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1、质量保证计划QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN客户名称 CLIENT :项目编号 ITEM NO. :订单日期 ORDER DATE :供货单位 VENDOR :设备代号 CODE :编制 PREPARATION: 日期 DATE:审核 CHECK : 日期 DATE:批准 APPROVAL : 日期 DATE:XXXXX有限公司XXXXXXX Co., Ltd.1、适用范围和目的 Scope and purpose本质量保证计划适用于UPL项目产品的制造、检验和验收。确保该产品的制造、检验和验收符合图样、规范、标准的要求。This quality assurance plan is

2、 applicable to the manufacture, inspection and acceptance of UPL project products.To ensure that the manufacture, inspection and acceptance of the products meet the requirements of drawings, specifications and standards2、编制依据 Compilation basisTSG R0004-2009固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程TSG R0004-2009Supervision Re

3、gulations on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure VesselsGB150.1150.4-2011压力容器GB150.1150.4-2011 The Pressure VesselGB/T18442.15-2011固定式真空绝热深冷压力容器GB/T18442.15-2011Fixed Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Pressure VesselMAX/SC-2011压力容器制造质量保证手册MAX/SC-2011Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Quality Assurance Man

4、ual3、制造、检验依据的标准、规范或技术条件 Standards, specifications or technical conditions on which manufacturing or inspection is based设计图样和工艺文件 Design drawings and process documentsTSG R0004-2009固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程TSG R0004-2009Supervision Regulations on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure VesselsGB150.1150.4-20

5、11 压力容器GB150.1150.4-2011 The Pressure VesselGB/T18442.15-2011固定式真空绝热深冷压力容器GB/T18442.15-2011Fixed Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Pressure VesselJB/T4711-2003压力容器涂敷与运输包装JB/T4711-2003Pressure Vessel Coating and Transportation PackagingGB713-2008锅炉和压力容器用钢板GB713-2008Steel plates for boilers and pressure vess

6、elsGB9948-2006石油裂化用无缝钢管GB9948-2006Seamless Steel Pipe for Petroleum CrackingGB/T14976-2012流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管GB/T14976-2012Stainless steel seamless steel pipe for fluid conveyingNB/T47008-2010承压设备用碳素钢和合金钢锻件NB/T47008-2010Carbon steel and alloy steel forgings for pressure equipmentNB/T47014-2011Welding Proce

7、ss Assessment of Pressure EquipmentNB/T47015-2011压力容器焊接规程JB/T4730-2005承压设备无损检测JB/T4730-2005Nondestructive testing of pressure equipmentsGB/T25198-2010压力容器封头GB/T25198-2010Pressure Vessel HeadHG/T2059220635-2009钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件HG/T2059220635-2009Steel pipe flanges, gaskets, fastenersHG/T2151421535-2005钢制人

8、孔和手孔HG/T2151421535-2005Steel manholes and hand holes4、产品主要的技术参数 Main Technical Parameters of Products容器类别Container class耐压试验压力Pressure test1.94MPa气密性试验Air tightness test1.64MPa设计温度Design temperature-194主体材料body materialSUS304 最高/最低允许工作温度Max/Min allowable operating temperature腐蚀裕量Corrosion allowance0

9、介质medium氧、氮最高允许工作压力Maximum allowable working pressure设计压力Design pressure1.64MPa焊接接头系数Welding joint coefficient1最大吊装质量Maximum lifting masskg5、检查的总要求 General requirements for inspection5.1、低温液体储罐设备的检验和试验应符合设计图样、工艺文件及相关标准规范的要求。Inspection and test of cryogenic liquid storage tank equipment shall meet th

10、e requirements of design drawings, process documents and relevant standards and specifications.5.2、受压件的标记及移植、焊工钢印标记、无损检测标记应按相应标准的要求在工件上标出,对于不能打钢印的零部件应记录在相应文件中。The labeling and transplantation of pressed parts, welders stamping marks and non-destructive testing marks shall be marked on the workpiece

11、according to the requirements of the corresponding standards, and the parts that cannot be stamped shall be recorded in the corresponding documents.5.3、检验和试验的记录、报告应保存,以便审查和提供给用户。Records and reports of inspections and tests shall be kept for review and supply to users.5.4、按要求设置必要的控制点。Set up necessary

12、 control points as required5.5、低温液体储罐设备的制造、检验和验收应接受监察机构的监督检验。The manufacture, inspection and acceptance of cryogenic liquid storage tank equipment shall be subject to supervision and inspection by supervisory bodies. 6、材料检查要求 Material inspection requirements6.1、材料的采购应符合采购技术条件、设计图样和相应规范、标准要求。Material

13、 purchasing shall conform to the technical requirements, design drawings, relevant specifications and standards for purchasing.6.2、材料入厂按采购要求进行检验与验收、复验。Inspection, acceptance and re-inspection of materials in accordance with procurement requirements6.3、用于低温液体储罐的材料应有质量证明书,证明书中材料化学成分、力学性能、热处理、状态、无损检验等数

14、据应符合相应标准要求,实物标识与质量证明书中标识应一致。The materials used for cryogenic liquid storage tanks shall have a certificate of quality. The data of chemical composition, mechanical properties, heat treatment, state and non-destructive inspection of the materials in the certificate shall meet the requirements of the

15、corresponding standards. The physical identification shall be consistent with the identification in the quality certificate.6.4、材质证明书应为加盖制造单位质量检验章的原件,若材料从非材料制造单位取得时应当取得材料制造单位提供的质量证明书原件或加盖材料供应单位检验公章和经办人章的复印件。质量证明书内容应当齐全、清晰、并且盖有材料制造单位的检验章。Material certificate shall be the original of the quality inspe

16、ction seal of the manufacturing unit. If the material is obtained from the non-material manufacturing unit, the original of the quality certificate provided by the material manufacturing unit or the copy of the inspection seal and the operators seal of the material supplying unit shall be obtained.

