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1、压力容器工程规范 Engin eeri ng Specificatio n for Pressure Vessels C O N T E N T S 目录 1. GENERAL 概述 1.1 Scope范 围 1.2 Codes, Sta ndards and Regulations 范、标准及规章 1.3 Un its 单位 1.4 Purchaser s Drawing and DocumSn方图纸及文件 1.5 Ven dor s Draw ings and Documejnt方 图纸及文件 1.6 Site Condition 现场条件 2. DESIGN 设计 2.1 Design

2、Pressure 设计压力 2.2 Desig n Temperature 设计温度 2.3 Corrosio n Allowa nces 腐蚀余度 2.4 Materials 材料 2.5 Load ing Con ditio ns and Stre ngth Calculatio n 负荷条件及强度计算 2.6 Tolera nces 允许偏差 3. DETAIL DESIGN 详细设计 3.1 Shells and Heads 容器壁及顶 3.2 In ternals 内件 3.3 Nozzles and Ma nholes 设备口及人孔 3.4 Bolts, Nuts and Gask

3、ets 螺栓、螺母及垫片 3.5 Supports 支架 3.6 Miscella neous 其它 4. FABRICATION 制作制造 4.1 Plate Layout 排板 4.2 Formi ng 成型 4.3 Weldi ng 焊接 4.4 Heat Treatme nt 热处理 5. INSPECTION AND TESTS 检测及试验 6. NAMEPLATE, PAINTING AND MARKING 铭牌、刷漆及标识 6.1 Nameplate 铭牌 6.2 Pain ti ng 刷漆 6.3 Marki ng 标识 7. PACKING AND SHIPPING 包装和运

4、输 7.1 General 概述 7.2 Pack ing and Preparati on for Shipp ing 包装与运输准备 7.3 Shippi ng 运输 Appendix A: Tolerance for Pressure VesselS付A:压力容器允许偏差 1. GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.1.1 This specification together with theengineering drawings covers the requirementsfor the materials, design, fabrication,inspection, te

5、sting and supply of pressurevessels used for XXX project 本规范及工程图纸包含对 XXX 工程中使用的压力容器的材料、设计、制作、检测、试验及供应 的要求。 This specification shall be referred to also forthe non-pressure vessels exceptfor therequirements of local regulation if vesselshape is similar to pressure vessels. 本规范也可用于外形与压力容器相同的非压力容器。 1.1

6、.2 The definition of pressure vessels shall bein accordance with “ ThePressure VesselsSafety Technology SupervisionProcedures ” in the People s Republic ofChina. 压力容器的限定根据中国的“压力容器安全技术监督程序”进行。 1.1.3 This specification does not apply, ingeneral, to auxiliary pressure vessels whichare attached to turbi

7、nes, engines, pumps,compressors and other mechanicalequipment which are normally designedunder the manufacturer s standard. 一般情况下,本规范不适用于涡轮、发动机、泵、压缩机及其它依照厂家标准设计制造的机械设 备的附属压力容器。 1.2 Codes, Standards and Regulations 范、标准及规章 1.2.1 Pressure vessels fabricated in China shallbe designed, fabricated, inspe

8、cted andtested in accordance with the requirementsof the following codes, standards andregulations of the latest edition. 中国制作的压力容器必须根据以下最新版的规范、 标准及规章的要求进行设计、 制作、检测及试 验。 (1) The Pressure Vessels SafetyTechnology Supervision Procedures(1999 edition) 压力容器安全技术监督程序( 1999年版) (2) Steel Pressure VesselsGB1

9、50 1998钢制压力容器 (3) Technical Specification for Fabricationof Steel Chemical VesselsHG20584-1998 钢制压力容器制作技术规范 (4) Steel Welded Atmospheric PressureVesselsJB/T4735 1997钢制焊接常压容器 Basic Specification for Steel ChemicalVessel Desig nH G20580-199钢制化学容器设计基本规范 (6) Specification for Materials Selectionof Steel

10、 Chemical VesselsHG20581-1998 钢制化学容器材料选择规范 (7) Specification for Stress Calculation of SteelChemical Vessel HG20582-1998 钢制化学容器强度计算规范 (8) Specification for Structural Design of SteelChemical Vessel HG20583-1998 钢制化学容器结构设计规范 (9) Technical Requirements for Fabrication of SteelChemical Vessels HG20584-

