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1、内蒙古呼和浩特市新城区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期末试题20172018学年度第一学期期末八年级英语试卷说明l本试卷分为两部分,选择题、非选择题*2.本试卷满分为10u分,考试时间:10g分钟.3.请将试卷上的所有试题答窠填在答题卡上. 第一卷 选择题(70分)l单项选择(每小题1分,共1s分)从下面每小题的a、b, c、d四个选项中选择可以填入空臼处的“仕选项。()lr if you buy iphone x in our shopping mall, you will get _umbrellafor free.a. a; anb. an; anc. an; ad. a; a(

2、)2. trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.a, two thousandsh. thousand ofcl thousands ofd, thousands()3, i need to a plane ticket to shanghai because 141 go there for ameeting next wednesday.a, bookb. planc. selld. pass()4. why put down your ideas in your notebook?a, dontb. notc

3、. not tod. to()5. what is animal in the world?its the blue whale.a. the smaller b e largest c. the smallestd. the largerc )6. where would you like to go for your winter holiday? beijing or guangzhou?一 , i will go to sanya in hainan.a. bothb. eitherc. neitherd. each()7r 一must i finish the work today?

4、noj you ,. but you finish it before next monday.a. mustnst; mustbr needn,t; mustc. mustnt; couldd. neednt; cou!d()3. our teacher often advises us the habit of making notes while reading,a. to develop b. develop c. to developing d. developingc )9, 一 have you ever see the movie coco (寻梦环游记)?yes, isve

5、seen it twice. of all the movies tve seen, its the one.a. interestingb. more interestingc. less interestingd. most interesting2 / 9()10. after watching chinese poeiiy competition 中国诗词大会),many of us areinterested in poems.a, collectb. collectsc. to collectd. collecting()il 一 i called you just now, bu

6、t you didnt answer it一 sorry i my phone was on silent mode. i a diy course, a. tookb. was taking c. am taking 口. take()12. carefully you drive,it is. ,a. the more ; the safeb. the more; the saferc. the better; the safed. the better; the safer) 13. as students, we should team how to ourselves the dan

7、ger.a. protect; fromr cheer; onc. provide; withd, ask; to()14. the street is quite busyto ours.a. comparing b. compare c. compared d, lo compared()15. im sony. tm late for the film. , there is still a little time.a. bad luck b. that、right c. never mind d一 ah right il完形填空(每小题i分,共1。分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从a

8、、b、c、d四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。like many other animals, birds will fly south when the days turn cold and the leaves from trees begin to 16 they travel many miles to find a warmer winter.birds are animals that like to migrate (迁徙)a lot when it . 17 . . about 600 out of 9,000 kinds of birds do it they ix in autu

9、mn and come back during the wann spring months.many birds donrt like the 81d. they need 9 * but many plants die and they cant find insects(昆虫)in winter. 2。 they 11 only come home the next year, there will be enough food for them to eat.but the 21 is often hard and not safe. many birds fly in groups

10、and make noises. some bifds fly in groups like the letter v. or 22 a row. others travel in pairs or alone.some can travel a very 23 way. they fly between lands. some kinds of birds can travel 20,100 kilometers. they ” a home in one place, go to the warm ptace in autumn, and then come back in spring.

11、how do the birds find their way? they never 25 . they look a( things like the sun, the moon and stars.()16.a+ fallb. fellc. feeld. felt()17.a. sweetb. dryc coldd. hot()18.a, liveb. leavec. livesd. leaves()19.a. waterb. clothesc. foodd. home()20.a. sob. becausec,ord.if()21.a. tripb. birdc. dayd. nigh

12、t()22,a. inb. onc. withd. of()23.a. darkb. difficultc. longd. strange()24.a catchb. buildc. keepd. have()25.a. gel lostb. grow upc give upd. get togethern.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)agrays diaryfridaywell, mom told me not to lie. 1 think im 100% honest (诚实的)all the time, and 1 think itts not that hardin fact,

13、i was much more honest than i was a week ago. for example, the other day i talked with my friend sam./vfhed 1 gm/fnk a明n sam!迹、 / im going to be j f parents are loo short.andl (a basketball 11youre the only 35 kilos jj six- year-old i know, 7/lcimtten v a lie. j ( waaah! j t-r% %and yesterday, my pa

14、rents had t1ti birthday party fbr my grandfather.yeartjs jf ypurexmost pewpie dont like a person as honest a ever got to be president (总统).zhey, rmjusti trying to be vjionesr 姓西流僦s me. so dont ask me how george washington7/9根据短文内容,选择正确答案。()26. whats the meaning of the underline word lie?a.睡觉b,烦恼c,撒谎

15、d,调皮() 27. in grays diary; sam is years old.a.4b.5c6d.7()28. grays grandfathers birthday is on.a. thursdayb. friday c. saturday d. sunday() 29. how many people are there in grays family?a. threeb. fourc, five d. six()30. which of the following is true?a. sam was too fat and he cant play basketball.b

16、. gray 飞 parents were very happy when they heard grayts words.c. sam wants to be a football player when he grows up.d. gray飞 grandfather wanted a chocolate cake on his birthday next near.bfood may help you understand your personality l 个性).choose your favorite foodfrom the five foods.sta. noodles b.

