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1、 chapter 1 summary(第一章 概述) . electric power system dispatch automation task(电力系统调度自动化任务) 动态平衡 发电 用电 1.characteristic of electric power system(电力系统的特点) v electrical energy can not be stored up massively(电能不能大量储存) vtransit process rapidly(过渡过程非常迅速) vstructure complex and huge(结构复杂而庞大) the five utiliti

2、es of national grid(in china):): (国家电网公司下属的五大电网 ) northeast grid;north china grid; central china grid;northwest grid; south grid.( 东北电网;华北电网;华东电网;华中电网;西北电网;南方电网。 ) northeast grid, north china grid, east china grid, central china grid, northwest grid, south grid have been formed a national network.(东

3、北电网、华北电网、华东电网、 华中电网、西北电网、 南方电网southern grid已实现互联,形成全国统一电网。) (1)the two power grid crops are the state grid and the south grid; (两家电网公司是国家电网公司、中国南方电网有限责任公司;) (2) the five power generation groups are china huaneng corporation ,china datang corporation, china huadian corporation ,china guodian corporat

4、ion and china power investment corporation ; (家发电集团公司是中国华能集团公司、中国大唐集团公司、中国华电集团公司、中国国电 集团公司和中国电力投资集团公司) 2 the power system reform proposal (电力体制改方革案) 1(state electricity regulatory commission)+2(power grid corp)+ 5(power generation group)+4(supplementary industries) 1(电监会)+2(电网公司)+5(发电集团)+4(辅业)集团 (3)

5、four supplementary industries :china power engineering consulting groupcorporation, hydro china corporation, and china gezhouba corporation. ( 家辅业集团公司是中国电力工程顾问集团公司、中国水电工程顾问集团公司、中国水利水电建设集团 公司和中国葛洲坝集团公司) the advantage of economic and stable about the modern electric power system: (现代电力系统在经济和稳定方面优势: )

6、1. different resource in different places can complete each other and improve the economic operation. (各地区不同特性的资源可以互相补充,提高运行的经济性。 ) 2. use of time difference in different places can reduce the gap between peak and trough,reduce the total installed capacity. (利用各地区的时间差,可以平抑峰谷差,减少总装机容量) 4. reduce back

7、up capacity, under the malfunction they can complementary to each other, improve the system reliability. (可以减少总的备用容量,事故下可互相增援,提高系统运行的可靠性) 5. the loads in every region are compensated to make sure frequency and voltage stable. (各地区负荷随机波动可以相互抵消,使频率、电压更加稳定。) 6. convenient to install huge assembling uni

8、t, improve the efficient of the electric power system. (便于安装大机组,提高电力系统效率。) 1. easily occur a chain of large scale malfunctions, hard to analyze the safety ,stability problem prominent, and a higher demand for dispatch. (发生大规模连锁故障风险增大,安全分析更加困难,稳定问题突出,给调度提出了更高的要求。) 2. how to coordinate between the var

9、ious subsystems, between the hydroelectricity and coal-fired power , how to consider global and local interests, is a problem of challenge. (各子系统之间如何协调,全局和局部利益如何统筹考虑,水火电如何配合等都具有挑战性。) disadvantage of electric power system (现代电力系统弊端现代电力系统弊端) 2. power system operating requirements (电力系统的运行要求) safety (安

10、全) ensure continuity of supply, satisfy customer demand for electricity(保证供电的连续性,最大限度地满足用户的用电需求) quality(优质) ensure power quality (voltage, frequency, waveform)(保证电能质量(电压、频率、波形)) economy(经济) improve power system economics (提高电力系统的经济性) environmentally(环保) reduce the adverse impact on the environment

11、(减少对环境的不良影响) qualified power quality 要有合格的 电能质量 good economic characteristics 要有良好 的经济性 ensure safe and reliable power supply 保证安全 可靠的供电 the basic running of the power system requirements 对电力系统 运行的基本要求 3. power system components(电力系统组成) power system consists of generation, transmission, transformati

12、on, distribution, electrical equipment components (电力系统由发、输、变、配、用电设备组成(生产、输送、分配、消费) prime motor heat load power section electric generator boosting transformer circuitstep-down transformer the power grid power systems electrical power system power user electrical equipment (1) primary system:power s

13、ystem is an energy system, also called primary system.(一次系统:电力系统是一个能量系统,也称为一次系统。) (2) primary equipment:electrical equipment of primary system (一次设备:一次系统中的电力设备。) (3) secondary system:in the power system on primary monitoring equipment, relay protection devices, remote communication devices and other

14、 components and auxiliary systems. this is an information system, also known as the secondary system.(二次系统:在电力系统中对一次系统进行监视、控制、保护、调度所 需的自动监控设备、继电保护装置、远动和通信设备等组成辅助系统。这是一个信息系统,也称为 二次系统。) (5)power system:it is an integral part of the secondary system, generally refers to the electrical equipment and sys

15、tem of automatic monitoring control and scheduling. (电力系统自动化:是二次系统的一个组成部分,通常指对电力设备及系统的自动监视、控制和调 度。) (4)secondary equipment:the devices in the secondary system is called secondary equipment (or device) (二次系统:在电力系统中对一次系统进行监视、控制、保护、调度所需的自动监控设备、继电保护 装置、远动和通信设备等组成辅助系统。这是一个信息系统,也称为二次系统。) 4.classification

16、of power system automation (电力系统自动化的分类) 按运行管理区划分 electric power system dispatch automation (电力系统调度自动化) power plant automation (发电厂自动化) substation automation (变电站自动化) generation and transmission automated scheduling (发电和输电调度自动化) distribution automation(配电网自 动化) thermal power plant automation (火电厂自动化)