11、1998 钢制化学容器制作技术要求 (10) Mecha ni cal Agitation Equipme ntHG/T20569-94机械搅拌设备 (11) Mechanic Properties Test of Welding Specimenfor Steel Pressure Vessels JB 4744-2000 钢制压力容器焊接样品机械性能试验 (12) Non destructive Test of Pressure Vessels JB4730-200压力容器无损检测 (13) Carbon Steel and Low Alloy Steel Forgings forPres

12、sure Vessels JB 4726-2000 碳钢及低合金钢锻制压力容器 (14) Stainless Steel Forgings for Pressure VesselsJB 4728-20不00锈钢锻制压力容器 (15) Seismic Protection Code for PetrochemicalEquipment HG 3048-1996 石化设备地震保护规范 1.2.2 Ven dor shall be resp on sible for making all aspects ofmaterials, desig n, fabricati on, in spect ion

13、 and testi ngconform to the requireme nts of the specified codes,sta ndards and local regulati ons. 卖方负责根据指定的规范、标准和地方规章的要求提供材料、设计、制作、检测及试验。 Where there are con flicts betwee n the requireme nts in Purchaser draw in gs/specificati ons and the specifiedcodes/sta ndards or local regulati ons, the order

14、 ofprecede nee shall be as follows: 如果买方图纸/规范同指定的规范、标准或地方规章之间存在冲突,按以下先后顺序加以遵守: (1) Local regulatio ns 地方规章 (2) Engin eeri ng draw ings工程图纸 (3) Engineering specifications工程规范 Codes and sta ndarc规范和标准 In such a case, Ven dor shall prompy refer thec on flicts to Purchaser in writ ing to obta inin gPurc

15、haser in structi on. 在此情况下,卖方需及时书面告知买方以获得买方指示。 1.3 Units 单位 Un less otherwise specified, SI un its shall be applied asthe measureme nt system for the draw ings anddocuments to be submitted. However, nominal sizes ofpiping components shall be in accordance with in chsystem. 除非另有规定,图纸及文件中所提及的单位均为国际制。但

16、是,管道部件的公称尺寸应符合英制 1.4 Purchaser s Drawing and Docum买方图纸和文件 1.4.1 Purchaser will provide Engineering Drawing for eachpressure vessel which contains such in formatio n asthe shape, basic dime nsions, estimated thick ness an dweight, desig n con diti ons, materials for primaryparts, no zzle specificati

17、ons, and details of intern als asrequired by Ven dor to accomplish his mecha ni caldesig n of the pressure vessel. 买方需根据卖方要求为每台压力容器提供工程图纸说明形状、基本尺寸、估计厚度和重量、设计 条件、主部件材质、设备口规格及内件详情,以便完成压力容器的机械设计。 Whe n sketches, data sheets or dutyspecificati ons are provided, Ven dor shallprepare Engin eeri ng Draw in

18、gs coveri ng thesame contents as specified above. Suchdraw ings may be used as Ven dor sassembly draw ings with n ecessary in formatio n added. 在提供了草图、数据表或相关规格后,卖方应绘制包含上述同样内容的工程图纸。这些图纸在加 上必要的信息后可用作卖方装配图。 1.4.2 Purchaser will provide D-123 “ VesselStandardwhich supplements the abovedrawings and deter

19、m ines the detailc on structio n of pressure vessels. 买方将提供D-123 “容器标准”作为上述图纸的补充,并决定压力容器的具体施工。 Whe n sketches or data sheets are provided,Ve ndor shall confirm Purchaser theapplicati on of each draw ing in VesselSta ndard. 在提供了草图或数据表后,卖方需根据容器标准对图纸进行确认。 1.5 Vendor s Drawings and Docum卖方图纸和文件 si sWork

20、 1.5.1 Ven dor shall submit to Purchaser draw in gsa nd docume nts as called for in Purchaser sheets. 卖方将根据买方需求单向买方提供图纸和文件。 1.5.2 All draw ings and docume nts shall give the name of Clie nt (end user), Purchaser No. and service of thecommodity. 所有图纸和文件上需给出业主名称(最终用户),买方工程编码、设备位号及系统名称。 1.5.3 Draw ings

21、 shall be prepared to scale and in third an gle projectio n. 图纸需按比例使用每三角投影法进行绘制。 1.5.4 Draw ings shall con tai n:图纸需包括: (1) Title block (Purchasers Work No.,Requisition No., Item No. and serviceof the commodity) 工程图明细表(买方工程编码、投标邀请号、设备位号及系统) (2) Design Data (conforming toPurchasers drawings or data s