17、The content of the quality certificate shall be complete, clear and stamped with the inspection stamp of the material manufacturing unit.6.5、受压元件用材料未经检验或检验不合格,不得使用。Materials used for compressed components shall not be used unless they are inspected or unqualified.6.6、受压元件用材料应当在合格供方购买。Materials for p

18、ressurized components shall be purchased from qualified suppliers7、焊接检查要求 Welding Inspection Requirements7.1、有满足和覆盖低温液体储罐设备的焊接工艺评定。Welding Process Assessment for Equipment with Low Temperature Liquid Storage Tanks Satisfied and Covered7.2、有指导焊接施焊的焊接工艺规程。Welding Procedures Guided for Welding7.3、焊工应具有

19、相应的资格证。Welders shall have appropriate qualification certificates.8、无损检测检查要求 Non-destructive testing requirements低温液体储罐设备的无损检测的要求应符合设计图样、焊接工艺和相关标准的要求。Non-destructive testing of cryogenic liquid storage tank equipment shall meet the requirements of design drawings, welding process and related standard

20、s.9、耐压试验 Withstand voltage test9.1、制造结束并经综合检查合格,各项检查均已完成。检验资料必须齐全、正确,签章手续完备,方能按图样规定的试验压力进行耐压试验。Manufacturing is finished and passed by comprehensive inspection. All inspection has been completed. The test data must be complete and correct, and the signature procedures are complete, so that the press

21、ure test can be carried out according to the test pressure prescribed in the drawings.9.2、试验时应准备两块量程相同,且在检定有效期内的压力表,压力表的量程应为 1.53倍的试验压力,宜为试验压力的2倍,压力表的精度不得低于1.6级,表盘直径不得小于100mm。When testing, two pressure gauges with the same range should be prepared, and the range of the pressure gauge should be 1.5-3

22、 times of the test pressure, 2 times of the test pressure, the accuracy of the pressure gauge should not be less than 1.6 grades, and the diameter of the dial should not be less than 100 mm.10、除锈和涂漆 Rust Removal and Painting10.1、容器制造完毕后应按工艺要求进行喷砂除锈。(保护法兰密封面)。Sandblasting and rust removal shall be ca

23、rried out after the vessel has been manufactured according to the technological requirements. (Protection flange sealing surface)10.2、容器的油漆.包装和运输应符合JB/T4711的要求.具体要求按油漆作业指导书执行。Paint for containers. Packaging and transportation shall comply with the requirements of JB/T4711. Specific requirements shal

24、l be implemented in accordance with the paint operation instructions.11、控制点说明 Control Point Description检验点(E点): 是指产品制造过程中的工序或质量项目,由检验员进行检查的控制点。Inspection Point (E Point): A control point for inspection by inspectors of processes or quality items in the manufacturing process of a product.停止点(H点):停止点是

25、指对产品质量有重大影响的工序,在产品制造进行到该工序前应通知检验员并经检验合格签字后方可进行下道工序。Stop point (H point): Stop point refers to the process that has a significant impact on the quality of the product. Before the product is manufactured to the process, the inspector should be notified and the next process can be carried out only afte

26、r the inspection has been qualified and signed.审阅点(R点):完成某项活动或过程,自检合格后,由质保体系有关人员通过查看文件和记录进行确认。Review Point (R Point): After completing an activity or process and passing the self-inspection, the relevant personnel of the QA system confirm it by checking documents and records.见证点(W点):见证点是指产品制造在规定的关键工

27、序施工前,制造厂应提前通知用户或第三方检验在约定的时间内到现场进行见证和对其施工实施监督。Witness Point (W Point): Witness Point refers to that the manufacturer shall notify the user or the third party to inspect the product in advance before the construction of the specified key process and to witness and supervise its construction within the

28、 agreed time.监检点(A点):监检机构监督检验点。在产品制造进行到该工序前监检机构人员必须到场检验,并在提供的见证文件上签字确认后方可进行下道工序。Inspection Point (point A): Inspection Institutions supervise inspection points. The inspector must be present to inspect the product before it is manufactured and sign and confirm the testimony documents before proceedi

29、ng to the next process.监检点(B点):监检机构监督检验点。在产品制造进行到该工序前应通知监检机构人员到场检验,如不能到场监检,可在受检企业自检后,对受检企业提供的相应见证文件进行审查并签字确认。Inspection Point (Point B): Inspection Institutions supervise inspection points. The inspector should be notified to inspect the product before it is manufactured. If the inspector fails to i

30、nspect the product on the spot, the relevant witness documents provided by the inspected enterprise can be examined and signed after the inspected enterprise has inspected itself.12、责任岗位代号说明 Statement of Responsibility Position Code质量保证责任人Quality Assurance Responsible Person :ZR 设计责任人Design Responsi

31、ble Person:DR 检查员inspector:J材料、零部件责任人Responsible person for materials and parts :CR理化检验责任人Person responsible for physical and chemical inspection:LR 工艺责任人Technological Responsible Person:GR 监检monitoring:CS检验与试验责任人Inspection and Test Responsible Person:JR 无损检测责任人Non-destructive Testing Responsible Person:NR 焊接责任人Welding Liability Person:WR 热处理责任人Responsible person for heat treatment:RR 产前准备控制点明细表List of control points for prenatal preparation序号质量实施过程项目质量合格标准依据责任者质控见证类别见证资料执行者验证者1合同技术协议评审合同控制程序合同签订人各部分负责人R评审记录2产品编号程序文件生产计划员生产负责人R台帐3设计资料图纸审查GB150、质量手册等设计员DRR审查记录4工艺性审图GB150、质量手册等工艺


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