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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟43剑桥商务英语中级模拟43READINGPART ONELook at the statements below and the information on transport on the opposite page.Which section (A, B, C, or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to?For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answe

2、r Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.AWhat is to happen about transport? Evidently there are huge and important changes in prospect. A decade or so from now, there will have been yet another transformation in the way in which people and their goods are moved from place t

3、o place. Old techniques are being faced with attenuation or even extinction, sometimes because better methods of traveling have come along but sometimes simply because the old methods have become intolerable.BThe development of recent decades most obviously likely to be continued is the tendency for

4、 alternative methods of traveling to coexist, and so to offer potential travelers a choice. Within large cities, underground transport is usually an alternative to several ways of traveling on the surface. Roads, railways and airlines are in competition, and there are still people who cross the Nort

5、h Atlantic by sea. (Most freight goes that way, of course.)COil tankers could decisively affect the pattern of petroleum distribution from the major oilfields and at the same time encourage the pipeline, which offers the simplest and often the cheapest means of bulk transport. Then, there is the Boe

6、ing 747 aircraft, which is likely to do for people what the huge tankers will do for petroleum trunk be increasingly troublesome. All these changes, promised or merely possible in the pattern of transport, have in common what is, in the broadest sense, and economic stimulus.DFast transport between c

7、ities separated by a few hundred miles is becoming urgently necessary in densely populated areas. The United States Government is financing a number of exploratory investigations bearing on specific problems linking the major cities on the Atlantic seaboard. However, it remains to be seen whether th

8、e result will really beyond schemes for patching up the existing railway network to some of the more ambitious schemes which are sometimes heard of-monorails, pneumatic tubes with trains inside, and deep bored tunnels intended to enable trains to oscillate from one city to another with no expenditur

9、e of energy except for overcoming friction and air resistance.1. Several means of travel will be present together, in which each can replace the others.答案: B2. The coming ten years will see likely changes in transport.答案: A3. Basically transportation plans for the future are made in the light of eco

10、nomic considerations.答案: C4. One of the reasons that old transport method will disappear is that we can not bear it.答案: A5. Improvements in the speed of transport between cities are needing immediate attention.答案: D6. Future communities should be planned with transportation efficiency as a major con

11、sideration.答案: D7. Railways and airlines want to win passengers from each other.答案: BPART TWORead the article below about Armani flagship store in Shanghai.Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.Do not us

12、e any letter more than once. ARMANI STYLE COMES TO SHANGHAIItalian designer Giorgio Armani opened a flagship store on Saturday on Shanghais famed Bund, joining a wave of foreign designers targeting Chinas new rich.The opening of a 1,100 square-meter group of specialty shops drew curious stares from

13、elderly men taking their morning stroll down the row of early 20th century buildings. They peered through the windows at sandals and handbags costing far more than most Shanghainese earn in a month. The Italian designer plans to open as many as 30 stores on the Chinese mainland by 2008. This is the

14、long-term vision for the brand in China, said Armani. I know Shanghai is changing very quickly. Theres an enormous feeling of contrast between old and new. Everyone is talking about Shanghai these days. 1 They include Italian designer Salvatore Ferragano and French designer Louis Vuitton. British sp

15、orts car maker Jaguar used Shanghai as the site for revealing its new XJ model. Luxury brands Maserati and Bentley also have showrooms. Armani wouldnt give any forecast of sale from Three on the Bund, in a 1916 building facing the Huangpu River. It also features an Evian Spa, a barbershop with indiv

16、idual boxes outfitted with CD and DVD players, an art gallery and a restaurant set up by Celebrity French chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten. We invest here not expecting to make real returns immediately, said Robert Triefus, an Armani spokesman. Were absolutely convinced that this is a good time to get

17、 into this market. Armani already has a small presence on Chinas mainland with a boutique in the basement of Beijings Palace Hotel and another in the southern business center of Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong. 2 It said it was considering the mainland as a location for its chain of Armani Hotels,

18、 now on the drawing board. The company said its sales on the mainland rose 17 percent last year, though it didnt give dollar figures. Were seeing lots of mainlanders coming over to Hong Kong, but we have an equally strong, growing customer base on the mainland, Triefus said. Armani plans to open two

19、 more boutiques in Shanghai later this year. At the boutique on the Bung a slender black silk blouse will set buyers back the equivalent of US 1, 150 more than the average Chinese earns in a year. A pair of slim sandals is US 424, while other prices range up to about US 2,400. The lowest-priced item

