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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟28剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟28LISTENINGPART ONE You will hear guidance and suggestions about tracking business trends. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. New Business 答案: OPPORTUNITY解析 1-12 You notic

2、e that everyone is wearing pink breast cancer ribbons, or that all the coffee shops are selling free-trade organic coffee. Dont just noticecapitalize! Every trend represents a new opportunity for you, so keeping on top of trends should be a part of your business. By tracking business trends, you can

3、: 1. Create and tweak products and services to suit shifting tastes. 2. Reach emerging markets before theyre over saturated with offerings similar to yours. 3. Create a marketing campaign that will resonate with new markets. Action Steps: Ask Uncle Sam If theres one thing the government is good at;

4、its churning out information which you can use to pinpoint social, economic and business trends. Every year the U. S. Bureau of the Census conducts nearly 100 surveys that supplement the decennial census to find out information on local business trends; the Census Bureaus American Fact Finder websit

5、e offers the American Community Surveyan ongoing survey that provides data about your community every year. Go back to the futurists Futurists are professionals who predict trends in various areas. Many of them have Web sites, newsletters, and books full of emerging trends theyre tracking. The websi

6、te of futurist Jim Carroll has free tips and a blog, as well as books for sale. Trade magazines are sometimes offered gratis to people in their target industry because theyre supported by advertisers. Follow the Business news magazines, business Web sites, and newspapers dedicated to business topics

7、 abound. Scan through these to read about business trends. Read magazines like Forbes, Business Week, and Fast Company. Subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, either online or in dead-tree form. New products, research studies, and business start-ups are typically announced to the media through press

8、releases. And you dont have to be a member of the press to get your hands on releasesjust know the sites where the press goes to find them. Tips 答案: SHIFTNG TASTES3.答案: OVER SATURATED 注意表述的句式结构,原文中的句子是“Reach emerging markets before theyre over saturated”,但是在问题中被改变为被动句,需要留心,整体把握句意。4.答案: PINPOINTED 原文

9、“Ask Uncle Sam If theres one thing the government is good at;its churning out information which you can use to pinpoint social,economic and business trends”是一长句,要注意关键词的捕捉,而且句子重要信息放在最后,本句比较口语化,“uncle sam”代表美国,意指美国政府擅长信息发掘,是幽默的说法。5.答案: SURVEYS 本句关键是锁定数字100,然后认真获取后面的名词。6.答案: FUTURISTS7.答案: BLOG8.答案: AD

10、VERTISERS9.答案: TOPICS10.答案: PRESS RELEASES 要在长句“New products,research studies,and business start-ups are typically announced to the media through press releases”中提取题目需要的关键信息。11.答案: PRODUCTS AND SERVICES12.答案: APPEALINGPART TWO You will hear five business people talking about their own experience of

11、starting their business. For each extract, there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the business they are running from th Task OneBusiness For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the business types, listed A-H. For each extract, choose the business type stated. Write one letter (A-H) next to t

12、he number extract. A offering professional suggestion. B presenting seminars and motivational presentations for the young C networking CEOs in different area D working in big company P 答案: B解析 13-22 Speaker 1 I had an offer on the table from P 答案: F 本题在首句即出现目标关键词汇“we start off with one juice bar”。3.

13、 _答案: G 从“had a garage sale”和“I help other people run garage sales”可以推断出正确答案。4. _答案: A5. _答案: E Task TwoKey to Success For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the advice given by the speaker, listed A-H. For each question, choose key factor of success they give. Write one letter (A-H) next to t

14、he number extract. A combine your business with your personal priorities B get business success with the whole family C network with and learn from others D balance your life and work E pay attention to teamwork F be focused and avoid doing too much G deals with and avoids risks H make a business pl

15、an and put it into action 6. _答案: H7. _答案: A 原文出现align,意为结合的意思,正确理解之后不难选择出A。8. _答案: C 理解原文“cultivate the right contacts to boost your business”中所述的“right contacts”的含义。9. _答案: G 原文中提出了“mitigate risks with some smart risk-management strategies”即要控制和减少风险。10. _答案: FPART THREE You will hear part of the c

16、onversation between a TV program host and Communications Consultant talking about starting e-commerce. For each question 23-30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Which is not the advantage of e-commerce?A.E-commerce can save expansion expense.B.E-commerce is f

