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1、初 二 英 语 Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?单元焦点:一、知识技能你能熟记下列短语和句型并熟练运用吗?1. cut the rice2、big screen3. close to home4. Circle Theatre5. radio station6. Bargain Barn7、in the daytime8. a clothing store9.Ice and Snow Festival10. do a survey of sb. about sth11.in the north/ south/ east/ west of China.1

2、2 in a fun part of town13.What s the best cinema?13.Showtime Cinema. It s the cheapest.14. Jason s has good quality clothes. ItTresndbyetTt eretnhsa.n二、文化背景,交际策略1. I think Circle Theater has the most comfortable seats . 我想(认为)弧形剧场座位最舒服。( 1 ) .comfortable 是形容词,意为: “舒适的,安逸的” , 比较级和最高级分别加 more 和 most。a

3、 comfortable bed 一张舒适的床 a comfortable job 轻松的工作副词是 comfortably ,反义词是 uncomfortable “不舒适的, 不自在的”。名词是 comfort “舒适, 安逸” (2).seat n. 座位 sit v. 坐下,坐I have no seat to sit on.我没座位坐。Please sit down.=Please take a sea请坐下。2. The Famous People Talent Show was terrific .Famous People Talent (名人天才)表演是非常棒的。三、学法导引

4、:1. 本单元的语法重点是形容词比较级最高级构成 , 我们在第六单元学习了形容词比较级的构成 那么我们今天进行复习并学习它的最高级构成。 除了形容词有比较级和最高级以外,还有副词。. 2 语言目标 是 Discuss preferences ; 讨论最喜欢的东西 和 Make comparison 做比较知识链接1. 形容词的比较级和最高级A. 我们都知道形容词的级有三个级。( 1 )为原级比较: as .as. 像 .一样 如 Zhang Hong is as tall as Tom. 张红和 Tom 一样高。( 2)形容词的比较级(用于两者之间的人或事物的比较):其构成:形容词比较级 th

5、an .如: He is taller than I . 他比我高。(3)形容词的最高级 (用于三个或三个以上的人或事物的比较),其结构为 the + 形容词的最高级 of / in .如: He is the tallest of the three . 他是这三个人中最高的。He is the funniest in his class . 他是他们班最有趣的。B. 形容词、副词比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化。(1)规则变化一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词(或副词)比较级er , 最高级 est如: clever cleverer cleverest few fewer fewes

6、t smallsmallersmallest 等以e结尾的词,比较级+ r,最高级+ st即可如: nicenicer nicest cutecutercutestlargelargerlargest以辅音字母+ y结尾的变y为i + er或est如: easy easiereasiesthappyhappierhappiest再如: early , busy , heavy , dirty , lazy . 也如此双写最后一个辅音字母+er或est的词同学要用心去记。1. fatfatterfattest2. thinthinner thinnest3. hot hotter hottest

7、4. redredderreddest5. wetwetterwettest6. big biggerbiggest多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前+more构成比较级,+ the most构成最高级。如:beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful .又如: delicious , popular , important , interesting , expensive , creative 等也是如此。 双音节的词如careful more careful the most carefuluseful more useful the mo

8、st useful .少数单音节词也是这样如:pleased more pleased the most pleasedtiredmore tried the most tired( 2 )不规则变化:good better bestwell better-bestbad worse worstmany, muchmore mostfar-farther-farthest(距离远)farfurther furthest(程度深)old elder(长幼)一eldestold older(年龄)-oldest2. It is the closest to home. 那儿离家最近。close v

9、t.关上,闭上adj.靠近的adv.靠近close to 离.近 ,形容词最高级前经常定冠词theClose the door ,please.请关门。3. It has the friendliest service . 它有最友好的服务。friendly 形容词,意为“友好的,亲切的”由 ”名词 +ly ”构成的形容词,如; lone+ly 孤独的 live+ly 生动的 , 比较级和高级变 y 为 i 加 er 或 est.be friendly to sb. “对某人友好” be friendly with sb. “和某人关系好” ,指两者的关系。4. has good qualit

10、y clothes . 有质量好的衣服。quality 名词,意为“质量,质” 。如:poor quality 质量很差 high quality 高质量 low quality 质量低劣 quality 作名词,还有“品质,特性,特质”意思。Mr Green is a man with many good qualities. 格林先生是一个有很多优点的人。5. As for radio stations , most people think that Jammin 107.9 FM is really great 至于电台,大部分人认为杰调频 107.9 兆赫是真的很棒。.as for在

11、此意为“至于,就 .而言”之意。As for you, I never want to see you in Beijing again. 至于你,我再也不想在北京见到你。6 Last weeks talent show was a great success . 上周的天才表演真是非常成功。success 是名词,它的形容词是 successful 成功的 动词是 succeedI don t think it is a successful performan我认为这不是成功的演出。If you work hard, you will succeed. 如果你努力,你就会成功。7. Wha

