1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全金融英语初级模拟3金融英语初级模拟3Part One ListeningSection OneDirections: In this section, you will hear short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement there will be a pause. During file pause, you must read file four suggested answers
2、marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.A global recession creates special risks.B.Rising debt creates special risks.C.Rising debt amid a global recession creates
3、 special risks.D.Debt can stimulate growth.答案:C解析But rising debt amid a global recession creates special risks.2.A.In the early period of the World Banks existence, loans were granted mainly to European countries.B.In the early period of the World Banks existence, loans were granted mainly to econom
4、ically developing countries in Africa.C.In the early period of the World Banks existence, loans were granted mainly to Asia and Latin America.D.Recently, loans were granted mainly to European countries.答案:A解析In the early period of the World Banks existence, loans were granted chiefly to European cou
5、ntries and were used for the reconstruction of industries damaged or destroyed during World War .3.A.The bond maturity date can range from 1 to 30 years.B.The bond maturity date can range from 1 to 10 years.C.The bond maturity date can range from 10 to 30 years.D.The bond maturity date can range fro
6、m 1 to 20 years.答案:A解析Face value represents the total amount of cash payable to the owner at the bond maturity date, which can range from 1 to 30 years.4.A.There are only private security issuers.B.There are only public security issuers.C.There are two kinds of security issuers: public security issu
7、ers and private security issuers.D.There are no private security issuers.答案:C解析Security issuers are classified as either private or public.5.A.The law on the Peoples Bank of China was passed in 1995.B.The National Peoples Congress session passed the law in 1994.C.The law on the Peoples Bank of China
8、 was passed in 1998.D.The law was passed in 2001.答案:A解析The National Peoples Congress session finally passed the Law on the Peoples Bank of China on March 18, 1995. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Central banksB.Commercial banksC.Common hanksD.The Export- Import banks答案:B解析What are profit - making businesse
9、s that accept deposits and use these funds to make loans?7.A.Individuals receive money in the form of salaries and wages.B.Individuals receive money in the form of cheques.C.Individuals dont spend money on goods and services.D.Individuals spend money on education.答案:A解析Individuals receive money in t
10、he form of salaries and wages, which they spend on goods and services.8.A.Finance companies offer long - term loans to businesses.B.Finance companies offer long - term loans to individuals.C.Finance companies offer short - term loans to businesses or individuals.D.Finance companies dont offer short-
11、 term loans to businesses or individuals.答案:C解析Finance companies offer short- term loans to businesses and individuals.9.A.The Bank of China is not a state - owned enterprise.B.The Bank of China is a state - owned enterprise.C.The Bank of China is not a foreign exchange bank.D.The Bank of China is n
12、ot very important.答案:B解析The bank of China is a state - owned enterprise, and is a specialized foreign exchange bank of the Peoples Republic of China.10.A.100 millionB.110 millionC.10 millionD.80 million答案:A解析In accordance with the relevant Chinese rules and regulations, a foreign bank is obliged to
13、have a starting capital of no less than RMB 100 million to open an organ actually doing banking business.Section TwoDirections: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question wil
14、l be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.The man wants to buy something in China.B.The man wan
15、ts to pay the money.C.The man wants to draw some money from tile bank.D.The man wants to have a talk with the woman.答案:C解析M: Excuse me, but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China?W: Certainly, sir.Q: What does the man want to do?2.A.The information is on the beard.B.The inform
16、ation is on the desk.C.The information is in the computer.D.The information is on the book.答案:A解析W: What is the interest rate for the saving account?M: The detailed information is on tile board. Please go and see it.Q: Where is the information?3.A.In a shop.B.In a drugstore.C.In a bank.D.In a school
17、.答案:C解析W: What shall I do then?M: Now take these deposit slips over to the teller, and hell be glad to take care of you.Q: Where is tile woman?4.A.From the clerk at the exchange desk.B.On the board.C.On the desk.D.On the notebook.答案:A解析W: What is the rate of exchange?M: Sorry, Im not sure. You will
18、have to ask at the exchange desk. He can give you the exchange rate.Q: Where can he find the exchange rote?5.A.109B.118C.189D.119答案:B解析W: I was told that there were more than a hundred foreign banks have opened their branches in China, is that so?M: Yes, from 1981 up to the end of 1994, altogether 1
19、18 foreign banking business organs opened their business in China, including 109 branches.Q: How many foreign banking business organs opened their business in China? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Fill in the form.B.Get the credit information of their cooperative partner.C.Sign the contract.D.Cooperate wi
20、th the partner.答案:B解析W: Can I get file credit information of our cooperative partner?M: Yes, but you should first fill in the form and sign it.Q: What does the woman want to do?7.A.The advantages are considerable.B.They can last four to five times as long as paper notes.C.They can be used for a long
21、 time.D.They are cheap.答案:B解析W: What are the advantages of plastic notes?M: The advantages are considerable. They cost about twice as much as paper notes but last four or five times as long.Q: What are the advantages of plastic notes?8.A.Your age and circumstances.B.Economic conditions.C.Your age an
22、d circumstances, as well as economic conditions.D.Your appearance.答案:C解析W: Which elements will determine the right investment for you?M: Your age and circumstances, as well as economic conditions, will determine the right investment for yon.Q: Which elements are important to your right investment?9.