17、ast and effective.C.E-commerce can be more profitable than traditional commerce.答案:C解析 23-30F: The development and expansion of the Internet has made business opportunities available to nearly everyone. In the past, opening a business was a huge commitment in terms of finances and risk. Traditional

18、business owners had to quit their current jobs, obtain bank financing, and sign leases before they even made a penny. It is easy to see why 95% of them failed within five years. Today, business opportunities are available to anyone willing to put in their time and effort to learn about the world of

19、e-commerce. Best of all, you can start an e-commerce business with minimal funds and very little risk. e-commerce is very popular in todays business world, so what benefit can e-commerce bring to people?M: If you want to expand your business but dont want the expense of adding new locations, you may

20、 want to set your sites on the Internet. Extending your brick-and- mortar or mail-order business to the Internet can speed expansion.F: Sounds interesting, so can we add E-commerce to our existing business?M: Yeah, adding e-commerce to your existing business can help you: extend your reach to custom

21、ers around the world; offer a wider variety of products; entice new customers to visit a retail location.F: How can we start an e-commerce?M: Well, the first step to creating your own e-commerce business is to find you niche. Examine your hobbies and interests for potential business ideas. You may a

22、lso consider opening a business that is similar to your current job. For example, as a nurse you may know a lot about medical supplies and how hospitals obtain them. You could start a medical supply business. Your contacts and industry knowledge could give you an advantage over a competitor who does

23、 not know the inner-workings of hospitals the way you do. You should register a domain name. Take advantage of any brand recognition and name awareness youve already built by using the name of your existing company for your domain name. However, if the name is already taken, youll need to come up wi

24、th an alternative that fits with your corporate identity.F: How can we know the name is available or not?M: OK, you can check on the availability of names and register at GoDaddy. com, Register. corn or MyDomain. com. Then you should select a hosting service. Be sure to select a hosting service that

25、s geared to e-commerce and includes adequate server space, email aliases and security systems to protect customer data.M: A good place to start is with the company that currently provides your business Internet and email services. Some website offer comprehensive hosting packages designed especially

26、 for small businesses.F: But how about Building a Web site, we are not professionals.M: Web site design has been simplified thanks to user-friendly software programs that let you choose from a number of templates. If you dont feel comfortable taking on this task, or you dont have the time, hire a de

27、signer to take the lead. No matter who takes on design duties, make sure your site reflects your existing brand.F: We heard a lot of people doubt e-commerce; customers are worried about the hackers and service of our site.M: Develop a privacy policy and secure means of accepting payment online so cu

28、stomer data is protected and customers feel like they can trust you.M: Develop customer service policies that mirror the level of service you provide in your existing business. Set policies regarding returns, such as if youll allow customers to return items purchased online to one of your retail loc

29、ations. Implement customer service options such as Web-based, email or toll-free telephone support.F: That sounds great.M: We should also offer customers flexible and convenient ways to pay by accepting both paper and plastic and establish the means to accept and track online payments. Start by addi

30、ng an Internet merchant account to your existing merchant account at your bank. This will allow you to accept online credit card payments.F: OK, thank you. At the end of the program, can you give us some tips or tactics on online business?M: Well. You may spend some time on search engine optimizatio

31、n strategies to improve your sites visibility. You can advertise special online-only sales in your retail locations to drive traffic to your site. You can also incorporate your website into your existing offline marketing and advertising strategies.23. 原文中提到“If you want to expand your business but d

32、ont want the expense of adding new locations,you may want to set your sites on the Internet”,所以A是正确的,后面又提到“internet commerce”能够加速扩张“speed expansion”,说明B正确,C项没有说明,属于多余信息。2. To register domain name, you canA.take advantage name awareness of your existing company.B.have the identical with your company

33、name no matter it was taken or not.C.make an appropriate name according to your corporate identity.答案:C3. A suitable hosting services shouldA.be tailored only for advertising.B.provide free e-mail service.C.protect customer data.答案:C4. According to the man, the most important thing for designing a website is toA.choose user-friendly software programs and design the website by yourself.B.hire a designer to take the lead and design it for you.C.make sure your site reflects your existin


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