12、ts the best clothing store in town ? 镇上最好的服装店是哪个?(1) .clothing 是物质名词,是服装的总称,除衣裤外包括帽子、鞋袜等,没有复数形式,后面要单数谓语 动词。The summer clothing is cheap. 夏装很便宜。The shop sells children s 这家商店卖童装。(2) .clothes 统指身上的各种服装,包括上衣,裤子等,是复数名词,不能直接与数词连用,后面要接复数 名词。Her clothes are beautiful. 她的衣服很漂亮。Please put on your clothes.请穿上

13、衣服。(3) . cloth 名词,意为“布,布料”a piece of cloth 一块布three metres cloth 三米布8. The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tan and his dog , Fido. 最有趣表演奖给了 Steve Tan 和他的狗 Fido.9. The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night .旅馆一个房间一晚上的价格大约在 320 元左右10. Harbin is in the north of China .哈尔滨在中国的北部。表示方位的

14、有二个介词。一个是 in ; 一个是to。in the north在北方 south为南方,east为东方,west为西方。in the north of China . 表示哈尔滨在中国境内它属于中国。此时用介词 in。 如果一个地方不在一个地方内,如日本和中国的方位怎么说呢。日本在中国的东部。因为日本不在中国境 内,因此我们不能用介词 in ,而用介词 to 。Japan is to the east of China .11. There is an Ice and Snow Festival that lasts about six weeks .有一个持续 6 周左右的冰雪节。tha

15、t lasts about six weeks 作 Festival 的定语从句。last 是动词,表示 持续 。如雨持续了一周。 The rain lasted a week .12. Hotels usually cut their prices in winter . 旅馆通常在冬天里减价。cut their prices . 降价、减价。cut 作动词还有“切、割、削”之意。This knife cuts well. 这把刀切起来很快。13. About 200 yuan a night is enough .一晚上大约 200 元足够了。enough 可以修饰名词也可以修饰形容词。

16、当它修饰名词时可放在名词的前边,也可放在后边。如足够的水, enough water 当它修饰形容词或副词时,则放在它的后边。女口:足够大 big enough .不能说成 enough big . xThere is enough water (名) here . 这里有足够的水。Your classroom is big (形) enough . 你的教室足够大。14. this is what we learned. 这是我们所了解到的结果。 在本句中不是“学习”的意思,而表示“了解到,获悉” 。I learned this from someone else.我是从另U人那儿知道的。w

17、hat we learned 在此作 is 的表语,用来作表语的句子叫表语从句。要求用陈述句语序。 如: This is where I was born.这是我住的地方。That is why he left for Japan. 那就是他去日本的原因。解题点拨 :例 1 This question is for me to answer. (重庆市中考试卷)A. enough easy B.easy enough C. enough good D.enough hard解析 此题考查 adj.+ enough 结构,故答案为 B.例2 Xian is one of capital in C

18、hina. (桂林市中考试卷)Aolder; cityBthe older; cityColdest; cities Dthe oldest; cities解析one of.结构后接名词要用复数形式,最高级前要加,因而答案是D同步练习:一写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式。1big 2cheap _3popular _4close 5friendly _6expensive7good 8bad 9boring _10hot 用所给词的正确形式填空。1The Yellow River is the second (long)river in China2 Do you have ( many)b

19、ooks than Tom?3He drank (little)juice than you.4. Tom is the (tall) of the two boys.5. I think English is (interesting) of all the subjects.6. The radio says itll be even (cold) tomorrow.7. Who is the (good) in physics in your class?seats.8. All the movie theaters are good, but the Big Screen Comple

20、x has omfortable)9. I don want to go Jaspersclothes store. It has the(bad) clothes in town.10. What do you think is the (creative) of all the music video?三、单词拼写:根据中文提示,补全单词1m glad our meeting is a great( 成功 )。2. Its a long (距离)from Beijing to Fujian.(足够)money to buy it.3. The computer is too expensi

21、ve. I dont have4. He is one of(最滑稽) actors.5. Doing chores at home all day is very.(单调)6. Jaspers has the(最友好的) service.7. Hotels usually(降低它们的价格)in winter.8. I think Cride Theatre has(最舒适的)seats.9. The Art Festival(持续了大约 10 天).10. Who(赢)the prize for the best performer last night?四、单项选择()1. If you

22、do that, you lfeelA. more healthy B . more healthier C. much healthy)2. Of all the students, Li Ming isto Mr Wang.A. closeB. closer C. the closest D.)3. Hong Kong isthe south of China, and Macao isA. in ; toB. to ; toC. to; in D . in ;4. Jim is funnier thanin his class.A. any other boy B. any boy C.