22、heet) 设计数据(根据买方图纸或数据表) (3) Material list (material specificationsand quantities for all parts includingspare parts) 材料清单(所有部件、包括备件的材料规格和数量) Nozzle list (conformin g to Purchaser sdrawings or data设h备口清单(根据买方图纸或数据 表) All weld seams, and weld and surfacefi nish symbol所 有焊缝及表面加工符号 Detailed dime nsio ns

23、and thick nes 详细尺寸及厚度 1.5.5 Stre ngth calculati ons shall cover 度计算包括: (1) Code calculations for all pressureretaining parts includingreinforcements for nozzle openings 所有压力保持部件,包括设备口加固件的代码计算 Structural calculatio ns for in ternals内 件结构计算 (3) Structural calculati ons for lift ing lugsa nd tran sport

24、ati on fitt ings 吊耳和运输装置的结构计算 (4) Stability check of vessel and support forwind/seismic load 容器及支架的风力 /地震力载荷的稳定检查 (5) Stability check of vessel and support attransportation, loading Not painted. 不锈钢及高合金钢的表面不需刷漆。 B. Gasket sheet surface; See Par. 6.2垫.2片的表面,见 6.2.2 6.2.2 All flange faces and other ma

25、chinedsurfaces shall be coated with a readilyremovable rust preventive paint. 所有法兰面及其它加工面应用易去除防尘漆保护。 6.2.3 Vendor shall submit a detailed procedure ofapplicable painting system (PaintingSpecification) for Purchaser s approval. 卖方应递交一份详细有刷漆程序(油漆规范)给买方审批。 6.3 Marking 标识 6.3.1 Each Pressure Vessels sha

26、ll be marked inaccordance with Vessel Standard D-123. 每台压力容器应根据容器标准D-123进行标识。 6.3.2 Pressure Vessels subject to P.R.C. regulationsshall be provided with the name andidentification plate stipulated in the regulations. 根据中国法规制造的压力容器应依据规章要求配备铭牌及标识牌。 6.3.3 All removable parts shall be ide ntified所有可拆除部件

27、均需标识。 6.3.4 Furthermore, all vessels shall be provided with anidentification plate fitted with rivets on a supportingplate according to Identification plate/Nameplatestandard drawings. 此外,所有容器应根据标识牌 /铭牌标准图将标识牌铆固到支承板上。 6.3.5 The location of Identification plate/Nameplate isspecified on Purchasers dra

28、wing or d 标识牌 /铭牌的位置在买方图纸或数据表中指定。 7. PACKING AND SHIPPING 包装及运输 7.1 Genera概述 Packing and shipping shall be in accordance withEngineering Specification R-453 “Packing andTransportation ” and the following additionalrequirements. 包装及运输及符合工程规范R-453 “包装及运输”及以下附加要求: 7.2 Packing and Preparation for Shippi

29、ng包装及运输准备 7.2.1 All vessels shall be dried up by draining and airblowing, thoroughly cleaned inside and outside andfree of all dirt and loose foreign materials beforeshipping. 在运输前所有容器应使用排水及吹扫的方式进行干燥,彻底清理内外部,去除灰尘及异物。 7.2.2 All flanged openings shall be provided with boltedsteel cover of minimum 4.5

30、mm thickness withgaskets. Number of bolting is one forth of the servicebolt but not less than 4 sets. 所有法兰口应配备最小厚度为4.5m m的带垫片的螺栓连接钢盖板。连接的螺栓数量为总螺栓数的 1/4,但不少于 4套。 7.2.3 Spare parts shall be packed separately from thevessels. 备件应同容器分开包装。 7.3 Shipping运输 7.3.1 Templates and foundation bolting shall be sh

31、ippedseparately from the vessels according to Purchaser sinstruction. 样板及地脚螺栓应根据买方指导同容器分开运输。 7.3.2 Internals within Vendorscope of supply shall beinstalled and assembled at Vendorshop beforeshipping, unless otherwise instructed by Purchaser. 在运输前,卖方供应的内件应在卖方车间安装好,除非买方另有指示。 7.3.3 No vessels shall be

32、released for shipment fromVendor shop until it has been approved byPurchaser s inspector. 再未经买方检查人员批准前不得将容器从卖方车间运出。 Appendix A 附录 A Fig. TOLERANCES FOR PRESSURE VESSELS 图表:压力容器容许偏差 SHELLS AND HEADS壳体及封头 Tolerances for shape of formed heads and out-of-roundness of shellsshall be as specified in the a