17、 hydropower plant automation (水电厂自动化) divided by running management area frequency and active power of electric power system automation control(电力系统频率和有功功率自动控制) power system voltage and reactive power automatic control (电力系统电压和无功功率自动控制) automatic control of power system security (电力系统安全自动控制) power s

18、ystem circuit breaker automatic control ( 电力系统中的断路器的自动控制) 按自动控制的角度划分 divided by the angle of the automatic control electric power system 电力 系统 power plant 发电厂 transmission circuit 输电 电路 distribution system 配电 系统 load 负荷 dispatch center 调度中心进行管理 grasp the overall analysis, judgment decision-making pr

19、ocess anomalies 掌握全局 分析、判断、决策 处理 异常情况 the power system characteristics and operational requirements show that the power system control and management is a very complex process, to make electricity system safe, high quality and economical operation is very difficult and arduous. (电力系统的特点和运行要求可见,对电力系统

20、的控制与管理是一个非常复杂的过程,使电力系统安全、 优质和经济的运行是十分困难而艰巨的。) it can not be achieved only by the person on duty to monitor. we must relay on automated systems and equipment to achieve. (仅靠值班人员进行人工监视是无法实现的,必须依靠自动装置和设备才能实现。) 5. power system scheduling tasks (电力系统调度任务电力系统调度任务) 1)electricity load forecasting (预测用电负荷) a

21、ccording to the changes of load history, weather forecast, analysis of electricity production and peoples pattern of life, the next 24 or 48 hours for full system load forecasting, preparing expected load curve, with a generating capacity to adapt better. ( 根据负荷变化的历史记录、天气预报、分析用电生产情况和人民生活规律,对未来24小时或4

22、8小时进行全系统负荷预测,编 制预计负荷曲线,配备好相适应的发电容量) 2)formulate the generating, operation mode and operation plan: (制订发电任务、运行方式和运行计划) according the load curve forecasting, economic dispatch principle to make a reasonable plan and arrangement of water and fuel distribute the task of each power plant (including the l

23、oad distribution of hydropower station and coal-fired plants);(根据预测的负荷 曲线,按经济调度原则,对水能和燃料进行合理规划和安排,分配各发电厂发电任务(包括水电站、火电厂的负荷分配), 提出各发电厂的日发电计划;) arrange the start-stop and standby of the generating unit, approval system in power generation, transmission and substation equipment maintenance plan; (安排发电机组

24、的起停和备用,批准系统内发、输、变电设备的检修计划) for system relay protection and automatic safety devices for unified setting and assessment, systematic flow and stability calculations, etc., make reasonable arrangements of running mode. (对系统继电保护及安全自动装置进行统一整定和考核,进行系统潮流和稳定计算等工作,合理安排运行方式) 3)for security monitoring and secu

25、rity analysis: (进行安全监控和安全分析) collect the whole system main operating information, monitor the operation to ensure the safe and economic operation. ( 收集全系统主要运行信息,监视运行情况,保证正常的安全经济运行) through security analysis (using state estimation) and applications techniques real-time flow calculation such as envis

26、ioned the accident and made a counter-accident measures, preventive measures. ( 通过安全分析(采用状态估计和实时潮流计算等应用技术)进行事故预想和提出反事故措施,防范于未然) 4)command operations and dealing with incidents:(指挥操作和处理事故) command and supervise under the jurisdiction of the plants, stations and networks; (对所辖厂、站和网络的重要运行操作进行指挥和监督) in

27、the event of systemic accident, take effective measures to timely treatment, rapid recovery of the system to normal operation. (在发生系统性事故时,采取有力措施及时处理,迅速恢复系统至正常运行状态) 6.power system scheduling objectives (电力系统调度目标) (1)ensure safe levels of system operation; (保证系统运行的安全水平) (2)ensure quality of power supp

28、ly (frequency and voltage of system); (保证供电质量(系统频率、电压)) (3)ensure system running economy; (保证系统运行的经济性) (4)guarantee effective recovery measures after an accident; (保证提供有效的事故后恢复措施) explanation:(说明) (1)the first three sections are the main tasks of automated scheduling done by the computer; (前3项是调度是自动

29、化的主要任务,由计算机完成; ) (2)section four mainly by dispatcher manual handing, completely relaying on computer processing has great difficulties. ( 第4项主要靠调度员人工处理完成,完全依靠计算机处理还有较大困难。) 3.recovery measures after the accident(事故后恢复措施) (1)lifting the overload equipment, make the system operate normally; (解除超载运行设备的

30、过载,使系统运行正常) (2)recovery power supply of omitted electric region; (恢复已失电区域的电力供应) (3)black start. (黑启动) explanation (说明) (for now) scheduling automation is using of computers and remote systems help dispatchers high quality complete the above three tasks. ((就目前而言)调度自动化要解决的是利用计算机和远动系统帮助调度员高质量完成以上前3项任务。

31、) (3)black start (黑启动) 1)meaning (含义) system self-recovery after a large area of power failure, popularly known as black start, refers to the entire system outage due to failure. the system all the power (do not rule out a small isolated grid remained operation), in all the “black” start, do not rel

32、y other network to help, through the system with self-starting capability of generating units start to drive without self- starting capability of generating units, and gradually expand the scope of system recovery, and ultimately restore the entire system. ( 大面积停电后的系统自恢复,通俗地称为黑启动,是指整个系统因故障停运后,系统全部停电(不排除 孤立小电网仍维持运行),处于全“黑”状态,不依赖别的网络帮助,通过系统中具有自启动能力的发 电机组启动,带动无自启动能力的发电机组,逐渐扩大系统恢复范围,最终实现整个系统的恢复。) 2)the key of black star


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