20、 spotted: a salmon pink T-shirt for US 120. 3 Luxury brands such as Armani-and even Haagen-Dazs, which charges US 3 for single-scoop of ice cream-focus on the richest level of Chinese consumers who are not afraid to spend. 4 The number is not big, but its a sharp increase. A lot more Chinese could n

21、ot afford the brand-name items, so instead they buy brand-name accessories, like purses, ties and shoes. The latest information from the luxury goods industry has shown that brand-name makers will be more aggressive this year. 5 And Cartier will expand its number of outlets from 3 to 15 in three yea

22、rs. Jacques Franck Dossin, analyst with the US-based Goldman Sachs, said that Chinas luxury market will develop at the highest speed in the coming 10 years and take second place in the world, with the largest customer group. A Another strong trend is the return to traditional lingerie fabrics such a

23、s satin and washable silks.B Economist Yue Zheng from the accounting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers, believes that Shanghais market for luxury items has over 100, 000 stable customers.C Haagen-Dazs will open at least another 10 stores on the mainland, Louis Vuitton 2 to 3.D They peered through the wi

24、ndows at sandals and handbags costing far more than most Shanghainese earn in a month.E Shanghai already is home to an army of foreign designer boutiques targeting the new rich.F The company opened its first outlet on Chinese territory in 2002 with a megastore in Hong Kong.G Shanghai is the richest

25、city on the mainland and is seeing a lot of people taking to the high-spending lifestyle.1.答案: E2.答案: F3.答案: G4.答案: B5.答案: CPART THREERead the article below about family business, and the questions on the opposite page.For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for

26、 the answer you choose. FAMILY BUSINESSESMany people at some stage in their lives consider setting up a business with their partner or other members of their family. The idea may seem very appealing, but the reality of working with someone close to you can often create unforeseen problems. 80% of fa

27、mily-run businesses think that when times get tough, love, romance or family bonds will see them through. But the fact is that although 70% of businesses are family-run, only 40% of these companies survive into the second generation.Why do so many family businesses fail? While money has traditionall

28、y been thought of as the root of all difficulties, the major problem is much more basic. In businesses which dont have family tie or relationships, people find it easier to communicate and to say what is on their mind. In contrast, with family businesses, people often make the mistake of thinking th

29、ey know what views other family members have without actually discussing with them. There is one strategy which should be employed in all family businesses to protect future problems. As time goes by, one partner may lose interest or not work as effectively as they are expected to. If each partners

30、responsibilities are identified from the start so that they know exactly what is required of them, difficulties are less likely to arise as the business develops. It is also recommended to ask yourselves a few what if questions before starting a family business. For example, what if one Of the partn

31、ers brought a friend into the business and the others didnt like this person? What would you all do? To avoid this kind of situation, you should talk it over amongst yourselves. This sort of research can make you aware of both your own attitudes and the attitudes of the other members of the family b

32、efore problems actually occur.Contracts are another potential problem area. Too many family businesses are run on the most informal terms. People often think it an insult to ask a relative to sign a contract outlining the terms of a business venture. But you should treat the family business like any

33、 other business and get a professional to draw up a contract. Whether the business is profitable or not, it is supposed that the shares and who owns them must be clearly defined and written into a formal agreement. It must also be clear who is running the company. Some family businesses take a vote

34、on every decision. Perhaps this exercise in democracy should be applauded, but it created so many complications that in the end the business failed. Even a small committee can sometimes be too large. In matters affecting the entire company, only one of you should be the decision maker. He or she doe

35、snt have to be the largest shareholder, but should be the one best able to lead the business.Another type of problems arises when a relative decides to join an already established business. In these cases, you should do everything you can to avoid favouritism. It is important to avoid putting him st

36、raight into any kind of managerial position. Instead, encourage him to learn not only the company but the people who make it work by working on the shop floor on the assembly line. They have to prove to be a valuable asset not to the family but to the business.1. Why many people find it attractive t

37、o start a family business?A.Because there would be abundant capital for operation.B.Because family bonds are helpful in overcoming difficulties.C.Because they hope to survive for generations.D.Because they can make profits without unforeseen problems.答案:B2. According to the passage, why so many fami

38、ly-run businesses fail to survive?A.Because they are frequently facing financial problems.B.Because the family members in these companies do not trust each other.C.Because there are often communicative problems within family members.D.Because they do not focus on family ties.答案:C3. Which of the foll

