ema.Thank you .You are welcome.三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思theme( ) zoo( ) n ext week()this after noon(

10、) computer ()Sun day() The Great Wall ()this weeke nd() gran dpare nts ()by train( ) lun ch( ) dinner ()watch TV () so( ) post office()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子, 并把它们翻译成中文,They are easy !(它们很容易 啊)What are you going to do on the weeke nd( )Im going to visit my gran dpare nts this weeke nd ( )Is it far(

11、)Yes ,it is far.() 五、请你用心读读下面的单词,并写出中文意思,好 吗One two three four fivesix seve n eight nine tenUnit 3 What are you going to do(B)六年级 班 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。when()buy()post card( )magazi nedictiona ( )comic()n ewspaper()what()二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子。What are you going to doIm going to buy an English bo

12、ok in the bookstore.Can I help you ( 我能帮你吗) Sure.三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思comic book () post card( ) abook()buy () n ewspaper (Mon day() dicti on ary(scienee teacher () angoing to () one day()()USA () Canana( ) a)English book( )pla ntn ewspaper ()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子, 并把它们翻译成中文,我相信你一定能行的!Where are you going

13、this after noon ()Im going to the bookstore.( )What are you going to buy ()I amgoing to buy a comic book .(Where are you going ()I am going at 3 o clock .Unit 4 I have a pen pal(A)六年级 班 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。diving(5stamp()collecti ng()kite()violin()hobby()pen pal()bike show二 () 二、认真地抄写下面的短语。ridi n

14、g a horsecollect ing stampsplay ing the pia noplay ing the basketballmak ing kitesridi ng a bike三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思hobby( ) where( ) tomorrow()div ing() violi n () football()Saturday( ) Sun day()Friday()bike show( ) pet show() frie nd( )by pla ne( ) draw ing picture( ) TV()a comic book ( ) a dicti on ary

15、() what()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子,并把它们翻 译成中文,lea n!What is your bobby () llike collect ing about you( )Me is a stamp show on Sun day.(Lets go together.()I have a friend. Can he go with us( )五、请你用心默写一下26个大写字母Unit 4 I have a pen pal(B)六年级班 姓名 得分亠、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思math ()n ewspaper-()teach()teacher()bed()n

16、ight()home()二、认真读下面的短语,并认真书写。goes to work by bus teaches En glishwatches TVreads magaz inegoes to schoolgoes to bedgoes home reads n ewspaper三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思live in () do () does( )teaches()this afternoon() goto work ()goes to work( ) The Great Wall()teach math() visits my gran dpare nts()on foot( ) h

17、ave lun ch( ) hospital()by subway () so( ) post office()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子, 并把它们翻译成中文,认真读哦!Does your pen pal live in Shanghai( )No,he does n lives in Beiji ng .My father is a teacher. ()My mother is a doctor.()Does she teach En glish Yes ,she does. ( )五、写出下列单词的三单数Teach () do- () go-()read-( ) wa

18、tch () live()Unit 5 What does she do(A)六年级 班 姓名 得分 一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。sin gerwriter(actoractress()artist(teacherTV repoter()theme()二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子What does your father doWhat are you going to beWhat does your sister do.三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思theme park () zoo () sin ger ()teacher( ) doctor () writer ()

19、TV repoter () teaches En glish ( )myun cle()actor () actress () clea ner ()goes to school( ) goes to work () watches( )四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子 还要写出汉语哦!What does your father do ()What does your mother do ()She is a TV reporter.()He is a teacher ,He teaches Chinese. ( )五、请你用心写出与语文 写法不同的大写字母、小写 字母Unit 5

20、 What does she do(B)六年级 班 姓名 得分一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。engin eer( )policema n( )policewoma n()clea ner()salespers on()acco untant()father()compa ny()二、认真What does your mother doWang Li is an engin eer.Wi Xiaob in is an acco untant.三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思go to work () a singer( ) cleaner ()policema n( ) policewoma

21、n( )an engin eer() clothes show( )salespers on()goes to school( )teaches En glish( )a acco untant( ) a teacher( ) a girl( )四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子,并把它们翻译成中文,它们就在课本里啊,你会了吗What does your mother do ()She is an TV reporter.()Where does she work ()She works in a car compa ny.()How does she go to work (五、我

22、相信你现在已经能准确无误地写出字母表了! 试试看哦。Unit 6 The story of rain(A)六年级 班 姓名一、抄写下面的单词,并写出中文意思。rain()cloud-()vapour()Sun day()sun( stream()can()come fromL二、认真读句子,再用手写体认真书写下面的句子。Where does the rain come fromWhere does the cloud come fromWhere does the vapour come from三、认真读单词,写出汉字意思picture () come from( ) see()sun( ) flower ()Sun day() The Great Wall ()you ()rain( ) sun shine ()become( ) becomes( ) comes from()friend () sky( ) post office()四、读读下面的对话,再用手写体书写下面的句子, 并把它们翻译成中文


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