![[语言类考试复习资料大全]广告和促销 Advertising and Promotion_第1页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/16/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc1.gif)
![[语言类考试复习资料大全]广告和促销 Advertising and Promotion_第2页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/16/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc2.gif)
![[语言类考试复习资料大全]广告和促销 Advertising and Promotion_第3页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/16/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc3.gif)
![[语言类考试复习资料大全]广告和促销 Advertising and Promotion_第4页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/16/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc4.gif)
![[语言类考试复习资料大全]广告和促销 Advertising and Promotion_第5页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-5/16/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc/62c20fdd-ce8b-4a62-b423-dd1f0d6546bc5.gif)
1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全广告和促销 Advertising and Promotion广告和促销 Advertising and PromotionPART ONEQuestions 18 Look at the statements below and the five extracts about advertising and promotion from an article. Which extract (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (18) refer to? For
2、each statement (18), make one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. A.Sales promotion accounts for greater expenditures than does advertising. Consumer-oriented sales promotions like coupons, games, rebates, samples, premiums, conte
3、sts, sweepstakes, and promotional products offer an extra incentive to buy a product. Point-of-purchase advertising displays and trade shows are sales promotions directed to the trade markets, Personal selling involves face-to-face interactions between seller and buyer.B.Advertising, the most visibl
4、e form of non personal promotion, is designed to inform, persuade, or remind. Product advertising promotes a good or service, while institutional advertising promotes a concept, idea, organization, or philosophy. Television, newspapers, and direct mail re present the largest advertising media catego
5、ries.C.Marketers begin by focusing on their companys target market, product value, time frame, and budget. By analyzing these factors, they develop a promotional mix and allocate re sources and expenditures among personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, and public relations.D.A companys promo
6、tional mix integrates two components: personal selling and non personal selling, which includes advertising, sales promotion, and public relations, By selecting the appropriate combination of promotional mix elements, marketers attempt to achieve the firms five major promotional objectives: provide
7、information, differentiate a product, increase demand, stabilize sales, and accentuate the products value.E.Many consumers believe that advertising exerts too much influence on buyers and that it deceives customers by exaggerating product claims and consciously blurring the line between promotion an
8、d entertainment. Many consumers also question the appropriateness of marketing to children and through schools.1. We should learn the concept of a promotional mix first.答案:D2. Offering information is one of five major promotional objectives.答案:D3. Summarizing the different types of advertising and a
9、dvertising media.答案:B4. By analyzing the target market , marketers are likely to design their proper marketing mix.答案:C5. The ethical issues involved in promotion may arouse public concerns.答案:E6. Identifying the factors that influence the selection of a promotional mix.答案:C7. Direct mail accounts f
10、or a considerable proportion in advertisements答案:B8. Describing the role of sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations in promotional strategy.答案:APART TWOQuestions 914 Read the text about the Yaos career development in the U. S. Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. For ea
11、ch gap (914), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. Yaos international appeal help grow our brand globally 1 Thats saying a lot in a league where anyone under six feet five inches would be considered short. But Yao Ming (Yao is his surname) is seven feet f
12、ive inches tall, a giant among giants. Just a couple of years ago, Yao left his home in China, where he played basketball for the Shanghai Sharks, to become the star center in his rookie year for the Houston Rockets. Just as quickly, 2 Yao whose presence is hard to ignore, appeared in his first tele
13、vision commercial for Apple Computer, in which he promoted the firms new PowerBook G4 computer. (His star in the advertisement was the diminutive Verne Troyer, the actor who played Mini Me in the Austin Powers films. ) Viewers loved him. 3 which aired during a recent Super Bowl. In that ad, Yao spar
14、red with a petite actress playing a clerk who wouldnt let him cash a check, saying, Yo! and pointing to a sign indicating no personal checks. A few months later, 4 for which he appeared in ads along with other sports celebrities like base-ball player Derek Jeter and football. Star Peyton Manning. 5
