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1、如何轻松应对gre填空等价难题 掌握这两类词汇 应对gre填空等价难题更轻松逻辑关系词汇gre填空考察的就是整体逻辑语言的能力,考生的任务除了辨识和运用选项词汇外就是找出句子成分间的逻辑关系,并选择一个合理且必然的选项。句子成分间的逻辑关系对解题起着至关重要的作用,它们常常由一些明显的关键词提示。对于词汇量不够的考生来说,根据掌握这种逻辑关系词来分析空格应填内容,能够更加容易地锁定正确答案,排除错误选项。下面就为大家列举最重要的几种逻辑关系词:因果关系:because, in that, for, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, henc

2、e, given, sothat, soas to, whenthen, as long as, in order to转折关系:albeit, but, although, despite, however, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding, while, whatever, regardless, even though, even if, yet对比关系:in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other hand, rather than, instead of, notbut,

3、 paradoxically, ironically, surprisingly, unexpectedly另外还有时间的不同体现相反的关系等等填空题的句子常出现陌生的专业术语,晦涩的思想观点等,但对解题并不构成真正的障碍。因为题目本身往往提供了足够的内容的重复线索帮助你找到正确的答案。只要考生能够熟练掌握这些逻辑关系词,那么哪怕题目本身篇幅长难度高,大家也有能够应对的方法技巧。语气态度词汇有时,通过正常的阅读去理解句子比较难且费时间。但是用感情色彩去判断,处理起来就变得比较方便。这种技巧不仅对于词汇量不够,一定程度上需要靠连蒙带猜的考生十分有用,哪怕是词汇方面已经做好充分准备的考生,也可以通

4、过判断语气感情色彩来提升解题速度。因此,大家也需要对这些能够表明语气态度感情色彩的词汇有所了解。真题举例johnson never _ to ignore the standards of decent conduct mandated by company policy if _ compliance with instructions from his superiors enabled him to do so, whatever the effects on his subordinates.a. designed tacitb. attempted halfheartedc. int

5、ended directd. scrupled literale. wished feigned这句句子的意思比较令人费解,但是从句末whatever the effects on his subordinates(不管对他的下级产生怎样的影响)看,我们知道johnson做的是一件不好的事情。从第一个空格看,五个选项只有d的scrupled填入后能表达出这样的意思。因此考生很容易就能得出答案为d,而不需要再在题目理解上浪费太多时间。学会判断逻辑关系,寻找重复关系,判断语气及感情色彩这几步熟练的结合运用,几乎就能解决大部分的gre填空问题,哪怕词汇量不足,也能在一定程度上找到弥补的方法。gre考

6、试填空模拟练习题the inconspicuous location and lack of striking vistas that characterize the villa reflect the_ aspect of its creators personality.a:volatileb:grandiosec:gregariousd:self-effacinge:imperious答案:dthe chairman, faced with the need to forge a consensus on a number of proposals,acknowledged that

7、it would be difficult to reconcile the push for a radical overhaul with the stance of those who want _change.a:deliberateb:indiscriminatec:genuined:immediatee:wholesale答案:arecently released statistics on the prevalence of heart disease in the united states, while (i)_ , nevertheless reflect a declin

8、e from heights reached in the 1960s, before health officials began publicly (ii)_ people to guard against heart disease.blank (i)blank (ii)a:definite d:entreatingb:sobering e:defyingc:implausible f:absolving答案:bdthe humor in this play derives from its (i)_ . the new production, however, inexplicably

9、 goes in the opposite direction; it is so (ii)_ that the audience does not even seem to realize that the play is supposed to be a comedy.blank (i)blank (ii)a:verbal nimbleness d:accessibleb:political allusions e:ploddingc:deadpan dialogue f:implausible答案:aeto say the actors were (i)_ their director

10、is an understatement: a director who is visibly bored by his cast and their performances is hard to (ii)_ .blank (i)blank (ii)a:disappointed in d:lambastb:accepting of e:displeasec:motivated by f:suffer答案:bfgre考试填空模拟练习题common and easily accessible resources (prey for predators or hosts for parasites

11、) should be, all other things being equal, used frequently, yet in some environments apparently accessible and suitable resources remain _.a:vulnerableb:unobtainablec:sustainabled:depletede:unexploited答案:eeven though the authors repeatedly_ their own shrewdness, they show a remarkable credulousness

12、toward far-fetched ideas such as carbon-eating trees and cloud-making machinery.a:soft-pedalb:extolc:deprecated:broadene:compromise答案:bthe (i)_ of molecular oxygen on earth-sized planets around other stars in the universe would not be (ii)_sign of life: molecular oxygen can be a signature of photosy

13、nthesis(a biotic process) or merely of the rapid escape of water from the upper reaches of a planetary atmosphere (an abiotic process).blank (i)blank (ii)a:dearth d:a controversialb:presumption e:an unambiguousc:detection f:a possible答案:cein reviewing cases decided by lower courts, supreme court jus

14、tices search for precedents to justify their arguments. reliance on precedent (i)_ judicial restraint: the precedent (ii)_ a judges ability to determine the outcome of a case in a way that he or she might choose if there were no precedent.blank (i)blank (ii)a:promotes d:establishesb:compromises e:co

15、nstraintsc:promulgates f:prioritizes答案:aeas he has matured as a scholar, felmar has come to see the merit of qualification. his conclusions, which early in his career he (i) _, are now often (ii) _.blank (i)blank (ii)a:stated as absolute d:hedgedb:refused to reveal e:simplifiedc:backed up extensivel

16、y f:reiterated答案:adgre考试填空模拟练习题the brain has become, for many people, _ the biological machinations of the self, and the self-knowledge promised by neuroscience has ignited a hunger to understand how new findings weigh in on age-old questions.a:tantamount tob:synonymous withc:implicated ind:divorced

17、 frome:detached fromf:subservient to答案:abif you follow your intuition, you will more often than not err by misclassifying a random event as (i)_. we are far too willing to (ii)_ the belief that much of what we see in life is random.blank (i)blank (ii)a:uncharacteristic d:countenanceb:systematic e:re

18、jectc:arbitrary f:champion答案:bewithin the culture as a whole, the natural sciences have been so successful that the word “scientific” is often used in (i)_ manner: it is often assumed that to call something “scientific” is to imply that its reliability has been (ii)_ by methods whose results cannot reasonably be (iii)_.blank (i)blank (ii)blank (iii)a:an ironic d:maligned g:exaggeratedb:a literal e:challenged h:anticipat


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