23、 any other boys5. The weather in Beijing is colder than.A. in Hefei B. HefeiC. that in Hefei6. Kate often goes to workbreakfast.A. withB. without7. -Can I ask youquestions?A. anyB. muchMost people like Jazz 107.9 FM, because itA. givesB. getsC. takes.-is the ticket? -Its five yuan.B. How longC. How

24、farD. How much” a positive word or a negative wNdgative, I think.soon.D. much healthierthe most closest_ the west of Hong Kong. ,inD. all the boys)8.)9.)10.A. How many” dullA. Does B. Is C.DoD. that of Hefei Its bad for her health.C. onD. not have-Sure.C. someD. a littlevery beautiful music.D. plays

25、D.are一.单句改错。()1. This is(A) his(B) the best(C) book(D). ()2. . Mary is (A) the youngest (B) in(C) the three girls(D).()3. Which(A) do you like(B) best(C), this one or(D) that one?()4. Mike is(A) very(B) cleverer(C) than(D) Jack.()5. Kate draws(A) best(B) of(C) her class(D).阅读理解。.One day Mrs Wilson t

26、ook Trudy and Ben to go shopping. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping mall( 购物中心).Why do you buy things here, Mum? Trudy asked. Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store, Mrs Wilson said. Help mecheck(检查)the prices. The Wilsons were not wealthy( 富有的)and Mrs Wilson was alwa

27、ys careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought some groceries( 杂货)in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, We dont think you saved (省) money by going to the supermarket there. Of course I did, said Mrs Wilson, everything was cheap there. We know

28、, said the children, but we camehomeby taxi (出租车)because we had too much to carry. The cost(花费)of the taxi was more than the moneyyou saved! Mrs Wilson added (加) everything up and found her children were right. Well done, she said, next time we will do shopping near our home.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. Mrs W

29、ilson took Trudy and Ben.A. to the supermarket B. to the zoo C. to the park D. to the museum()2.Mrs Wilson bought things in the supermarket in the new shopping mallbecause.A. goods there had good quality B. there were many goodsC. goods( 货物)there were cheap D. goods there were expensive()3. Which of

30、 the following is right?A. The Wilsons were rich and they bought a lot of things in the supermarket.B. The Wilsons were not rich and they bought things in a cheaper supermarket.C. The Wilsons enjoyed shopping in the shopping mall because it was large.D. The Wilsons were poor and they seldom went sho

31、pping.()4. Mrs Wilson went home.A. by bus B. by minibus C. by taxi D. on foot()5. Mrs Wilson decided to go shoppingnext time.A. in the shopping mall far away B. in the cheapest shopC. in the most expensive shop D. near her home三.用方框所给词填空:service popular survey best think what play friendliest andWha

32、t do students1about fast-food restaurants in our city? We did a2of the students in ourschool last week and this is3we learned. Most of the students think all fast-food restaurants are good, butthe KFC is the4in our city. It has the most creative foodand and the best5. However,McDonald s is the cheap

33、est6it has the funniest picture. It also7the most interesting music. Themost_8restaurant is the Pizza Hut.It has the most9food and the10service.任务型阅读:从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话,其中两项为多余项。Reporter: Hi, Im doing a survey for the Bedford Daily News.( 1)Boy: I guess Jammin 107 FM is the best.Reporter: Why?Boy: (2)

34、Its much better than the other stations in town.Reporter: What about the other radio stations?Boy: Well, I think Oldies 102.1 FM is very bad.( 3)Reporter: I heard that.( 4)Boy: Not for me.Reporter: Why not?Boy: ( 5) Theyre worse than the commercials of All Talk 970 AM!A. Because it has the best clot

35、hing.B. It has the worst music.C. Whats the best clothing store?D. Because it has the most interestingmusic.E. But easy Listening 979 is the most popular.F. Just listen to their commercials.G. Whats the best radio station?视野拓展:国外月月有节日一月 New Year s Day (Jan.1) 新年二月 Valentine s Day (Feb.14) 情人节三月Lady

36、Day(Mar.25)报喜节四月 April Fools Day (Apr.1)愚人节五月 International Labour Day (May 1)国际劳动节Mothers Day( 2nd Sun.in May )母亲节Wo rld s No Tocabbo Day (May31) 世界无烟日六月 (3rd. Sun.in Jun.) Father s 七月 Independence Day (Jul.4) 八月 Lammas Day(Aug.1)九月 The WorldFederation of the Deaf十月 Halloween (Oct.31)Day 父亲节 美国独立日

37、收获节 (最后一个星期日) 国际聋人节 万圣节十一月 Thanksgiving Day 十二月 Christmas Day(.4th Thur.in Nov) 感恩节(Dec.25) 圣诞节答案:Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?一写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式。1bigger biggest 2cheaper cheapest 3more popular most popular 4closer closest 5 friendlier friendliest 6 more expensive most expensive 7 better bettest 8worse worst 9 more boring mos


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