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1、2017年浙江省初中毕业升学考试(台州卷)英语试题卷亲爱的考生:欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题,仔细答题,发挥最佳水平。答题时,请注意一下几点:1 .全卷共10页,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。2 .答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。3 .答题前,请认真阅读答题纸上的“注意事项”,按规定答题。卷 一说明:本卷共三大题,45小题,满分70分。第一部分听力部分一、听力(本题有 15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题 2分;共计25分)第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的a、r c三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。1. how is the weather now?a. ra

2、iny.b. cloudy.c. sunny.2. what is marys hobby?a. taking photos. b. listening to music.c. collecting stamps.3. where does the conversation probably take place?a. at a museum.b. at a hospital.c. at a park.4. when will lisa go to bed?a. at 9:40.b. at 10:00. c. at 10:20.5. what are the speakers talking

3、about? ?a. chinese sky lanterns. b. chinese clay art. c. chinese paper cutting.第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的a、b c三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。听下面一段长对话,回答第6、7两个小题。6. what will mum do today?a. do some cleaning b. make some cookies. c. buy some eggs.7. how will grandma get to mikes home?a. by bus8. by car. c. by taxi.听下面一段长对话,

4、回答第810两个小题。18. what is jasons favorite subject in his new school?a. math.b. science.c. history.9. who is going to learn chinese?a. marisa.b. jean.c. jason.10. how does tony like history?a. boring.b. difficult.c. interesting.第三节:听独白,从题中所给的 a b c三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。yearly short story competitionnew subje

5、ct 11fewer than 12 words13organizerprinted in the magazine 14 best story t deadlin 15 3 期)c. friendship. 11.a. travel b. hobbiesb. 1,500. c. 2,000 12. a. 1,000.13. a. mr. black. b. mr. king. c. mr. smith.14. a. new stories. b. new writers. c. young writers.15. a. september. b. october.c. november.第二

6、部分 笔试部分1分;共计15分)二、完形填空(本题有 15小题,每小题 d四个选项中选出最佳选项。、阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的a、bg whenthings went wrong,freddy always had something nice to say.t worry. when dad forgot about the pizza and it burned, freddy said, donthe pizzaedges were dark, but the ll still taste good. and he was 16 . it thalf bad.middle

7、wasnwhen his teacher, mr. hall, knocked into a bookshelf in the 17 ,freddyhelped laughed librarian upset.bog18 the books. 2worry.said, dontmrs. wont ”the just andfreddy looked on the bright side. and everyone liked that about 19 . everyone, that is, except hazel.nice to “hazel was the 20 kid in clas

8、s. on her first day, freddy said, “ll like it before.meet you, hazel. i think you she talked back. freddy had nevermet anyone like her. “i 21 it, freddy raining, inside 22 itwasd have a break said when mr. hall they every cloud has a silverlining.said, bad things come in 23 . a silver lining? ” haze

9、l shook her head. greta was carrying paints in 24 class. she fell over, and paints went clso 25itpaint on heryou add 27flying.hazel seemed that was the second bad thing. what will the third thing be?about the rule of three bad things.s pointed, not realizing she had emma picked up freddys beautiful!

10、 fingers.s number three. hazel pointed, “therepicture “freddys is 26 m sorry , freddy. emmaooked sad. ibutterflieslook like fingerprints the could its ok. if said freddy.to put a finger on freddy”(蝴蝶)s paper. only hazel did. 28 refusedfreddy asked.want to add one? ” hazel thought about it, then nodd

11、ed. she put her finger into paint, gentlys painting and 29 added wings.(温柔地)pressed it onto freddy said freddy.“it looks great.s a rule of three bad t really therehazel 30 .“you know,i don things. t expect them. sometimes, there are good things hiding where you dond. famous c. active16. a. cleverb.