15、But Yao is different. He speaks very little English, relying heavily on a translator to help him communicate. Yet says Tom Fox, vice president of sports marketing for Gatorade, Whats truly exciting to us is Yaos ability to connect with American fans and transcend American culture. But Yaos internati
16、onal appeal and the NBAs international marketing strength present potential opportunities to also help grow our brand globally. 6 As they develop their promotional strategy, they can incorporate this strength into the overall plan. Gatorade does have aspirations around the world, and there is applic
17、ation for Yao if we choose to go that way, notes Fox. A. But his slam dunk came in a commercial for Visa B. Marketers view him as a global spokesperson rather than someone who reaches only the U. S. market C. Yao signed an exclusive deal with Gatorade. D. Yao Ming is the National Basketball Associat
18、ions tallest player E. Being an advertising star makes him more popular in the U. S. F. he became a U. S. media celebrity-and a sought-after advertising spokesperson G. Hiring sports celebrities as part of a promotional campaign is nothing new H. Many advertisers strive to invite him to be the spoke
19、sperson of their product 1.答案:D2.答案:F3.答案:A4.答案:C5.答案:G6.答案:B PART THREE Questions 1520 Read the following article on the pop-up ads online. For each question (1520) mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. When you go online, are you peppered with pop-up ads? I
20、f you are annoyed by them and find yourself chasing them around with your mouse until you can zap them off the screen, heres a new twist. The next generation of pop-ups may be implanted in your PC soft-ware. When you turn on your computer, a silent software program slips on also, tracking the Web si
21、tes you visit and collecting information about any purchases you make. Then, when you visit other Web sites, targeted ads pop up on your screen-the ones for goods and services that you might be interested in buying. Suppose you initially browse through a site for outdoor gear and buy a fleece jacket
22、. Two days later, your screen might show pop-ups for adventure travel, airline tickets, out door clothing, and the like. You might not even be aware of it, but these pop-ups are the result of the embedded software that some people call spyware. The largest creator of this software, Gator, recently t
23、eamed up with Yahoo to send such pop-ups to 43 million computer screens worldwide. In one year the agreement generated 28 mil lion in advertising fees that were split by the two companies, and industry experts expect that figure to increase. While Yahoo insists that it is providing a service to its
24、customers by offering more advertising choices, many consumers are less than pleased by the software or the ads. Concerned about invasion of privacy, some who discover the programs on their PCs ask service technicians to remove it. Gator, whose advertising customers include Verizon and American Expr
25、ess, presents itself as a way for consumers to find bargains. Marketing head Scott Eagle says that Gators model of targeting ads to specific consumers is far more efficient than spraying ads across everybody. However, companies such as Hertz and The Washington Post Inc. filed law suits against Gator
26、 for infringement of copyright and trademark laws, claiming that its ads were getting a free ride on their sites. Not surprisingly, surveys focusing on the Internet experience typically list pop-up ads as the most annoying online experience. So marketers at Atlanta-based EarthLink came up with an id
27、ea: offer subscribers software to block them. Although EarthLink, the No. 3 U. S. Internet service provider with about five million subscribers, is small change in an industry dominated by industry giant AOL, the company has based its recent market growth strategy on offering a solution to the estim
28、ated 4.8 billion ads that pop up on computer screens worldwide every month. Why do marketers continue to rely on such a disliked form of online advertising? The answer is cost. Pop-up ads are inexpensive to produce and cost nearly nothing to send. But they are so annoying to some computer users that
29、 dozens of special programs have been written to block them from appearing on the screen during Internet use. 1. What are pop-up ads?A.The pictures chasing the PC users around.B.The pages the PC users can zap off.C.The online bursting advertising.D.The ads tracking the Web sites.答案:C2. By the word t
30、wist(line 3, paragraph l), the author probably means _.A.A curve.B.A change.C.improvement.D.degeneration.答案:B3. What is NOT the twist of next generation of pop-ups?A.Targeting ads pop up on your screen.B.The software program slips silently.C.The screen might show more pop-ups.D.Collecting informatio