39、owing can help avoid future problems in family businesses?A.Dont bring friends into your business.B.Clarify each family members responsibilities.C.Ask your friends what you should do during tough times.D.Persuade others to like the person you introduce.答案:B4. Why do people seldom sign contracts with

40、 relatives?A.They wholly trust each other.B.Because they prefer casual relationship.C.There are potential dangers with contracts.D.It is believed to hurt the feeling of relatives.答案:D5. Why a democracy on every decision may also cause problems?A.It creates few opportunities for employees.B.It is con

41、trolled within the family.C.Small committees have to be set up.D.Sometimes there are too many people involved in decision making.答案:D6. What should be done when a relative decides to join?A.Try not to be partial.B.Help him to gain popularity among employees.C.Never promote him to a higher position.D

42、.Encourage him to find proof for his knowledge.答案:APART FOURRead the article below about marketing.Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D on the opposite page.For each question 19-33, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet. MarketingMergers agencies find out

43、 whether there is a demand for a product and what sort of demand it is. They will want to know if there are competitors to the product they are going to place; who will use it-men, women, or both; will there be only one section of men or women who will use it, would a low price 1 more customers, or

44、would they need to add something to it to make it popular, or change its packaging 2 it? For the 3 to these and other questions they will make a survey-an examination-of the market. The survey most people are 4 with is the questionnaire; where a 5 -a specially selected group of people-are asked ques

45、tions about products they use: and why they buy them. But market research techniques can be more complicated than this, 6 for example, a group of people discussing a subject, say, 7 hygiene, to find out if a new toothpaste will sell. Tests may be made by giving away 8 samples of the new product, or

46、reactions to a brand name-the name of a product-may be studied to find out whether a new product will be 9 on the market. From the information 10 , the marketing companies can prepare their advertising campaign-the 11 plan.There are two types of advertising-product and brand advertising. Product adv

47、ertising tells people that a new invention or device is being sold. Perhaps a new design of typewriters with special 12 or a new pen that is easier to use. Brand advertising tells people there is a new name on the 13 . A product, what it does, and how it is made, could be the same as 14 , for exampl

48、e, soap powder, but its name is different. In the UK there are basically 15 two detergent, or soap companies which produce hundreds of brand names for powders that are really the same product.1.A.attractB.caterC.frightenD.apply答案:A2.A.reproduceB.repeatC.redesignD.reuse答案:C3.A.dateB.answersC.informat


50、gatheredD.required答案:C11.A.promotionB.increaseC.improvementD.selling答案:A12.A.functionsB.usagesC.waysD.rules答案:B13.A.fieldB.counterC.marketD.fair答案:A14.A.otherB.anotherC.eitherD.both答案:B15.A.aboutB.mainlyC.almostD.only答案:CPART FIVERead the text below about federal reserve system.In most of the lines

51、34-45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer

52、 Sheet. The Federal Reserve SystemCorrect Commonly known as the Federal Reserve Bank or the Fed, this is the centralWhich bank of the United States which founded in 1913, it determines the Reserve34 Requirement within limits set out by the US Congress. The function of the Fed is35 economic stabiliza

53、tion operate through the management of the national money36 supply. The Federal Reserve System comprises with a board of governors with37 seven members both stationed in Washington D. C. The responsibilities of the38 Fed system are carried out through 12 Regional Federal Reserve Banks39 controlling.

54、 The members of the Fed include the commercial banks, i.e. those40 with the national chartered commercial banks and approximately to 10% of the41 State-chartered commercial banks. These member banks buy stock from their42 Regional Federal Reserve Banks is the larger body of the Fed system which43 de

55、termines what the interest rates of the USA. Through the purchasing and44 selling of securities, the Fed is able to control the money supply. Its open-market45 operations may well effect the reserve base, thus restricting the credit and loan market in the USA.1.答案: OUT2.答案: OPERATE3.答案: WITH4.答案: BO

56、TH5.答案: CORRECT6.答案: CONTROLLING7.答案: TO8.答案: CORRECT9.答案: LARGER10.答案: WHAT11.答案: CORRECT12.答案: EFFECTWRITING问题:1.PART ONEYou are the sales manager of a small company. In order to launch a new product in a recent trade fair, you have decided to hold a discussion and collect staffs ideas about packaging.Write a memo to all staff: Tell


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