12、rightc. libraryb. gym 17. a. shop d. museumc. go through d. throw away 18. a. pick up b. look afterd. himb. her 19. a. mec. you320. a. lucky b. new c. excellent d. smartd. understand b. believe 21. a. expectc. doubtc. untild. because22. a. although b. unless23. a. twos b. threesc. fours d. fives.d.

13、history24. a. science b. music c. art25. a. happy b. worried c. sorry d. sure26. a. in a mess b. on show c. in fashion d. on sale27. a. wings b. eyes c. legs d. bodiesd. nobody28. a. everybody b. somebody c. anybody29. a. angrily b. quickly d. secretlyc. carefullyb. promised c. warned d. shouted30.

14、a. smiled三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题 2分,共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳选项。ado you like to solve problems for children? listed below are probably three of the best answers.i want to stay a kid forever. i love my birthday, but i dont want to be older.ejhaddie, washingtonthe great thing about growing up is

15、that it doesnt happen allat once. day after day, youll have new experiences which can bescary, but it can also be fun.when we feel sad about growing up, try thinking of all the thingsyou hope to happen when youre older. its good to enjoy being a kid, but you should know that some adults say they sti

16、ll feel like kids!i like fantastic books, and im thinking of writing one. but idont know how to begin. please help!liam, pennsylvaniaone idea is to list“top five “ memories, such as your top five trips, funnythings that happened at school and so on. choose one of these for a story. another idea is t

17、o imagine what book youd like to write. as words pop into your mind, write them down. then challenge yourself to write s story using all of those words. good 4luck writing.m the slowest runner in my kids tease(嘲笑)me because iclass. what can i do?tiona, oregonre sorry to hear that. these kids may be

18、looking for attention, and if wet give it to them, they may stop.you dont work, you could try replying with kindness. sometimes kind if that doesnsomeone to talk to sure them. if the teasing continues, be answer words are the best tod like to work on, who can help. if improving your running speed is

19、 something youyou could also ask your gym teacher for advice.s problem according to the passage?s haddie31. whatt want to grow up. b. she doesnt begins a fantasy book. a. she cand. she is laughed at by manyt run fast in her class. c. she cankids.which of the following is true from the passage?32.a.

20、most adults hope to stay kids forever.b. the gym teacher can help tiona run faster.c. kids who are teasing others want to get help.re five ideas to help write fantasy books.d. thereof a magazine is the passage probably from?33. which column (栏目)b. sports club a. cultural thinkingd. growing pains. c.

21、 fantastic discoverybever malala old, at just 17 years pakistans is the youngest winner of the nobel peace prize.for up she to came international attention when spoke malala fatherhave children of the rights all to an education. malalaswas a teacher who ran a school. for her early life, her family l

22、ived in the school so she was used to sitting in the classrooms before her school age. now, she can speak three languages and loves learning.she grew up in pakistan. the living conditions in her area were very poor and5unsafe. many people were hurt and many schools were closed. especially girls were

23、 not allowed to go to school.reporters from britain told the world what was happening with the help of malala. in 2009, 12-years-old malala wrote 35 diaries on the internet. she wrote about the difficulties of her life, and about her strong hope for education. soon after that, malalas family was cho

24、sen to be in a tv program to show ordinary childrens education because both father and daughter spoke good english, and they cared about children getting an education.from then on,a few people hated her and hurt her. though terribly wounded, malala became a courageous fighter for the education right

25、s of millions of girls worldwide. she said.i dont want to be remembered as the girl who was hurt, i want to be remembered as the girl who stood up,i am malala . the book shows she has now written a book about her life calledthat one persons voice has the power toinspire change in the world. in her s

26、peech, she spoke warmly about her aims for education and peace. one sentences she said oneone child, one teacher, one pen and one book can greatly changeday became famous:the world.34. many people around the world began to know malala because.a. she could speak three languages in allb. her father ra

27、n a school for the youngc. she fought for all childrens educationd. she got an education when she was young35. it can be inferred that malala is girl from paragraph five.a. brave b. lively c. clever d. careful36. the underlined word a inspire in the last paragraph might meana. describe b. comparec.