31、n about the purchases.答案:C4. What is the attitude of companies like Hertz and The Washington Post Inc. towards Gator?A.They insist that it is providing a service to its customers by offering more advertising choices.B.They ask service technicians to remove pop ups.C.They think pop-ups are far more e
32、fficient.D.They filed lawsuits against Gator for infringement.答案:D5. How does Atlanta-based EarthLink solve the problem of pop-up ads?A.By charging the pop-ups companies.B.By offering subscribers software to block pop-up ads.C.By removing them through certain techniques.D.By putting on more pop-up a
33、ds.答案:B6. The authors attitude toward pop-up ads can best be described as _.A.skeptical.B.objective.C.critical.D.indifferent.答案:CPART FOURQuestions 2130 Read the article below about the promotion. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D. For each question (2130), mark one letter (
34、A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. What is Promotion Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing 1 (product, price, promotion, place). It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing, informing, or persuading a potential buyers purchasing decision. The
35、2 of five elements creates a promotional mix or promotional plan. These elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A pro motional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and how much money to 3 for each. A promotio
36、nal plan can have 4 range of objectives, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image. 5 however there are three basic objectives of promotion. These are: 1, to present information to consumers a
37、s well as others; 2, to in crease demand; 3, to 6 a product. There are different ways to 7 a product in different areas of media. Promoters use internet advertisement, special events, endorsements, and newspapers to advertise their product. Many times with the purchase of a product there is an 8 lik
38、e discounts, free 9 or a contest. This is to increase the sales of a given product. Promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to provide added value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to 10 immediate sales. These efforts can
39、attempt to stimulate product interest, trial, or purchase. Examples of devices used in promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, point-of-purchase (POP) displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes. 1.A.blendB.mixtureC.combinationD.mix答案:D2.A.qualificationB.amplificationC.descriptionD.specificat
41、ds答案:A10.A.improveB.stimulateC.activateD.increase答案:BPART FIVEQuestions 3140 Read the article below about public service advertising. For each question 3140, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Public Service Advertising The advertising techniques used to 1 commercial goods and s
42、ervices can be used to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as HIV/AIDS, political ideology, energy conservation and deforestation. 2 in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable 3 reaching and motivating large audiences. Advertising justif
43、ies its existence when used in the public interestit is much 4 powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes. Attributed to Howard Gossage by David Ogilvy. Public 5 advertising, non-commercial advertising, public interest advertising, cause marketing, and social marketing are different terms
44、 for (or aspects of) the use of sophisticated advertising and marketing communications techniques (generally associated with commercial enterprise) on 6 of non-commercial, public interest issues and initiatives. In the United States, the granting of television and radio licensed by the FCC is contin
45、gent upon the station broadcasting a certain amount of public service advertising. To 7 these requirements, many broadcast stations in America air the bulk of their required public service announcements 8 the late night or early morning when the smallest percentage of viewers are watching, leaving m
46、ore day and prime time commercial slots available for high-paying advertisers. Public service advertising reached 9 height during World Wars and under the direction of more than one government. During WW President Roosevelt commissioned the creation of The War Advertising Council (now known as the A
47、d Council) 10 is the nations largest developer of PSA campaigns on behalf of government agencies and non-profit organizations, including the longest-running PSA campaign, Smokey Bear. 1.答案:PROMOTE2.答案:ADVERTISING3.答案:OF4.答案:TOO5.答案:SERVICE6.答案:BEHALF7.答案:MEET8.答案:DURING9.答案:ITS10.答案:WHICH PART SIX Q
48、uestions 4152 Read the text below from a report about foreign public messaging. In most lines (4152), there is one extra word. It either is grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Foreign Public Messaging Foreign governments, particularly those that own marketable commercial products or services, 1. often promote their interes
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