23、A.Stocks.B.Bonds, property or collectables.C.Insurance.D.Stamps.答案:B解析W: You only buy stocks?M: No, I also consider bonds, property or collectables to protect myself against poor performance in one asset class.Q: What were the mans other investments?10.A.915B.9150C.1950D.9151答案:D解析W: Ive heard there
24、 were a lot of personal bankruptcies in Hongkong.M: Yes, Hongkong had 9,151 personal bankruptcies last year, about double tile prior years total.Q: How many personal bankruptcies were there in Hongkong last year?Section ThreeDirections: In this section you will hear three short passages. At the end
25、of each passage, you will hear some questions. The passages and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center
26、.Passage One (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.In 1929.B.In 1930.C.In 1913.D.In 1931.答案:C解析 21-23 In the United States, the creation of money and other functions associated with a central bank are controlled by file Federal System. In 1913, Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, dividing the country into 1
27、2 districts with a Federal Reserve Bank in each. These banks in fact constitute a central banking system, which handles transactions, coordinates and controls commercial banks, and helps regulate the nations money supply. There are. three major types of banks in the United States-savings banks, inve
28、stment hanks, and the commercial banks. There are also other types of banks, which are distinguished by the nature of their services or by the uniqueness of their organization. These include trust companies, central banks, and government - operated banks. 21. When did the Congress pass the Federal R
29、eserve Act?2.A.Savings banks.B.Investment banks.C.The commercial banks.D.Saving banks, investment banks and tile commercial banks.答案:D解析What are the three major types of banks in the United States?3.A.trust companies, central banks and government - operated banksB.commercial banksC.industrial banksD
30、.investment banks答案:A解析Other types of banks include, what?Passage Two (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.200 years.B.300 years.C.500 years.D.1S00 years.答案:B解析 24-27 Money has become plastic in the age of the credit card, but in an increasing number of countries, cash really is becoming plastic. After more tha
31、n 300 years in circulation, the traditional paper banknote is gradually being replaced by new polymer technology. Note Printing Australia (NPA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of Australia, is currently the only company in the world making plastic money, and it is embarking an aggressive
32、strategy to convert more countries to its cause. Mexico will adopt plastic notes later this year. And NPA says a number of Asian countries are also close to agreeing to shift, but declines to reveal which ones. We think its not a case of whether the rest of the world will adopt our technology, but w
33、hen says NPA chief executive John Leckenby. But we are dealing with very risk - averse organizations. Central banks are very careful about changing their currency and even a redesign can take seven or eight years or in the United States, 70 years. 24. How long has the traditional paper banknote been
34、 in circulation?2.A.Mexico.B.Australia.C.Japan.D.China.答案:A解析Which country will adopt plastic notes later this year?3.A.Note Printing Australia (NPA) is currently the only company in the world making plastic money.B.The rest of the world will not adopt plastic notes.C.Central banks are very careful
35、about changing their currency.D.A number of Asian countries are close to agreeing to adopt plastic money.答案:B解析Which of the following statements is not true?4.A.12B.11C.21D.l8答案:A解析How many districts did the congress divide the country into?Passage Three (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.the competitionB.the
36、 DepressionC.the first World WarD.the Second World War答案:B解析 28-30 Canadas central bank was created as a result of the Depression. Even though the Canadian chartered bank system was inherently more stable than the US commercial bank system, there was still a need for better monetary leadership. In 1
37、934 Parliament passed the Bank of Canada Act, thereby creating a central bank for Canada. Although a government agency, the Bank of Canada is designed to be fairly free from political interference. The governors of tile Bank of Canada have tried to maintain a tradition of independence. Of course, th
38、e government, as the sole shareholder and as the body that is responsible for overall economic policy, has ultimate control over the Bank. There is regular, close consultation between the minister of finance and the governor of the bank, and in case of serious disagreement, it is clearly the ministe
39、r who holds the upper hand. 28. Which of the following leads to the creation of Canadas central bank?2.A.In 1931.B.In 1913.C.In 1904.D.In 1934.答案:D解析When did the parliament pass the Bank of Canada Act?3.A.The government has the ultimate control over the bank.B.There is regular, close consultation be