28、celebrate d. encourage37. the purpose of this passage is mainly to.a. introduce peoples living conditions in pakistanb. suggest more news reporters pay attention to the girl malalac. let people realize the importance of all childrens education6d. tell more people to give opinions on kids education i

29、n pakistan chere are three toys on the 2016 us hot toy list.why? it has something to do with the quality of the toys. companies are not keeping something. that you want can try to make you believe allowed to lie. but they .(策略) your eyes open for these marketing tricksshowing famous faces drink swif

30、t does taylor on your breakfast box? why s why is simone bilepicture companies. those paid by theyre also those diet coke? they may love products. but companies invite stars, and even cartoon characters to stand up for the products.forcing fomot be able to get a fomo stands for fear of missing out.

31、if you think you wons thatrushto buy it. selling quickly, youre more likely to product because itsapple, for example, uses this products.limited edition (限量版)“ why you seeexcitement.shopping photos to create limited it gives out numbers of new rule when creating collectionsthink shopkins. the compan

32、y creates groups of products, like ice cream balls collection. your to complete to buy them all to and teacups. then it tries advise you house. in your up in a box found products have success this way. then they ended many more to trying collect t? or am i just ithis yourself: ask do i want because

33、i like than my friends?playing mind gamesmarketers want you to think that buying their product will change you in someis going to make you cool,(品牌) buying this brandway. they want you to thing saysprofessor ahern. marketers try to control your view of happy, or popular,aboutre youthen, or imagery,

34、a by the brand using story, music, people. whenever 7to buy something, they hope that image will pop into your mind, making you choose their product over anther.so now you know. this black friday, be sure to shop smart.38. how many brands are mentioned in the passage?a. three.b. four. c. five. d. si

35、x.39. what does the underlined sentence“ then they ended up in a box in your house.mean?a. then the products were found no use to you.b. then something was wrong with the products.c. then the products were found necessary to buy.d. then people were proud of getting the products.40. the passage is pr

36、obably a.a. business storyb. marketing reportd. product introductionc. scientific research41. the best title for the passage may bea. top three toysb. hot companiesd. creating excitementc. shopping smarterd.these are thebottlesthe way we spend our time can be divided into threebottle.the happiness v

37、oluntarythe (自愿的) tasks bottle and necessary tasks bottle, useful things, with tasks filling the necessary bottle every day, we spend time.like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills. we then fillese are things that we do for others, but another bottle with voluntary tasks. th.

38、wemay not enjoy them. this bottle gets f川ed with tasks like taking children to very those bottles are laundry. activities, cooking family meals, and doing t run properly.t f川 them each day, our family wonimportant. if we donthat bottle bottle - thehappiness the often however, we forget to f川 thirdem

39、pty sometimes is happy. your happiness bottle us that with we fill activities make he necessary and voluntary tasks, time at the end of the day? between doing all th itis time for bed. we all have days like that. it, flies by, and before we know 8this is why each day we have to make an effort to f川

40、our happiness bottle.i f川 mine by going to the dancing class. and i always leave classes more happily than when i enter. this week, i had the pleasure of taking part in a guitar practice in my neighborhood. we show our musical talent and practice music for charity. it was a time of fun, friendship a

41、nd music-making. at the end of the evening, my happiness bottle was filled to top.w川 your activities bring joy to your life? or are the other two taskseating up all your time? try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you fill your three bottles. at the end of the day, hopefully weve done al

42、l we can to make sure that our happiness bottle is filled.42. which activity belongs to a necessary task according to the passage?a. going to work though it is raining heavily.口b. buying a birthday gift for your good friend.c. having a yard sale to raise money for sick kids.d. sending your son to a