17、 hamburgers c. apple d. fried chicken e. cakes see the answers here.a. you always try to make yourself different from others, somelimes itts not easy fbr you lo have friends.b. your only interest is success, so you spend most of your time working and have notime to relax yourself.:c. there are so ma

18、ny new ideas in your mind. also you like sharing them with your : friends.娓d. people think thit you are shy(害羞的)but you are a good listener. and you would : like to give others a hand.*e. because you are outgoing(外向的)and are good at telling jokes, people like to : make friends with you.:docs your ch

19、oice really tell you who you are?just fbr fun!) 31. we can read this personality test in aa. magazineb. news reportc menu d. story book()32. nelly chooses hamburgers, she may a. not work very hard,b. spend much time relaxingc. want to be the best.d. like sharing them with her friends()33. larry ofte

20、n h(*l pfl others. he might choofa. noodles. b. fried chicken. c cakes. d. apples.()34. from the answers, we can know thata, if you choose noodles, you are similar to others,b. if you choose apples, you arc shy.c. if you choose cakes, you always make others laugh.d. if you choose hamburgers, you may

21、 have many new ideas in your mind.()35. the writer thinksa. it is fiin to choose your favorite food.b. food can make your personality diflerent.c. we shouldnt take the results seriously.d. people in the world only have four personalities.cbackpackers (背包客)usually carry big bags on their backs. they

22、wear jeans and t-shirts. they use a guidebook and a map. they spend the least money to visit the most places.backpackers do lots of homework about the places they want to go to before setting out: food, haste】后 (青年旅舍),things to buy and so ont they also have to know where to catch a train.in their bi

23、g bag they put things like clothes and medicine. a tent and a sleeping bag are also necessary when they have to live outside.most backpackers choose hostels to stay in because they are cheap and comfortable. there are usually six or eight beds in each room.backpacking lets travelers see and know mor

24、e. american charles velcy was the worlds most traveled backpacker. he went to over 190 countries in ten years! and he will travel on.()36. backpackers do lots of homework excepta. buying foodb. finding out the train stationc finding the hostelsd. learning to sing()37. whai may not be in a backpacker

25、s bag?a. clothes. b. medicine. c, bed. d. tent,()3g. why do backpackers choose hostels to stay in?a.because there are sleeping bags.h, because there are big rooms.c. because hostels sell different food.d. because hostels arc cheap and comfortable.()39. which of the following is true?a. backpackers a

26、n see and know more than other kinds of travelers,b. charles has been to so many countries that he will stop travelingic. backpackers have to know where to put a tent before traveling.d. the largest room in a hostel is usually for no more than six people.()40. the writer mainly tells us,a. what back

27、packers areb. where backpackers stay inc. how backpackers do their homeworkd. who is the most traveled backpacker.dpeople know the dangers of fires. lt+s good for us to learn how to prepare fbr a fire. here are some suggestions:put a smoke alaim (报警)in the house. when there is a fire, the aiarm make

28、s a loud sound. the sound tells everyone to leave the house at once. make a plan to get off the fire. they should know all the ways out of the house. if there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out.check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.buy fire extinguishers (灭火器)in t

29、he house, everyone in the family should know how to use them.practice fbr a fire. they do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety. everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:dont open a hot door! the fire can grow more quickly if you open the door. stay close to

30、the floor! smoke can be more dangerous than fire, the best air is near the floor because smoke rises (上升).what will you do if your hair or clothes start to bum?first, stop! dont run! drop! fall to the floor. turning over and over will make the fire go out. put some wet cloches around you to keep air

31、 away from the fire.根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)() 41. check all the windows to make sure they can be closed easily.()42. most people in the family should knyw how to use fire ex向guishe电(灭火器)() 43. people do fire practice because they teach children about fire safety.()44. the best air is near the floor so sta

32、y close to the floor!() 45. run quickly if your hair or clothes start to bum,w.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话口a: hi, jeff! what did you do last sunday?b: 1 watched a robot show last sunday.a: oh. sounds great. 46b: it was in the museum.a: 47b: it was wonderful. during the show, we could ask the scie

33、ntists some questions about robots.a: 48b: yes! i bought a small robot, and it can sing a few songs.a: nicu. can you show me?b; of course. a: thank you! will there be another computer show this sunday?b: yes, there will be another computer show this sunday.a:_ 50b: sure. pd love to.a, it must be ver

34、y interesting.b. how do you like it ?c would you hke to go with me?d. you can come to my home after schoole一 where was the robot show?第二卷 (非选择题,共计w分)v.词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)根据句意和首字母提示填写单词.51. dont fto close the window when you leave.yes, mum,52. lb i your english, you should speak more.53. france is f for

35、its fine food and wine.54. our city needs fresh air, clean streets and better p services.55. 一 whats the population of india?-more than 1.2 b.vl综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的宽并用其正确形式填空,使语意通顺、完整。cheer,be,pratdtt,pe,exercise,hold,health,another,popular,teameveryone in our school loves sports. every mo

36、rning when we get up, we do morning56 . after the second class, we do exercises again. we only have 57 classes twice11 / 9a wcck, but we do sporu at 4:50 every aflemoon. the most sport is football. most enjoy playing it and many girls like it, too, 59 popular spon is basketball and in every class there 60 a lot of basketball fans. we often play tennis when it is fine. we have school 61_ in football, basketball and tennis. we often 62 friendship matches with each other. when there is a match, many of us go to watch it and 63 fbr the


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