40、tween the minister of finance and the governor of the bank.C.In case of serious disagreement, the governor will hold the upper hand.D.The governors of the Bank of Canada have tried to maintain a tradition, of independence.答案:C解析Which of the following is not true?Part Two ReadingSection OneDirections
41、: Each of the following sentences is provided with lour choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.问题:1. A loan agreement signed by unauthorized persons could prove to be _ and, therefore, result in substantial losses for the bank.A.uncontrollableB.uncollectableC.failD.bound答案:B问题:2. M
42、ost banks would hesitate to commit their scarce reserves to such a customer unless there was good prospect of a _ in the customers circumstances.A.progressB.turnaroundC.showoffD.healing答案:B问题:3. If a major borrower gets in trouble because of inability to _ a loan, the bank may find itself in serious
43、 trouble as well.A.serviceB.proceedC.promoteD.return答案:A问题:4. The collateral pledged behind a loan and the other assets that a borrower may oval are the second line of defense against loan _ , after the borrowers cash flow.A.paymentB.deferC.defaultD.repayment答案:C问题:5. An important technical issue he
44、re is whether deeds to property have been properly _ with local governmental authorities so that the bank knows for sure who currently has title to the property.A.filedB.writtenC.filledD.committed答案:A问题:6. As the institutions loan losses _ , wary depositors withdrew funds from Penn Square.A.increase
45、dB.improvedC.mountedD.settled答案:C问题:7. _ balance sheet items by interest rate sensitivity rather than by traditional accounting categories permits managers to examine several distinct asset/liability groupings.A.ManagingB.ImplementingC.FormulatingD.Segregating答案:D问题:8. A _ foreign exchange deal is o
46、ne made for settlement in two working days time.A.periodicB.spotC.one- offD.short答案:B问题:9. Attached to each Eurobond are which the bearer can tear off in order to claim the interest payment.A.tissuesB.couponsC.documentsD.materials答案:B问题:10. Some companies, governments and banks have borrowing requir
47、ements which are so large that their domestic market cannot _ them.A.holdB.shareC.shoulderD.accommodate答案:DSection TwoDirections: There are a number of blanks in each of the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are supposed to choose the best answer and
48、 mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a single line through the center.Passage One The basic kinds of financial intermediaries that play active roles in the U.S. financial system are shown below. First are the depository institutions, which are commercial banks, savings and l
49、oan associations (S 答案:A2.A.debtB.claimsC.loansD.funds答案:C3.A.extremelyB.relativelyC.particularlyD.definitely答案:B4.A.NeverthelessB.HoweverC.LikewiseD.Although答案:C5.A.basisB.conditionC.circumstanceD.footing答案:APassage Two Investment institutions 1 the third major category in our financial system. The
50、se institutions combine the relatively small amounts of savings from many individuals and invest the 2 in financial assets. Mutual founds purchase corporate stocks and bonds as well as government securities. Real estate investment trusts invest in 3 and mortgages. Money market funds invest in short
51、- term debt securities. While individual investors can invest directly in such securities, investment institutions 4 small investors diversification and experienced management of their funds. The fourth category consists of financial companies. These companies provide loans directly to consumers and
52、 businesses. Sales and consumer finance companies lend to individuals. Sales finance companies finance installment loan purchases of automobiles and other 5 goods. Consumer finance companies provide small loans to individuals and households. The fifth category consists of securities market instituti
53、ons that are involved in the savings - investment process and the marketing and transferring of claims to wealth. Credit - reporting and credit - rating organizations aid lenders in deciding whether to extend credit to consumers and businesses. 1.A.foundB.set upC.establishD.make up答案:D2.A.moneyB.tot
54、alC.finalD.amount答案:B3.A.stocksB.propertyC.assetD.houses答案:B4.A.offerB.provideC.produceD.deliver答案:A5.A.tangibleB.familyC.industrialD.durable答案:DSection ThreeDirections: Read the following passages and determine whether the sentences are Right or Wrong. If there is not enough information to answer R
55、ight or Wrong, choose Doesnt say. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a single line through the center.Passage One Financial institutions, including designated foreign exchange banks, must be, licensed by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) for conductin
56、g foreign exchange transactions. The authorized financial institutions shall open foreign exchange accounts for their clients and conduct relevant foreign exchange operations. They are subject to the reserve requirement for foreign exchange in accordance with the relevant state regulations, compliance with the regulations on asset and liability ratios concerning their foreign exchange operations and loan loss provision. Designated
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