43、piano lesson sunday.43. what does the underlined wordit mean in the third paragraph? _a. we require enough time to fill the necessary tasks bottle.b. necessary and voluntary tasks are less important.c. all the three bottles are filled to top at the end of the day.d. we need time to do something to m

44、ake ourselves happy.44. how did the writer f川 the happiness“ bottle “ this week?a. by cooking meals for family. b. by going to the dance class.c. by practicing music for charity. nicesome to listening by d. music.in the last paragraph?45. which of the following is the best for a. make sure to f川 all

45、 the three bottles.b. so consider how your time will be spent.c. people will have more happy activities. s not enough to fill the happiness bottle.d. it 卷二 9说明:本卷共四大题,31小题,满分50分。四、词汇运用(本题有 15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)a.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次,每空一词。its hardly support long season46. a true friend always you whene

46、ver you are in trouble.47. steve seemed so interested in drawing that he got tired of it.tiantai mountain at the height of this tourist 48. many people rushed to.49. the nice little dog waved tail happily, welcoming the owner back home.50. china is over 5,000 years old which has a much history than

47、the us.b.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。a neighborhood party is a great way to raise money for a charity. you canalso celebrate a (假期)or get to know each other in your neighborhood.before you begin, you first need to work out where to have the party.community centers or(教堂) are often available f

48、or it. if the weatheris nice, many people(更喜欢)to have the party outside. it could be a (公共的) place like a park or a street.next, ask your friends and neighbors who are(有耐心的)to help.volunteers are important for making sure the party runs successfully. get plenty.of people to help tell others about th

49、e party, set up the party, and(最后)clean up after the party. (在 期间)the party, many activities are organized for kidsso that they can enjoy (他们自己) .at most parties, food and drinks are served. the best parties are when everyone brings something to(分享)theres no better way to bring the community togethe

50、r and(传播)loveand joy than to throw a party! after all, thats what being part of a neighborhood is about.五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。10two simple words “thank you have made a big difference to thousands of fireman in new york city.savannah is girl form texas.i was t

51、rying to think i couldhelp them out,she says. after hearing about sacrifices(牺牲) made by fireman,she ( move) by the risks they face,savannah made 200 thank-you cards for them.i want to show how much i care about them.”“i told the fireman thank you, savannah recalls. theyre always there tohelp you.”s

52、avannah decided(keep) making cards. for the next seven months, she woke up early to paint and color and cut. in that time, she(send) 1,600 cards with bite-sized candy while meeting her(hero). soon, fire station started thanking her.once too shy to give a speech at school,is now easy for savannah to

53、speak regularly to fireman and school students. she is quite different what she used to be.“shes saying how(thank) she is for them!” savannahs mom, debbie,says, “ savannah sees that stepping put and doing something can really make a difference. ”六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分)假如你是maple knoll high school

54、library的学生志愿者,请根据你校图书馆指南,把图书馆设施分布说明填写完整并介绍给中方友好学校交流团新生。tm zp xm* ng 睥u bveoffhwith ttia itbrarft rmourcm: fcocn ema tor . iwbfkti*e *1*anis library! high maple students, welcome, new to knoll school here 11introduction of our school library. the on the left of the map helps youbest understand it.the

55、 computer lab is just on the of the main entrance. you can entercomputers by putting into the of your student id card. there arecopy machines in the library. the circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from general stacks. the reading area is in the mi

56、ddle of the library. a water fountain is between the and thecellphone area. theyre all on the right.if you want to ask for more help, you can go to the librarians office.七、书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分)76.假如你是张华,以下是你友好结对学校maple knoll high school 的好友andrew发给你的一封电子邮件,请你根据该邮件内容给andrew回复并提出你自己的问题。hi, zhang hua,hows it going? im glad that we will graduate soon. as you know, a new life in senior high school will be exciting. maybe both of us will have many tasks ahead. i wonder if you have any ideas about it. here are my problems.how can i relax and keep healthy?how can i increase kno


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