33、pplicable codes. 成型封头的形状及壳体的不圆度的容许偏差应符合相关规范的规定。 1. Overall le ngth between T.L .切线间的总长 3 or 1d5 per 1000, whichever is greater, but not exceed thefollow ing value 3,或每1000为.5,但不能超过以下数值 2a. I nside diameter as determ ined by circumfere ntialmeasureme n 内径(通过圆周测量法确定) Len gth, (L)长度 Tolera nces容许 偏差 L

34、30000 40 Nomi nal I.D., (D) 公称内径 Tolera nces容许 偏差 D 1200 1200 D 2100 i 2100 D 4000 4000 D 0 6000 15 6000 D 8000 8000 D 10000 10000 D 2b. Inside diameter of vessels with internal trays(by direct measurements带内塔盘的容器内径(直接 测量) ).5 % x Nominal I.D. 0.5% 公称内径 3. Straightness (deviation of shell external s

35、urface from astraight line笔直度(壳体外表面与直线的偏 差) (1) Max.6 in any 6000 length每6000长最大偏差为 6 As measured in the total le ngth (from bottom totop T.L.)总长下测量值(从底到顶部切线): Len gth, (L)长度 Tolera nces容许 偏差 L 30000 Max.19 最大 19 Max.25 最大 25 NOZZLES, MANHOLES AND OTHERATTACHMENTS 设备口、人孔及其它附件 4a. Location of nozzle

36、from T.L.设备口到切线位置: 4b. Orientation of nozzle from referenee centerline 设备口至U参考中心线的方位 : 6 4c. Nozzle flan ge face from shell external surface 从壳体外表面到设备口法兰面: 4d. Alignment of nozzle flange face 设备口法兰面对中:岂/2 4e. Rotation orientation of bolt hole at bolt circle :Max. 1.5螺栓孔圆周内直径偏差:最大 1.5 4f. Top (or bot

37、tom) flan ge face from adjace nt T.L.顶部(或底部)法兰面到相邻切线:10 4g. Location of nozzle on top head from center of hea顶咅陆寸头上的设备中至哇寸头中心的位置: 4h. Fla nge face of bottom draw-off no zzles from refere nee cen terli ne: 10 5a. Location of man hole from T.L.人孔到切线的位置:) 5b. Orientation of man hole from referenee cent

38、erli n人孔从参考中心线的方位 :10 5c. Man hole fla nge face from shell external surface 人孔法兰面到壳体外表面:10 5d. Alig nment of man hole flange face 人孔法兰面对中: 6. Locati on of no zzle and man hole (related to trays) from tray support ring: 3 设备口及人孔到塔盘支承圈(涉及到塔盘) 7. A ny pair of no zzles (i.e. no zzles for liquid level ga

39、ugea nd conn ected to reboiler) 任意一对设备口(如液位计设备口及连接到重沸器的设备口) 7a. Differe nee in nozzle len gth :Max.1 设备口长偏差:最大为 1 7b. Distanee between nozzles设备口间距: 7c. Differenee in orientation 方位偏差:Max.2 7d. Alignment of flange face 法兰面对中:4 8. Clips or other similar structural attachme nts for platform, ladderor

40、pipe support 平台、梯子或管架上的卡具或其它相同结构附件 8a. Location from T.L.到切线的位置:i0 8b. Orientation from referenee eenterline 到参考中心线的方位 :10 8c. Distanee between any pair of clips 任意一对卡具的间距 : 3 SUPPORTS (SKIRT, LUGS, LEGS AND SADDLES)支撑物(侧缘、凸耳、支腿及承台等) 9a. Dista nee from T.L. to bottom of baseplate(height of skirt or

41、leg): 从切线到基座底的间距(侧缘或支腿高) Nomi nal I.D., (D) 公称内径 Tolera nces 谷许偏差 D 2100 9 9b. Out-of-level of baseplate (differenee between max. and min.distances fromL. to bottom of baseplate): 基座不平度(从切线到基座底的最大间距与最小间距间的差距) Nomi nal I.D., (D) 公称内径 Tolera nee谷许 偏差 D 2100 Max. 3 2100 D Max. 6 4000 Max. 7 4000 D Max. 8 6000 Max. 10 6000 D Max. 15 8000 8000 D 10000 10000 D 10. Distanee from T.L. to support lug从切线到支撑耳的间距: 11. Bolt circle diamete and pitch betwee n bolt holes螺栓圆周直径及螺栓孔间距 Nomi nal I.D., Tolera nces (D) 公称内径 容许偏差 D 2100 5 12. Horiz on tai vesselS 式容器 12a. Dis


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